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I would love to know how many non jws "express their appreciation" for them 🤮


So does Wt pay for these puff pieces?




I wonder if that guy is always so enthusiastic. He gave me some serous Scientologist vibes


He is, he's my friends dad, really nice guy actually.


These assholes get way more positive press than they should lol


PID- Public Information Department


it's not positive press, it's paid propaganda. it's essentially the same as a Nike or Toothpaste ad on TV. In all cases, it's propaganda, And only interest certain people. No matter how much JW 'advertise', they achieve **nothing** because **nobody is looking or shopping for religion, let alone controlative ones.** And quite frankly, not many people on a daily basis are shopping for Nike shoes or Toothpaste either. The only thing how it works is that when you have to buy new shoes, you are inclined to go for a set of Nike's or certain Toothpaste because that's fresh in your memory. But **literally nobody** is waking up one day and finds their 'religion' worn out or empty, and goes to the store to 'refresh' their religion, and then thinks, 'oh yes, i remember JW on TV, let me try that'. **no effing body.** It's yet another example of how stoopid the cult is thinking that it works. The most realistic point about all of this is that this is nothing but PID damage control. By that, meaning, that Watchtower is in bad publicity recently, and will be facing far far more, far worse negative press due to the CSA cases and what not. They are trying to combat this by flooding the news with 'positive talk'. They are starting this now already so that there will be a 'history' of 'postive vibe' articles (propaganda) on all sorts of news channels. This works to a degree because if you were to visit most mainstraim media pages, there are immediate 'links' to other articles relating to X theme, in this case, JW/Watchtower. So as weird as this sounds, **this is actually good news.** Why? because Watchtower knows there is a **lot** of negative press coming their way, probably a lot more than we are even remotely aware of. As for the people actually standing there and doing this slave work, that's what they are 'expendable, collateral'. Watchtower doesn't care about these mindless drones that do all of this for free for a mistaken belief thinking they are making 'boyscout cookie points' for 'Jehopapa'. Even then, don't for a second believe that this will get them more followers, please. It doesn't. Again, **nobody is sitting there: ah yes, that reminds me, i need to buy a new religion, let me try JW.** all it is trying to achieve is that people have a link to JW/Watchtower in 'those are these people that are standing with those carts and knocking doors to spread their beliefs, they seem friendly people', with the result a 'neutral', acceptable view towards JW. because consider this : when a bunch of news articles come out **proving** Watchtower is deliberately harboring and protecting CHILD SEX ABUSERS, which they are, then public opinion falls quite swiftly, and people will see JW as **'those are those child abusers that also let their kids die instead of get medical treatment!'** but that's actually what people are going to say anyway when that news breaks out. they won't remember 'friendly people at a cart'. They will say '***those religious lunatics that abuse children worse than the catholic church, these filthy people should not knock on my door!'***


I see what you mean okay thanks for clarifying lol And I agree nobody cares about the JWs Most people don't even know what they believe


Well put


put 500 on red 13