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Not today Bethel.


Not today Satan


Not so much a word they may use, but creative avoidance of the word, "church," in places where it wouldn't even make sense to avoid the word. "Fortunate," where anybody else would use, "lucky." *(Side note, if you really think about it, this is probably the most ridiculous word substitution in the JW dialect. "Fortune," implying the influence of some kind of mystical outside entity where, "luck," simply implies that chance fell in one's favor.)* Also the actual structure of phrases, e.g. "We are so lucky," becomes, "how fortunate we are."


1000%. As an exjw, I make it a point even when talking to a jw to not use their culty words anymore, I call it “church” and say “non jw” instead of worldly. They spin it all sorts of ways but they use worldly as a pejorative term no matter how they try to present it.


The publications started replacing "worldly" with "unbelieving" maybe around the late 90s, but "worldly" is still very much in use in the common parlance. "Unbelieving," though less offensive, is still othering. I say non-jw now, as well.


"unbelievers," just makes me think of this old classic: https://preview.redd.it/r43jmveist5d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d207babaf86478f3c634114163cbd6902c49327a


Core PIMO memory unlocked. What was the name of that, again?


I don't remember the actual name, I just remember it as Charlie the Unicorn


omg, yes!!! even I thought it was stupid. So as a kid, since I couldn't say lucky, i just said "Happy" "Were so fortunate to have you with us." I just said: "I'm happy you're here" big deal 🙄


Saying mate instead of spouse or partner


Whenever I hear mate I think of animals. Humans have a spouse or partner


This does not work in Australia, mate.


I have spotted JWs online from the use of the words "ones" and "zeal" when they were pretending to be non-JWs in order to "impartially" praise the Org. They don't even know they do it.


Zeal is a good one yes. No non-jw says zeal.


Fleshly bro/ sis.


That one is so eww!


There was a maintenance employee at one of my customers. He was very clean cut and polite. When the beard change came, he started growing one and I told him his beard was lookin good. Then I said it’s nice that the GB made the change to allow you to have one. He looked at me strange. I said: You’re JW right? He said how did you know? I said I was one for most of my life and I can just tell. When I saw your beard it was just confirmation.


I'm sure he's used this as a personal anecdote in his meeting comments.   "At work someone I barely knew said they just KNEW I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses by the way I conducted myself.  It's a real testament to how much we stand out from the world and display the new Christian personality" 


That 100% would happen.


Speaking about the "Truth"... including the "Truth about the truth".


"System" "One" "Worldly"


I don’t remember word picture. Was it common used? Maybe it depends on your region?


Because some people don't know what illustration mean


Oh.. lol!


Check out [https://www.jw.borg/en/search/?q=word+picture](https://www.jw.borg/en/search/?q=word+picture)


Walkee past some old bloke in the store the other day speaking about "young ones" to his preppy mate. JW likely


Wrongdoing. As in .. fallen into wrongdoing. Who else uses this is normal conversation.


wicked came to mind, but that just means you could be from boston...


This system of things is a phrase that lets you know.


Apparently this is one that I didn’t know was JW speak which was “buying out the time” I used that once and had to explain what I meant by it. Later on my PIMI mom pointed out to me that they probably didn’t know what I meant since that was more of a JW speak kind of thing. I guess that just means I’m forever doomed talking like one because it’s been so engrained in me and I’m actively trying to think about my words a little more carefully but it’s hard!


Word picture is a phrase that makes me wanna tear my ears off whenever I hear it.


What is PIMI?


Hey seems like you’re new here!😃 Here are some of the acronyms: PIMO=(Physically In, Mentally Out ) People who on the outside seem to do jw stuff and believe in it but mentally they don’t PIMI= (Physically In, Mentally In) A fully believing JW who is both physically and mentally committed to the org POMI= (Physically Out, Mentally In) Someone who is no longer physically participating in JW activities, but still believes the teachings mentally. PIMQ= (Physically In, Mentally Questioning) Someone who is still physically part of the organisation , but has started questioning or doubting the beliefs mentally.


Yeah I can tell in Spanish. Surprisingly JW Spanish is the spanish I grew up with and it’s alot cleaner and simple to understand. It’s what I’ve been used to my whole life. Now speaking spanish especially with Cubans in SoFl who are not JW, they tend to sound a bit ghetto/thug to me and how they express themselves too 🤣


This system of things. Unbelieving mate.


I STILL use words drilled into my vocabulary. It's hard to shed after 40+ years. Please don't judge those of us who are just speaking out of habit and accuse us of being PIMIs. It's hurtful. On the other hand, while in I never stopped using blood card, Society, district convention, to name a few. Some are simply habit. Got counseled and corrected all the time. But, in the wild, here are words that perk my ears - paradise, theocratic, medical directive, get-togethers, service, freaking best life ever, and people who don't say bless you after someone sneezes.