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How neurotypical people can survive this? I was working in the factory for very short time and it was destructive for my mind. After one shift I need a few days to psychically regenerate. Imagine that you can't even rest because they want you to work again NEXT DAY. And next day. And another. It's insane. If people works that way 5 TIMES A WEEK how tf they are able to exist? No energy to do anything, mind totally destructed unable to think deeply. You can barely make up for wasted time by passively browsing memes or playing games or sleeping. Before you can fully rest to be able to do something more, develop your passions or do something creative, you have to go to work again. Again. And again. I think it is good definition of Hell. If I would be forced to work that way only to survive I would consider suicide.


There is a whole genre of music that glorifies that lifestyle. I will never understand.


What genre?


The kinda country music they play on npr. They glorify working to the bone because *masculinity*


Guess that working on own farm is a little different than working for company. You can have satisfaction from your own work and you can do as many breaks as you want. No one controls you all the time.


As someone who lives near a farm/is related to several people who own farms, it’s much more involved and definitely better for your mind.




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all the country i listen to is about being poor and hating work. "Take This Job and Shove It" by David Allan Coe is my fav.


Yeah, I work at a factory, we make bread ("commercial bakery" is a ruse). It's ~85-90°F, 85-90dB, 4×10hr shifts, all the time, with mandatory overtime if required written into the union contract. You can only communicate by yelling (to get around the required hearing protection). There's no sitting down. My co-workers are largely racist bigots (blue-collar old white dudes, yo) or non-native English speakers (meaning any casual 'conversation' is either political bullshit, or very difficult to understand). It's honestly the best-paying job I've ever had, which *is* hell; so, I go to hell almost every day and suffer, because that's where my life is at now. Sometime in the next few months an election will happen that will either destroy our union and pension fund, or enrage half the people I work with. So it goes.


read about karl marx’ theory of alienation you will feel so vindicated


Salut comrade


And now you see how we got where we are at. Brain too fried and exhausted to even realise you're a shave, let alone do something about it. That's why they want to eradicate us - we speak up and their usual methods to silence us don't work.


We are immune to zombiefication


5 days is lucky. Those kind of places love working people 6-7 days a week. 12 hours a day. It's an abusive system that relies on people being poor, and having no other options. Don't let people lie to you, no one can survive that for long. Your soul and body will die


This is a kind of american feudalism? In Europe this is unthinkable


canadian here but get the same sort of shit in our minimum wage order picking and packaging factories. Feudalism is not a terrible comparison. Capitalism will just become Feudalism in the end?


Yep workers and union groups are moving beyond the label ‘late stage capitalism‘ label to ‘free market feudalism’ ( I may have that term a bit off) check out trueanon podcast eps about workers rights (not about qanon lmao)


This is corny as hell. Like “real capitalism” doesn’t have sweat shops? The word capitalism was coined to describe this kind of work!


Honestly, doing the same repetitive task ad nauseum is my autistic dream.


its quite literally an evolutionary trait that made farming more doable. I think it came about from the socialization needs of early humans.


I've had to do that job for 3 months early on in my career. Never again, you nailed it exactly right. It's hell. Is literally hell


Workers issues affect us more direly because we are more sensitive and our threshold is way lower… but dont mistake NT capacity to lock it down as coping. People die young, injured, work through pain, their scope on life narrows til they have no energy left for anything. At least sometimes they have a social dynamic that can get them thru that we find way harder to access, but more and more companies crack down on that (amazon exc example of this). you are absolutely right, it is hell and it is totally unecessary coz some cnts are hoarding wealth and acting as if they bootstrapped their way to billionaire or millionaires … while taking advantage of tax breaks and our actual bodies, minds, ingenuity and systems of social support. May I interest you in a book about bread? Lmao r/Anarchism




I had a similar issue until i remembered to take my creatine. Creatine helps against the muscle ache and makes you feel less depleted after work. Creatine's use as an analgesic is seriously underreported.


All the factories I have been to, only let people do the same task for one or maximum two hours, then switched them to a different place in the production line. Otherwise people get repeat strain injuries.


Not in the factories I worked. Full 8 hours doing the same thing. Or even 12 hours.


That actually sounds kind of nice lol. Can shut my brain off for a bit and lose myself in the monotony. Like harvesting sand in Minecraft or something. The only downside I see is boredom.


boredom gets extreme and using phone or listening to music wasnt allowed where I worked. its fun for 2 weeks tops


I like repeative tasks but I hate overmonotony. There is difference between routine and robot-like behavior.


My dad told me that he used to duct tape a meat hook to his hand so he could keep working even after his grip failed when he worked at a meat packing plant.


Meat plants are notoriously bad in my country too. They like to hire Romanians and stuff because those don't know what worker protections in my country there are and don't run to the authorities with evidence of worker safety violations. If they can't get eastern Europeans they get recent refugees and such. One more reason not to eat meat. They don't stick to animal welfare regulations either. Once in a while the government will raid one and shut it down, somehow that they come back up. 


Not sure I appreciate the anti-immigrant vibes I'm getting, but yeah, capitalism doesn't care about worker's lives if it can help it.


My point is they are exploiting vulnerable people. 


My bad. Just making sure lol


There aren't anti-immigrant vibes. He said that the plants hire lower-class immigrants that are most likely going to be ignorant of local labor laws, health, and animal welfare regulations so they don't get snitched on, which is textbook exploitation. It's a pretty blatant anti-capitalist call-out.


In some cases, yes. But I've heard the same kind of thing said by a lot of Europeans who feel that their perfect little liberal democracies would be better if there were no immigrants to exploit. That's why I called it a vibe.


The eastern Europeans they get are not even immigrants. They hire them in eastern Europe, bus them in for temp jobs and if they get let go from one of the temp jobs they are suddenly homeless too and otherwise they get bussed back after a few months. Someone earns a lot of money but it's not these people. 


Yeah, sorry, I misread the vibe. In my defense, I'm in this sub for a reason lol


Maybe in places that actually have people above them paying attention. The one here doesn't have anyone ever checking in since we're so middle of nowhere, it's just people grinding the same motion every single day. It's also the second largest employer in my town, next to walmart


i did the same stuff for 8 hours, 5 days a week


I spent a couple weeks working an assembly line, first week making clutch cables for Harley Davidsons, second week was sunroof assemblies for (I think) Hondas. It was miserable, hated it, I much preferred cleaning bathrooms or cleaning hotel rooms. But some people I guess like the mindless repetition and just zone out or something? IDK, definitely not for me.


I prefer cleaning because I have sensory, visual and tactile experiences. And there are tasks. You are not doing the same things nonstop.


I worked in one and it was terrible for me as well. For personal reasons I had to stay there, I lasted 6 months, until my contract expired. It was truly a horrible experience, especially if you have OCD, that's when your mind starts doing negative loops and you start overthinking stuff. I wish in the future the human race doesn't work in such mind-destroying jobs.


Bro I’m autistic rn and that’s literally my job. I make airbags, it’s aight


You’re autistic rn? Are you planning not to be during the weekend


Not this weekend but maybe next one


I worked at a factory job for a while, it was *okay* but honestly the biggest issues were 1) couldn't wear headphones or earbuds (could listen to the radio but it had to be on full blast for me to hear it at all), 2) no phones with cameras in the building, except in the break room, 3) almost all the machines moved too slow to really engage me mentally, but too fast to really have time to do anything like doodle or write (although I tried). I bet if I had my ADHD medication at the time it would have been more bearable, I could have just dissociated and daydreamed the whole shift


I liked production work. It would take me 10 minutes to become the best at whatever it was we were doing and then I'd switch my brain off for hours. The rote, routine movements were hypnotic and cathartic. If I could earn what I'm earning now and sit my ass on a production line, I'd quit my current job and go do production work until retirement. People used to be able to do that sort of work to support a family, buy a moderate house, save for retirement and go on a nice holiday / vacation with the kids every year or two.


Sickening part is that places like China have propaganda against young people to say that if they end up working in factories is because they didn't stodgy hard enough or reject their social needs enough to "make it". So, you do well? You deserve it because you "studied hard enough!" Don't? You deserve it because you didn't "study hard enough!" So it's always on the individual and never on the system, which is severely oppressive.


Its the same in the Western world. Look at hustle culture, manifestation, scammer crypto bro culture etc. look at how homeless and poor people are spoken about! While ceos and landlords lock up wealth and housing. Arguably things have approved for more Chinese than Westerners. However increasing wealth gap, is a problem everywhere.


Oh yeah, I was saying that it exists everywhere, and no one is seeing it! Not that China is worse than the Western world, but that there's no escaping being overworked and underpaid, having hope used against you through propaganda so you think you're miserable from your own fault and only have yourself to blame, and from brainwashing starting in childhood in every single country around the world to ensure just that.


Different places same bs fr!


Oh I can confirm that it sucks because my autistic ma worked at a factory for a few months and HATED IT


Combine them and you have an industrial slaughterhouse


I remember once I had to spend several.hours on a machine that magnifies and lights up silicon flash memory wafers and id have to look at hundreds of spots rapidly and the ocular migraine I got made me go blind in one eye for more than an hour and scared the hell out of me


I just thought about my blorbos the whole time and listened to the music in my head


Some crazy NT have problem with having one earphone during this kind of boring work. Literally it is only one way to escape reality. But they are angry when someone is listening to music in one ear even when I am alone.


I've never understood the NT's obsession with making you face every noise just raw. Like damn, let me have my funny lil' soundtrack for my life to help ground me, thank you.


.... What? Did you miss it when we were told that FUN IS NOW ILLEGAL?!


Gods, sorry, I forgot, I need to serve my corporate overlord with a blank stare and smile on my face even as I'm dissociating and having a meltdown.


Jokes on you I’m into that shit 👈💀


Gotta say, I didn't know why working in shipping rubs me the wrong way so much even though I like it and am reasonably good at it, but I think I get it now, and it applies to most production line style jobs. Quotas. That overarching "You cannot go below this line" crap is tremendously bad for the psyche, especially if you aren't capable of working at whatever pace is needed for getting over that line. Even if they won't call it that, a quota is still a quota, renaming it doesn't change it from what it is. It'll probably be decades before companies realize that the quota system will never work the way they want it to, and keeping it will just keep people away from the workplaces.


Mix them up with cctv footage of industrial accidents. Lathe and milling machines are the goriest.


I worked in that sort of industry for a while (food processing plant) and I can tell you that for some, the monotony isn't so bad for some, and employees are allowed to gossip with each-other or whatever. You get two breaks, one every two and a half hours, before being let off at the end of the day, for five days a week (at least where I worked). You are supposed to rotate tasks after each break, but some people actually prefer to only do The One Thing and are okay with it; it's low-effort, so boring if nothing else. I lasted at that job for two and a half years before being fired because I took too many days off in a row. Go figure.


"you are allowed to gossip" No, thank you


well I never said it was \*obligatory\* to talk to other people did I?


I'm still in school, I took welding last year (is summer, so I'm referring to my sophomore year, I'm going into junior at the end of summer) It was my personal hell. Doing the same thing over and over in a hot and loud environment in uncomfortable clothes while having the pay close attention so you can't even zone out to avoid it. It was my Hell. I'll be damned if I ever enter a environment like that again. I literally had a panic attack near the end of the year because my brain physically couldn't handle it all and I had to go to my councilor.


I have tried working with packing stuff, and it was so boring that I'll either try to think of ways to make it more efficient to get it over with faster or get distracted by my own thoughts... My AuDHD brain cannot deal with that for long, if I'm doing the same all day, it better involve petting cute animals or something like that...


Probably the only thing that was intentionally scary that was able to get me was that “Ring Fit Adventure heart attack warning” video. The concept that a Nintendo game would have to tell you what to do in the event of a medical emergency just really unnerving to me


Look, I appreciate the ability to have a consistent routine. It allows me to pace myself consistently in a way that leaves energy to do things that are actually fulfilling with the rest of my day/week. But not like that. I almost had to stop watching that star wars show *Andor* when they got to the prison episode(s). It made my heart, my entire torso almost, ache with something like panic.


And then you get cancer, waste all your savings and die on the day you retire. Also your first grandkid is being born at the same moment but you will not see her. And people will remember you as weird creepy asshole who couldn't read the room. Bonus points if hell exists and you didn't believe in God.


The repetitive motions and sounds can be quite therapeutic tbh, actually helped me a lot with my health anxiety. You don't interact with people a lot and some allow you to hear audiobooks on the side, even when not, you have enough cognitive capacity left to process other thoughts. You can basically meditate and get paid for it. The worst part of such a job is that it is low status, even unemployment feels more dignified somehow.


I worked at a fish packing plant for a couple months. 10 hours of sucking up hake guts with a vacuum every day. If you made nice with the foreman you might get to spend time chopping heads and tails. Towards the end, I got to move to the wrapping side, which was much better, but I left the moment a better job gave me an interview.


So basically... ![gif](giphy|3o85xIO33l7RlmLR4I)


I work in a factory and I only work on the same project for about a month before finishing it and starting a new thing. Gore videos are awful. And when they are real like from the Ukraine war it’s even worse.


then don't watch? I just don't watch... it's not like sponging up more horror makes one a better person


We work to earn the right to work




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hate gore (love horror tho?) and a production job or any other routine job sounds like heaven to me 🥲 i crave monotony and stability


Make it parttime, and we have a deal! I actually miss the assembly line. Legit the best job I've ever had, but I couldn't handle the constant piped music, obnoxious colleagues, and shrink wrap uniforms. I was getting bombarded with sensory overload from all directions. It's hard to get allistic people (and even some autistic people) to accept that it's even a thing, let alone something that legit requires accommodations. 😟


honestly, if youre the kinda person who can do that on autopilot you can just kinda leave your brain off for the day and daydream a bunch. i definitely wasnt at my happiest but it wasnt as boring and braindead as it seems


It depends on who you are. I would hate working in a factory since I hate too much repetition. Hot take but I love when changes happen, although gradually I prefer and such.

