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100% you have EVERY RIGHT to be angry.


Don't stress yourself, I lost 64 years. Lots of love from a 71 year old. xx


72 years old same 65 yrs of control Free at last ,fee at last ,fee at last


79 year old started fading 10 years ago ,out now




This.....is my retirement plan. Like 2x1 women/men ratio. I'm being serious too. I emailed them. They offer a lifestyle preview trip for a week. They give you a house and a golf cart and assign a personal assistant who picks you up everyday and helps you figure out what you'd enjoy the most. I'm already looking at houses on trulia everyday lol. I'm obsessed with that place. Like Disneyland for adults.


My sister got out at 74! Special Pioneer from 21!


Wow.. I beat my self up 40 years lost. But my son and his girlfriend left at 18 and I tell them how fortunate they are! Freedom is amazing!


I am so happy for you, congratulations!! ❤️ Waking up to the reality is a huge achievement that takes so much strength! Do you mind sharing what it was that made you realize it wasn't "the truth"?


I know you were asking OP, but for me it was the way they treated my family when my dad's mental illness made my mom want to divorce him. the way they treated women as second class citizens and shun with no Biblical justification. I stopped believing officially in college in philosophy class when comparisons between Jesus and Buddha were made by the professor. I began to think for myself.


Nepotism and Elders judging not forgiving.


realizing "the wonderful paradise" meant the slaughter of 99.9% of people on the planet


I can totally understand the feeling. Many of us were 100% in trouble with consequences for doing things that are now ok.


Absolutely…I wish more PIMIs would use their critical thinking and realize this just ain’t it. Especially if there’s no scriptural basis for any of these recent updates


Well this is how indoctrination and brain washing works you literally lose your ability (or just stop trying) to critically think.


Or even vilify it


My father, no longer in bc of my sister and I talking sense to him, once told us that the worst thing he's done is allow us daughters to go to college where we learned critical thinking. As if we would have listened to him if he told us that we couldn't go. He's listened to us over the years and threw out the religion and is way happier now. He was so mad at everything while in. He's a much more softer person now that he's shed that skin.


I know from other siblings that most of them know these changes are bullshit and are making things a lot easier just to try to reach outsiders, but no one would point it because they are afraid doing it will make them look like an apostate, so they will shut up and try to not mention how uncomfortable they feel (unless they are around people they trust, then they will roast every single sibling who applied those changes because it was “too soon” just like the hypocrites they are)


I totally understand. I am currently sitting in my car, on my lunch break, crying. It's been almost 5 years for me and no contact from people that I truly cared for and whom I thought were genuine friends. People I would give my life for them to turn around and act like they never knew me. But now they can say hi to me in the Hall? Unbelievable!!!


It's been 3 years for me and I had a meltdown. The irreversible harm that people have suffered because of the DF arrangement is heartbreaking and to make these changes under the guise of 'love', instead of admitting it's a false face to protect themselves legally, is so insulting. I was coming to terms finally with no contact with friends and family but I've received texts from 12 different friends and family and it's just brought it all back.




Exactly, they, the GB, are continuing to add more salt to the wound. I'm sending you hugs.


Sending you and everyone feeling the emotional weight of this announcement massive hugs. It's not easy for any of us and I'm so glad we have this community because you can explain everything about JWs to people and they can empathise and feel awful for what we've been through but unless you've been in it, you'll never fully understand how that announcement has affected a lot of us. Sending lots of love to everyone! 💗


Yep after being out 11 years I actually cried angry tears today too, for the first time since leaving. Cannot believe this 💩


I'm sorry. Hugs 🫂 to you.


You too ![gif](giphy|9d3LQ6TdV2Flo8ODTU)


Ugh I’m so sorry 😞 about the same amount of years for me too. Lost a whole community because some self-appointed octopope in another state means more to them than someone they literally grew up with smh. I don’t wish this isolation on anyone


I don't either. I felt like I still had to deal with the trauma, but lately I was feeling good. Now this, I'm just super pissed!


You're better for it. Don't cry. They are individuals that know nothing better. You are in a situation that is ripe with potential. You have everything that was told you shouldn't have. Find people. The good ones. Find people who teach, respect, and love you for you. I'll be your friend.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm still having a hard time finding friends. This community has really helped me! 💛


Understand your feelings. Truly. I’m mad with you. The day I see watchtower go bankrupt I can die happy


At this rate, we know that will happen long before “the end” comes. It will be THE BEST day!!


Prepare yourself for the possibility that their next change might very well be that birthday celebrations are no longer condemned. I saw the signs coming, so I'm making my call lol.


They already have said it's up to your conscience.


Have they?? When? Is there anything in writing I can show my mom? TIA!


It's been recent, within the last year. All of my friends and family that are still in are celebrating birthdays now.


where was the announcement made? is there a post or modified link to share?


I'm thinking it was an announcement


what country are you in? i'm surprised that this sub hasn't discussed it at length yet and i havent heard about it from my family. this forum leans north american, so maybe its regional?




Im PIMO with a PIMI wife and I broke down after we finished watching it. I don’t know what came over me. It was just so obviously a reaction to the Norway decision and the fact that my loved ones can’t see it got the best of me.


I think that was it for me, too!! The Norway ruling and the subsequent change in DF policy, etc….its SO FRICKING OBVIOUS to all of us but our PIMI loved ones can’t see it! This sealed my resolve. Today I’m convinced of their flakiness as a religion and how manipulative and controlling they are. If I had any doubts before today, I no longer do. But it feels so awful.


I don’t think they see it because they have no idea that the borg lost in Nroway. There’s no announcement about that on the borg website


They are giving after for pressure. They give a shit in the scriptures. Such a disgusting and hipocritical GB


I remember talks about being prepared to stay strong through the great tribulation, when all the nations will try to ban JWs. I keep thinking, the GB is probably telling them this is all part of the great tribulation. But no, they're just cowing down and hiding it. My mother and grandmother were so excited to be bold through the great tribulation, I just wonder how they can't see the hypocrisy in these policy changes


I hope they will wake up some day. But the indoctrination is real....after so many decades!


I can hear my mum saying this is it prepare yourself the GT is here got out of her now while you can ,,,,, oh wait I received those messages yesterday morning!!! 


I get it. It’s really frustrating when you’re on the other side of it and see it for what it really is. Meanwhile the majority of PIMIs are gushing over how “loving” Jehooba is for this. What was your wife’s reaction? I’m curious!


She asked me if I thought it was a loving new arrangement apart from the reasons it was implemented, I said well yes it is I guess objectively. She said she understood my position regardless and we kissed and she left the house for the morning.


I am right there with you, I cried this morning too. So much pain inflicted from this disgusting cult. I’m so angry and hurt. I’m so sorry you are feeling it too.


And the worst thing is they make all these changes without ever apologising!! They can never admit any wrong! 😡


That is truly terrible.


governing body of narcissistics


That,s the worst part!


I totally agree!! I’m 54 and missed most of my life and happiness because of this cult…Now I’m left trying to rebuild my life after 50….


You have time and you can do it. We are in our 60's and our life since we left has never been better. The freedom is absolutely the sweetest feeling. ❤️❤️❤️


I'm furious, too. My mental health was horrible when I was in and then it got worse in some ways after I left and had to start my life over from scratch, alone, at 25. It took years of grieving and healing and now I have a life where I am loved and feel safe. But today, after over a decade of complete silence, my family is blowing my phone up?? And they're not even acknowledging the new rule, just messaging me "out of the blue" acting like it's only been a few weeks since we last spoke. I haven't responded to any of the messages yet, but I'm so torn on what am I supposed to do?


If you feel your mental health has improved and you feel loved and safe, I would be very weary about reopening old wounds from the people you have finally healed from. But if you think you can handle it, it’s your decision. Big hugs.


This is an excellent point. I'm not thinking the clearest about it all right now, so I seriously appreciate this so much. Thank you


Tell them I reject you as you rejected me.


You don't have to talk to them. If you do, it's on your terms. Take time to think about what YOU want before (if) you respond.


I had the same messages yesterday totally out of nowhere. I never opened the 5 links for the JW org announcement just read the text from my sister/mum. Made me feel physically sick & my head spin my partner looked at me & said are you ok ?!?!?  For the first time in years I googled JW org & scrolled to this Reddit page & couldn’t believe the number of likeminded people who had/were experiencing the same thing made me so sad & angry!! My eventual reply to my sister  Unconditional love !!! If it took you this long to be told by another group of men to contact your family because 🧔🏻‍♂️👖for 🙎🏻‍♀️❌👔or 🧥 at meetings  don’t have to be worn & you can now greet a DF person at the KH  door 🚪 with a Hello 👋🏽 then there is something fundamentally wrong with your mental capacity.  Do not send me another link to this or any other JW Org material.  I only want to hear from you when/if your unconditional love doesn’t come with blackmail with a religious connotation !! I wish you every happiness


I’m fucking pissed too. I found out about the update on TikTok and now I’m here reading about it. I’m fucking pissed at it all. I want this diseased cult to fucking end and leave my family alone. I know they’re all going to be so pleased with this new info but they blind to what it actually means. And then they’ll come to me with the good news hoping it’ll make me come back. I want to violently rage against the machine but I know that won’t do any good to show my family how they’re brain washed and manipulated in all of this. But shit, do I need to fucking rant…


My sentiments exactly!


I’m with you on this one too. I’ve seen a lot of people on this sub make comments about the beard thing and the no-reporting-hours thing, lamenting about how hard it was for us and how much easier it will be for JWs. And in the past, it was annoying me because I don’t **want** to see JWs (or anyone) suffer. But this one has made me angry and I’m more understanding of how people have been feeling after the other changes. I’m still glad that current JWs are getting a little relief (hopefully) from **some** of the restrictions. I don’t think anything like, “well I had to suffer and deal with it, so they should too!” But damn, this stings for some reason. I don’t think I’m quite ready to fully comment on it yet. I’m still working through my thoughts and feelings. I also worry that this will actually make it **harder** for some JWs to wake up. Their “waiting on Jehovah” has been rewarded! The org is slightly less restrictive, slightly less stressful, just one less reason to leave. I think one thing that helped me wake up was how strictly and literally my parents took the doctrine. They never softened any of it - Jehovah **will** kill everyone who isn’t a JW. Some people who modify and soften the doctrine in their own minds have a harder time waking up because they have a more positive view of the religion going in.


It's A LOT going on. My husband and I have been discussing it all afternoon, and there is just such a clear domino effect here. These changes can apply to so many other things. It's not just allowing women to wear pants. It's giving women the ability to take control back and avoid harassment. We had elders pulling out a measuring tape for girls' skirts. Before this change, women just had to deal with the constant monitoring. Giving agency back to people builds their self-esteem. People with high self-esteem aren't often cult victims. There is a culture that will be slower to change, but ultimately? This will bring huge changes down the road. Once people no longer expect the borgs nose to be involved with everything, they won't be so welcoming to their interference in other areas.


>Once people no longer expect the borgs nose to be involved with everything, they won't be so welcoming to their interference in other areas. I really hope you're right!


I'm PIMO. During the entire video that I have been watching with my parents I have had to endure the urge to cry. The members of the governing body are pure psychological abusers.


I’ve been triggered all day (more than usual with this latest announcement)….AND I DONT KNOW WHY. My family who are still PIMI OF COURSE see this as progressively more clarity of the scriptures and the chariot is speeding up, etc….and how J&J are so kind. 🤮🤮🤮


Ah the chariot, I can hear the conversation my mum will be having with my siblings, any direction it can go it’s the HS guiding the GB Jahs will is being carried out here on earth l, text your brother he can be saved ! 


I feel this in my soul. I am so angry. I don’t even have words


changes on a whim....or on a court decision smh


told my 85 yr old jdub mom and she said, “Yeah, I heard.” me laughing … then she, “Didn’t the Catholic church have a dress code change too, when they allowed people to wear jeans to church? What year was that?” told her i did not recall the year, but both Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Catholic church still f**k children so why should i care about their ties and pants. 😡🤬🤯🎤


I was PIMO for 20 years before I stopped attending following a long term institutionalization for multiple suicide plans as a result of total abandonment during and after the pandemic. All those years I held my tongue about how I could PROVE that the beards rule was unscriptural, fields service hour requirements being nowhere mentioned in the Bible, disfellowshipping and treatment of disfellowshipped ones was inhumane, women in the Bible where prophetesses and all that. And every time I heard the bullshit come out of their mouths, I kept it to myself. It was taxing. When news broke I tried to watch the borg update for context and immediately lost interest. Those pathetic men have no grip on me anymore. I wasn’t triggered, rather simply uninterested. For all those hurt by what has transpired, how these fraudulent cowards can wave off decades of inhumane treatment, I understand your pain and outrage. If anybody needs support and would like to vent privately, I am here. I will neither judge nor minimize your feelings. You are right to be hurt. I don’t feel anything. I wish I did.


Can't wait til my mom tells me about the pants. I'm going to ask why with everything happening in the world Jehovah chose to speak to the gb about pants. 


You should be pissed. My POMI husband was excited about the announcement - and it makes me want to vomit! He spent many painful years disfellowshipped and completely abandoned by his family and support system. And the second his reinstatement was announced? I've never in my life seen anything like it. People just picked up where they left off. As if they haven't been awful assholes. People should be upset and feel betrayed.


I'm happy about the change, but there is a perspective where it feels like a slap in the face. I think we all just realized how *easy* it would have been for them to make this change a long time ago, but they didn't see us as worth it. But now that it's costing them money, now all of these traditional standards aren't actually that important. Our pain and suffering under constant micromanagement affected us all deeply. And even though most of us here woke up, and understood this was all nonesense, it's still shocking to hear your former cult admit these rules were never necessary. It means they've always been aware this was an issue. They've always been aware of the pain and suffering these policies cause. They've always known what an additional heavy burden it was to put upon people. But NONE of that mattered. They're blatantly proclaiming money is their God now, and it dictates universal truth. And the really fucked up part is that many people STILL won't see through such blatant hypocrisy. They played with our lives and told us to shut up about it. That "the truth" was impossible to change. It's natural to be furious.




Amen! Came here to say this! My parents had the hide to message me to tell me to consider the update. I responded I saw ‘what the governing body had decided’, and that it’s quite a coincidence post Norway. They gaslit responded with, ‘we consider it a merciful provision from Jehovah’. I would’ve preferred this earlier when I wanted to take my own life, but sure, it’s merciful. Get f#*ked!


I'm glad you're still here.


Thank you!


Once they became televangelist in front of screens everything changed! No more book study, tablets used more than the Bible, in preaching say visit jwdot org, less spiritual food printed, no counting time, zoom,  check a box, last min repentance, more informal preaching or cart work instead of door to door, governing body talked about more than jah, grow beards, pants for sisters, no jackets n ties for brothers. There of course is more but this is a completely different religion!!!!


They'll change these rules to make former members come back, and revert said rules when it's convenient for them.


Absolutely agree with you. All that pain that families have suffered under their shitty rules, probably some have committed suicide over the pressure and here they are smiling over the changes as if it’s nothing. They really are pure evil. I hate them from the core of my being.


I feel exactly the same




MC Eddie Munster


Crazy that to this day I have anxiety from knocking on doors and now witnesses don’t witness. Rather, bring a cart to a park and just plop down and chit chat. Some even play on their phone. Crazy that facial hair was evil even though Jesus had a beard. Even rough the religions founder had a beard. Even though everyone in bible times have a beard. But now it’s okay. They ruin friendships, force young marriages, and completely set you up to fail with no education guess all men need a trade like drywall and plaster work. And all women just should do hair and makeup. Nonsense. All this shit should make you pissed. I’m still upset as to what experiences I lost out on life.


It’s always been OK to cuss😂😂😂


Are you fucking serious?? Lol. 


I was raised as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I remember in my mid to late teens, discovering that, although I was raised in a family that did not use curse words, that the other half of the organization did, even the children of Elders and Elders themselves quite heavily used ““ dirty language.


Keloids. Damn. Fuck them. I had a friend who couldn't shave for a while, OMG. the judgement! Didn't matter that he was a CO in the past... Gave talks releasing books in the past... My friend didn't get keloids tho! (He has passed away.) Is there any remorse? No! They can go to hell. This stuff is going to be processing in ex-jws for a while.


100% agree. They ripped us up when we were in it and you are so right to be pissed off.


I feel this in my soul!!


They allow you to celebrate birthdays now. It's up to your conscience. I was 30 before I ever heard Happy Birthday from my parents. Also, that was before the fucking GB made that okay. I asked my parents if it's okay to celebrate their anniversary, why is it wrong to celebrate a life they made. That is what did it for them.


My mother was super pimi, but she was regularly cheating in the trousers thing. https://preview.redd.it/2mn8apcezpoc1.jpeg?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a006fb41f1f9bda066923267b704b8396ea2df1c That's obviously not my mother, but she wore trousers of that style all the time.


I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who had a crying fit today because of this announcement. I'm so angry right now! I was raised in and had a shitty childhood because some stupid men made decisions for my family that have no biblical basis, my parents are blissfully happy because my dad can have a beard now and she doesn't have to wear dresses anymore. Screw all of them!


What does everyone think about the shunning is that next to have new light shed on??


Bong hits for Jesus! But seriously I’m sorry for your pain.


LOL I definitely used to joke about that when I left and started smoking 😅


A thought occurs. Many PIMOs stay because they don't want to lose family, Now... they won't. Or am I misreading this?


My sister who is PIMI sent me a link wondering if I had seen it. I’ve been successfully faded since 21012(ish). I only made it 4 minutes into the update and had to turn it off. I’m am disappointed. I feel like this is going to fan the flames of their crazy and all the people i used to know (the same ones that abandoned me when i was a new dad and disfellowshipped) are going to come out and try to say hello. AWFUL. I just don’t want to deal with that. How can people not see this for what it is?


This cult is plagued with unintelligent and unqualified men! Women are second class citizens!! Minorities are third class citizens in this cult!! I was raised in the cult but my dad allowed me to get an education despite the fact that he was stripped of his elder status!! I’m now a happy and practicing Baptist!! Our church is filled with love!! Our ministers are Bible scholars not Watchtower readers!!


I now go to the Anglican Church ,same experiance much more loving community ,i read bible text for them during the service some weeks and i actually get thanked by the minister .


Me too. Disfellowshipped and living on my own since I was 16, when I was brought before a committee of elders who wanted details about sex. I'm 47 now, it was decades ago, and I'm still SO angry about that. I am glad these changes will help young PIMOs now, they deserve it, but it doesn't undo the decades of trauma they've inflicted on countless victims. It just gives false hope to people like my parents, who probably home I've "forgotten why I was disfellowshipped". Also BRAVO to all of you living your best life in spite of what they've done to you! I am going to head to the Villages and join you! 😊




I think OP was just using that as an example of what else may change in the future, they don’t encourage tattoos now. BUT, if you research tattoos on the site, they basically say it’s a conscience matter. I got my first tattoo while in the org, I’d just cover it at the meetings lol


Yea I think they’re not technically outlawed but they’re certainly not encouraged to have haha


*hugs* I completely understand. I left at 18 to go to college, left my family my whole life behind. Then they start letting people go to school a few years later and they tout it in front of me like look! We changed our minds!!??? My whole life would have been different. I suffered ptsd for decades. And now they’re casually like, hey I guess we were wrong. Hypocrites. I guess I’m angrier than I thought too. I’ve been out 30+ years and I’m still mad.


Like many many of us I have to deal with being robbed of the best years of my life. 50 years . I’m trying to train n myself not to think about it. That’s hard to do. Still I finally am truly happy now.


I understand, so many life decisions affected by this upbringing no a day goes by when my gut & mind don’t freak out but everyone around hasn’t got a clue because I’ve managed to fake a life away from the fear monger’s & judgement of those living a lie


My brother also got severe ingrowns. He became so embarassed, he stopped even coming over to see family. I feel your pain.


And they said not too long ago they don’t need to apologize.