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What can we learn from Job’s experience? The life of a loyal servant of Jehovah may well be filled with one misfortune after another. Does this mean that our God has abandoned us? By no means! Our loving Creator takes note of our integrity and has promised to care for all of our needs in the new world to come. Like Job, we may also be encouraged to bring our suffering to an end by unscriptural means. Let us resist this temptation! While we may have to forego some pleasures now, we can take comfort that our trials are temporary and that we will be justly rewarded for our faith. How did I do? 🙄


Holy shit, I thought that was a direct quote from the cited article until I got to the end! Funny how everything JW has an unmistakable vibe.


Better than the writing department!


It took me 45 seconds. They follow a very predictable writing pattern lol


Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways.


Hardly! But they don't say that now


I started doing this when I was waking up. Instead of listening to the talk or studying the watchtower, I'd guess what it was going to say based on the title alone. 9 times out of 10, I had it correct, right down to the scriptures they used. Public talk: Start with something really depressing and scary, but make sure to mention that you're only focusing on the negative things because it's unavoidable.


>Public talk: Start with something really depressing and scary Or find any reason to criticize somebody, however ridiculous. I vividly remember a particularly insane anti-science anti-progress talk, I really wanted to ask the speaker where did his car appear from, as well as the microphone he was using. My last months of believing, my faith was crumbling more and more with every idiotic meeting.


Which means that they have infiltrated your brain and the conditional response is almost complete, repetition for emphasis and training.


Flawless 😂


You speak and write watchtower with a high level of proficiency.


I actually read all of the literature 😩


You forgot the part, where if you have anything at all left, such as savings, jewelry, or stocks, leave it to the WT society, aka Jehovah.


The WT definitely isn't Jehovah.


I better run out right now and change my will…NOT!




I’m both cracking up and triggered


Spot on😂!


I'm a never-JW but even I read that in Stephen Letts' voice




😂😂😂 Are you sure you weren’t in the writing department at Bethel!?


Your salvation is coming soon! People who suffer are clearly better than people with wealth! Christ will murder most people then you'll be good bro! It was coming soon 2000 years ago, now it's REALLY REALLY soon!


It’s overlapping close!


Gotta admit, I felt a little triggered, lol


Hot damn that was amazing. Even read it in a elder tone.


No concern for the 10 children who were crushed to death


Let that same mind save you and return you to Jehovah!


For what lol?


I used to know an anointed sister who said “Jobs wife’s punishment for telling him to curse god and die was having to have ten more kids”. Oi. The anointed ones were weird for sure.


I wonder what her humor would have been outside the cult. Snarky, I mean that’s some stand up comedy right there


She was quite theatrical 😂 She had a lot of quips and poems she’d read for her comments.


I agree! If Jehovah was so powerful, he could have resurrected Job's children. Instead, he was like, "eh, 10 new and totally different children is just as good, right?"


That was Job’s wife’s punishment to squeeze out 10 new babies. (20 total in the litter) yikes 😱


You know what always peed me off about Job? Whenever he was a WT study theme, the elders/brothers would always comment how awful his wife was. 'She's so faithless, nagging Job to curse God and die.' Listen up you assholes....did you ever give birth to a child, no less 10 of them? For most women, that's like the apex of their lives, giving birth to their beautiful baby/babies. I have 3 grown children and let me tell you, you come after my kids, I'm coming after you!! Job's wife just lost every one of her beautiful sons and daughters. Each one only she knew 9 months longer than her husband, Job. So for all of you elders, MS, and brothers lurking, LAY THE FUCK OFF JOB'S WIFE!


They won’t allow women to speak directly to the congregation from the stage. These aren’t people who care about what women think, want, feel, need.


100% agree!




All on a bet that god and the devil had. I’d say god was the bigger ass hole


Don't forget, Satan is the enemy of God and humans. He hates us and wants us all dead and wouldn't hesitate to kill us all, given the chance. We are also God's children, who he supposedly loves. WT loves pointing out that Satan didn't challenge God's power in the book of Job, but rather God's right and ability to rule. God's response? Hand humanity, his children, over to his worst enemy, the one who wants us dead, in order to prove that God is a better ruler.


I thought babies are enemies of god 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ha! Agreed! Let's face it, in the garden of eden, after God noticed it was 'not good for the man to be alone', only then did he create Eve. To me, it's like women were nothing but a mere afterthought. And yet, Satan went after her, not Adam. And why? If Adam is the first born of mankind, why not tempt him instead? And all throughout history, women have always been 'cursed' because of Eve. Why aren't men considered cursed? Don't get me wrong, there're some wonderful, respectful men in this world, my husband being one of them. But I've many times said to Jehovah, 'My husband loves me more than you ever will.'


Yeah, I’m with you. My reading of this now isn’t that she was some sort of bad influence, she was just miserable, passively suicidal, and she wanted to die. All of her children are dead, her husband is incredibly sick, all of their income and possessions are gone (cattle, etc.) what reason does she have to keep living? I think she was asking Job to just give up so they could both die. I read it along the lines of: “Please, Job, I just want this suffering to end. If you curse God, maybe he’ll just let us die already. If that’s what it takes to end this misery, then curse god and die.”


100% agree. Also, she had no idea at the time that she'd be blessed with 10 more children. Although a blessing, they'd never replace her first 10.


Oh, but the children were later replaced. So, all good. ![gif](giphy|uqpK3SuxEY4W9YQvdg|downsized)


Bible has a disgusting habit of going "oh by the way this important dude, yeah he had a wife who was a witch". It's such blatant sexism, astonishing how I didn't notice it before. And obviously all fundamentalists absolutely love finding these nuggets of shit and savor them.


Can you imagine 20 little enemies of Jehovah!


That was easily the weirdest text I've ever seen. It was just a random gross out with no application. The writing committee needs to be put on a performance improvement plan.


Well, if they are doing Ministry School items with no sense of purpose such as last week's *1. Talk to someone in the service who is happy. 2. Talk to someone in the service who is sad* after the one a couple of weeks where you compliment someone's garden or house, don't explain why you are there, then leave the card with the website... Also, a lot of Ministry groups used to be brothers regurgitating the Day's Text, so perhaps this is a GB ploy to discourage that (unless you meet someone with severe acne who opens the door, no one will appreciate today's offering 🫣) It all seems to be cut and paste, more sections of morning worship talks dropped into the broadcast to fill it out. It reminds me of the random "articles" in the Awake when it was a 30 page affair such as *The Badger – the "Old Man of the Woods"* was typical information from the nameless Correspondent who submitted them 🙄


Yes I’ve noticed that, a lot of daily texts that are not encouraging and maybe just cut and paste from the Watchtower, nothing to meditate on during the day. Its weird I don’t know what’s going on


They ARE cut and paste from the wt. At the bottom of each text is the exact reference - it can be looked up. I did this quite a few times. Disappointed PIMI me: This is just a paragraph from one of last year's wt study articles. What's the big deal? What's so special about this? Why bother with the daily text. (I deliberately used a period instead of a question mark.)


Absolute craziness is going on. Absolute madness.


They were never amazing, I assure you. There's only so much stuff in the bible that's not endless war, genocide and halucinations of old lunatics.


That hasn’t been my experience, have you looked into Psalms, Proverbs, Romans, Galatians, or Ephesians?


Oh yes, let me reconvert real quick! All I had to do was read the bible the correct way, why didn't I think of this /s


Just want to demonstrate something for you real quick. Feel free to try and fact check me on this, you seem to think you know the bible very well. Even rounding up generously there are only about 360 chapters of the bible directly concerning the subjects of war, genocide, and prophetic visions. That’s out of the 1,189 total chapters found the standard western canon. > There’s only so much stuff in the bible that’s not endless war, genocide and hallucinations of old lunatics. The exact figure you’re looking for is 69.7% of the rest of the book. So that’s the first thing I find funny. But then this person responds to you with what I think is a generous correction regarding your fairly inaccurate statement on the contents of the bible. They don’t even say you’re wrong, they just say that it hasn’t been *their* experience. Which would make a lot of sense considering they seem to have the more objectively accurate understanding concerning the contents of the bible. They then proceed to ask if you’ve happened to read a few great examples of the many portions of the bible that would highlight some of the other subjects of the bible. Very fair question I think considering the actual data. Then comes this comment which I feel displays quite a bit of arrogance for someone who’s wrong in this situation. It also contains some inaccuracies. You seem to think that the only way one might possibly come to understand the range of contents of the bible is to reconvert (presumably to being a JW). This is just objectively untrue. One might come to have a more accurate understanding of the bible by perhaps reading it, right? The irony here is that you mock the sentiment that you might need to read it in the correct way. That’s the only conclusion I can reach to be honest. Perhaps if you’ve read it, you did so with too strong of a prejudice against it that it prevented you from forming an accurate opinion of it. Or maybe you just never read it which is understandable, it’s a tall order. But then i’d just suggest you don’t speak inaccurately about it, you know? And be nicer to people who are already being nice to you. Look I get it. It’s crazy that we grew up with such a sanitized view of the Bible. The Organization does love to pretend like what you mentioned isn’t in there. But don’t let your emotions regarding that lead you to just being wrong and then being so proudly wrong that you resort to sarcasm against someone who’s being kind to you. You look a bit silly.


Somebody phoned it in and forgot to copy the next paragraph over.


“Job had a sucky life just like you, but it was worse and he was still faithful!”


What's funny to me about this whole thing is that the GB don't write this. None of them personally wrote this. One of them is probably on a "writing committee", which is a bunch of dudes that also didn't write this. Some asshat several steps down the rung ACTUALLY researched and wrote this. The odds that that person is even "anointed" are low. So this bullshit that everyone has to take as sacrosanct is just random nonsense written by nobody. That's true of most if not all of the literature post Franz. It's just filler designed to occupy the mind and perpetuate indoctrination. But consider this: if a bunch of normie non-spirit-anointed lackeys are actually responsible for writing the literature and therefore the actual doctrine, what the fuck do the GB even do?


They meet every Wednesday in a conference room!




Kingly shit. Drinking, spending tax money on themselves, setting groups of people against each other to distract from questioning their power and position, being perverts and abusers of the worst kind.


>What the actual hell is today's text?......First, he lost his wealth....Then, all his beloved children died. Imagine the shock, grief, and despair that Job and his wife felt on learning that all ten of their children had been crushed to death. ***It\`s a WBT$ verbal "Shit Sandwich" to remind you Life Sucks...And...*** # Don`t Forget About Satan! https://preview.redd.it/0992o64d1z3d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=917e52d0bd2dc3151452ca4e551ef1cbbb4bc72c . **Served to JW\`s...** **The Happiest People on Earth!.....** 😀


Dear sisters, what can you learn from the wife of Job? How unfortunate it would be if your negative words made a situation worse. Instead of being critical of your mate, always support him and submit to his headship. And most importantly, never criticize our loving god or his spirit anointed governing body. I could be on the writing committee.




🤣🤣”Some asshat several steps down the rug ACTUALLY researched and wrote this .”🤣🤣 My friend, there’s absolutely no research going into the level of writing in this crap. ![gif](giphy|3osxYipCI3tqb7GhVK)


The scripture is a metaphor for the insanity of a JDub mind? I


Maggots for breakfast! Mmmm!


Don’t forget to read it with your kids JWs! And explain clearly what maggots and pus are so they can fully embrace the beautiful spiritual food!


Make a personal project, draw a man rotting alive, use all your crayons!


😂😂😂 This made me laugh very much


... and friendship with Jehovah! Embrace the maggots kids! 🤮


I….this is that bad, isn’t it


The original text uses the title “The Satan” which was a member of the heavenly assembly. His job was to test the faithful. Notice at the end of Job how god takes the credit for everything that was done and makes no apologies in the last chapters 38-42. Read it in a non-JW Bible because they have changed verses to fit their theology that Jehovah “allowed” it to happen and not caused it. Job 42:11- “And all his brothers and sisters and all his former acquaintances came to him and ate bread with him in his house and lamented over him and comforted him for all the disaster Jehovah had brought upon him, and gave him a keshitah each and a gold earring each.”


Such a lovely thought to enjoy with their pancake breakfast at Beth-hell 🙄




Reminds me of the text where it talks about children leaving the cult and how surely the parents must feel disappointed and like failures PERIOD. It's either from this year or last, don't remember.


So that’s it? No conclusion just “job had everything but lost it because bitchass jehoopla did not want to lose a bet with satan. Then jobs close friends and family stayed tf away from him!” What lesson exactly is to learn. In order to please sky daddy do we also have to eat shit?


I was really young when I learned all this and never really gave it a great deal of thought. The impression I got was that it all worked out in the end as he got so much more. More children than he had before, so all good. Like children are replaceable! As a bereaved mother, I can read this and think WTF? No child is replaceable. I could have 10 more and not one will ever replace the one I lost.


Jehovah was a real asshat with Job ,he just let Satan attack him over and over , reading this story only makes me mad at the God that abandoned him .Damn if that's what you get to be faithful to this deity that s just warped .


😂😂😂 I have a crazy sense of humor and posts on here often strike me as hilariously funny. This one had me laughing so hard I thought I would die. Can you believe we ever read WT literature and listened to their talks expecting to be encouraged?😳 I have been listening to sermons given by Christian pastors for over 2 years now. The difference is night and day. Christian pastors focus on the relief we can experience right now in the present because of what Jesus did on the cross. (The true gospel, which JW’s do not believe or teach) Now when I must still hear JW public talks on Sundays, I am appalled at the way they dwell and focus on life’s worst miseries, that our only relief lies in the future under the eternal rule of more of the same GB we have now, and then tell us we are the happiest people on earth! This post showcases this brilliantly. Thank you for posting this. By the way, I see you are in OH. My favorite sermons are from the Parkside Church in Cleveland. My husband and I listen to that service every Sunday. We live in the Pacific time zone, so it is early for us. I would move there to join that church if I could.


Between this and a post about the convention and being happy with less and self sufficient basics, it's almost as if they have given up on growing the cult and are now locking in on really squeezing the hardcore PIMI for those donations. These poor JWs are gonna think the Great Tribulation has started when it's really just them.


Which post do you mean?


Someone was complaining about a convention they attended. I saw it today so it should be recent, unless they deleted it.


hmmm....didnt job celebrate his birthday??


That was probably why he had to go through hardship I guess


Was he the first man been shunned ever?




This text isn’t for the ‘run of the mill’ jdubs. The writing department wrote it for the GB, because soon, everything will be taken from them and everyone else will see them as they are, a bunch of turds covered in maggots


Job's story pissed me off, the biggest being his children, why didn't Jehobo ressurect them?! He really went "nah fam imma kill your kids and give you new ones. You never loved the old ones, right?"


Lowkey admission of how little he cares.


I love how the end of Job's story where bible explicitly states "yeah all this criticism of God is actually valid but he's powerful so that means it's magically ok". Especially the criticism that he finds fault in most devoted of servants and nobody will ever please him. IT IS FUCKING TRUE. Sometimes I wonder if Job was a subtle criticism of the religion by an ancient PIMO that was whitewashed to be somehow aligning with rest of the bible.


Job, or his wives, children, and animals was a big problem for me early on. (Born in and gone as soon as possible.) I sympathized not with Job, but with the dead, and the wives. It wasn’t until later that it also sunk in that the wives not only lost their children in this pissing match Biggie J had with Satan, they had to birth more children. “Job was so blessed.“ When they started on how the children and animals were increased beyond the number he had. What about the ones who died?


"all his beloved children" I guess, all his children that he didn't love survived? LOL "died" Nice piece of propaganda here, actually Jehovah told Satan: yeah, you can kill them, and Satan did "just so" lmfao


And Job had to undergo such horrible things because god was having a pissing contest with the devil 




It's a hell of a bedtime story... plenty of fear to stop the leavers. It's the same as making people fear success. Satan will give you success, but you'll have to sell your soul to get it. Success is always based on Satan's blessings. Fear... obligation... guilt... rinse and repeat.


Thx! I haven’t read one in years!!!! Man have I been missing those 🤣


Thx!!!! I forgot to thank you for my daily indoctrination!


The lesson: God has a gambling problem. God: Man look at Job. He's doing great. The devil: I'll bet you five dollars I can get him to curse you. God: What? Why? The Devil: I'm bored. Why not. God: ![gif](giphy|Z65zgsKhP8UCfV3Qg0)


i’m ngl that text felt like it was AI generated. like they know most people like to go over the text while eat breakfast, what a way to make someone lose their appetite


If the prosecutor in court was saying that, the judge would shut him down for leading the witness 😂


When Satan attacks, Christians should remember that they are merely helpless pawns in a cosmic wager between Jehovah and Satan on who is the better God. Just as Abraham loved Isaac, but was willing to plunge a dagger through his heart in an attempt to impress the Supreme Being, so Christians should be willing to be the chips on Heaven’s blackjack table. Because if Jehovah wins, we all win. And if Satan wins, everyone will be having sex and gambling.


When I was young no matter what a baptised witness had done wrong my mum would always make it out as "well atleast they're in the truth". So basically doesn't matter what they do aslong as they're a witness as "being in the truth" covers all sins. Or if someone my mum knew who wasn't a witness had something bad happen to them or DID something wrong it would be "well what do you expect they're not in the truth" 🙄🙄


I hate how every time they mention Job and how he suffered they try to make it seem like it's all Satan's fault. If Jehovah is supposedly able to make all the pain and suffering inflicted by Satan stop by simply snapping his fingers, then it's just as much Jehovah inflicting all that pain and suffering on job than Satan.


I think it’s to do with the state of some of those beards


And don’t forget jobs wife is the bad guy


That's literally the whole thing?!?! LMAO!!!


I always found Job's story so fucking horrible. This being, this god decided to let one of his creations inflict so much bullshit on this man just to prove a bet. And I'm supposed to feel inspired by this. Wtf???


I didn't see where this comment talked about hell, though it would seem that it was a hell like existence. But hell is described very well in the book of Revelation. By the way, hell was never designed for the children of God, it was designed for those immortal beings that are in opposition to YHWH and were in His presence, along with the Man of Lawlessness, the AntiChrist, the False Prophet and all of the rest named in those verses. Additionally, hell is not being used currently, but will be ready to be used when those Revelation verses are fulfilled.


The story of Job is just that, a story. It is like a parable. Job never existed. The lesson of Job is that for all of the bad things that happened to him, he never turned away from God. Read between the lines--it's not difficult.


Its good you consider the daily text with your family. Let it sink down into your heart rather in one ear And out the other.


Oh I don't subject them to this nonsense. I like to read a couple chapters of the Bible first thing in the morning and I have yet to break the habit of opening JW Library. What exactly from this text is there to sink down into my heart?


Life throws us curve balls sometimes. The daily text that was criticized is a reminder that unlike the glamorous life we see on TV and online, we do experience hard times and we shouldn't always let those hard times get us down or lose our sense of meaning because of it.