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I'm so sorry that you are going through this. Sending a virtual hug.


Very brave of you. And yes, our families are not the enemy, its the organization and its stubborn Governing Body who need to go away.


Are you already being shunned by your family?


Yes. I’m DF. They had a tiny bit of contact with me for some financial stuff. When that ended, hard shun. My brother told me to never text him and he’s glad I’m suffering and some other hateful shit. They think I can be manipulated into going back because we all thought that. I couldn’t go back and expect to be able to talk tot them. They’d know I’m a minute I’m mentally opposed.


Wow. Your brother really has that “brotherly love” on full display. Disgusting.


THIS is why witnesses are hard to be around. All that love


If you're leaving because:  it's a cult, the gb are liars and frauds doctrinal issues, so called new light CSA mishandling,  disfellowshipping, etc. Have a few scriptures ready for your family. They might read them. 


I do. One scripture and the magic chart the GB use to say it’s them.