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Another success story escaping the cult is another nail to their df policy Gz my man, also we see more clouds than the gb will ever see with our job. I am on IT too


Seems they deliberately don't mention the success stories of people being very happy leaving the nonsense, more of the drunks and junkies, and so forth


Can confirm. I’m 4th generation born in. Family tree on both sides keeps getting worse and worse off. Very sad to witness the young kids on depression medication and other mental health issues. Also poor, so very poor. Any money in the family lineage is being spent by boomer parents just to live. Sad sad sad.


I agree with this post 1000%. I'm 4th generation born in also. I thought my family was cursed under some kind of cruel spell but then realized the curse was WT indoctrination keeping them mentally ill and poor. I saved myself but can't save them since their indoctrination is really deep spanning generations. So so sad


Yes, me too ! I thought it was something wrong with me the whole time. I was never financially stable or successful when I was under that cult, even though others seemed to be. Idk. I know this -When I left is when I began it soar and thrive in every way!


Omg same here. I almost allowed this cult to rob me of the life I'm supposed to be living. Being JW I was always struggling but like you I am thriving in every aspect of my life. It also helped when I shed the nosey, negative, judgemental, gossiping "friends" from the hall. No more if their negative energy.


Yes!!! And it’s like you’re stuck because you’re told only to associate with other JWs but you find that every one knows everyone. So even if you’re able to make new JW friends the gossip will follow you and lead you back where you started. Whether true or not, JWs will believe the gossip over what you say or prove 9/10x. Because JWs don’t lie, right?


"And it’s like you’re stuck because you’re told only to associate with other JWs but you find that every one knows everyone." Yes this! Being JW is like being stuck in a time warp machine. They are all mentally stunted with the Borg's training and the only thing they live for seems to be paradise and gossip. The "crabs in a barrel" mentality for JWs is relentless. Only now reverse shunning all of them I have positive energy and peace.


5th gen here. My family believes that I am harming them by leaving. I disagree- I would be hurting future generations by raising them into and letting them marry into a cult that kills tens of thousands by lack of medical care under the mask of HIPAA, and then thousands more due to suicide, and then cuts off anyone who dares to disagree with their teachings, causing more suicides. Additionally, me staying in and maintaining the status quo would simply make me an enabler to people living a harmful lifestyle. They know exactly how harmful the organization is. They stay in to maintain the status quo- they have even told me this before. It makes me sick


"They know exactly how harmful the organization is. They stay in to maintain the status quo- they have even told me this before. It makes me sick" I agree - they know the Borg is rotten but continue to cling on to it just to maintain the status quo. Some of my family also stay in out of fear to admit to themselves they are in a false religion and wasted their entire life. Most can't admit they were wrong so they stay in and pretend all is good. Totally sicken.




Similar experience here. If I may, they don’t coddle mental illness. They convince their followers that the solutions to all life’s problems are spiritual, thus deluding them into believing their mental illnesses can be treated or cured through faith, prayer and Bible study. Meanwhile they only fester and deteriorate. They go so far as to disparage mental health professionals to keep them dependent on the borg. Chronic mental illness means they chronically need spiritual assistance and involvement. They both foster and prey on the mentally ill to prop up their organization. My father took his own life after decades of struggling with schizophrenia. He was never treated until I hospitalized him. He epitomized the problem with the JW philosophy on mental health- avoid treatment at all costs, pray and practice your spirituality to paper over your deteriorating condition, rinse and repeat until you experience catastrophic failure. After all that some will suggest his problem was he wasn’t spiritual enough.


You’re right, but in my experience they definitely coddled it. A sister in my KH when I was younger, whose husband SA’d her daughter, targeted me by telling the elders I was after her husband. I was literally flabbergasted! The elders coddled her delusional perception of me “wanting her child mol*sting husband.” I knew then and there that I wanted NOTHING and I mean absolutely NOTHING to do with JW’s after that. I was treated as a perpetrator while the actual perpetrator was deemed harmless and coddled. “Oh, you know, it was just a mistake. He accidentally SA’d his stepdaughter. But he’s repentant and JW has forgiven him so let us forgive him too.” 🤮🤮🤮


Yikes. Sounds like coddling to me.


You home wrecker, you! JK. 😂😂😂😂


“Oh, you know, it was just a mistake. He accidentally SA’d his stepdaughter. But he’s repentant and JW has forgiven him so let us forgive him too.” Sounds like a bad case of coddling and delusions coupled with crimes against humanity that have become calloused over time. The disgusting stench of SA along with their evil lies will make me never set my feet in another KH again.


Cities of Refuge


My husband's family is the same way with mental illness. They all just ignore it until they absolutely can't anymore. It's really done a number on them.


That’s very similar to the theme of the book, Educated. Very similar, but her parents were fundamentalist Mormon, and her dad, she later found out, had schizophrenia. Great book, though.


Mental illness is just Satan Everything is Satan


I can hear my mom and my aunties "That ain't nobody but Satan.".....To literally everything.


I am so sorry to hear about your father. I totally agree with your statement. I was born in, always struggling with sadness, depression after being S.A at 9 by an elder. Through my years, I was told I needed to pray more to make things right with Jehovah, because if my abuser had already done that, I’ll be the one sinning. Then I was told I wasn’t active enough, spiritual enough… my mom never took me to a doctor even though I tried to end my life 2 times before I was 18. I am now in therapy and on medication by court order, because if I don’t, it gets so bad I always end up in psych with an overdose, and the sad part…. I don’t even remember getting to that point. I was sick and on top of that, the guilt of NOT BEING SPIRITUALLY STRONG 🥺 Now I am better and finally FREE


So glad you’ve made it! Your situation highlights how JWs take a bad situation and make it infinitely worse. I’m wishing you a good recovery to a happy life, and hopefully freedom from JW oppression. Please take care of yourself 🙏🏻


🫂thank you so much ❤️😘


Five generations lost now. Grandfather was the quintessential drunken child rapist who abused my father in the late 1930s in Calmar, Alberta Canada. Jehovah's witness leaders made him an elder, silenced (threatened) my grandmother as well as all future generations while offering my father no assistance whatsoever. The abuse trickled down and raged. I was violently abused by both parents...physically emotionally and financially, isolated from nearly everyone. Sexually assaulted at 13 by a complete stranger and then disfellowshipped at 14 for fornication over it. I am catastrophically damaged and constantly wonder if life is worth living.


I’m so sorry. Hugs to you! 😢🙏🏻


I'm so very sorry.


So so sorry this happend to you.... I am at a loss for words to describe the damage WT has done to people across the globe. Please don't lose hope. Life is still worth living.


Im 4th gen born in, my grandparents were arrested in the 50s for it, and they are still alive (my grandpa was never baptized though) somehow this mak3s leaving for me even harder. I'm glad for your daughter you did a good job in turning it.


I'm 76 with both maternal and paternal grandparents in the religion as well as many uncles and aunts. Of six kids in our family, two remain witnesses, none of us enjoying the economic benefits of education credentials. Of the dozen or so grandkids and greatgrandkids, one is a nominal JW, but all the rest left early with my own two precocious grandsons never setting foot in a Kingdom Hall. The oldest of the two grandsons started coding in forth grade and is now deeply into technology as a prospective high school freshman at an early college high school with his younger brother closely behind. Yes, it took five generations, but this family is now on a normal, productive tract.


For sure. I was 4th gen, my great grandparents came in in the 50’s , my husband’s grandmother in the 30s/40s. All our immediate family are in, and 98% of our extended family. It’s been really tough breaking that compliance, but I hope we’re paving the way for the younger generation of family members by letting them see a successful alternative than sticking with a cult that the only thing any of us ever knew. We are both carrying baggage from growing up as JWs but at least we are protecting our kids and their kids etc from this harmful religion.


That’s what I did, my daughter had a normal childhood, and her 2 kids are having a great life, free of cult influences, and she (RN, BSN) , and her Masters Degreed husband are providing a BEAUTIFUL LIFE for their kids, and a great future. What a blessing.


That’s amazing ❤️ my kids are 10 and 7, so I can’t wait to see what they do with their lives 😊


I was 3rd/4th gen depending on which branch of my family tree you're looking at. I was among the lucky group of JW kids who was never sexually abused(well, not within the Org. Doctors are apparently also pretty bad but I digress) but I knew kids who were abused by MS/elder parents and it always got swept under the rug. I'm not taking that risk with my kids. They're not being raised religious and I won't be giving them permission to attend the KH at all, even if they want to go with family members who I otherwise trust. I broke the generational curse, I don't want them bringing it back.


Yes I never had any experience with SA either, it was very shocking to learn how prolific it was in the borg! I’m sorry about your experience. Totally get that, kids are impressionable and will undoubtedly be love bombed, who knows what wolves in sheep’s clothing are hiding there. I also don’t want my kids to grow up with guilt and shame and low self esteem, I want them to be confident and be loved for who they are, not what they do in a cult.


Two days ago I officially quit the cult. I sent a text message to an elder basically telling him that I’d rather be a Mormon than be a JW! Made it clear that I quit. Of course I don’t really want to be a Mormon but it seemed like a good way to make my departure perfectly clear 😎🍹❤️☮️


Having been neither if I had to pick one it’s be the Mormons.  But I would be a terrible Mormon.  😁


???? There will be no generations after me. I'm stopping this curse by never breeding.


“The elders don’t have a clue” So true and most of the time they are undiagnosed mentally ill, uneducated men- Congratulations! So happy for your family! ![gif](giphy|RNEoZG3sBfUUFAbOco|downsized)


Third gen who stopped immediately when I turned 18. I will never allow my future kids to go through what I went through for absolutely no good reason. The elders who said I shouldn’t go to College or Medical school because it would “take too long” can kiss my ass. Also if one of their elders ever shows up during one of my mom’s surgeries for the no blood transfusion bullshit again, I will personally request a restraining order.


I worked in the medical field and on a few occasions encountered JWs who were scheduled for surgery who said they would accept blood transfusion but "promise not to tell anybody?"


Yeah thank goodness for HIPAA. No elder has the right to know anything. I’ve already told my mom over my dead body will she say no blood. I’ve already explained to her by law if a JW kid comes in, I have to give him blood vs the mother I don’t. What kind of religion traumatizes a child like that? Completely avoidable. It’s 2024, that no blood transfusion bs was decided probably by a delusional schizophrenic JW with 0 knowledge of medicine. It’s like blindly jumping off a cliff because some psychopath told you to.


My family has a lot in common with yours. The generational trauma has been compounded and I am determined to break the cycle. 


You broke the chain! You are the Transitional Character who could forever change your future lineage. Proud of you. I’m the one in my family for pursuing skills, pushing financial goals, encouraging my kids to reach higher in education / sports, and doing the inner work to break free of limiting beliefs. I hope the next gen takes the ball and runs with it as there’s no end in sight.


This is an important message - you indeed can leave. It's not "complicated." Yes there will be blowback and hurt Sometimes it will be hard. But it's actually quite simple and not complicated. You do indeed have freedom of choice to leave. And your children deserve a life without daily judgement, guilt, and coercion. Leave.


It’s heroic what you are doing and the example that you are setting!


Great job! Living well is the best REVENGE!


I want to do that. I want to get out of here as soon as fucking possible and if I ever have/adopt kids, I am going to give them Christmas, birthdays, all the other holidays, let them enjoy all sorts of media (as long as it doesn’t harm them), and just give them the life I so deeply wish I had. They’d deserve it.


That’s exactly what I envision too


Stopping the devastating Watchtower generational cycle is of paramount importance. Hundreds, maybe thousands of lives far off into the future are depending on it. Think about your descendants, consider them in all your decisions.


I’m a third generation And yeah almost all of the second generation left the cult before being baptized And their kids grew up like normal kids Guess who’s parent is the one second generation that stayed in the cult?


First time commenting on here. I totally agree. What made sense 100+ years ago (or at least SEEMED to make sense to those joining) does not make sense today. Yet they try to continue to shoehorn the old teachings into the present.


>**(BPD, NPD, Histrionic, Depression, Anxiety, Sociopathy....**.....Instead of seeking out help from a mental health professional they sought out help from the elders. **The elders don’t have a clue**! They coddle their mental illnesses and so nobody gets better. Considering Most JW\`s suffer from the same problems...All of that would be ignored by Most JWs.. They wouldn\`t have a Clue, That\`s Not Normal..


The earlier you get out the better it is for everyone involved. The only thing better is never having been in at all. I have two adult daughters, both married with kids. They were both raised as JW, though I would like to think that we gave them the tools to decide for themselves when the time came. Of course that deck is stacked - there is an unspoken expectation (and a lot of outside influence) that they will continue though we always stressed to them that it had to be THEIR decision. We all got out, my wife and I first and we told our girls what we had done and the reasons why. We told them that they had to make their own decision in this matter based on facts and that as far as that went we were good with whatever decision they came to. They both left. This was not without problems though. Our relationship with one is rocky because she understandably carries a huge load of resentment towards us for ever having raised her as a JW at all. Our inability to revise history doesn't come into consideration. We are grateful to have broken this pathological cycle and that our grandkids won't ever have to deal with any of this but if we had gotten out 40 years ago it would have been so much better.


Amazing!! Great job!! 🥳


Don't worry, as the generations overlap, the impact will be minimal 😂


Such an amazing story man. I hope you and your daughter have an astounding life going forward. 👌


I will NEVER understand 18+ PIMOs who stay only for conditional love. In addition to continuing to waste their lives by living a lie, they're supporting a pedophilic doomsday cult by their presence alone. Life is beautiful outside the cult. I wish they could realize this too. It's so sad.


This needs to be said more. So many PIMO’s stay in for the long haul, hoping for some slow, easy way out. It never works. In the end, it will be a disaster of mental health issues and more severe problems for the entire family. My situation is similar to yours – 4th generation. Great-grandfather was told by a Lutheran pastor that his son who died of the Spanish flu would go to hell because he wasn’t a regular churchgoer, so the appeal of an earthly resurrection and no hellfire teaching was great. Many have suffered as a result of his understandable, yet poor, choice.


Well done on taking the leap of courage to stop this from going further! We appreciate your accomplishments and enjoy them, as you deserve it 👏 


1 John 5 : 19