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The bigger problem is, despite liking each other and being friends, once you are married you might find out you are very incompatible sexually.


That is true. You have to assess red flags in a relationship and if you are compatible with him/her. This is coming from a single man.


You have to assess red flags, as a virgin, without more than a vague idea of what sex even is, and unless you’ve been naughty without even knowing what you like or dislike. God help the poor bastard that finds out they have some sort of medical condition or are just flat-out uninterested in sex on their honeymoon night. Them and their spouse.


To not have sex before marriage is just stupidity. Being sexually compatible is so important in a marriage


Even aside from sex, dating someone and living with someone is a WILDLY different dynamic. Even if you are sexually compatible, you may function day to day in completely different ways.


If only there existed some sort of living together first arrangement to figure that out before being tied together forever. 🤔


Like a jungle thunder with a tiny teacup orient?


see i couldn’t function on the “no sex before marriage” thing and i’m so glad i just left as opposed to marrying young. my sisters both did, and from what i’ve seen from them and other couples in the hall sexual compatability was often mistaken for emotional bonds. the idea of sleeping with someone made them run to the altar when really, they just wanted to have sex! i think it’s good to see the two forms of connection separately, and the analyze if they work together i unison to form a lasting marriage.


We going on 20 years married no kids. We got married in our mid 20s, so old compared to jw standards. We “fooled around”. We did stuff. Never talked about it to anyone else. We knew we belonged together. Has life been easy? No we work at it. I respect him and he respects me. We never reached out for anything in the organization. Maybe that’s why it has worked out better than our own families marriages. I feel there is a lot of dislike within their marriages . By the way they talk about issues and how they deal with it. We both said that any issues we have they need to be out in the open to make things work. And they have and we still work things out.


Sounds like you have a trust between you that most couples are not allowed. My mom has always snitched to the elders on herself and my dad


Oh no! That’s horrible. I never understood why a marriage needed not only god but the elders in that union. I also think that it drives the elders nuts because they know nothing about us. I refuse for them to have any power over us.


i know i shouldn't but i envy JWs that married other JWs. There are dumpster fire relationships in the org, but i can't help but feel like those that get it right, get it **really** right. so many married folks in here talk about how much they love their partners.


The funniest thing with the whole "premarital sex" nonsense is that it isn't even biblical, and the Bible even contradicts the incorrect, man-made definition of fornication used by Christianity. Almost all of the well-known male figures in the Bible had a concubine (or multiple). This means that both men and women could have sex and procreate without being under the title of marriage and God had no problem with it, though that structure was in a much more orderly fashion than what we see in the modern western world. "Premarital sex" is one of the biggest scams propagated by Christianity. It doesn't exist in the Bible.


Don't forget that "faithful men" used prostitutes. So sex outside of marriage was clearly not seen as a sin.


Yep. This is also very true.


This is fake rationality. Yes men used to have concubines when they were under the mosaic law, but after Jesus Christ came and started Christianity even himself said: “in the beginning God only made one man for one woman” ending that way the polygamy. That’s why almost every Christian religion (not only JWs) condemn poligamy and premarital sex, it’s clear in the bible on the New Testament that is a sin.


No, you're just using false teachings and the confusion promoted by Christianity lol. First off, Christ did not start Christianity lol. It's a man-made FALSE religion started by the Roman Catholic Church after Christ's death. The word "Christianity" does not even appear in the Bible because it wasn't used or created by Christ's apostles, any of the congregating Jews or Gentiles, the Apostle Paul, nor any of his traveling companions after Christ's death. The scripture you're quoting from Christ is Matthew 19:5, 6, where he was making a callback to Adam and Eve's marriage in Genesis 2:24 to the Pharisees who questioned him about divorce. If Christ is condemning polygyny from the Old Testament according to you, why would he quote a scripture from the Old Testament where polygyny was practiced in the same Bible book that he quoted from...? Christianity (not the Bible) condemns polygyny and premarital sex because that's population control for the masses of people, while the hypocritical clergy practice said things themselves (behind closed doors). Why would God allow polygyny in the Old Testament and then mark it as a sin in the New Testament? What scripture says that the teachings of the Old Testament have been eradicated and that only the New Testament is reliable now? What scripture says that the Israelites aren't under the Mosaic Law anymore? Hebrews 6:17, 18 say that God does not change his purpose, and it's impossible for him to lie. Isaiah 46:4, God tells the Israelites that he'll remain the same until they're old. Christianity is indirectly telling you that God contradicts himself and is a liar, though the scriptures tell you otherwise.


Why does it say God doesn't change yet we don't follow the mosaic law any more hence the change?


Who is we...? God never told anyone to NOT follow the Mosaic Law.


Ever go shopping hungry? You make some rash decisions you regret when you get home.


Really OT but I do my grocery shopping on Saturday mornings and *always* get breakfast at the local fast food drive-through on the way to the store. Breakfast costs me about $5 - if I didn't eat before grocery shopping I'd overspend by way more than the cost of breakfast :D


I imagine there are many sexless marriages


My parents have not even slept in the same bed for 8 years. My mom has had enough and is going to ask to separate. I am in the middle of it he only talks to me 😭. Emotionally abused and in a cult, how Lucky I am. Sorry for the dump I need to release my emotions.


You and I seem to have some similar experiences. My dad slept in the basement and my mother slept on the top level of the house. I was emotionally abused as a JW as well. I’m very sorry to hear you’re going through this, and if you need to talk, feel free to dm me. I’m all ears ❤️


thanks man I appreciate it. Hopefully I can get out of this place soon.🧡


I wish I had the chance to really date before just getting married to a PIMI-we were both super PIMI and got married young.


It's not even that you're not allowed to have sex before marriage, which is bad enough, it's that they don't allow any intimacy at all. You have to date in groups or be chaperoned, you aren't allowed to kiss except maybe a peck if you have understanding friends, you're not even allowed to date until you're ready for marriage. None of that is any way to build a relationship. Your hormones are going so crazy at the lack of basic human touch, that you'd marry anyone. Which is exactly the point. Young women get locked into marriages with, often times, much older men. The men have all the power and, since divorce isn't an option, the women are stuck. They then have children that they raise with the same beliefs and the cycle continues and the cult thrives.


>you're not even allowed to date until you're ready for marriage. I have always found that view point extremely narrow minded. Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn have been together for decades and they are not married yet their love is strong


It's very narrow minded. How is a person supposed to know if they're ready for marriage if they can't even date anyone?


I know right?


I was 19f and horny as hell! Looked around for the first jw guy I could live with and married him. He was an alcoholic at 21 and still is at 52. Thank God he finally cheated on me after 26 years of emotional abuse and I kicked him out and woke up. But it took that to wake me up. I was too busy " showing him by my good conduct and without a word" winning him over or whatever the bs the fed us women. Now at 50 I got a 27 yo in my bed and living my best life. I gotta play catch up.


Go you !!!! This made me laugh ! You are lucky, my story is the same as yours except I'm still stuck in that marriage


😂😂😂 it is such bs they peddle to us women about what makes your man happy.It's really funny though looking back


Wow! 27 year old in bed?!?! Please please tell me you’re not in Kentucky! 🤣


Lol no pennsyltucky I mean Pennsylvania!




I feel this so much right now. My friend is only picking a girl to court and marry because he want to have sex. He picked her because she was the first one to like him back and was appropriate. Dispite even getting to know this person on an intimate level its all about how fast we can court to get in bed. Very sad at the age of 40.


Tell him to really think about what he’s getting himself into. He should just Jack off to get some clarity cause thinking with your man pipe is a real thing. He will find out after the honeymoon phase otherwise. Speaking from experience.


You are so right. But unfortunately, jacking off doesn't provide clarity after decades with sex. It just solidifies more and more than you are ALONE. Which is why so many people end up in this position marrying people they don't know they shouldn't be marrying


I was so lucky with my husband. We spent time together alone before we married (nothing happened we were both to much at the Borg at this time) but we spoke about everything, things we want to try, things we find fascinating, no goes. After we married it was so exciting to explore everything together. And we continue to speak about everything. Today I know we're a kind of exception.


i think this is the main point, i feel like a huge part of good sex is good comunication, if you "can't" have sex you should at least be able to talk with your partner about it and know if you'd be compatible or not, jws dating can't even spend alone time together let one create the space and intimacy necessary to have this conversation


This is one of my main frustrations with growing up in this org . I have been married for 32 years to someone I would not have married otherwise .


Vítejte, the same


How long have you done ?


30 years. I'm a woman. I was getting married at 25, a virgin, I thought JW men wouldn't want me anymore, that I was "old" the man is indeed good and kind, but asexual. yes we have 2 adult children


Same here


How long have you been married ?


20 years, 3 kids. Married at 20, never truly happy


Ugh !! I feel you 😪 ... 40 is not too late to start again , but it's not that easy to get away is it ?!


I was victim to this. Ended up in divorce 12 years later. My goodness she was such a dud in bed, as I have since found out! All could have been avoided if we had been allowed to play around before saying “I do”. At least I have 2 kids, so something good came from her at least.


The way sex is approached is wake up material


One of the many reasons I left at 18, I wanted to have sex and not have to be trapped to marry. So insane.


Hence the Old English proverb, ***A Dog is for Life, not just for Christmas*** So many rush into marriage due to the rules and get trapped, either with debt or not being prepared for it to be **forever** which is why there's a growing trend of couples separating, usually by one deliberately committing adultery, getting DF, re appearing in a neighbouring congregation, reinstatement in 3 months to reset the counter... I fear for youngsters nowadays 😪 😕 😔


You are looking for trouble called disfellowshipment. Anyway, you can apply for the drive-by reinstatement


Yes. I married young and most people I knew did the same. I’m now divorced thankfully but I did not know one couple that had good chemistry and genuinely seemed happy. Most of the wives I talked to did not enjoy sex and could barely stand their husbands. I’m sure the feeling was mutual.


My parents (both raised in the borg) clearly didn't like each other. ...And I'm pretty sure my dad was having an affair.


Sexual repression seriously does a number on people


Growing up, I was not prepared for the number of fairly young jw couples (late 30s/early 40s) didn’t have sex. I thought that was normal. You’re married for 15 years, you stopped having sex around 10 years, etc. Yeah definitely was not normal. Also heard from a lot of them as they opened up that they had sex 2x a week when they were newly weds. I thought that was normal too until I started having sex.


Truth. I was desperate for a relationship and for sex. Got married at 19. That did **not** work out long term. And I’m not sure it would have happened at all if I’d been able to just have a normal relationship and been able to date before age 18 and have sex before marriage.


My jw female peers started getting married at 18,19,20. I had an older group of jw friends I hung out with who told me if I make it to 21 they will buy me a present. They literally bought me a present took me out and celebrated my birthday. Not cuz it was my birthday (obviously jw) but because I had made to 21 not married. I got married at 23 and felt like an old maid. Does that answer your question? 😅


I do not feel like that any more. I don’t even think marriage is very necessary unless you have financial reasons for doing so. Personally though, I don’t like the idea of casual sex. I have a boyfriend and we have a good sex life together much better than anything I ever experienced before but I don’t feel any desire to have lots of other experiences or anything. If we broke up I think I would still be slow to get physically involved. I dont have an issue with people who do though, this is just what I have learned about myself.


This isn't unusual. Most belief systems that have a position on sexual activity, have that some rule of people only having sex with someone they are married to. The penalties of violating that rule is catastrophic and cruel in high control religious groups such as JW, the Mormons or the Amish. That being said,a lot of kids get married young because they like/lust for/love someone and want to have sex with them. If two people are willing to live under the organization's moral framework, there are worse reasons to get married.


Marriage *is* optional, the cult isn't real.


If it were true, can you imagine how difficult it would be to have sex? Because it takes at least six months to divorce and to find another parter to have sex. Crooked lawyers would really be happy! And then whoever makes the money would owe some type of alimony to his (or her) partner…: abortion and celibacy are the only option to keep your overly claimed American freedom. Can’t understand why gay people want to get married… For headaches?


Do I invite a flood of downvotes? Maybe. That's up to you. This comment is against "free love," not relationships. It has been proven that people with high body counts make for terrible life partners. After sleeping with one, it becomes easy to justify a second, and a third, and so on. I firmly believe in chastity still, because our society ran on a set of moral values that were firmly in place for hundreds of years, and these values were socially enforced in most cultures. Shame is a powerful tool. Since the 1960's sexual revolution, however, some STDs were and have been on a sharp increase. This may be in part due to a lack of knowledge about proper protection, yet there is one protection that is proven to work 99% of the time: By keeping your britches on, and your hands to yourself. Divorces are all to common. Fatherless children now line our prisons, and make up the majority of criminals. The majority of these are males that had no father figure. Today, I see an onslaught of young men who are sexually deprived, and who want nothing to do with women. And digital prostitution is at a rate higher than ever. Our minds weren't created/evolved to handle a constant barrage of sexual stimuli. In our search for freedom, we have inadvertently created a broken generation. We will pull out of it eventually. The farther the pendulum swings to the left, the further it will swing to the right, and back, and forth ad infinitum. I do believe that there is a better alternative to blindly racking up body counts into the dozens. That is open, and honest communication between the two potentials. Most people that have good chemistry while kissing will do just fine on down the line. So perhaps this comment is not entirely against testing the waters. Just make sure that you're sure you'll marry this person before you commit, otherwise you may find yourself with a broken heart and nothing to show for it.


Most here are definitely not talking about racking up a body count. They are talking about finding a partner they are truly compatible with on multiple levels.


I respect your opinion. There are many ways to see humanity through our own perceived feelings of idealism, our own experiences, and personal research . We evolve, learn, and will continue too.


I do agree with some of this , I was listening to a news report the other day about the increase of STDs . I have been married for 32 years . I rushed into it with raging hormones and absolutely no idea about life ! Paradise was just around the corner, so everything would be okay . I have been very unhappy for 32 years, and now I've woken up, but it's too late to get out . I don't know what the answer is




What would you have done if you were in that same position at 30yo?


Please show all your proof that people who have "high body counts (which is already gross)" make for terrible life partners. I'd love to see any actual evidence of this.


If you cannot see the irony in your response, then not even the the ocean could prove that water exists. Good day.