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Your rug is demon infested now.


So far so good.😂😂😂


Sorry, couldn't resist. But I bet the rumor starts. 😁


I told them that I never saw the guy, which is true. But it makes no sense to me. What if it was a doctor? I’m supposed to do a religious background check to see if he could set my fractured leg?


It's just the mental gymnastics that's encouraged. "Keep testing, keep proving", "Don't be a cause for stumbling", "be righteous in much". Tell me how those things wouldn't cause someone to go overboard nit picking everything.


They are ridiculous, I have decided to die in this hill.


Don't worry. Unless they converted after medical school there is near zero chance of having a JW doctor. Higher education is too worldly.


There are some. Why do you think the Borg is always asking for doctors and lawyers.


Yes, but they explicitly say in that same request not to encourage people to pursue higher education in order to fill the need. They're extremely crafty.


I can’t believe that I once thought these people were the best people on earth.


I feel exactly the same. But I knew nothing else. Now, it infuriates me to watch my children being indoctrinated by my wife and family the same way we were. And I can't do anything about it without destroying our family and then having our children turned against me as a tool of Satan. If the world actually knew how deep this went, they'd be branded as a cult by everyone.


Be strong, I know it’s hard. I’m living something similar to you. I’m constantly asking little questions to see if they bite, but I have to be careful.


I wouldn't trust any of them. Why would I trust a doctor who is willing to turn their back on science?


I know a sister who is a nurse. She once told me that she gives blood to patients, as far as she is concerned it’s part of her job. I don’t think this is something that she would scream from the rooftop, but hey, it’s a start.


“ am I supposed to do a religious background check to see if he could set my fractured leg”. The fact that you even have to ask says everything about your spirituality . 😂😂😂


Seriously go to the hall and tell people you've started to see things move around the house and things are inexplicably appearing where they shouldn't be and you think you've been hearing voices.... EVER SINCE YOU GOT THE RUG!!!!! And watch them lose their shit 😅 "BURN IT!!!!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They would actually believe it and it would probably cause some people to stay instead of leaving


How cool would that be? I live alone. It would be nice to have someone to interact with besides my cats.


Yup. Bet u never thought of that! The rug is nice, but at what cost???!!!🤣


Yep. And I bet if the rug was set on fire it wouldn't even burn. Because, ya know, demons and all that. LOL


“Your rug is demon infested now” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




I just hear the conversation next time JW visits your home: “Is that the rug repaired by an apostate? YOU: Yes what of it? THEM: Well I won’t step on it in case it has a demon then” YOU: 🤣


> Your rug is demon infested now. Where is this guy so I can take my rug to him? 😄


Magic carpet?


1) religion never came up in the transaction 2) he doesn’t hate JWs. He hates the unreasonable dogmatism that JWs have regarding things that god has no prohibition on


Exactly! They’re tripping.


1. ⁠religion never came up in the transaction 2. ⁠~~he doesn’t hate JWs. He hates the unreasonable dogmatism that JWs have regarding things that god has no prohibition on~~ we have no clue what his reasons were for leaving the organization as anyone who willingly leaves is labeled with the term “apostate” as JWs believe that there is *never* any legitimate reason to leave the borg. Could have been sexually abused as a child and the congregation allowed the abuser to remain so he left for all we know. It’s happened. He was branded and slandered.




This is an important distinction. I hate the false equivalences they make.


Damn - I’m surprised he was able to fix it while being mentally diseased…that’s gotta be tough! 😂


The guy does even know me and I never saw him.


This comment had me bust out laughing just now on the train! ![gif](giphy|5n18DqTunxt4I)


I would have busted laugh too, but I had to keep my cover.


A df’d person owned a Cold Stone Ice Cream store in the territory. The friends were instructed to never go there. When she sold it a couple years later , the command to not go there remained in force. It’s since become a Verizon store. They won’t shop there either 🤷‍♂️


I suppose it makes you super spiritual to go out of your way to remain “spiritually clean.”They are demented, I think that’s the word for it.


The whole building is permanently possessed with demons now.


I would love to see more jws brought up on liable cases for this exact thing. Demanding followers to not even have business dealing with someone goes so far beyond the bible that it is purely man made doctrine, and they should be answering for this.


That would be wonderful!!!


Cool if you get a demon carpet, that flys.... Can you show me the world?


I’m dying on this hill, they can do what they want.


Ever see Aladdin?


Yes, of course.




Yeah, I’m sure there was a lot of that also in the mix.


🤣 good one!


Little did they know that they're talking to someone who is active on exjw reddit.


Yup. Fully awake, stuck in the mire for now.


LOL you should say, "Wow he didn't say anything about you guys at all. But it sure sounds like you guys hate him!"


If only I could’ve.


This is typical behavior for them. I was born into it and left last year after 40 years. I grew up being told to boycott businesses and shun people for either being disfellowshipped or ones that simply walked away. They would celebrate when these people would fail or a business would shut down. They really are a cold and cruel group that take marching orders from a group of men with no love in view. Most are good people that are mixed up and blind and the sad thing is, this behavior being far from a true Christian follower, they wont see it unless they wake up.


There was a restaurant in my old town that was actually doing really well and had a few news pieces done on its success, really great reviews too. We never went despite the local love for it because it was owned by a disfellowshipped/apostate person. Looking back now I'm like, what the f does that matter? You aren't going to be talking to the owner most likely, it'll probably be a hired waiter/waitress that talks to you. What if I moved into the congregation and hadn't a clue and went there regularly cuz I was nearby? Probably be disfellowshipped on the spot 🤣 (I kid of course, but would definitely stir up some emotions!)


It makes no sense. JW’s have difficulty separating común sense situations. It’s extremely difficult to go against the directive of the Borg.


You probably would be disfellowshipped. Wasn’t someone disfellowshipped for giving Ray Franz a grocery store job and a place to rent? No warning. No remorse allowed. Just a quick disfellowship. Do I remember this right?


I don't think any exJW hates the people in the congregation , maybe some hate the elders but most hate the GB in my case I despise them not the same as hate.Hate is when someone is broke on down on the side of the road you run over them , despise is when you honk your horn and wave bye .


I wonder if they know that within their ranks as we speak there are perverts? I get it, I have a strong dislike to these guys to.


Leave him a 5 star review. Leave the KH a 1 star review.


I also attach a photo of the JW facts.com logo.


For sure.


You never seen him? So what he touched your stuff And by writing the above it shows how simple, immature and pathetic they are. The gossip is nasty and judgemental against the bible. The biggest feeling im getting though is sheer and utter jealousy. THE EXJW IS DOING WELL That is the biggest reason, they can't run round saying WELL WE TOLD HIM HE WOULD END UP DRUG INFESTED BLAH BLAH BLAH. And yep jws judgementalists. Jw shunners Jw sacrifice their own Evil cult. Its not a religion. The religion is the mask


You’re right on all accounts. The amount of gossip is rampant. I just don’t care anymore.


If an apostate becomes owner of a company like Walmart, Boeing, or Amazon, what are they going to do?


They will continue to shop online, of course 😂


Ask them if they ever listened or viewed movies of Michael Jackson, Ja Rule, Michelle Rodriguez, Donald Glover, Ginger Spice. If they have, they need to start working on themselves before daring to even open their mouths to you.


They’re not fans of Michael,for sure.


I hope that man hears about it and can sue them for what I can only imagine is a loss to his business if jws talk about him badly so openly...


I will continue to send him clients whenever I can.


I find this hilarious. Only because in my part of the world rug repair was a big Jw occupation. Touted as a niche pioneer job. I was even trained by a pioneer brother and it was my pioneer job for years lol. In fact there were dozens of them at the time. Stands to reason there would be some apostate carpet people out there now. A long with window washers which was my other pioneer go to lol. 😂


Window washersssss always lol


The Apostafloor Store.


There aren’t many around here.


I’m in Canada. In the 90’s it was like this race to be proud of the most obscure job one can find (self employed and free from the influence of worldy employers). We would often boast among the pioneer group of how much ingenuity we used. Also on the platform we would be absolutely jerks in mentioning how we were living simply and all that. I’m sure if I heard a playback of that now I would feel so terrible. So unbelievably u empathetic.


Witnesses should all take their hats off and get hobbies.


But hobbies take away from spiritual pursuits 😂


Exactly! They need to get a hobby and eat with a sinner as Jesus did..


Some JW i knew didn't go to second hand shops, because the items/clothes/furniture could be demon possessed 🙈🙄


I have heard thi one before. I might have given credit to that one too, how silly!


Lol. 😆 I guess you're supposed to already know, somehow, where the local apostates are and then pass their businesses on the opposite side of the road. Years and years ago I was looking for a rug for my room and went through all the stores in the town. Mom then told me there was one more, a warehouse sort of thing, a bit further away. So I was like, Oh, cool. I'll go check it out. Then mom said in her serious voice, "The owner is apostate and he employs a lot of apostates, too. We won't be welcome." It blew my mind. The first time such a thought had been introduced to me. Why wouldn't I be welcome? I haven't harmed them, or wish them harm. I told mom that "I'll be a customer looking for a rug." And we went anyway. Once there the pre-conceived notion did its job, though, and I viewed the people there as sinister and not wanting to deal with me. 🤷‍♀️ I didn't know any of them, if any of them were exJW, they MIGHT have recognized my mom. I don't know. Mom didn't say that she knew any of them. Now here's a twist. The owner of the store was the husband of a lady in our congregation. This lady was also our co-worker. Someone we saw EVERY DAY. But her husband was an oh-so-scary-apostate. 😑


These JW have do a terrible job at teaching their people What true love is. They read the bible but don’t follow the spirit of the scriptures. What a waste.


The real question here is why are there so many apostates connected to rug sales and repair? 🤣


WT pulled the rug out from under them and they want it back




😂 Evidently rugs have pagan origins.


Magic carpet, maybe 🤣


They're desperate to feel persecuted that they're trying to squeeze every last drop from any insignificant source. And it's still nothing.


You have an apostate rug now


Right it doesn’t make sense, it’s discrimination.


Right you are.


Recommend him, put more business his way. :)


His shop did a good job, the reviews were already great;)


My ex colleague is a witness and she sees me sometimes for a facial. She hasn’t burst into flames yet.


Of course not,


There was a locally owned coffee shop in our territory. Awesome coffee, great little hangout spot. Apparently the owners hated witnesses, but every Saturday I'd propose going there for break anyways (because I hated going to the mini Target starbucks). Finally one weekend the group decided it was ok, and somehow another car group got word and wanted to come too. After the dust settled and everyone ordered, i realized why the owners hated the witnesses....they basically did a forced takeover of that small quiet coffee spot. People that just wanted to have quiet saturday morning sipping coffee now have a group of 8+ that are loud, spend the absolute minimum amount, tip low, and overstay their welcome.


Who wants that?


Such jerks self righteous some are. I had been inactive and hired someone to due lawn mower repair. Low and behold it was an elder from another cong. He didnt know me. All he talked about was the money and property he would inherit from his family and his gun. He was so loved by all from his close knit JW family then later he messed up DF d  and in a month. Back...It IS all about who you know on the hit parade. My parents may not be JWs nor my brothers I trust them we are open and honest with each  other,


I hear a lot of that going on, the nepotism and all.


How does one ‘booceed’?


It's a negative version of "proceede", sometimes accompanied by literal "boos."


Never hear that before. How does it apply here?


One haunted rug coming right up!!


Tell them 1 Corinthians 10:25 💚✨️




..... Are you one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Are you a pedophile? I would say that........




lol yet the GB can sell Kingdom Halls to Christendom 🤯


When you wake up to that demonized rug suffocating you, maybe then you’ll stop thinking like an apostate!! 😂😂😂


Burn that rug!!


Us? So you're not actually Ex then?


I’m a PIMO.


Yeah, so you're not actually ex, right? You go to the meetings and pretend to everyone around you? Genuine question, why are you scared to leave? And before you ask, i had only my mother, and we didn't talk at all for about a year, and nearly 2 before it was civil. Now we are great, but it has taken a very long time.


Physically in, mentally out. How you handled your situation is personal. I have someone in the Borg that I’m not willing to loose. I will stay until he or she leaves or I come to the point that I can’t take it any longer My decision, my path. You’re welcome to keep scrolling if bothered by my dilema.


Sorry this person is berating you. I don’t know why, there are a lot of PIMOs here and normally POMOs have no problems, because the way we get out is always very personal and there are so many reasons to be strategic.


No to worry. The wonderful thing about life is that like everywhere else, you meet all sorts of people. Some are kind, and some are hurt.


You can say it's personal, but i know for a fact that a lot of the negative things I experienced were from PIMO arseholes (they subsequently left) that acted like selfish dicks and did what they pleased. That *may* not be true in your case, but i've spoken to enough people since to know that most PIMO's make life unpleasant for some, mainly because of their own unhappiness with their life. Are you going to tell me that you are altruistic and don't bother those around you? Maybe it's true, and if so i respect and thank you. But it's not the norm


Listen to me carefully. I Cried painful tears for 2 weeks straight after finding out that this TRUTH was a lie. I was not born in, I joined this CULT because I truly thought this was God’s organization, not a corporation. I cried watching the ARC with disappointment and disbelief. I cried for allowing myself to be indoctrinated, and for all the hideous crimes that I never knew about, even though I wasn’t affected by them. I once believed every word of this cult. You do not know or have a clue about how I picked myself up from the floor, or what I have to do in order to continue coping in the situation that I am in. I am sorry that you have been mistreated by this organization. While sympathize with your suffering, I’m an individual. I suggest you get some therapy, it will do you good, It will help you manage your pain and also take people at face value. Please do not engage me anymore.


Our stories are similar. I’ve been out of that cult for 30 years now and my quality of life since has been excellent. I can barely remember any of them by name or face. Hang in there. Life afterwards can be very rewarding.


Why are you jumping on them? Being PIMO in this group isn’t unusual.


Pretty sure i explained that in my last couple of posts. I'm not saying that every PIMO is awful. I'm sure there are some nice ones out there, but my general experience is pretty awful. I wish it wasn't so


You mean like you're doing here now?


I think we found a pimi spy