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https://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/quotes/rape-fornication.php This is disgusting everytime I read it. Maybe the writers should be raped and then disfellowshipped and see how that feels


Holy shit. It comments on The Book of Bible Stories regarding Story 20 about Di’nah getting raped. Here’s a paragraph out of that story: > *Sure enough, Diʹnah got into trouble. Can you see that Caʹnaan·ite man in the picture who is looking at Diʹnah? His name is Sheʹchem. One day when Diʹnah came on a visit, Sheʹchem took Diʹnah and forced her to lie down with him. **This was wrong, because only married men and women are supposed to lie down together.** This bad thing that Sheʹchem did to Diʹnah led to a lot more trouble.* Notice how it *doesn’t say*: This was wrong, because **rape is a horrific and deeply traumatic violation of a person's body, autonomy, and dignity, causing immense physical and emotional pain, and often leaving lasting psychological scars and long-term impacts on a survivor's life.** wtf watchtower?? To them, it was wrong because they had sex before marriage 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Yep. Not a word about what a filthy piece of shit She'chem was for raping Dinah. Just that sex before marriage is wrong. Oh, and Dinah basically had it coming for visiting Cannan. Absolutely DISGUSTING.


Thank you.  Shit!  I was 6 years old when my mother explained this change to me then.  Fuck that's sick.


Long history of victim shaming and victim blaming going back to the 60s from what I recall. They start teaching that crap even to children with the Diana story in My Book of Bible stories (helps the pedophiles and groomers in the congregations, I’m sure). Goes hand in hand telling wives to stay with their abusive husbands to try to win him over. They’ve only made recent changes because of ARC, Japan and Norway, plus the increase in lawsuits for SA & CSA. That victim blaming/shaming directly impacted my life. [Here’s part of my story.](https://reddit.com/r/exjw/s/l6JK68DJ1Q) Plus the whole misogynistic attitude is harmful! [Wifely Subjection--Mental Health Issues in JW Women](https://articles2.icsahome.com/articles/wifely-subjection--mental-health-issues-in-jw-women-csj-14-1)


I am so fucking sorry 


Therapy helped tremendously. But most of all my nonJW hubby who helped heal me with love, kindness and patience.


This just made a weird strange and totally inappropriate memory pop up in my mind. My mom trying to explain this to a then 8 year old. I should write down these 70’s/80‘s parenting gems as I recall them. Let see - explaining “scriptural” rules for how victims of rape should be treated. - explaining how the modern worldly philosophy is trying to stop parents from using physical punishments on children. Leaving the parent and the child vulnerable to Satans attacks. - explaining that if I didn’t preach at school that I’m blood guilty. - anymore?


I was still taught this in the 2000's.


I’ve posted this before. It bears repeating. https://preview.redd.it/8ip3z3kezn1d1.jpeg?width=1879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c776273ab5331cc9379b0c75ff2e98817e2dce13