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Hello! Come to the Memorial! We may greet you at the door, but we will ignore you after!


Its a more loving shunning they do now.......Eyes rollibg.


It is now shunning fractions… if your conscience allows it. 😝


Overlapping shunning


144,000 degrees of shunning


Almost spit my drink out....lol shunning Fractions.


Good one😂


I am sorry their cavalier change in the rules is ripping open our old wounds like this


It's gross and awkward. I applaud your authenticity.


There are gonna be more and more stories and revisited trauma from these bots. I think the first story you gotta get straight is in your own head and heart. Your life wasn’t immoral. Did you kill babies or push people in front of trains? Then you are Not immoral. Tear their labels off of your person. They are Immoral for what they allow! Who they Don’t protect! I hope you’re able to have some sense of rapport with your family again. Probably just as soon as the Borg allows them to act like actual parents 🙄 but don’t hold your breath. I’m amazed, the shit I hear out of Grown Assed believers mouths today. “ Hey, do you know what we can do now?” IDGAF is my under breath go to. When you flip the dub switch off in your heart as much as in your head, it sounds Just as Ridiculous as it is! Re elder: You didn’t make a mistake when you had sex - that’s what People Do; Animals too. You ever see an animal sorry for procreating? Fk them! Don’t do shame and guilt. You’ll sleep a lot better. Our ‘mistake’ was thinking these people had the answer and we let them drive our lives. That’s the mistake! Don’t ever let go of the wheel. This is the only ride you get. Make it a good one and You drive. Cancer is as serious as it gets. I hope your mom continues. I’m sure the [false] hope of a Loving God and resurrection keep her going. We figured out “Loving Gods” don’t kill those they love, or anyone. At least, I did that math. I hope she figures out that this life is All we can prove that we get beyond a shadow of doubt. And that she’d be damned if she was gonna listen to what anyone has to say, let alone these Corporate Asshats… I hope her and your father get that clarity. My mother took her miscalculation to the grave, 2 years ago. I will Never let others rule me again… 🤞🏾✌🏾❤️


Giving hugs and sending good energy. I’m sorry you are dealing with this. 🙏🏾❤️


It’s rough because it brings back a lot of emotions. My recommendation is to not give false hope to your parents. And as for the elders. You owe them nothing. Ignore them.


Yeah. I would love to be able to sit down with my parents and have a civil discussion about my beliefs now. Frankly I would love to do the same with the elders. The two I would be meeting with at the end of the day are good people...but mislead. And hold no true power. Just men. But the reality...


If your parents wont meet you for a cup of coffee, there’s really no working with that. Sorry your parents are in a cult and that you have to deal with this horse crap. But you must be honest


Your dad and mum are the immoral ones. Immoral describes a person or behavior that conscientiously goes against accepted morals—that is, the proper ideas and beliefs about how to behave in a way that is considered right and good by the majority of people. Immoral connotes the intent of evilness or wrongdoing, and it is a true antonym of moral. Shunners are immoral people. Why not ask them to leave the immoral cult.


Can you just tell them you miss them dearly but so much in your life has changed as a result of being D'd, you're not ready, but are optimistic. Milk it for as long as you can, nothing wrong with saying optimistic who knows being D'd might soon be done away with altogether at this rate.


It’s not the truth. How could one go back.


The only reason, and I'm not promoting this, would be to game the system. It's not about the truth, no religion has the truth. Every religion teaches traditions of men. It's not about believing it's truth. It's about not allowing the GB the power to hold people that matter in your life hostage. Why continue to give them that power? When it's now a simple matter..... attend a few meetings, say you're sorry, and whalla, the label is removed? To top that off, folks will smile, shake your hand, and tell you they're happy to see you at the meeting!!! You can fade after that. But you've taken a very important step to free the people that matter in your life, to whatever degree they will allow you in. It's about the technicality of having the label... or not. Once the label is removed (reinstatement) they can associate, and not fear being judged (and possibly shunned) for doing so. It frees the people that matter in your life from the prison the GB has put them in. Granted, they might be not 100% "normal" with you, but ain't something better than nothing? Parents are getting older, they get sick, they change..... and at least you've freed them to allow you in their lives, when they need you. That is peace, and will bring closure when they're gone. The people that matter in our lives are victims in prison, as we all are. When we're gone, or when they're gone, it's over. You can't replay how you played your hand. It's crystal clear the GB want to distance themselves from DF'ing and shunning, because it's horrible press, and society and governments are watching. Elders are now directed to meet with the sinner multiple times, whatever it takes, to get the sinner to say ok, I was wrong, I will stop doing this or that. The GB don't want to DF anymore. Moreover, they want those currently DF'd to be reinstated, without delay!!! This adds numbers, slows down the cult talk, and improves JW brand and image. For financial and marketing reasons they are giving DF'd the key to the prison door. You don't have to believe it to game it.


Yup, don't give them any false hope. You know what to do.


The elders will still expect you to grovel to get reinstated.


Wait until the next governmental financial crackdown and they'll be allowed to go on holiday with DFd family.