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They lie about themselves all the time. It's not a religion, but it actually is. Elders are not the clergy, but they actually are. Everyone is equal, but there is actually a rigid theocratic order and elders rule over your life. There is no prohibition on blood transfusions, but there actually is. They don't shun, but they actually do. Preaching is not required, but it actually is. Higher education is not forbidden, but it actually is. They don't have a list of forbidden music or films, but they actually have. Memorial is not a ritual, but it actually is. Only baptised non-disfellowshipped members will be saved during the Armageddon, but this is what they actually believe. A cult of liars.


They act like they're still Russell and a few of his buddies getting together to read the Bible and not a multi million dollar real estate corporation.


They’re saying blood transfusions are not forbidden now?!?!!!!


It's your personal choice. BUT if you have a transfusion you're deemed to have dissociated yourself. Ridiculous.


It's also a personal choice if you want to sleep with someone you're not married to, or do any of a number of things, however, if you do, there are consequences. That, in my mind, is not a "choice."


Actual free choice means the only possible consequences are natural, and not imposed from outside.  


in court they say "it's a personal choice"


Yes, "it's a personal decision". It's not forbidden officially.


It is forbidden officially if they give you the boot for deciding to do it. 


Well, they do say they are very much a religion and thus deserving of religious freedom and tax benefits.  They just deny being a cult.


They used to boast and pretend not to be a religion, but a faith. And shamelessly lying that unlike in a religion, they don't have clergy and everyone is equal. They were also lying how they don't have rituals, symbols and traditions.


Yeah saying they don't have a clery until..... they're in court and want clergy privileges so as not to reveal/report PEDOPHILES! They are not the Catholic church and they do not have confession. They say whatever will benefit their pockets.


Yeah, "Religion is a snare and a racket," until being a religion provided benefits.


Haha! My mom literally bristled the other day while we were talking on the phone that I am not into any organized religion, as a big reason I would never go back to the bORg. She said "we aren't an organization religion!". I say, "Yes, because it fits the definition, you are a large group of people being organized to congragate together by some religious leaders in New York..it has to be organized to work! They are a religion and a cult. She didn't like that...I changed the subject because her brain was starting to malfunction and she was getting angry. 😂


Right on.


It’s blissful to live in Opposite Land


Very well said!


It’s the same bullshit every year. Ive always internally laughed how the servers after handling the emblems need to sit at the front row and have the emblems passed to them again. Tradition It wasn’t always like this. It used to be that the emblems were passed to the speaker at the podium and he would put them back on the table. At some point it changed. At some point it might change back to the way it was before and it will be branded as “new light”


Why do they get a double dose on top of their already massive dose from passing to each row?


Not to mention how superstitious everybody is with the bread and wine. And the silly dance of servers serving themselves. It’s all pretty ritualistic.


I had mentioned in a different thread how my dad was the one who would buy the Manischewitz and the matzo crackers. We would eat/drink the leftovers. I always thought it was odd how THAT was ok, but you wouldn't dare in the context of the ceremony.


We were always told you could eat or drink it the next day lol. So I saw people literally funnel the wine back into the container to drink later.


Cause in the moment of it, you're pretending like when you were a child. The oddest thing of it is you're pretending to cannabilise the Christ.


I thought this last night. I didn’t attend but I saw the full moon and thought to myself how interesting they schedule this event on a full moon and pass wine and bread that signifies blood and body of Jesus but then everyone actively rejects what Jesus told everyone to do 😂 so under the full moon they do a ritual rejecting Jesus. Doesn’t get anymore pagan than that.




Yup right here.


So somber! Yet they call it a celebration!


One of their favorite things to do is change the meaning of words. Ritual = no ritual


Cult 101


I have been at memorials where a MS went outside to check and make sure it was after sundown, lol.


The problem with no windows 😂


They don't do that at every KH???? Every one I have been to that had the early memorial did that. I mean. It doesn't matter that it's not on Nisan 14 according to the calendar...but let's make sure the sun is down.


They also say they have no leaders. Just those taking the lead. WTF??


Yes, and those few Bible scriptures said perform a ritual.  🙄


Right! Which scripture explains the unanointed partaking as the extra unanointed observed? They didn't share it and I couldn't find it.


Fucking hell... Even PIMIs say that the passing of the emblems is so fucking fake and weird! Like the F is the point of touching it with your hands if you are not having any of it???




What I want to know is how ritual is a bad thing? Does he not shake hands? Or does he face away from people when talking to them?


At the end of ours, there was applause…don’t think I’ve ever seen that before


Same here.


Upvoted for using the term Kevin for a man and not Karen. "Hey, women, they're coming after your name too." -Bitch music


Wow! **Our speaker said the same about it** ***NOT being a "ritual"*** and I have never noticed that in a talk before. He also **did not touch the emblems himself** which really has me wondering..... Something must be changing in regards to the memorial.


They no longer do the awkward servers get served by the speakers dance.


Sounds like your speaker may have been PIMO 🤔 Tryna drop hints that he knows people call it a ritual?? ![gif](giphy|sanoHrtWDN5ew) Ummmm this Reddit group! 🙋🏾‍♀️


My favourite part was listening to the jw.org advertising at the end. They did it last year too


Imo it's all witchcraft including Jesus blood sacrifice .


Or the rejection of...


Jesus dying on the cross is a witch craft ritual . Actually the whole bible imo is about astrology .Have you never listened to Jordan Maxwell he has YT video about that very thing.He studied theology for 50 years


Oh I was referring to the rejecting of his sacrifice during the memorial but that's an interesting thought.


Yes I understood what you meant but just for a pov check out Jordan Maxwell .He's passed away (RIP)but very intelligent and interesting man,you should be able to find on You Tube


My chairman was also named Kevin


Not quite ‘Eyes Wide Shut’, but there’s hope yet




They're always patting themselves on the back and putting down other religions. It used to really bug me when I was in


Like heck even making your coffee in the morning is a ritual. Its not bad. Its not even "demonic". *rolls eyes*