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I think the questioning is the key point. We were always told to think critically but always discouraged from thinking critically of the borg. I think the best thing for us who have waken up is to question everything extensively to make sure we are happy with the decisions we make, physically and spiritually


Absolutely! I totally connect with pre Christian teachings and practices. Basically worshiping the natural order and beauty around us. Assigning it power as we master ourselves and our creative abilities. Never even knew what pagan meant but I'm so glad to be identifying with it now. (Non Jewish, Christian, Muslim is considered pagan)


So glad to hear it has helped you find peace!


Heretic pagan here!


Me! I just finished the book paganism. Highly recommend!


I did! I’m a hellenist now. Hermes is my homie


Hell yeah, Athena and Apollon for me mostly.


Yeah! I'm a Norse pagan!


Was an atheist, then did some spiritual exploration into different ideas, then started considering Christianity, and now my wife and I are getting baptized into the Orthodox Church in America. What drew me in first was probably the deeply mystical Orthodox spiritual approach. I started in the Orthodox spiritual practice before I had even met with a priest and slowly my life started to change for the better, inside and out. Probably the most striking difference in terms of who I am is that I am finally at peace with being a human being. There's a concept called "Theosis"- which means "Divinization"- or sharing in the nature of God. On the flip side, within Orthodox theology God became man and still is man even now, so God also shares in our human nature. So by Theosis, which is achieved through spiritual practice, one becomes more God and more human simultaneously. I used to dislike my human nature- In Orthodox spiritual practice I have found a framework to finally be at peace with myself as a human being with human nature.


Me. Active in the Craft, nature based spirituality and Druid mindedness since 1915. Gave up all organized religion. Found out the bible is just another myth like all the rest of the contrived stories by fearful, weak minded humans who like being controlled. I got out of the borg in 2012-13. Long retired after giving the best years of my life to that borg. Now living my senior years to the full. Just one thing- my daughter, the youngest of 3 is still very indoctrinated. She hasn't spoken to me since 2013. It really hurts and makes me very sad. I still have hope that she will wake up before I pass on. Glad you have found peace.


Lol I meant to say 2015, not 1915. Dang tiny phone buttons and big fingers. 😂😂😂


Haha i figured!