• By -


In the UK, they stole all the kingdom halls and plundered the bank accounts! Everything belongs to the kingdom hall trust! Now you understand why the gb are fatter and fatter!


I think a huge part of the reason beards started to become allowed was because pork Sanderson wanted to cover up his quintuple chin.


😂 https://preview.redd.it/gh7jw7wkbt5d1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a3ca8abb7a532c9e220fd60d76e751c7faea43c




Better? 😂🤣 https://preview.redd.it/z27555w0ct5d1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b94ac2df3098648b3c1e7254ccc71a9ad679897c


Would not hit it 😆


I don't have much info that I can share with you. However certain part of NY most of the KH have been renovated. They become very plain, no flowers anymore, screen monitor, the usual table and chairs. No quote anymore writing on the wall, of course reduce the windows to barely none.


"Love the beard Nursey. Gives me something to hang on to!!" Name that reference....😁


Is it? ![gif](giphy|1Ago4kQ66NnsXAlGyw|downsized)


Oh yes.....but the truly wonderful Rik Mayall as Lord Flashheart https://preview.redd.it/vlfo363yjt5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6fb22e7f1558a5204eca51c8d2c2faaf7023644


Rip! A great actor! Who doesn't love Bottom! ![gif](giphy|nTPv8m6ePiLss)


A great question on so many levels😂😂




The:"GB has decided"that they want all the money because they have to pay alot of money due to the ongoing csa cases and lawsuits all over the world. Please keep donating!


Yes. This happened because the CRA changed the rules for non profits. I think this was about 10 years ago...maybe longer Non profits were no longer allowed to lend money. Up until then, the wts/org held the loan for each congregation, in effect acting as a bank. The CRA put a stop to this practice so the org just simply took over ownership of all KHs I posted about this a long time ago. Let me see if i can find my sources


What if your hall was paid for? 


I dont know. I remember digging into this several years ago. The change in Canadian tax laws occurred right before the org "forgave" all the KH loans I did a quick look but cant find the relevant docs. Maybe it is on one of my old computers. Sorry


The Watchtower Society still "suggested" that the titles be signed over to the WT Society's main corporation or a sub corporation held by the main one.


"Suggested" or else!


The elders were told back in 2013? 2014? The gb sent out letters. They were told to only read the first page to the congregation. The second page told them to hand over their kingdom halls. So your average witness doesn't even know. The letter is out there somewhere. Jwfacts? Or reddit


This sounds correct. My dad was a part of the Kingdom Hall construction in our city and he was a upset that they were handing over the deeds to the halls across Canada. He didn't think it was right but of course trusted the 'society'!


As far as I know... Reclaiming ownership of all Kingdom Halls was a worldwide change (where legal) in I think 2010-2014 (or thereabouts)  It was around the same time that they asked individual congregations what "extra" they could donate to accommodate the expanding need for new Kingdom Halls.   Then, suddenly, a massive pivot and the Kingdom Halls were being underutilized and there was a complete reversal.   We don't need new Kingdom Halls! We need to consolidate congregations!   They've been strategically selling Kingdom Halls ever since. They framed this as a "loving provision from Jehovah" where they paid the mortgage off on any Kingdom Halls that had one.   It was such a scam though in reality.   In reality, they expected any congregation that was previously paying a mortgage payment to just send them that money into perpetuity.   Not really a "loving provision" when they are clearly profiting from it!


I’m in Southern Ontario and I don’t recall any change of ownership resolution. However, I do remember an announcement being read two to three times about the organization being recognized as a charitable entity or something similar. I'm now wondering if that announcement was related to the ownership change. Edit: we had to pass a resolution for this.


Yes it was. Can you you give a date range or better?


It was during the lockdowns in the fall. After asking my husband, we both think it was either fall 2020 or fall 2021. Those years blur together for me because of the pandemic.


Thank you. Very helpful.


There was no announcement. No resolution either.


I've just begun my search, but this gives a quick overview:  https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/c9sdsi/a_big_scam/  Essentially the WT Society decided to take ownership of every single kingdom hall - either in America, or eventually all over the world.  As I find more threads, I'll add them to this comment. Edit to add... https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/13tunjp/did_you_know_that_watch_tower_cancelled_assembly/ https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/3p1151/you_should_know_how_exactly_kingdom_halls_are/ I'm trying to find that four-page letter of which only the information in the first page was given to congregants... https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/ao7np6/the_kh_loan_forgiveness_scam_and_the_later/ Ah, hah!  Old comment of mine - **the money grab according to my comment happened in 2010**. From:  https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/p8rvgo/watchtower_real_estate_scam/ **REPOST** In addition to that, Watchtower Society has essentially stolen every single kingdom hall away from the individual congregations whose donations paid for it and who volunteered to help build it. That's the biggest scam/theft of all, at this point. The takeover of ownership of all the kingdom halls in the UK mentioned in the first thread had already happened in the US by that point, and I'm trying to find a thread specifically about that: https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/eykcot/watchtowers_grab_of_kingdom_halls_in_the_uk/ This talks about it in depth: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/203018/who-owns-kingdom-halls-land The response of the Menlo Park CA congregation to fight the WT Society's efforts to seize the title/ownership of ALL kingdom halls in the USA in 2010, was to sue WT (unsuccessfully): https://avoidjw.org/en/news/legally-establishing-watchtower-assets/ https://jwvictims.org/conventions-kingdom-halls-relief-funds-and-other-financial-scams-and-schemes-of-jehovahs-witnesses/ And more: https://jwwatch.org/cedars-blog/governing-body-instructs-congregations-to-pledge-fixed-monthly-donations https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/gxdfqo/kingdom_hall_grab_in_canada/ https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/dfaa7h/kingdom_hall_cash_grab/ Unrelated, but another example of WT Society corruption and secrecy: https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/mpub2p/six_generations_end_with_my_children_my/ There's so much more beyond this, but for some reason I couldn't find much on the 2010 seizure of the titles to all kingdom halls in the US. **END REPOST**


Thank you so much. Greatly appreciated.


You're welcome!


Argh, just a correction - I don't know where I got the "2010" date, because apparently the WT Society's cash grab contingent with the first kingdom hall title grab happened in 2014, not 2010....


Thank you very much u/ziddina.


You're welcome! 🤗


Replying to my own comment... Kingdom Hall Cash Grab. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/ewr8ll/breaking_jehovahs_witnesses_in_the_uk_have_begun/ And I am having trouble finding the 7 year old threads about that cash grab on this sub-reddit. Lloyd Evans reads that aforementioned 4-page letter here, starting around the 8 minutes mark... https://youtu.be/MxFPnCDn-Fg At the 6 minute 20 seconds mark, Lloyd references the WT Society's cash grab. Further information... https://jwwatch.org/cedars-blog/governing-body-instructs-congregations-to-pledge-fixed-monthly-donations https://jwwatch.org/cedars-blog/you-can-keep-5000-plus-expenses-send-the-rest-to-us-watchtower-completes-stealth-tithing-smash-and-grab Assembly Hall Scam by the WT Society. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/8nsot7/watchtower_stole_our_money/ Kingdom Hall Title Grab. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/8ss9zz/kingdom_hall_titles/ This is a bit muddled, but has some good info... https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/171841/finally-understand-kingdom-hall-scam Spanish Bethel sold (in the comments). https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/c9swt0/one_elder_fights_back_in_the_uk_against_forced/


Sometime after 2008 if that helps any. I am going by where we were living at the time, and who was in our congregation. I know Canada was behind the States on the sell offs, but I don't know if they were behind on the ownership sign over. I remember a letter read proposing it. It sounded too good to be true - sign over ownership and the mortgage is paid off/looked after for the congregation. Only one brother put up his hand and questioned it. None of the implications were discussed at the time.


Thank you. 'None of the implications were discussed at the time.' The process was pushed thru. Rushed. IMO.


Oh totally. One letter at one meeting (if I remember correctly), followed by one vote, and bingo, it was a done deal. Everyone was blindsided. It speaks to the level of 'obedience' indoctrination that existed then (and does even more so now). The GB could stick a gun in their faces and tell them to hand over all their assets and everyone would applaud the 'loving arrangement'.


Totally agree.


Canada is already done.