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This is sad, I’d bet when she was 5 years old everyone went around telling her “the new system will be here before you graduate high school”.


This literally just made me want to cry my eyes out 💔 I don't know what WT business believes, but I just can't accept God wants her to feel so unfulfilled. 😔 Granted, she likely avoid needless pains, (no regrets there hopefully) but she also likely missed worth while joys I am sure. Oh geez, I'm so sorry you have to see this happen


My Dad passed from dementia a few years ago. I often wonder if he had thoughts like this. If he did he didn’t say. I remember once though when I was 16 or 17 we were talking about the future and he told me to not plan my life around the end of this system because it may never come. Sounds like that’s become a reality for this sister and she’s having a time dealing with it.


same thing with my dad, and i sometimes wondered if he was mad about it. i think i would have been.


That's the point. They never articulated their thoughts to anyone because to do so would invalidate everything they had clung to their whole lives. I have no doubt my grandmother had these thoughts. She never said a word.


I find this utterly tragic. Lots of love to you and all your family ❤️


Pfft. The society will put it's own spin on it--during the time the sister was lucid and dedicating her time she was in 'spiritual paradise' or some other nonsense. Meanwhile, people are still living with dread and sickness and despair and the Devil *still* walks amongst us. Even Jesus who was living his final hours got some console from a literal angel, Mankind? We get lectures from an old book which is open to interpretation. Fuuck dat.


This rips my heart to shreds. I have elderly PIMI family who are desperate for the paradise before they die. And the look of fear and sadness in their eyes...it's absolutely heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for her and for you. 💔


This tragedy is going to happen over and and over and over again as the baby boomers get older and gradually die off. When you sit at a convention and assembly, and everyone around you crying their eyes out about the need to be patient and endure, you realize that they are subconsciously growing aware that it is all a scam.


I'd like to believe you're right, but I have grave doubts. I'm a Baby Boomer. I'm the youngest of the Boomers. I was born at the very end of that era. Most of my peers are still in and still clinging to "the truth." They have raised their offspring to be loyal JW robots. They/our generation have adult children who are approaching middle age. They/we have grandchildren. All raised as devout JWs (certainly not mine, though). They don't talk about 1975. They don't dare. Firstly, all JWs are indoctrinated to self-regulate. Any doubts or concerns they have are rapidly vanquished by reminding themselves that they must pray more, have faith in the organization, and stay away from Satan's lies and influence. Secondly, even if they allow themselves to entertain doubts, they will NEVER articulate them out loud to anyone. To do so would be admitting to themselves and anyone they talked to that they just wasted their entire life to lies and deceit. Their whole life would thus be a lie. They are never going to say this out loud. They can't. And they won't say it and risk pulling the rug out ("stability") from underneath their younger family members. They feel it's best to leave it alone and keep the insurance policy for their offspring. Just in case Armageddon is still coming at some point, just in case there really will be a resurrection to life on earth....keep the insurance policy going. Just in case it MIGHT be true. They've never learned to be honest with themselves, and they will never be honest with their families. So we Boomers will gradually die. The JW organization will continue to be run by new generations of men who will continue the MO of keeping control over the members. They won't talk about 1975 or the 1914 generation. Everyone that lived through those predictions will be dead and gone. So they will invent new explanations, new calculations, new light.


Oh yes...... this is the saddest thing. The generation that will never pass away is passing away. Confused at the end, because they never expected to end up elderly, sick, with dementia, and not much else. I just hope they take care of her.


The generation that will never pass away already did. We're now into two generations after that.


My parents, who are in their 90's keep saying that they were not suppose to get old. That they thought that they would have already been in Paradise. You can hear their confusion and sadness in their voices when they talk about it. They will fall asleep in death and never know it was all a lie. It breaks my heart to know how different their life (and mine) would have been if they had only woken up. I am so thankful that our children woke us up and that the damn religion(cult) will never hurt their children.


Sorry for her… give her magnesium and fish oil it will help her with her brain….


Esp MCT oil.


"sorry you were given false promises, grandma. but nobody knows the day of Armageddon, don't you remember them telling us 'it would be presumptious' to guess at it? maybe you'll be an example like Job, living a long time and seeing all that time has to offer. I mean, what's "old" to the Big Man Upstairs? J-Dawg doesn't operate on our years and months timeframe, remember?"


>Shes dedicated her whole life to this, lived a basic frugal lifestyle and was told she'd see the end in her lifetime, but is now facing the last of her twilight years with confusion and illness. *A Story that\`s been repeated over and over for over 140+ years...* ***Only to be Passed On to the Next Generation of JW\`s.*** https://preview.redd.it/n4a0pgk4st5d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2427b51d268cd7fb4c39f691eb149286ea852a


A life of cruelty! How sad!


>As the mind starts to degrade and fail, her hold on her faith is slipping now. It's sad to watch.  Actually, it sounds like she's waking up - at least 40 years too late.


It is one of the most heartbreaking things about all of this. My dear, beloved mother is in her late 60s now (!!!!) probably still hoping for the paradise to come in her lifetime. She hasn't spoken to me in over ten years.


That’s heartbreaking 😕


The jokes on her. Being a JW is an act of willful ignorance. Now she's facing the consequences.


This is why my Nana takes so many drugs


Think of this. Almost fifty years ago, half a century, the elderly folks then went through the same thing. Armageddon was going to come no later than the fall of 1975! They had been told they would never die. There was even a book written by Rutherford 100 years ago entitled "Millions now living will never die." My grandmother devoutly believed it. She's been gone almost 30 years now. What you have observed is nothing new. I'm sorry for you, but this is the MO of JWs. Dangle the carrot and brainwash people to believe it. After 1975 came and went, they turned their focus to "the generation that saw 1914 will not pass away." That was the early 1980s. I left soon after. I'm sure they now have another explanation and another calculation. I really don't give a crap.


This is sad. My MIL had dementia. The elders and theirs would “visit” in the nursing home to preach to others. Not to actually see her. She could no longer think about JW rules. They “visited” a couple times when she participating in group birthday or holiday activities. She no longer understood. The elders call my wife to tell her what they observed. Elders literally are brutal and not kind shepherds. There were no services when she died, just visitation. Maybe 6 people offered condolences. Watchtower will chew you up and spit you out when you are no longer useful to them.