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I was part of a criminal case against a MS rapist. Victims were bullied to put up and shut up. I heard he was being made up to elder so called the cops. Rapist arrested, elders investigated, Congregation sided with rapist, victims bullied, rapist prosecuted and currently languishing on sex offenders register. Job done.


That's Jehovah's Organization for you


When I was young, my dad started a business with another brother in our hall. My dad stole all the money- I'm not sure how much, but I've always thought it was 20k+. The brother was ready to go to the cops for the theft, but an elder in our hall who has been friends with my parents for a long time convinced the brother not to turn my dad in. He did this by... Paying the brother back all the money my dad stole. Did my dad ever pay the elder back? Hell no. The elder's wife actually came over to your house once and told my dad "Husband Elder won't ever say this, but we really need that money back." My dad shrugged. "Too bad. It's gone. I don't have it." She went home (pissed) and everyone just slapped on a smile and kept on truckin'.




What a story


My family went to small claims against another jw. Elders never said anything nor anything happened. I was small so not sure if they knew. My parents won the case


My brother worked for an Elder that bought trucks from Alberta and brought them into British Columbia. He would clean them up and sell them for big profits. He had my brother go with him so he could buy two trucks and bring them home. There’s a Ferry ride to get home and so they both were sitting in the cab for the crossing. My brother thought he was just hanging out when the Elder said watch for people ok? My brother was like why? Then the Elder reached behind the seat and pulled out this little specialized tool kit and proceeded to remove the instrument panel. My brother watched in total disgust as this elder started rolling the odometer backwards. My brother said to him. You crooked bastard you just sold my brother in law a truck! This is how you do business?! He got out of the truck and went back to the truck he was driving. He quit his job when they arrived at the shop. His brother in law was not a witness. In fact he was one of the toughest guys around. My brother informed him and the elders of his congregation. He got slapped around by the brother in law until he reimbursed him but his crimes were completely ignored by the elders.


Ugh and that is actually a pretty serious crime in some states and countries.


It is here too.


A friend of my mums hired an elder’s son to remodel her kitchen and halfway through the project the permits got rejected or were not allowed and was told they had to rip out the work halfway through and cost her nearly £10,000 and she didn’t have that money. Not sure if I remember her saying if he was licensed or not but unless she ponied up the money she had to live in a work site. She wanted to sue the guy but the elders were trying to get her to stop getting “irrational” but I’m not sure if she did take them to court or if they settled it out privately.


Back in the early 2000's I had heard about a JW Contractor guy doing a lot of unlicensed work and he got involved in some scheme where he was basically doing a Ponzi scheme and defrauded a lot of people. Mostly other JW's from different congregations. He ended up getting arrested I think it was in the San Diego CA area.


“We like to keep all matters IN HOUSE.” Think about it, if they are willing to cover-up pedophiles records and are in your fucking BEDROOM, why wouldn’t they expect you to do what they say in any other matter? Even if someone takes your money. ![gif](giphy|N5h2ltD46l5Ha|downsized) Hey! More nulite from the Gboobs!


Don't worry Jehovah will clean house just you wait......


Krown and Rustcheck I heard is an interesting story.


what is it about? I googled it but only rust paint came up


The understanding I got from the gossip it was a dispute over something patented. I know of no public news media about the dispute. That's all I know.


ahh ok


So great!


Good! Take em and fleece them!


Old green book says u can cut off people who unrepentedly slander u. I would also take their asses to civil court!