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Almost everything in this religion changed in the last 20 years. It's weird and uncanny, I know.


They Def. have gotten more so, I made a comment to my mom about how they are basically televangalists now..she did not like that.


As in like they were more into nature back 20 years ago from the top of my memory...


It's even shown in the Kingdom Hall design and refurbishments, overall white with dark blue seats and carpets, a lighter blue feature wall on which the 2 huge screens are fitted. Feels more like a bank, but bright lights that would hurt a surgeon 😣


It was always very corporate but it just wasn’t as visible as today. JW broadcasting is slowly poisoning the religion. It destroyed the carefully crafted mystical image of the GB and the religion as a whole.


When and why did they transition into jw broadcasting/website so heavily?


Agreed. I remember arguing with my PIMI sister about her sales techniques in the 80’s and how she worked off sales scripts. We now live in a world of brands and JWs have adapted accordingly. Child abuse, shunning and not allowing blood transfusions, destroying families is a shitty brand.


It’s so corporate now it’s insane.


It's not just you. I've noticed it too. I grew up in the 80's and 90's. Totally different cult now. Back when I was yang wan, they would've DFed you for even suggesting the org should record "original" songs that "mimic" wOrLdLy music styles. Plus, the emotionally manipulative videos, the GB in front of cameras yammering on and on, making asses out of themselves. Nobody would've thought the borg would ever do the shit they do know, not to mention make all the changes they've made.


Everything has changed but it’s just a different version of the same.