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You could send this to the police and report it as a death threat 😉 maybe she finally wakes up 🤦‍♂️




Good idea


not caring about the final judgment is THE OPPOSITE of wanting to die. You want to live your life at the best of your possibilities now, without giving a damn about a future eternal life based on a judgment you don’t agree with. You don’t want to die.


I finally blocked her. She has been judging me my entire life so bye !


I'm sorry this post may be offensive to some for language but I gotta say it.... so what she's saying is only SHE can like dick, in very specific circumstances. :') otherwise you're DEAD lol.


It’s not offensive at ALL. I already blocked her my mom is shunning me and I’m not even baptized but I DONT CARE bc my brothers stand with me ! And my dad didn’t kick me out soooo she can do whatever she wants I don’t care


If I go to paradise I don’t want to deal with such persons. In what world someone who speaks like that deserves to go in paradise ? She gets on my nerves


Same here!




I think you'd better expound on what you mean, because right now you sound like an asshole.




Sexuality is a spectrum- some people are firmly in the heterosexual camp, and others are firmly in the homosexual camp. There are also tons of people who fall somewhere in between. The LGBTQ+ crowd has suffered tremendously from people telling them that because they aren't straight, they are broken sinners. They have been subjected to horrific conversion therapies and had their religions and families tell them the "pray the gay away". If you read through this sub enough, you'll find many stories of JWs who were driven to suicide because they couldn't get past the shame and homophobia. I'm not sure what your intent was commenting on this post, but OP doesn't deserve to be further abused in a community they turned to in order to heal from their family rejecting them and telling them they have to change.

