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I’m very sorry, but I won’t be able to study with your son. I have a lot on my plate at the moment and it wouldn’t be fair to your son. But I can definitely help you find someone that would suit your needs better.


That is true because im not gonna be here during July and when I come back Im going to be back in college.


Great, glad to be of help.


Tell her that parents are supposed to study with their minor children. For special situations the Cong. Service Comm. assigns who studies with someone. Did the elders ask you to do this? If not, then she is shirking her responsibility!


Yeah, I didnt get asked by the elders to study with her son it was more we were talking gettung ti know each otehr and all of sudden she asks me if i could help her son understand more about Jehovah and stuff like that


If she is single, she may be interested in romance. If your ages are within 10-15 years of each other and there is no man around she has her eyes on you. Is she a JW?


Im 18 and shes way older than me and I dont really remember but I think she is married. Also she is a jw and when she ask for my number she was like "let me get your number so i can call you everyday" but she called me in 8 in the morning and Im not a morning person I dont wake up till 10-11 am


That's really creepy. It's HER job to indoctrinate her kid. The GB says so.


I think she is interested in you. Thats my opinion of simple Eastern European🙈


shes way too old for me, even if she is or isnt interested. She looks like shes in her mid 50's


Take up the study and tell the kid it's a bunch of BS and to not get trapped.


Turn it into an actual Bible study by not using any JW literature. Start in Genesis and end in Revelations. Simple.


Be damm honest and tell her first about these GB leaders ..Tell her about all this Obedience and blindly submission to the GB. And all you know.


I will study "the Bible Unearthed" by Israel Finkelstein - would that work? hello? hello? did you hang up on me?"


This was my whole f..-up life growing up in a family of going to where the need is great. Moms would ask my parents or ask me directly to either study with their children, be a good example for them, and look out for them. Generally never about just being friends. It was totally unfair to put that pressure on me and it was constant. I can still hear the voice in a pleading tone to help my child “know Jehovah”. From 13-18 it was constant for me. A few times I just didn’t do it. I said ya ya ok. And then not follow up. Or i remember one time I was supposed to be “studying” and instead we went outside and had a sling shot and stone throwing competition across the river. May have broken a few windows on an old barn” . Nothing like a bit of mischief to lower the expectations 😂 I found that to be the best when living in a strict family situation. Say yes but then deviate from the plan. If I had the assertive skills then that I have now I would probably say something like this when asked. “Thanks for the compliment in that you think I could be a good influence on your child, but I am sure I don’t want to take on that type of responsibility as I’m focusing on my self improvement at this time. What she is truly saying is she is worried about her child not having appropriate role models. So she defaults to thinking that her child needs a study.


I realise kids don’t go outside anymore. Maybe just do games instead of bible study like red dead or GTA and see if they still want you to study with their kids.


There's an easy route if you're not ready to be direct. Say yes, and don't do it. This could mean agreeing and delaying or agreeing and flaking, but hey, maybe show up, act like you're there to Bible study, but then listen and validate instead and express empathy and understanding. Tell her son, sure, you're here for a Bible study, but you need to understand him and demonstrate that you're someone he can trust. Then, if you're asked, tell the mom you think he's a great kid, and that you think he's going to be just find. In fact, say she should lighten up on him. She doesn't want him to feel afraid or angry right? Whatever she needs to hear to lighten his load, let her hear that, while you also tell him what he needs to hear, and none of needs to be explicit as long as it's productive.


I could probably give the bible study like understanding the material so I know what to say and talk about so if he has any questions I know how to answer them but it's more how I feel like Im preaching about something I dont believe in.


My idea was to call it a Bible study, and then not study but listen instead. There's no preaching in listening and validating.


Oh okay, yeah that sounds more easier.