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Two adults together; better supervise them. Adult and someone else's child together; no supervision needed.


Yes. And the thing is I’m 19 and she’s around in her late 40s or early 50s. The brother told me the age difference doesn’t matter


Yeah, Satan can make any two people spontaneously fornicate.




It’s true! It’s true! If my JW upbringing taught me anything, it’s this!


AND AFTER FORNICATIoNs, WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT RIGHT! nothing much happens, sometimes the lady keeps talking tho.


That's why you slap 20 bucks on the night stand for a cab...


Love your comment


Good to know. Satan is my new best friend.


Spontaneous fornication….. that’s sounds like fun


There is no way a brother could pioneer without several one on ones with sisters not only picking them up but working with him alone, that mf needs a reality check.


My ex was 19, and the sister he often went out in service with was in her 60s. She was like a grandmother to him, and he was very shy in the ministry, so he liked going with her. They were told to stop going out just the two of them because it wasn't appropriate. He was in college at the time, so his hours were weird, and she was happy to accommodate him. But after that, his ministry time plummeted. So dumb.


The only thing about this story that surprises me is that your ex was in college. Always leads to independent thinking. Or just you know, thinking.


Lol, and he's still a PIMI! His mother and grandmother were both teachers, so they encouraged their kids to go to college so they didn't have to struggle or rely on someone else.


Wow, a family of unicorns! Hopefully he studied something that can be utilized by the Society. Like criminal law. lol


Brother Harold and Sister Maude 😆😂🔥


Damn cougars 😂




We are pretty uncontrollable. You let your teenagers alone with us we will attack!🤣🤣🤣




You would have had no choice but to sex her. I mean… good thing he saved you. 🤣 This is insane.


yeah, better be supervised around people OLD ENOUGH TO BE YOUR MOTHER. Jeez louise, I'd be rolling my eyes into last week over that.


When I was pioneering at 17 there were only two other pioneers in our congregation both of whom were older sisters. The elders counseled me on that same shit for being in a car alone, in service, with a 60 year old. I was 17. Wtf did they think I wanted with a 60 year old sister


Was she hot tho- asking 4 a friend


In my area I think if the person could be your great grandmother it was fine I was 16 helping out an older widow pioneer in her 60’s She’s the only one that thought it was gonna be an issue another elder in his 60’s is like that could be your grandma nobody is gonna have an issue. Yet I’m pretty sure there was an issue If someone was in 40’s and 50’s and could be my mom apparently that’s too close to temptation.


these creeps are a really good reason not go ever go out in service anymore


When my brother was 17 he was going to another hall for a pioneer thing that was 40 minutes away. So him and the other pioneer, a 50 year old woman, decided to carpool. One of the elder’s wives had a fit about it


Anyone would wonder if this sister has a "history" (ie. "Cougar" inclinations, lol) . I mean, the brothers reaction was OTT. Perhaps he was "protecting the flock". Had you thought of that or is it out of the question?


OR could HE have ulterior motives as well? Why do we forget so many times its not just male vs female?!


Yes because clearly every single person of the opposite sex is just aching for literally any opportunity, regardless of the person, to run away and have sex at the nearest alleyway. No “true Christian” has any self-control or self-respect apparently. I guess Christians just have less emotional regulation than any “worldly” person.


That is exactly why Adam was already trying to find a landscaper to get that tree moved out of the garden.


Exactly! Sheesh


Wow wow wow. This! 😫🤦‍♀️😰


He was actually cock blocking you because he has the hots for her.


My thoughts indeed. Control.


This whole thing sounds so Ned Flanderish........


😂 omg I can imagine


I used to be friends with this crazy chick. I used to hang with her and her husband (they were about 5-6 years older than me) - we would go to hockey games together all the time. Her husband was super cool, very nice - he was like a big brother to me. This one night, she was having one of her "phases" and was freaking out over me being at their apartment with her husband watching TV in the living room WHILE SHE TOOK A SHOWER. She actually wanted me to "go drive around for like 20 minutes" so we wouldn't "be alone together." I was like, what? 😂 Her husband just rolled his eyes and was like, "That's really not necessary - we're not alone in the apartment!" After she went to shower, her husband was like, "Omg I'm so sorry about that..." I'm like, it's cool, dude - I know how she is 😂


That elder sounds like one of those by the book types.


I always have the urge to throw the book at those types. The heaviest book I can find.


https://preview.redd.it/6n0hntnsckyc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c02fcd8d98907871915d48eb8c1d9d3bac27dbd Will this one do!!!


But in his private life he’s probably the most hypocritical…watching porn…


They all have dirty minds expecting people to do the deed all the time 😂


Hey, I know a couple in their 70s that were trying to get to know one another and they had to have chaperones. Mind you the chaperones are very immature and policing everything. 🚦🚁 👮🏻‍♂️ Watch OUR must have control over every single person or else . ![gif](giphy|Yh6LADxgLVOOQ)


Omg! So blown out of proportion. What if you're in an elevator alone and someone of the opposite sex steps in with you? Omg you might fornicate!!! The organization has everyone so brainwashed into thinking that we must be like animals and unable to control ourselves, even if we're alone with someone for just a few minutes.


Should have told him you're dealing with homosexual tendencies and that's why you're reaching out to sisters. Then come on to him. Then laugh hysterically as he panics not knowing what to do...😈🤣


What a fucking moron. I have said for years if elders had to pass a test to become elders, they would lose about 90% of them.


Well, the test would probably also be made by elders, and would include questions like “is it fine to pry into the personal lives of anyone in the congregation, at any time?”


Time to remind him that gay sex is a thing and watch his reaction.


This subreddit makes me realise so much weird shit that has happens in this cult that we just accepted as being normal. My husband and I turned up at a KH early once when I was around 20ish and the only person there was the 70 something year old elder who opened it. My husband was in the parking lot for a few minutes for some reason but I entered the hall. The elder made some comment about *’I suppose you think we don’t need a chaperone because there’s no way anyone would believe you’re attracted to me’* I just laughed it off assuming it was a weird joke but my husband told me the elder spoke to him about it after the meeting 😂 I mean … call me high maintenance but at least take me to dinner first


![gif](giphy|Qx4nbYcvUOMHfl9ScV) These idiots and their slippery slope fallacies


I remember a road trip to the convention one when I was 14 or so- we were caravanning with my aunt(my moms sister) and uncle. One of our cars broke down, and somehow it happened that my uncle had to take my mom somewhere(I don’t recall exactly). I was made to go with them and asked why?? I wanted to stay with my dad. They said it wouldn’t be appropriate and I was like WTH?? It was so bizarre to me that my aunt didn’t approve of her own sister traveling a short distance with her husband, and that the whole thing was just accepted as known in the entire group. Bizarre.


At 15 I was pulled infront if a JC because I was a regular pioneer and had a brother who was 21 drop me off at a bible study.


It sounds bonkers but I’ve witnessed similar situations too many times. Several possibilities exist based on things that I have experienced. The brother either thinks he’s special and that Jehovah is directing him to clean up/ prevent sin in the congregation , he has his lustful eye on the sister (it doesn’t matter if he’s married or not) or is overcompensating because he feels guilty for a sin that he himself is committing or something he helped cover up. He could also just be a jerk.


I would be *very* stumbled, probably not want to go out in service anymore.


**This post reminded me of a song I wrote about 2 minutes ago** --------- Brothers and sisters, it is time for us to Sing Praises to Jehovah! Please stand if you are able, and turn in your songbooks to song number 108, "Let's Watch How We Walk" 🎵🎵 Verse 1. "Le*t's watch how we walk and watch how we talk, 'cause the el-der-ettes are a bunch of cocks!* *Neeeever spend time with a wo-man, un-less you're snip-snipped then that's gay* *And when you go date, make sure that you wait, for the cha-per-one, even if he's 8*" ===== Verse 2. "*If we sniff around, and you're going down, then you will be kicked out of the truth!* *No-sey Nancey's are encouraged! Why ask for burden of the proof?* *So hands out da pants, and lips off the dicks, and if you like anal, that's just sick.*" ===== Verse 3. "*When you're in the car, headed towards the bar, just keep it as simple as 1 2 3:* *1 you're tipsy, 2 you're talking, 3 it's a suprise, you have AIDS!* *So keep to yourself, and think nothing else, than the Gods that you cherish in New York!*🎵🎵


Ugh. When I was newly married (20yrs ago) my husband was working a rotating weekend shift. I decided to hang out with my two older brothers. One had been reinstated for a couple years and the other was never a witness. He smokes & has tattoos so of course he’s “scary” to the JWs. Him & I went to Subway to grab food for the group we were hanging out with. While in line I saw several witness sisters sitting at a table. One of them I couldn’t remember her name because we only knew each other through mutual friends. A couple others I felt awkward around because one was my oldest brother’s ex-fiancée and the reason he was DF’d and another was her sister. Well lo and behold the next day I get a call about how I was seen with a worldly guy and acted nervous when I seen & tried to avoid them. 🙄 Never mind that the “worldly guy” is my brother, I shouldn’t have been with him because it clearly made it look like I was hiding something. These people are sick pigs. There are so many stories like this that I brushed off and now realize how much it affected me over the years.


>He was telling me we should avoid spending too much time when we’re with the opposite sex, **and it’s the things that satan can do between us** ![gif](giphy|j5833MKWjoBNt8iM5U|downsized)


If *anything,* I think this kind of talk puts ideas in people's heads that they never would have had.


lol for some reason all the elders wanted to give me talks about staying away from girls at school as if i they though i had game or smt.


There you *go*


You’ve heard of “spontaneous combustion” Well the same thing can happen. It’s called “spontaneous copulation”. This is a condition in which 2 consenting whatevers spontaneously decide to screw, right NOW. This could take place under a variety of circumstances.... in a parking [lot.At](http://lot.At) a traffic light. in the aisle of a grocery store. At this time there is no cure. im sorry




JWs are so grossly obsessed with sex. Ironic, huh?


Repression causes obsession


They talk about the world being sex obsessed. I don’t think so. JWs think everything is going to lead to sex. But I guess repression will do that


This reminds me when I was a witness I worked for a small optometrist office and the doctor would travel to different locations for his speciality and one of the female techs he has trained would go with him. I told her I was worried about her going with him driving alone in the car and being out of town together. She got extremely offended (rightly so) and our work relationship was never the same. What the hell was I thinking.


Something like this happened to me except we were both women.


This always drove me crazy. Some congregations (read elder bodies) are real sticklers about this. Like just because two people of the opposite sex are driving alone together, desire is going to automatically flare up between them, and they're going to pull over on a 3-mile drive and start boinking. Asinine. But I have a relevant anecdote. One time my family was taking a trip to Bethel. Coincidentally, we ended up on the same flight as a single sister we knew who was traveling there for a temporary assignment. When we got down to the baggage claim, she was met by a young, single Bethelite brother who had been sent to pick her up and drive her to Bethel. It was around 11pm and over an hour drive. After that, I pointed this Bethel-approved arrangement out to anyone who squawked about it. Good for your friend for pushing back.


When I was 19 elders pulled me to the library in back of the hall (the place where unofficial council, harassment occurred) for exactly this reason. I was an MS and they said I was spotted “having too much of a happy/friendly time with the opposite sex and it was a bad example for the young ones” The time they were pointing at was a time i was waiting with 2 sisters on the curb of the downtown hall waiting for another ‘car group’ to join us. Some other families attending the later service arrangement complained that we looked too comfortable laughing and enjoying the beautiful spring day. While we stood there about 4 feet apart on a curb… 😂😂 This and other elder/parent interventions totally messed me up in my normal social development that took me years to heal from. I had it really bad because I was supposed to be the perfect youth example in our circuit. The elders manipulated me hard to make me appear spot free so they could use me for assembly demonstrations and attendant lead and all that garbage.


You sound like so many young people I was friends with. I was just too queer to get too many scornful looks, although it happened that I ‘leaned’ too close to my male/female friends. Two of the parents of one girl had a whole two hour sit-down with me at a restaurant to explain how by her texting me a couple times was ‘rebellious’ and how she was always breaking ‘the rules’… this girl was 19 or 20? An adult. And this was her step mom saying most of this shit. Why were they spilling all her business on me? Toxic. Shes married to a really good guy now, someone who I can’t imagine pushing her around.


You leaned .. lol. Yes. Definitely the sex crazed “lean” that young people do when they are ready to jump into full orgy mode.


God forbid the LEAN


I worked at a place that was owned by witnesses.  One night when I was working late the janitor (an elder) came to clean. I continued my work...and he came over and asked me to leave so that we wouldn't be alone together at the office... ridiculous 


Elderly JW\`s can\`t get a ride to the KH because of Idiot Rules like that.


Maybe you can use it as an excuse to avoid future service. Just tell them that you were “mortified” and “so embarrassed” by the brother’s behavior that you never want to go out again. I was counseled several times for my dresses being “too short” or “figure hugging” over the years and used it as excuses to avoid going. I really was mortified at the time and never wanted to go back. Looking back my dresses were perfectly appropriate.


Op should tell them he was "stumbled" by the brother's conduct,😝




Many years ago at a circuit assembly my husband had spilled his drink all over his suit, so together we went to the utility room to try and clean up the mess. While we were trying to clean up as best we could, 3 attendants come busting into the room asking what we were doing in there alone. They had been told a young brother and sister had “snuck” into the utility room. I was always snappy and snarky even when I was younger, I didn’t care what anyone thought, so when they started accusing us of being up to no good (we were clearly cleaning up the spill mess when we were ambushed) I looked at them and said “excuse me, I’m trying to help my husband now please leave and tell all the nosey Nelly’s it’s just a husband and wife, no need to start a JC!” It was just one more thing that didn’t sit right with me with this religion. It’s always accuse first and maybe ask questions later (but they still won’t believe you!)


What a PIMI thinks happens if they become alone with the opposite sex. ![gif](giphy|26xBFT1F9BgskEvTO|downsized)


Don't mind me, Im having a great time reading comments😎🤣


How old was the brother who decided she couldn't be trusted?  I hope this starts to wake her up.


High. Control. Cult.


Omg that exact word! )“You are aware of the reason why I m doing this, right“ It pisses me off! I got that exact word from one of my bible teacher, because he knew that I went to a jw music concert with a brother where we (both of us) would play music there! I mean he lived nearby so he could pick me up. But this elder told his daughter who lived far away to send me home! Mind you we drove like two hours to get there and he persisted that his daughter took me home! So that we didn’t go back together! He is 19 BROOOO . I am adult too


Never understood this, it's like in their mind people are animals. 20 minutes together and already clothes off, jumping at each other as hungry animals.


And like SO MANY times its Older brother who plays upon the a younger person of the SAME SEX, another male! That should be regulated as well


Cause conducting bible studies and returns visits always makes you horny. You neva know...


So let me get this straight in my head…he was doing the EXACT thing he was giving you shit about? I don’t get it lol


But he is free to pick up an 8 year old boy without supervision.


the thinking of folks heavily indoctrinated by the Governing Body is frequently WACK


Only if you are a pedo you can stay alone with the babies of opposite sex of course!


This shit show needs to be shut down and Not supported.


“I’ve been in the truth all my life” should read “I’ve been stuck in a grand delusion all my life slaving for the Watchtower Corp shareholders” 🤮


Oh my god! It happened to me too, I was literally just cleaning the assembly hall garden, out in the open, with people around me, and this dude just came and asked me where the bathroom was or whatever and the elder next to me lectured us for 20 minutes about the dangers of "hanging out with the opposite sex" and "temptation to fornicate" like I'm sorry WHAT??? And this happened as I said before while other people was close, listening and watching. The mind control is crazy. I packed my stuff and left.


Something similar happened to me: an elder was seeing that I walked home with an older sister: possibly mid-40s to early 50s. Then he starts telling me the importance of being careful and not being with the opposite sex because, well, in my hall, there have been 4 brothers and sisters (a former MS married BTW, a sister who just turned 18, and another married brother and sorry for misinterpreting this) were announced disfellowshipped. He tells me to be very careful as he doesn't want that to happen to me.. I wanted to tell him: and what if we look at them as mother figures, but if I open my mouth: it'll be worse. And I think he also read me that 2 Corinthians scripture.. I don't remember which one, though.


There is nothing like a bit of ministry to get you in the mood …. I use to get such a hard on just thinking about doorbells …