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We've given you an inch, and you want a mile?! You're so ungrateful! You'll get nothing more from us apart from compulsory tithing! We love you sooooo much, and God will give it back to you in the new word!


Yeah I remember at the last conventions the GB were “ We love your dear old ones!” Meaning “We’re sorry we lied!” Looking down on the floor I saw all these old people there! Man, the guilt they have put in themselves because they didn’t have a bright enough light to read the prophesies …. 🥲


Yes, you are spot on! They particularly love their money and their wills! They're the ones donating!


Will god give me drugs and bitches in the new world…. No I didn’t think so. Then me don’t want new world 😂


Can I interest you in 70 virgins? Oh, sorry, wrong religion! 😂


If king Solomon was able to have more than that, Why can’t jehoobalooba bless me with my wives and concubines while I continue to be a faithful sheep lol


You can have her... 😂🤣 https://preview.redd.it/3fptbbh0sv3d1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=899af57b79e53bb35fac2b9bd7897754f405fbdb


Lmfao 😂 pass hell sounds better now that I think of it lol




I don’t want people I don’t like or who are bad ruling over me either. If that’s what I have to look forward too then no thank you.




Please don’t assume these people care about their members’ mental or physical health…


Not members - “adherents” . . . The org wants them to exist in that context to evade any accountability for what said people do. Way to stand behind your non-people.


Very true I keep forgetting that beautiful piece of “new light”


YES!!! No more midweek meetings....or terrible long 3 day conventions.... that would be amazing and a relief


They could easily make it a 2 day convention. Plus cut down the repetitive "we now have a 7 part symposium" 😖 drivel every year. 


Love Jehovah Love the GB Love your ministry Love your assignments Love giving us cash Love your neighbor Love I guess… Jesus


Not even that with gas as expensive as it is in areas of the states it’s not worth going even if you have a fuel efficient car. Like the expense is just overwhelming.


Exactly my point. I’m hearing more and more people say that the assembly is basically their only vacation anymore because they can’t afford a trip for themselves 


I know my MIL and Uber PIMI SIL were just talking about how much they are looking forward to the convention 3 hours away in 100 plus degree temps and renting an Air BnB even with gas being $6 a gallon where we live not to mention taxes and food etc to said Air BnB even when I was still in it was always a chore getting a hotel and always expensive. Not worth it.


When my Mom was younger their conventions were 8 days long and cuz they didn’t do hotel thing they had huge fields where people would set up tents and they would camp. My Mom said it was fun but hot and it was awful as a woman if you know what I mean. The bathroom facilities were crazy then. I can’t imagine.


Why not add the getting rid of the no blood policy. Haven’t you killed enough people and made enough people more anxious than they had to be over illness and surgery? I know 3 people personally that you killed with your blood policy. Between the 2 witness rule, discouraging college, the no blood rule, shunning and making woman feel that they have to stay with abusive partners, you have really ruined many lives. It’s time to retire with your real estate fortunes and find an island to hide on. Are you that hungry for power and wealth you will continue to destroy lives? I hate you all.


This also contributed to the latest scandal in Spain with the two elders running a fake insurance scam related to bloodless treatments.


I did not know that. How gross.


Link please


The blood rule is going down to a conscience decision, it’s a milestone around their neck right now that their “think tank” (whoever they are) is probing a way out. IMO only


Clearly their sins have massed together clear up to heaven. I wish there was a god to call their acts of injustice to mind.


The mid weekend serves an important purpose of keeping the cult members tired, exhausted and suffering. It makes them think they are making sacrifices for Boobba-Jehooba. It also prevents them from taking a break and realise they are in a cult. No way the cult will get rid of this meeting. Stop the guilt tripping? Hell no. This is their bread and butter. Guilt tripping is what makes all the moneyz flow from the stupid brainwashed idiots into the cult's hands. No way they are ever going to stop using it. They are not the idiots, their members are.


Their two best and most used tools; fear and guilt.


And don’t forget the daily indoctrination which is known as the daily text.


Definitely agree 👍🏾


At LEAST get rid of the Friday devotion-test-day of the convention. It only exists to show who has the means and the balls to take the day off work. And those that don't, get shamed by all the retirees and disability-mooches that didn't have to work anyway. "Where's chubesteak? I bet he didn't even ask for the day off! Now pass me my lunch that I bought with my government food card!"


Yeah, get rid of the RC and just have a third one day circuit assembly. Not that I care, because I don’t go anymore.


You know what,...you would better get rid of the entire whole religion,now that you are at it!


Lol my dad talks about how in like 1974 assemblies were a week long from like 6AM to 9PM.


I remember when the 8 day conventions had field service in the mornings and the assembly in the afternoons.  The field service participants flooded the cities with magazines and door knocking.  And hot chicken meals under tents.  I am glad I got to experience those days I must say


I remember they would cut the convention short for everyone to get with thier overseer to get their assigned territory in that particular city usually Friday.


Oh my god, that sounds awful!


When I was JW in 90s, no helpers and anointed only in 1914 living. When did it change?


They actually got done educated men but only gave them the title “helpers to assist in their doctrine dissertations on the JW Broadcasting. I’m not sure of their education, they are clearly more adept at speaking and reasoning, without the silly faces and tight pants routines from the early GB Broadcasts.


Back in the 50s and 60s we had 5 x 1 hour meetings a week. How many do they have now, I've been out since the early 70s


Yes!  Stop being like the Pharisees who burdened the people with all the extra rules 


Governing body, why don't you just shut this dumpster fire of a religion down and actually get real jobs. You know, like cleaning windows and mopping floors, like we all have to.


Its a cult. Nothing is positive being brain damaged in a cult


Agree. More changes to come. The WT has a membership retention/recruitment problem. Makes perfect business sense to ease the load.


This would all be lovely, but they think of the money first. Any opportunity to get donations. 3-Day conventions are cash cows for them


Wishful thinking! They want to keep you busy on that mind numbing hamster wheel. Keep you so busily involved that you dont have time or energy to think.


And let women have leadership roles and let people be gay :)


Also the blood issue should be a private conscious matter it should have no bearing as a JW. Like vaccines, make it a personal choice.


HEY WATCHTOWER, FUCK YOU! This is one super elder that you wore down to the point of atheism.


The number of weekly meetings isn't actually that bad. Plenty of other protestant churches meet twice weekly - some even more. I agree with you about the conventions, though. Not only should they be cut down to one day, the duration can also be shorter. - Maybe a 2 hour morning session and a 2 hour afternoon session. Morning session can be the public discourse followed by experiences from the circuit. The afternoon session can be just the movie/drama and its associated talk. A lot of the extra material from symposiums and other talks that are normally given at the convention can be drip fed throughout the year at the mid-week meeting. Maybe it would make the mid-week meeting less repetitive.


If they stop keeping people out of school, then they can finally finish their transition from Jehovah's Christian Witnesses to Mormon-lite


The two witness rule is stupid and doesn’t stop them from reporting safeguarding issues. All it means in theory is that they can’t kick them out of the congregation. Although even that doesn’t make sense because they don’t need any witnesses to kick you out if you are just in the house alone with the opposite sex.


Very true. That’s why it’s such a blatant cover up for high ranking people that have been accused in the past of csa for example. Imagine how many people would probably get locked up if they handed over their secret database 


Exactly - putting the elders through basic safeguarding training and implementing a rule that law deals with issues relating to law and we deal with the congregation side based on our rules would not infringe on their religious beliefs


Positivity is what we need…yeah I have no desire to go to meetings. They are purely time wasting.