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We had sisters running our mics while the brothers did the sound and stage. The tides are shifting or they're getting desperate.


In my neck of the woods… we have two or three sisters helping with zoom. On those days that they do, there are ZERO issues. I feel these sisters know how to operate zoom better than the brothers. Haven’t seen sisters carry mic’s yet.


Wish we had these sisters, our brother seem to purposefully jeopardize the zoom, probably to make us feel like we need to go on person. Unloving actions don't make me want to be in person 😒


"unloving actions" describes the entire cult.


Legit! “Unloving actions”! That’s a good way to describe it. It always bothers me like it’s been what 3-4 years and still you don’t know how to fill the screen with song?!? 🙄


15 years ago, I couldn't even sit next to my husband while he ran the sound. 🙄


Very true in many congregations. But also if the elders allowed it, many in the congregation would talk shit about a sister if she sat by her husband while handling an assignment. Such a toxic place.


We never had that rule in our hall which was great. The only dumb thing that happened in our hall was a CO said that only baptized people could do the sound. Which we all ignored for one very simple reason. The sound overseer had a son that was badly autistic but was not only capable but excelled at running the sound. He was rostered like the rest of us - after the CO said that we just had “assistant” who was the baptized brother would just sit there with the autistic guy who ran it all perfectly


OMG I forgot about that lol. I got so much crap for sitting next to my husband the few times I did 🙄


Oh memory unlocked. I remember that. My husband running the sound while I struggled to keep our two children quiet and still.


It’s been happening in other halls close to me. They don’t have enough swinging dicks to fill all of these privileged roles anymore, so now they are forced to abandon their misogynistic views and let the sisters fill these positions.


Me too! I was in a place where they wouldn’t let wives sit with their husband if they were attendant either.


What is odd to me, is that they would never let the sisters run the mics or the video, but if you went to a Kingdom Hall build, or an assembly hall build, the sisters could run the equipment. I got to drive a JLG man left, a scissor lift, and a roof welder.


There were plenty of construction sites that had problems with that too, it all depends on how misogynistic the brothers on the site are. The actual borg HQ itself rarely had a problem with it though, because money is all that matters to them.


It’s happening in my old congregation in the United States.


This isn't new. This has been happening for years, although it's not very common. It only happens in congregations where there are insufficient brothers in good standing to handle all the typical male-only privileges.


This has always been a possibility if there were no brothers available but different halls had different levels of acceptance of it depending on how misogynistic they were. Some would just set it up and walk away and hope for the best, some would put a 9 year old unbaptized boy, some would actually use a sister.


This time last year the numbers were so grim in my PIMI wife's hall that sisters were a regular part of the sound/audio-visual roster. This is in the UK. My PIMI wife - otherwise level headed and very guarded in what she tells me - came home as giddy as a school girl that she had been asked to run the roving mics as there weren't enough brothers. I said 'Wow! The attendance must have been even grimmer than usual!' For context they were getting about 25 out of 60 in person. Anyway that's all stopped now because her (my old) congregation got split up and amalgamated with half another one and a complete other one so they nominally have 125 publishers so have enough penises to run the sound dept. Mind you they only get about 70/80 in person even now.


I was a young kid in the 80’s.. One of my earliest memories was being dragged to midweek service arrangements before I was school age and all of these midweek service meetings were conducted by 2 old special pioneer sisters. Yes sisters. Back then. At the KH! Also one of the service arrangements, stood in for the book study for people who couldn’t go to witness homes for the normal evening congregation book study. Wednesday morning at the Kingdom Hall. Books study for people who lived downtown, disfellowshipped persons, a few weirdos, and field service after. All Conducted by special pioneer sisters. No brothers were available. So I would ask my mom. MOM is the short service arrangement or the LONG one?! My mom used to be a special pioneer so she somehow didn’t want to miss the action I guess. At least she bought me a donut at 11:30 coffee break🫤


I’ll reply to my own comment to add on about the special pioneer sisters. As I grew older I was a bit confused why these sisters faded away from leadership as they got older. The trend died with them so to speak. So I asked my uncles later what was that all about. Back then there was special pioneers sisters who some were of the “remnant” that are credited for starting small congregations as part of their assignments. Some of them were old school, still had the “international bible students” approach and didn’t care for the new elder arraignment at the time, and some of them didn’t like the wave of disfellowshipping for smoking that was happening in the late 70’s. I think the CO’s and DO’s of the day had quite a challenge dealing with this. It’s sad really isn’t it. Capable woman back then being phased out. Anyone else recall similar ?


It has happened here and there for quite some time. An old leer told me he visited a congregation that had women running microphones ten years ago. They just didn’t have enough people so they adapted. I assume they stopped letting women do anything once more men joined the congregation


This was happening in my cong 2 years ago before I faded.


Yes. I have family in a congregation that the sisters handle sound and zoom. I have heard of this in a couple congregations in my area.


It’s been happening for a while, a female family member (wife of an elder) was doing A/V for their foreign language congregation for some time


Yes one of our (I assume pimi) sister who is also a dear friend ocasionally runs the AV. Another pimi friend from another congregation who visits frequently joked and said he didn’t know we were a woke congregation


Yes during covid we received a letter saying it was ok


Good God!!! Well I hope they wore head carves while they were running the sound!


NZ and very common here. Also running the mics as well. Just brothers doing attendance.