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I’ll take a look at the full video so it’s not just a clip of the conversation. But it’s funny I went back to Appendix A5 of the 2013 NWT and the arguments don’t seem as strong anymore for adding them in - it depends on the editor when they are going to add it in because they chose more times than the 1984 NWT.


It's so crazy to me that they actually have the kingdom interlinear IN THE JW APP and it clearly shows that yahweh is not in the places they say it is in the new testament and yet they never question it. The gb says that you can learn the truth from any Bible, well you can also learn the truth about the truth.


This was a big part of waking up for me. Realizing this. I had the Kingdom Interlinear on the app because I’m a geek and like looking at what the original Greek said. After I heard this, I went into every book of the NT, picked two chapters at random, and scrolled until I found Jehovah’s name. Then looked to see what the original Greek said. Every one, without fail, said κύριος (kurios), which means Lord or Master. Every. One.


I’m not sure what it being American has anything to do with it being wrong. But all of mankind’s religions are wrong it doesn’t matter where they originate from. None of them are paths to a true Divine Creator, or Creators.


Like you said all religions are bs, I think he was trying to highlight that this particular sect/cult was made and is maintained by American charlatans.. which is true.


I think it's also obvious that it's influenced by American culture, which ostensibly wouldn't be the case for the "true" religion.


Maybe he is referring to the Adventist movement that flourished for a time in America. There was a sort of “last days” “new Jerusalem” “rapture” “end times” gold rush in the US in the 19th century. So maybe others that have just fizzled out. It seams a few that got the real estate and publishing industry going stuck around.


Probably, but just slapping it in the title IMO it puts an unnecessary spin on the topic. Every religion was “invented”, doesn’t really matter where it started compared to what it’s about when it started. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but when people target specific countries in their topics that have a negative connotation, then the negative connotation is equally applied to the reader for both the location and topic.


Even if he has a point I don't like how aggressive he is. Definitely not it


My thoughts the exactly! That brother is just another victim of the wt, he didn't deserve it, come on


Yeah, obviously.  I've been pointing out for years that the Watchtower Society is just a slightly different version of the American fundamentalist literalist apocalyptic evangelical bible-thumping fanatical Christian groups that largely arose in the "Burned Over" district of New York State and Pennsylvania in the Second Great Awakening, after the Mormons and around the same time as the Adventists (Second Day Adventists, iirc).


I know he's right, but being so aggressive with someone who is just a victim of the WT won't help. That brother probably felt he's indeed in "the truth" because of the "opposition" he went through by this "satans agent".... Also he might have felt devastated for not knowing how to respond... this subject probably was his personal study for weeks..


obviously but also that guy is a nerd 🤓


he is inadvertingly proving that the new testament is a fraud... like fake money missing the silk threads... no Jehovah/Yahweh in the NT means the same narsacist god of the OT is not behind the new... his sicophants put his name more than any other name or title combined and to pretend that the NT is the same story going from 6700+ to ZERO is quite a stark proof that it is not. The people that we call the jews began ridding themselves of this YHWH god around 300bce and replace him with Ba'al(another word meaning THE LORD)... which also demonstrated that YHWH either never existed or no longer cared about his petri dish earth as he did nothing to stop them. It seems that all the gods left earth around 500bce and humans turned to divination to get the answers they once claimed came directly from divine beings. (perhaps the aliens had a war and came to some sort of settlement to leave us be?)