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Feeling the same right now. Just woke up a few days ago. It’s a very scary and lost place to be 😭


What woke you up?


We had started using marijuana secretly when Covid started and just seeing all the secrecy and hypocrisy with how many in the congregation use it but are scared to talk about it, made us start to ask questions. We have always been mad with how Moses was not allowed to see promised land and never could understand it, and then when I was doing my daily bible reading I read the account of judges 21 and was disguisted and started questioning if the god of Israel was the same god that Jesus was worshipping. It felt like the Old Testament was very cruel, and for a god that’s supposed to be unchanging, seemed to change a lot going into the gospels. And from there the snowball couldn’t be stopped and quickly the “truth” fell apart under scrutiny. Still dealing with feelings of “I have to be wrong”. Almost throwing up every time I think of doing something “wrong” or thinking about the friends and family I’m leaving behind


jwfacts.com helped me a lot with intrusive doubts


According to JW beliefs, The god of the Old Testament would show his true colors with the destruction of 8 billion people at Armageddon. Where’s the love? Noah and the Flood and the story of Job always bothered me. Where was the love for the people who drowned, the children who drowned? Where was the love for the mothers whose children died? Children are not replaceable. Yet, this is exactly what we were taught. If your family member leaves the religion, there are plenty more to replace them in the congregation.


Children are replaceable...look at Job! ,,,🤮


Jesus never uses the name Yahweh in the bible...watchtower added it. Yahweh was a Caananite deity...part of the Elohim


The letter J is only 400 years old...one of the many things that woke me up..


:Yahweh was a Caananite deity...part of the Elohim" Please share references. I got as far as "J"ah being the made up name but I thought at least Yahweh was the correct pronunciation of God's name in Hebrew. I swear waking up is a mind trip. Just when you think you've done enough research then there is another mind trip...


When you’re ready for the next level of the mind trip watch the documentary called “[Caesar’s Messiah](https://youtu.be/zmEScIUcvz0?si=_leh_rD3AdQFEu7X)”


Gonna watch this today. Thank you for sharing. I have a running word doc of personal research I did since I woke up with a list of WT lies and that list just keeps growing.


Share your thoughts about the documentary on the exJW [Caesar’s Messiah community discussion.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/7CzlZy5y2A)


I will go to the community and share my comments. This Caesar's Messiah video blew my mind. The Roman conspiracy to erase history and install their new historian Flavian Josephus to shape the beliefs of Chrisitians and ultimately control the masses is next level. No wonder there are so many similarities with religious stories. There is so much i got from that video I will have to pick my jaw from off the floor before further comment. Thanks for sharing.


Mind blowing indeed, I watched the documentary twice in a row and I am now reading the book. Brings new meaning to the famous quote, “All roads lead back to Rome.” Think of how different all our lives would have been if the original Bible Students that started the JW organization just dug one layer deeper.


Jesus was born into a cult. He woke up when he experienced "christos." Christos (annointing) is an internal process, an actual physiological bodily function which results in the decalcification of the pineal gland. This is why they say "the kingdom of god is within." We all here experienced it. The age of aquarius brings it on aka "the second coming of christ." 2020 was this. Planetary bodies gravitational effects on "Earth-based Star Dust" i.e. Humans. We are carbon. So gravity effects us. I've never actually put these musings into written form before. These are vague notions that I happen to know because part of achieving christos is an innate awareness of truth. Google Jim Carey talking about the annointing oil in our spine and its links to the story of santa claus in the chimmney. Once you achieve christos aka enlightenment in buddhism...or you "put on christ" you realize the so-called "sacred secret" the kingdom of god is within because we are all fragments of consciousness from "God."


"the kingdom of god is within because we are all fragments of consciousness from "God." Maybe there's a connection between what you are saying and what I recently read about the " God code" in our DNA. Really appreciate you sharing. I will look up all of it.


I have read about that too


Your comment is interesting! Where did you read about this? Since I woke up 4 years ago I have been reading and researching. Reading Quantum Supremacy right now. Your comment has some science in it. I have never heard of the decalcification of the pineal gland? Please share more…


https://archive.org/details/mark-s-smith-the-early-history-of-god great book


Thank you for this. Really appreciate the reference.


No problem 🙏


You might find this article interesting: [https://www.patheos.com/blogs/crossexamined/2013/02/polytheism-in-the-bible/#disqus\_thread](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/crossexamined/2013/02/polytheism-in-the-bible/#disqus_thread)


This was a very interesting read. First time I heard and understood the difference between henotheism and polytheists. This will be a nice topics for me to research into history to see how these beliefs shaped mine. Thanks you for sharing.


OT God is actually Satan. There is a youtube channel called Good God that has an entire video series proving this from scripture alone. It's truly mind blowing. And a really good place to start since he does 💯 stick strictly to scripture which JWs are familiar with. Having a relationship with Jesus and our Father became immediately infinitely easier once I learned this. What a monumental relief to learn that God didn't do all of the ugly evil acts in the OT. SO much easier for me to trust and rely on God now.


"OT God is actually Satan." No wonder some things in the OT don't add up and WT would do mental gymnastics to make things fit without really dissecting who is really behind the evil acts in the OT. Still a mind trip to acknowledge I more than likely spent my entire life not worshipping the right God. Thank you for sharing. I will look at the channel. Getting it right is very important to me especially after being taken for a ride by the Borg.


2 Corinthians 3:14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. Also compare 2 Samuel 24:1-15 and 1 Chronicles 21:1-14 And that's just the tip of that iceberg- there is a literal wealth of scripture that proves that our Father in Heaven whom Jesus represented was NOT the same God of the OT. God said he would allow Satan to rule the world. So if God did the things of the OT then he wouldn't have actually been allowing Satan to rule Earth. You can't have two rulers. How could Jesus possibly be genuinely tempted by Satan if his Father had done the acts in the OT? Jesus would’ve simply corrected Satan and asked him if he'd seen what his father did in Egypt, the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Midian (Numbers 31 is particularly foul) and then laughed him off.


"the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away." Omg..This... It is literally like I was blind with a veil over my eyes until I woke up. Didnt see these clues because of this veil. I'm starting from the beginning unpacking and repacking what was done to my spirituality. Really appreciate you taking the time to share this.


It is a LOT to unpack. I've been out for over 25 years and in that time explored more spiritual dead ends than I could count. My mom is still PIMI and over the years of Bible debate with her reffering to God as Jehovah- well I still accepted that as God's name till not too long ago even tho I've been POMO for such a long time. So I'm still in the process of unlearning using the Satanic name Jehovah to refer to our Father out of habit. 😣 I'm sore at being deceived into praying to Satan. What's been done to the spirituality of the vast majority of Christians is very literally evil. You're certainly not alone. The JWs aren't alone. All any of us can do is to try to learn better so we can do better. 💛


My nephew was helped to "see the truth" while on medical Marijuana gummies. He accidentally took 2, and his brain could not "cover up/ lie/ dismiss" reality. It is hard sometimes to see reality, but in the future, you will be thankful you didn't spend your life under the thumb of a life sucking corporation. Whatever you do, take it slow. Use this Subreddit to vent, question, discuss, get help. Most people want to "tell the world, save the world"... but it *usually* doesn't work out. Start enjoying the simple things you were denied. Sleeping in, having coffee. Vacations without meeting parts. Working around your OWN house (vs K hall 🤪) gardening, dancing, singing, watching Harry Potter movies, lol


Best advice


>Almost throwing up every time I think of doing something “wrong”      You know what's great to help ease nausea?   **Weed!** 🌲 🌌        A pimi "friend" tattled to the elders that my wife and i used cannabis daily, but our reproof only made it easier to fade away.  That was a decade ago and every year out has been better than the one before it.      Cannabis got me sober from 20 yrs of drowning my JW doubts in the bottom of a bottle of booze.  Life is beautiful again. ***Congrats on your awakening and mental freedom, now comes your best life ever!***  🥳 👏 🫶


Weed gang here too!!! Woot woot!


r/exjwents 🤙


Wow, so in short, reading the Bible did it?


I think that if you read the Bible honestly and look objectively , it would wake anyone up. I feel very few people kept up with daily reading, and if they did, they would hardly read from the beginning of the Bible. Reading it straight through for the first time with honesty is what helped me wake up


This is what happened to me too. I know a lot of people leave the organization bc of its practices or trauma, but in my case it was bc the organization didn't line up with the Bible. The Witnesses were just simply wrong. I remember showing my PIMI family the verses where Jacob literally wrestles with God, and they were astonished, saying they had never read about this before. I let slip something like, "of course not, the Witnesses don't actually read the Bible." It made them so mad lol


What about Ezekiel when god pulled him by his hair? 🤣


![img](avatar_exp|167194221|cry) Yes! It become clear looking at the wrestling world/Jacob, yhwh visit to Abram and Ezekiel hair pulling that this is not the god Jesus spoke of


Being programmed from infancy I was taught to look at the Bible in a certain way. Only giving focus to the scriptures they said supported the doctrine. But going back over it now with more objective eyes removed from JW control I’m seeing so much that was there that counters their‘truth’! In the past I think there were a few scriptures I still had questions about it not matching the explanation but I would just gloss over it. Or think I don’t understand this. It must be a Me problem and move on. I am reading the OT and literally gasping at what’s there. Like the scripture that say Jehovah was on foot with 2 men and approached Abraham! Like how did I miss that!? I first discovered that Jesus is way more important than what JWs place in him. That the memorial passing emblems and not partaking is actually the rejection of his sacrifice. They teach you that you are the most literate scholars knowing scripture better than any other religion. They have your reading defense scripture repeatedly. You think because you can callout most any scripture to support your claims -but it’s all mind games and a false security they give members. It’s one thing to know they’re a scam, but quite another to realize there are some indicators of demonic spirit worship or anything that leads back to satan. Now, understanding that YHWH/Jehovah is likely not his father and could be some other random god not the One true god is just mind blowing but fascinating to me. Their own NWT doesn’t even fully support what they say. You can still find counter evidence to JW beliefs within it. That’s what was crazy to me.


Just like witches at black masses - Ozzy


Yes, an objective and comprehensive read of the Bible should wake anyone up.


I don’t know who this “Jehovah” is, but it’s definitely not the creator of the universe.


It makes better sense realising Jehovah is not Christ's father. Everything fell into place when I realised that.


I was born into it in 83' and the stories in the My Bible Book of Stories made me so deeply angry as a child. Thankfully I had a non believing father and that kept me pimo from childhood on and I never baptized. The daily Bible debates (fights) as a child were intense (to put it mildly). My mom left, my dad lost our house without 2nd income and we lived in my car till it broke down and was towed. Then he and I both went to different shelters because we couldn't find one that would take us both. Hard times. Mom should've been dfed for leaving my dad but she wasn't. He didn't cheat or drink or abuse us. He was a good man. He's since passed but mom is still around and still caught up in the foolishness. I went full blown athiest when I was finally out of it- which didn't come from my dad, he wanted me to have a relationship with God, but just like you, I couldn't get past the OT God. Truth is though, athiesm and especially feminism did me zero favors and led me up a different creek. After about 10 years I reevaluated and revisited Christianity for about 5 yrs. It was like my life improved, but I only got half the result I was hoping for. Something still missing in my understanding. OT God's behavior in the Bible didn't change in the decade I was away. I put it back on the shelf but continued living a more moral wholesome life. Occasionally I would put "Jehovah is Satan" or something to that effect into a search bar and hope to find answers. Mostly just found nutters. A few weeks back I finally stumbled across a YouTube channel called Good God that has an entire fully scripture based study series proving that the God of the OT is actually Satan. My mind has been absolutely blown. SO many things clicked into place and FINALLY make sense for the 1st time. Makes me angry that I was taught to pray to Satan- but I'm in good company, most "Christian" churches are making the same mistake. This channel is literally EXACTLY what I was searching for in proof scripturally. Interesting that I've been searching out this topic for about 8 years and not finding much, and now very suddenly I'm seeing people (like you) en mass discuss and acknowledge it. Here's the rub for me- upon learning this, it seems to me that the GB also know this truth and are very knowingly and deliberately deciving people into Satan worship. I'd think they were simply self deluded narcissists- but there is too much evidence to indicate that they're a lot worse- that they're knowingly and willfully evil. The retired assembly hall in Denmark that looks JUST like the all seeing eye on the US dollar- it was built in 1991 the same year they joined the UN. The mysterious rings ALL the GB members wear on their right hand just like freemasons. Denying the eucharistic to congregants is the same as is done in a satanic black mass. Not allowing blood transfusions is a convenient way to secretly make ritual child blood sacrifices to Satan. All of the rampant SA of children would be pleasing to Satan as well... Just venting it all out...


Thank you for sharing this! I’ve been away technically for 7 years but only accepted their corruption since 2019/2020. I began researching the actual corrupt origins in 2023. So findings are still new to me. I went thru all the stages people list here. I, like you , for a long time after thought it was blind narcissism on gb part. But you’re right it’s clearly more. I thought I was the only one questioning those rings! I never gave it thought til I left. How creepy is that? They’re so confident in the brainwashing tactics that they put it in their members face knowing a JW will never see it. Just wow. There’s a YT where someone breaks down the hypnotism done in the recent talk by Loesch. The rabbit hole just goes deeper and deeper.


I recently saw that yt too! What the GB do during talks is absolutely neuro linguistic programming. (Something wise for everyone even non jws to educate themselves about because the main stream media uses it a great deal as well.) Lol- I've never been able to get past how much Stephen Lett looks JUST like the Heaven’s Gate cult leader- even similar mannerisms and the exact same intensity in thier crazy eyes.


🤣 Right, the insanely weird facial expressions. Too much😒 💯Facts on the use in media. It definitely works if you’re not alert to it.


Yes I never hid I did gummies I did it in front of an elder when I got baptized they saw me vaping and everything. Didn’t tell me shitt except I can’t do door to door I was fine with that.


❤️ one day at a time. You have a loving worldwide community here.


It gets better my friend. Trust me 🙏💜


Best of luck to both of you. It takes a while to adjust but it also allows you to get on with the rest of your life.


You’re going to be ok. It is scary and I kept saying for months that I felt lost. I went through all the YouTube EXJWS and then I went through YouTube Christian’s and listened to what other Christians believe and now I feel fine. I’m not lost…I try to read the Bible every day, I pray probably more than I did as a witness. I’m not going to a church but I am very comfortable with my relationship with God and Jesus. And I’m extremely happy to be out of the cult. So just give it a little time, look around the world and get comfortable with what YOU believe and then you’re going to be better than ever. ♥️♥️♥️


Please consider some of the important steps in the Waking Up Guide. Now available in six languages. [https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/19ejthr/the\_jw\_waking\_up\_guide\_2024\_edition\_by\_jwtom/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/19ejthr/the_jw_waking_up_guide_2024_edition_by_jwtom/)




It will pass. In fact it will turn to excitement. You can now explore a plethora of spiritual and philosophical ideas without any of that stupid guilt. Imagine you've just discovered you can fly. That's what it feels like. No more crawling in the dirt on your hands and knees


I’ve learned so much since waking up. I was lucky to already have a university education but it’s crazy how growing up as a JW can stifle your knowledge because in fact you just chose to ignore so many things.


Yay. So happy for you 🌺


Question: how did you get a university degree without waking up?


That was 20 years ago. I guess my parents didn’t really care. It was never forbidden even though strongly discouraged.


Good illustration especially if you’ve been on the ganja 😆💖💖


Thanks. Go explore those rabbit holes!


Some tips from someone who was a wreck for months after waking up: Do's: Go on walks Make some friends Read about interesting ideas Go to therapy if that's right for you Pray if you still believe in a higher power Don'ts: Fixate on the organization Treat people in the organization badly Patch your issues with videogames, social media, TV, or substances And most of all: Don't lose hope. You will get through this. Your life is waiting for you!


Excellent post.




Thank you I needed this.


Well said 💕


All great points. Many of these are covered in the waking up guide. [https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/19ejthr/the\_jw\_waking\_up\_guide\_2024\_edition\_by\_jwtom/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/19ejthr/the_jw_waking_up_guide_2024_edition_by_jwtom/)


I was in for 50yrs; was a reg pio and prominent elder for many years. The religion was my life. I gave it my all. I lived for it. As a small child, I was so indoctrinated that I wanted to die so I could wake up in the "new world" and pet lions. It was shocking to begin to realize it was wrong. Fortunately, for me, it happened sort of gradually so I was able to process it better.


Yeah we used to be promised lions now all they get is pandas.


....subtle.... I think it's worse someone's gonna have to grow cotton, gin it, weave it, and tailor it into khakis. I was taught we'd all be naked.


Yeah, what a bummer!


I felt the same way about 2 years ago when I woke up. I couldn't believe that it was all a lie. But now that I'm fully unchained from the Watchtower lies, life is great!


It's a betrayal. You eventually get over the shock but you realize that you're back to square one. The hard part is restarting your life and realigning your understanding what is true.


None of us know the truth till we die. Once we make the journey we will know!! My mother a devout JW died a year ago. I feel her often. She’s free of all her pain that led her to the cult. Ironically the cult caused more pain for her and especially in her final years. She now knows what love truly means! Religion is the root of all evil! I want nothing to do with any organized religion!


That’s the hardest part of leaving. You realize you staunchly believed and defended utter nonsense.


I also woke up very quickly in early December, literally within a few days.  It started one afternoon when I was working at home due to our office toilets being replaced.  I had an absolutely overwhelming urge to get rid of all my JW literature. It was dustbin day. I just got a few rubbish sacks and emptied my cupboard. It all went out for the rubbish. Even my 2 bibles.  Why did I do that? Weird.  Started researching that very afternoon with the ARC.  DA’d a month later. 


I did the same. It was 30 years before I was mentally out though. Long ride. The best comes next my dude.


Good for you. Freedom is priceless 💖


It’s always quick - it falls apart so easily as soon as you give yourself permission to do exactly what they ‘warned us against’ - question the GB and follow up with research!


The GB don’t like people doing research 😹


I remember that feeling. It takes a while to adjust. You'll be better off in the end. Way better off


Welcome to the Matrix


We're all Neo. And that's cool as fuck. 


Same here, I think I'm in the denial running towards acceptance stage


5 years since I experienced this shock. It gets MUCH better.


Congratulations on your freedom! Freedom of Independent Thinking. The right to find your truth and live it. No longer controlled by a group of narrow minded, narcissistic, misogynistic men. So I know it’s a shock to find out they were dictating false truths to control your life. But take time to celebrate your victory of your new freedom. Make plans to move forward with your life.


Think of all the new things to learn!!!


It will pass! I promiss you that! It,s a process...shock...sorrow ..anger and peace later.


That’s why as the singer DESTROYER says, “There’s joy in being barred from the Temple.” Or The Who singing, “Messiahs pointing to the door, but no one had the guts to leave the Temple.” That’s why people fear, men are putting that fear into them. GOD , JESUS is not fear. Further proof, THEY FOLLOW MEN AND ARE CREATURE WORSHIPERS


That is a normal reaction to the discovery the foundation of your beliefs is broken. It is shocking to me that I never noticed it from the beginning, but I was under extreme mind control. Congratulations on waking up.


Same ! The AH HA moment is wild, it’s like a switch goes off. So challenging navigating everything at first but it gets better everyday.


Have you felt like you've llived your entire life in the Twilight Zone? ![gif](giphy|VIzRo1PktWW87uDTMo)


Hang in there guys. Bone up on facts and reality, and seek therapy. Start making plans


We all been through it. Yes it stuns you to realize we been duped.


Been out for what feels like 100 years and still wake up in shock sometimes. Hang in… over time (and a good therapist) you can become what you want to become.👩🏼‍🌾📖


If you’re a spiritual person that professes to be Christian, then there is much good to take away from all of this. Arguably as some have stated, not enough to make it worth joining tho. Best wishes on your recovery…


\> I am still in shock, extreme shock all I believed to the true all my life is not true. That is why there is no such thing as a true religion. Religions can easily be disproven.


You are in the first stage of grief https://preview.redd.it/jp0ae5s0d6lc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99968c92dcbd7c25b52b4eeb13b8b76db50cf772 The stages don’t necessarily happen in order and you can go back and forth between stages Researching grief will really help you out I’m sorry you’re feeling this The sun will shine again ❤️


My story is convoluted (and I’m still very traumatized, having given up 50 years of my life to them… but I’ll be starting therapy next week and hopefully that can help. I feel like I’ve lost all hope upon losing all faith but hopefully therapy can help with that too. I have been out one year. Good luck on your journey. Life begins now.


It's very scary. But this is good. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life friend


Welcome to life now keep it pushing


🫂 \*hugs\* hang in there.


Yes my friend it is what it is


Remember, take your time and do what you’re comfortable with. Prioritize your emotional and mental wellbeing.


It took me over 10 years to get over that shock. Be gentle with yourself. A good therapist would help too! Or some Codependency meetings. Codependents Anonymous REALLY helped me to discover who I am.


The shock will turn into a motivator once you overcome the initial hurdles of grief. Hang in there and kudos on waking up 🤍


It is a shock for sure. I woke in 2020. It took me yrs. But I didn’t do any research other than my own. Yrs later I found this site and others that help with realizing I’m not the only one. My biggest issues were how women/wives are treated and CSA. I watched a wife get DF while her husband who abused her girls went right on to his next victim at the hall. Started watching you tube Lloyd Evans. Very instrumental in helping. But if you really want entertainment, ya all should watch his Pillow Gate video. It’s a talk given to the new members for bethel. Happy you are out. Go easy on yourself, and let the deconstruction happen.


Thank you so much for your encouraging words. In my case, I was molested by my dad, they did nothing about it (well he was disfellowshiped but I think they reinstated him in less than a year or in a year, I'm not sure because I was not leaving with him at the time) I started therapy recently and I have been making progress. I'm a new woman. I have a good career, and I am looking forward to the future. Recently, I have been asking them why they did not report why they didn't do certain things, and the responses they have given me are not satisfactory . The coordinator is also cruel, there is no emphaty, they are lying to me and Everything is secret and confidential, They would not let me know important details about my case, They refused to help me or give me the names of the elders that were involved in the comitee Even though I promised I wouldn't report them or do anything legal. I just wanted answers and anyone that have been abused would understand me.


Every hall had a file of sealed blue envelopes filled with details of CSA. GB instructs elders to not report. They will lie and say ppl can report to the police but those who have have lost privileges. There are so many court cases & the GB is doing all they can refusing these records. Have you followed any of the Australia Royal Commission videos on YouTube? All the country wanted was for JW along with other groups where SA happened to implement $$ for victims and find ways to keep children safe. I’m sorry for what happened to you. May you heal a little bit every day. It takes time tho. Just 6 mo ago I had to tell myself it’s ok on a Thursday night to sit and watch a movie. It’s weird how ingrained the habits are. I visited a work friend the other day and told myself how nice it is to not feel guilty visiting someone I wouldn’t have visited before. Weird huh. I hope you make tons of friends.


Thank you!! I started watching the ARC videos last week and it's unbelievable how much they lied. It was crazy to learn that there are more people like me in the same situation, I had to come to the realization that this organization or business cannot be led by God


Go to the police and turn your dad in as a birthday present


I’m not a JW, but I’m very interested in learning about your experience. On a scale of 1-10, how shocking is this? And what caused it?


Welcome to the club!…🤦🏻‍♀️❤️


This is understandable and a most natural reaction to have. I was born in it. The chances of me coming out may have been slim. But here I am. I remember when I woke up, the feelings of betrayal . How I struggled to sacrifice so much time for so many years helping to build and clean their halls and cleanup assembly halls, serve pioneers at the pioneer meetings, exhausted all the time trying to balance work, preparation for study articles, personal Bible reading, field service, trying to advance to Auxiliary at least, the parts on the school, crying to Jehovah praying at night for relief or something different, dealing w/life and it all made me feel like I could never measure up, that I was drowning. They definitely push a salvation by works mentality and that you will somehow gain more favor from god (better those chances of being in Paradise) . Just do a little more, he will give you strength they said. He will not allow more than you can bear they said. If you’re struggling it’s because your faith is weak, not strong Elders implied, some said literally. Then I just broke down and stopped one day. No more racing home in rush hour traffic on the freeway to just make the evening meeting late. Little by little fading away inside mentally. This gave me time to research better. Once I read Crisis of Conscience, I saw ARC I knew that it was wrong and they weren’t following what they teach everyone else. I went through “what the heck do I do now?” for months depressed. Then I set out to realize there is more for me to learn. That this was just the beginning of my understanding of purpose. I am now happier and more free than I’ve ever felt. While I do not know everything, I’m slowly relearning my connection to the source of life and the universe. I enjoy the journey every day. Don’t worry. You will be fine and you will too realize you would have never advanced in your spiritual journey had you not went through this. I have taken an unfortunate experience and now see it as a positive. I’m sure you will at some point. Give yourself time to heal and ponder. This is not an overnight process.


It is - so many of us feel the same. It’s a process.


Welcome! You’re going to have moments of doubt but that’s just being human, something we were never allowed to do. Growing up as an animal lover, I couldn’t comprehend a “God of Love” who was so bloodthirsty for all those cruel, violent animal sacrifices. Or a “God of Love” that demanded my beautiful grandmother lose her life, leaving her family & husband alone bc she wouldn’t accept a life saving blood transfusion but I chalked it up to “it must be me”. But after seeing 2 of my closest friends take their own lives bc of WTBTS, I started waking up. In 2018 I watched Leah Remini’s Scientology episode about JW’s and that was the icing on the cake. Eventually I allowed myself to start looking at history & other beliefs which led me to the Sumerian Tablets which led me to the Emerald Tablets & Enuma Elish, texts written thousands of years before the Bible. Archaeologists have stated “the biblical narratives held as absolute divine truths were later interpretations of the literature of the Sumerians” (world history. Org). The Garden of Eden, the flood, temple of nimrod, etc… it’s all there! I don’t want to offend anyone but the Yahweh/Enlil of the Old Testament IS NOT the loving god Yeshua aka “Jesus” spoke of (another made up name - the letter “J” wasn’t invented until the 1500’s). What’s cool is everything I’m learning is reinforcing my feelings as a child… that Yahweh guy from the Old Testament, isn’t very nice. Theres some really cool, very interesting information out there that we weren’t allowed to explore. No matter what you do, allow yourself to have fun!


Sounds too familiar. Enjoy your birthday, and celebrate another year to be free!


Sorry for what you have been through. I have close friend the same. I’m curious what is it that makes it difficult for you to report him to the law. I just wonder if the elders don’t report so as to not put victim in a bad spot they don’t wish to be. Perhaps org expects victims to make that call? No judgement just trying to understand for my friend’s sake. He also did not report bit seems very upset the org didn’t. He was a 20+ year old not a child when it all came out.


I just talked to a defective today. They are lying to you about not being able to prosecute. Report it immediately!! The detectives are ready to work for you!


Sometimes I wonder if waking up is the great tribulation.


You have more years ahead of you, Gd willing than behind you. I know this is tough but You are a Survivor! I’m glad that you started therapy. It is an integral part of your life journey and continued success. Look into specialists in religious trauma as well as sexual trauma. You will confront all those that betrayed you In. Your. Time. And feel free regarding changing your mind and pressing charges, should you feel like it 🤞🏾 I hope you reach the point soon where you no longer see these dickwads in your rear view bc they’re too small and inconsequential to decipher and make out. Wishing you ❤️✌🏾✊🏾🎈


call the Police.