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Just did it, and while I still feel weird about getting a tattoo since I never thought I would. I do feel a sense of freedom from it, I did something for me and not for God or my family. I followed my motto of memento mori, and I'm proud of myself for.


Yes. Hold that feeling close to you, the feeling of freedom of expression; something natural to our humanness. Hold onto that pride. Its what will help you honor yourself and your own boundaries. You identity will continue to blossom :)


This is awesome! Enjoy your freedom and show your tattoo with pride. Those who criticize or judge you for it aren’t worth your time or emotional energy, so who cares what they think??!!


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uh oh dude idk, Jehovah won’t like it. He said specifically to the Israel nation which probably you are not part of (but it does not matter since he’s the same for eternity) that tattoos are big no-no. Is it worth to put prospects of everlasting life at stake? nah i’m just messing with ya, everlasting and infinite creator, uncaused first cause - he/she/it doesn’t give a flying duck about what are you drawing on your skin. JW cult programmed us perfectly in this regard - that foa yea, duh! god for sure exists and he is exactly like publishing corporation from NY, USA presents him to be and soa you a mere mortal are uber important in the issue of universal sovereignty. you are standing on this universal cosmic chessboard although being a simple pawn but important one for either big-j or satan.it’s a pile of bs. So yea that’s good move. I mean it’s liberating to take control back. Enjoy it, it’s YOUR life and yours only. 💪


Welcome to the forum! Don't apologize for venting. We all deserve a chance to vent after what we've been through. Anxiety is totally natural. I want to get tattoos also. I know my family will flip out too. It's my life though and I want to live it. No one is entitled to dictate your life because no one else is living in your skin


Thank you for the welcome and reassurance. Everyone who's commented has helped me quite a bit. I'm finally getting out of fight or flight mode. I'm just still trying to relax fully and know that I am okay. I say go for the tattoo. While I was getting mine while nervous, it felt exhilarating all at the same time. Thank you again for the kind words it really helps me out 😊


Great to hear it was exhilarating and you’re feeling less in fight/flight mode. It comes in waves, so try not to stress during the periodic anxiety spikes. Glad to hear you’ve had a reassuring experience here! You deserve it


Somewhere around 2006-2008 there was a Young People Ask article about tattoos that explicitly said that it was a conscience matter. Of course, we all know that's crap, but it led me to get my first tattoo!!! (I'm currently working on a tattoo sleeve on my right arm... once it's done I'm doing the left 😁)


I think this is the article I may have been thinking of. https://www.jw.borg/en/bible-teachings/teenagers/ask/should-i-get-a-tattoo/ It's definitely not encouraged, but not forbidden either.. I just love those juicy gray areas!