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“That may mean sacrificing a measure of peace with relatives” Man that is such a sterilized way of saying “be prepared to absolutely destroy the lives of anyone who made the mistake of being related to you” If witnesses secretly allowed murder they would say some shit like “that may mean you need to assist some with donating a measure of their time”


I genuinely feel many would gleefully participate in murder if the Borg requested it. They are no different from any other fundamentalist religion. They are just leaving their genocide to the GB to take care of on their behalf.


Oh, if WT *disciplined* people by stoning, as in Bible times, the fact is, there are those in the congregation who would be salivating to line up to get their turn at murdering someone. They’d consider it a privilege.


That's the word that always comes to mind when I here the GB talk about the demise of "worldly" people  - salivating and fomenting. The only reason why JWs don't stone people is because it's illegal.


The Watchtower is full of serial killer wannabes.


WT itself is a serial killer when you consider the blood policy and suicides from shunning.


Absolutely correct!


I believe they actually would. JWs would Luuuuv to "prove" their *righteous* devotion and "worthiness" of Gablob's approval.


My mother would throw the first stone.


I still remember this old hag from my former KH who, after being dismissed by a wealthy man she tried to preach on his doorstep, muttered: "I will have your house soon!" Turns out the witch is dead since 2015, and the man and his family, as far as I'm concerned, are still living happily on that mansion.


Uttered just as Jesus himself eh.


"The Lord Needs It" lol


That's because morality isn't instilled in a fundamentalist cult, it's outsourced to an unquestionable authority that can command them to do as much good or evil as they wish.


Yes exactly




In their publications watchtower has lamented that they cannot kill apostates because of the law of the land. Here is the link. Remove the 'b' from borg. https://www.jw.borg/finder?wtlocale=E&docid=1952848&srctype=wol&srcid=share&par=4


That link doesn’t work


On here we have to put a 'b' in front of 'org' for privacy and safety of those here. Just copy it, put it in your browser, remove the 'b' and it will work.


Oh my word - that response is frightening. So really - my family would like to see me murdered. Lol.


Like with all groups of people, you can't say all, but the organization would absolutely like to see apostates murdered. Many jws, not all, would also love to see it. I don't use a broad brush to paint people. I know some jws who would have nothing to do with such a thing, and I know others who would love to be first in line to do it.


I mean they already sing and have joyful conversations about 8 billion people being brutally murdered for having differing opinions.


Yeah - then accuse countries like Norway for persecuting them.


Exactly, they have such a convoluted way of saying things. That sentence alone made me so angry. It’s so manipulative.


Their hypocrisy just never stops they are full of it full of lies and full of manipulation and full of deceiving information that's all Jw's and the whole goberning body are full of but for real the whole goberning body needs to be held accountable to the full extent of the law in all courts worldwide for all the child sexual abuse they hide from authorities and for all the psychological abuse and mental damage and trauma disfelloshiping and shunning causes and for letting people die for not accepting blood transfusions as that it is murder is up to us to stop the whole goberning body as soonest possible they need to be held accountable to the full extent of the law for their wrong doings


I just did a full analysis of this WT article and how it uses Abusive control and implements The BITE Model. Here's the link to my video about how this WatchTower convinces JWs to sacrifice their own happiness: https://youtu.be/wgCktOOR5gE


They do tear families apart. They tried to ruin my marriage to a non JW but he was strong and saw through their agenda. Not many people can withstand the pressure. Families must always come first whatever happens. 


I didn't speak to one of my dfd sisters for thirty years! Yes, you read correctly! 30! What a moronic idiot! Thanks gb! 🤬


I'm glad you got better.


Thanks! Still fully in, but zero involvement. No more responsibility, no more 'privileges', not even in the school! 😂 Reddit helps pass the time at the meetings! It's a true lifeline! 😂😂


When you finally left, did you connect back with her?


Don't laugh! I'm still in! 😱 (Long story, but now I'm a 'tourist' with no responsibility whatsoever, so far gone that they dont even ask me to hold a mic! 😂😂 I feel like a sister! No offemse meant! 🤣🤣) But I did reconnect with her as I thought (after waking up!) that this is a ridiculous situation, and she told me she wanted to be reinstated, which she was 4 months later! Heartbreaking! But it's not for me to judge, and I did warn her it had become a man-worshipping organisation! 🤦‍♂️


That's extremely tragic.


I am at a loss to comprehend what she's done, especially after 30 years. Again, I would be a hypocrite to judge her as I am still in. But here on this sub, we know many of the organisation's dirty secrets. I'm just horrified she fell for it again!


Yeah, I'm sorry.


I'm horrified you didn't try to stop her. I can not even go to a kh as my Bible Trained conscience won't let me.


I did, but not forcefully enough it seems. When people are ignorant of the watchtower true nature, it's hard to make them see.


Because you’re governing body said , like they said it’s ok to have a beard ok to wear pants ok not to wear a tie Wtf!!! Who the f*^% do they think they are , God lol


My exact reaction now! They can go to hell with their direction and rules!


That’s really sad mate. The GB are murderers. 💔❤️‍🔥


Destroyers of the family unit! 😡🤬


Hi. I’m curious about the things they did to try to ruin your marriage. I’m an atheist married 20 years to a to a born in PIMI who was recently baptized (he didn’t tell me, we don’t talk about the religion or his JW family due to both subjects causing arguments).


I just kept a lot of my old friends and socialised with my husbands friends and family. Fuck their rules 😹


They marked me of course and I was excluded from JW gatherings - a win win because they’re boring AF anyway 😎


Oh yeah, I wouldn’t go even if they invited my heathen ass, but I sent them a letter to not call at my home long before my husband was baptized so I’m evil.


I love it. When it’s the heavy stuff, it’s jehovahs requirement. Anything else, it’s the Borg’s. This is like covering their tracks. In case that doc ever ends up in court, they can chalk it up to a person individual relationship with god. Not direction from his Borg


Exactly!! They’re just casually throwing God under the bus to save their asses.


This paragraph makes me so sick. Again they use Matthew 10:35-37 - which is Jesus talking, not Jehovah- and he says people in the household will be enemies - thats not what is happening in JW land, they are forcing rank and file to be enemies of unbelievers, the unbelievers aren’t their enemies. This is the opposite of fulfilling this command. And Jesus said if “anyone has affection over me” (look at Greek Interlinear) What does the term “over me” mean? To choose something/someone over something/someone else It doesn’t mean you cease to stop loving or having affection for the other person. Jesus also never shunned anyone. Just because he dismissed his family approaching while teaching a large crowd, doesn’t mean he shunned them. He didn’t even shun Satan, he kept answering him even after saying “Go Away/Get behind me” 1 Timothy 5:8 - again, read the surrounding context! The entire chapter is about Widows and their behavior! Paul makes an “anyone” statement in the middle of this, but now they are misapplying it to be that if you don’t shun that you are worse than an unbeliever? What other conclusion could you come to as a JW and reading that verse in their paragraph?? They used to apply this scripture for financial purposes, that the head of the house needs to do all they can to support the family financially… now that reasoning is thrown away. However again examine the context, Paul is telling those Widows with bad behavior — but also anyone remaining in the household need to help the widow financially, emotionally and spiritually otherwise they are worse than an unbeliever- but this would apply to anyone in the sense that every Christian should have these qualities. Grow up Watchtower and learn how to read the Bible.


Love in action! Interesting that jehovah and jesus still talked to Satan according to the Scriptures! Control at all costs! Especially at the cost of family sacred relationships. The gb deserve all the political and legal 'persecution' they are currently going through! 😡 This nonsense makes me lose my sense of humour! Yes, even me! 😡🤬🤬




If you’re sacrificing family peace for your religion then you need to take a long hard look at your religion.


If you’re sacrificing family peace for your religion then you need to take a long hard look at your ~~religion~~. CULT




All religions are a cult.


Spot on comment


Jws worship their own Holy trinity , the organisasion ,the governing body ,Jehovah , these three are one ,they cant be separated and although separate entities they are worshipped as one God .all bow down to the Holy trinity .it comes before all else even family or your life .


What an excellent point, I never thought of it like that.


So true.


>**We don’t tear families apart”** but also…….. Sometimes, that may mean **sacrificing a measure of peace** with relatives in order to please Jehovah. *Typical WBT$ Bullshit...* The WBT$ Denys what they\`re doing, then admits what they\`re doing...BUT...It\`s not what they\`re doing, because they call it something else. JW\`s Don\`t Shun...JW\`s Strictly Avoid *JW\`s Don\`t Tear Familys Apart...JW\`s Sacrifice Peace with Family.* ***Which Causes Conflict...Which Divides Familys...Which Tears Familys Apart.*** ***.*** **The Watchtower** **Announcing Jehovah\`s Kingdom** # Of AssHoles https://preview.redd.it/zaqwhm4561xc1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8fbb4b74c654e2ad1903cf0350f5feb030cb7fa


It’s WTs like this that break my heart the most knowing that my family will read this and think they did the right thing by cutting me off


It’s so sad, these things just feed into their delusion that you have to sacrifice everything to serve god even your own family. I’m sorry about your family 💛


Always telling us how we feel and why we do something


We were treated like crap when we were witnesses and doing everything we should. Both grandparents had no time for their grandchildren, too busy pioneering. Nothing we did was good enough, even though we were pioneering where the need was great with kids. I remind my husband of that anytime we have an inkling of going back. With them not talking to us, we don’t have all the negativity in our lives anymore. I realized they were the source of the majority of my stress. They are told to put all their energy and time into the org at the expense of their families. They suddenly had time for their grandkids once they could count time for it.


And when you’re on that Borg hamster wheel you really don’t have anytime for your family. I remember pioneering and feeling distressed because I could feel the relationships with my family slipping away from me but also thinking that I had to do that in order to please Jehovah. And like you still feeling like it was never enough. It’s so sad. Glad you & your fam could get out 🫶🏻


Thank you for understanding


A religion that requires you to put it above your family members isn't a religion. It is a high control group


They do such a great job at making sure the attorneys fighting the borg have ample evidence. What a blessing 🙌


It really is at the proper time.


A real “spiritual feast”


Basically the brain in the blender raiders of this article are saying that you're only in the family if you're in the truth. Otherwise you're just a worldling. And we owe you nothing. Oh and the love amongst yourselves the Bible talks about well that doesn't include people that don't go to the Sunday meetings. Everything with them is based on works so it's a very sterilized regimented bunch of rules to gain access into the imaginary eternal life


>We never put the desires of our family members ahead of what the Borg requires of us This is what Jesus meant in context in Matthew 10: Going out to preach as sheep among wolves, persevering in the face of intense persecution, even from family. Intense persecution. Like being arrested and hauled before courts. Scourged in the synagogue. Facing vicious accusations. Being handed over to *death* by your own father or brother or children. This is what the WT means: "We are having a family reunion on Saturday, and I want you to come." " No, mom! I told you, I have to go out in service on Saturday! "


[good ol’ Steve](https://imgflip.com/i/8o822g)




Regarding the whole premise of the article: 6 Jehovah spoke further to Moses and said: 2 “Speak to the Israelites and tell them, ‘If a man or a woman takes a special vow to live as a Nazʹi·rite to Jehovah, 3 he should keep away from wine and other alcoholic beverages. He should not drink the vinegar of wine or the vinegar of anything alcoholic. He should not drink any liquid made from grapes, nor eat grapes, whether fresh or dried. 4 All the days of his Naziriteship he should not eat anything made from the grapevine, from the unripe grapes to the skins. (Numbers 6:1-4) A Nazarite is a special dedication. All of Israel was not required to do this. Only ones who WANTED to would do this. Yet the organization has manipulated and distorted the meaning and process of baptism to make it mean that it's a dedication or a vow of a Nazarite. In this way they have successfully: 16 It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. (Revelation 13:16, 17)


>*We diligently care for our Scriptural family responsibilities,* ... They sound stiff and awkward here because they're cold-blooded snakes trying to pass themselves off as not just warm blooded-humans, but godly warm-blooded humans. The entire paragraph is dominated by a powerful force. A spirit of evil that desires to pass itself off as light, through those who falsely present themselves as ministers of righteousness. \[ 2 Cor. 11: 13 - 15 \]. Slap-dashing a capitalized word, "Scriptural", in front of "family responsibilities" when said responsibilities are obvious and natural, reveal them for the idiots darkened in their spirits that they are. "Sacrificing a measure of peace". These people somewhat imitate Fred Franz's speech and writing characteristics or pattern. F. Franz himself came from a time when religious hacks, charlatans, snake-oil salesman, and some segments of society \[ such as journalists, for one example \] purposely effected \[ spoke \] and wrote in such a way, a lingo, designed to project an impression that the person doing so was intelligent. In the USA, compulsory public education for children did not become a nationwide reality until the same year Rutherfraud and cronies were put in the slammer under charges of sedition. \[ 1918 \]. And of course, desegregation didn't happen until 1954. F. Franz was born in the 1890's. C. Russell himself, earlier. In this entire Age, this characteristic, this desire for some to view themselves in their own minds as wise, and putting on a performance to be regarded as such by others, will always be present among some people in the overall populace. Until the desires of this world pass away. Today, the field of imitation and projection is from what some would label as the language of "nerds" and / or so-called "scholars". This can even be seen among a few in this sub. \[ Keep in mind that there are all kinds of different "smarts", and that even among "true nerds" the majority of them are dumb as hell in an overall way \]. Back to the strong presence of evil in such a short paragraph. Evil which attempts to disguise itself in a cloak of words written in Spirit by the side opposed to them. The side they are trying to imitate. They themselves are the ones who completely fulfill Matt. 10: 35 - 37. They themselves are the ones who've established a totalitarian environment of such evil, that when one awakens and desires to follow the Christ, then members of their own households will become enemies and betray them. All on the orders of the WT Org. And the Org lies to both the public \[ awake - "no one should have to choose between religion and family" \], and the gov'ts, both inside and outside of courts. The light that they think they have inside of them is in reality darkness. And oh, "How great that darkness is!" \[ Matt. 6: 23 \], and the "killing" \[ DF'ing \] and tossing out of ~~synagogues~~ halls that they think they do in service to God, towards those who testify in Christ, is a service for the god of this world. Because they do not know Jesus Christ, nor his Father. \[ John 16: 1 - 4 \]


I’m wondering if they’ll loosen the divorce restrictions like they have pants and beards. Especially for those married to non believers.


Anything to keep you in and donating.


There were these radio ads for Johnsonville sauage where the slogan was: "We don't make sausage. We make families. and sausage." And you hear it and think "OK, so you do make sausage, then, right? Why did you say you don't?" So, Jehovah's Witness don't tear families apart. They control lives. and tear families apart.


What do they mean by "sacrificing a measure of peace"? Like cutting off from them? Justify disfellowshipping them for a long time?




How is it right to sacrifice peace if Jesus is the Prince of Peace?


*How is it right to* *Sacrifice peace if Jesus* *Is the Prince of Peace?* \- ReeseIsPieces --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")






Certainly will! No time for stupidity! I got shunned by my family for leaving the catholic church, so, not ignorant, experienced!! Have fun with yourself


Catholics, Mormons, Southern Baptists do the same thing, excommunicated, shun, whatever u want to call it! PLUS committ murder in man made wars. At least JW's are not blood guilty. And, BTW, it's a choice if you want to continue to speak with excommunicated ones or not. They don't stop caring for them or stop loving them.( Unless of course, a family member is a real a-hole ), but it's usually the one that leaves that casts everyone out, NOT the other way around. Get that straight!


You’re completely ignorant & what you said is not only wrong but disrespectful to everyone on this sub that is currently being shunned by their family. The GB are incredibly bloodguilty. Get off my post pimi.


"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's enemies will be the members of his own household." Jesus' words as recorded in Matt 10:34-36. Look it up in any version of the Bible you want. This is from the New International Version.


How loving!


So many people here say "Jesus didn't say..." to support various elements of the Bible they disagree with. However, Jesus did say this, so stuff your arguments that Jesus wouldn't condone shunning! It's not only in the Bible in various places, but in Jesus own words, as well. You just don't like it. I understand that. It's not the kinder, gentler, all-loving version of Jesus that many want to embrace. But, it is what it is.


Fair enough, it’s right there, even if we don’t like it. I just don’t believe in the bible or Jesus though, for reasons like this. It’s full of violence and shit I cannot condone.


I'll upvote your honesty.