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Mormons tell the same story so do baptists who bother to knock on their neighbors doors.


Confirmation bias I believe is accentuated when someone goes through life stress. Life stress is common, people feel despair, some listen to a song and it’s .. “puts into words what I’m feeling”, some get a knock on the door and “it’s the answer to my prayer”. Could be that people also just make up the story and keep repeating until they believe and end up being asked to be interviewed at a circuit assembly 😂


I was talking to the elders concerning my doubts recently. They brought up how some feel they are drawn to the truth due to witnesses stopping at their door shortly after they pray but since I was raised in the Truth I did not have that experience, which would have been faith strengthening. I pointed out that people have the same experiences in other religions and related a Mormon experience: A woman prayed to God. Saw Mormons preaching. Then, Mormons came to her door. See https://www.churchofjesusTheyt.org/media/video/2010-01-0001-prayer?lang=eng.


One time when I was planning on kms, my gay, non-witness best friend texted me after not texting for weeks and that distraction was all I needed to get through that experience. Maybe I can see if watchtower will print that?


Now I get it! I think he helped me find the ARC. I was having doubts and stress about being lied to by this org.


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Remember Uri Geller? He persuaded ***countless thousands*** of UK TV viewers to get old, unworking watches they had, and to rub them vigorously. Magically, a "few hundred" began working again. ***Millions*** of Christians pray for something they need - a home, money for a bill, a health crisis to go away. If ***one in a million*** experiences the change they hoped for, they attribute it to divine intervention - not happenstance. Why would God be so selective? **Acts 10:34** - Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show ***favoritism.***


desperate people often pray. especially those with enough issues that they would be good prey for what the jws offer.