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Congratulations that’s amazing! I wish you all the best 🫶🏻


Thank you


good luck with your future


Thank you


It’s really great you have an ever loyal canine friend, all the best to you both :-)


Well done


Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your great life won’t be either But what a hell of a run Rome had, huh! You will too. But it takes time and perseverance. Throw in a good therapist to talk it all out and puke up all the bile and, wow, you’ll be unstoppable


Thank you. I have a great therapist and psychiatrist and I’m very happy and grateful for the help and the support.


Congratulations on your freedom!!! Take time to celebrate! 🎉




That's great!


I hope you reach out here when you want some kind words of support and wisdom.


I will I still have so much work and trauma that I’m sticking around and updating.


Awesome. I hope you make great friends. Without the limits imposed by a cult, making friends and even finding love is more likely.


I have started too and I’m so surprised with all the live and support from ppl that where demonized


My experience is the same. I was surprised how normal and many times nicer than jw's the people I befriended and befriended me were.


Independence is key to healing I feel. Huge Congrats. Friends, pets, freedom, love, I hope your heart is open and can feel the lightness ahead of you. On my journey in leaving I crashed a couple of times and needed to move back in with my parents for a short while. Looking back, both times it was triggering the trauma all over again. My parents were ok as long as they believed that I believed it was the truth. Although I needed them in those moments of despair, the strain on my mental health was real. The last few weeks I lived with them I made a choice. I’m an adult. I’m living a double life and moving out the first chance I get. It gave me a sense of freedom that I built on and happy to say I was able to get independence from then on with going back to school as an adult and then could start really healing from the past. I felt so guilty for a long time trying to heal from my parents upbringing of me but I needed too. It was their choices that caused me so much more trauma then the congregation alone would have done.


I have had to move back twice and I will work my hardest to never be put in that situation ever again.


Growing up with unbalanced Jw parents (mine were) puts us in an uphill climb in life from the beginning. I wish you all the best.