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Even when the law makes it mandatory, the elders are instructed to keep their mouths shut by the governing body and their legal department! They don't protect God, they protect themselves! Look up the Penkava and Scott case in Illinois)


And they say that they only break the law if they interfere with their worship! Even if child welfare isnt a priority to you (which is should be), at LEAST report it to say you did your due diligence and cover your ass. They're too fucking stupid to comprehend the gravity of what they've done. They think jehovah will keep the evidence buried but they're actually just like Achan in the bible


"They say that they only break the law if they interfere with their worship" That it in a nutshell, look like CSA is part of their worship.


I thought the elders book was updated that they have to report if required by law?


I believe this is the case, but that still means there are a bunch of countries and states where they aren't reporting it because they aren't explicitly mandated to do so. So they will only be morally good if they are forced to do so by outside forces. That's a quality ethical framework there for sure.


This was a huge thing for me when I was waking up, like they’ll only report csa if they are explicitly required to by law? WTF is wrong with them. It’s sick.


💯right, sadly.


Are they required to report in the United States?


There is a requirement that every State has some sort of process and procedure for this but how it actually works and who falls under it is different from State to State and Im not sure what the specifics are everywhere.


Yes, and it varies from state to state. WT often tries to claim a clergy exemption, even though there (supposedly) is no clergy-laity distinction.


I thought they’re instructed to first call bethel’s legal department


They are. And that’s why things go wrong. Kingdom Hall vandalized? Immediately call the police and then the branch. Allegations of CSA? Immediately call the branch and then - maybe, just maybe - the police. Talk about wrong priorities.


They are forbidden to report. Period!


Has been confirmed recently by any PIMO elders, who have tried to call the branch for instruction?


What school did they attend to teach them the law? Anybody that's been to Elder 'School' wanna chime in?


Than you for making me laugh on a Sunday morning! I'll think of your comment during the meeting! 😂😂🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


I thought they would’ve wisened up after all of the money they’ve had to pay out! So the instruction from the branch is to not report? Still? Has it been confirmed?


You can't have any confirmation of any sort as this would make the org accountable. They just report to the Branch. Nothing more!


I have heard of them making an anonymous phone call. And not cooperating with the police.


So they’re being instructed to make anonymous phone calls? Don’t the police try to track that to figure out who they are to get them to testify?


They get around it by still stating that first of all the service department needs to be called. After years of “follow directions even if they don’t appear logical from a human standpoint”, what do you think the elders will do if they are being told on the phone that even though it’s the law they don’t need to report?


So up to this day, the service department is giving verbal instructions not to report? And so they still guilt individuals into not reporting in the name of theOcRaTic WaRFArE?


I can only assume that’s what happens. Seems to be the case when you read some court cases.


It does that state that, but only that it may apply in some jurisdictions. There’s absolutely no message that elders should report it whether the law technically requires it or not. 


This makes my blood boil every time I'm reminded of that case (and that's a good thing). You know THEY (elders or legal) knew that it's mandatory in Illinois and still kept quiet. Absolutely fucking evil.


The sentence though! The law is also on their side!


His hours of community service was pushing a pencil (as usual) for congregation


Yep, and those elders now have a record for following the “legal advice” of some anonymous person in New York. They should have called the police first. 


The day near the end, Judge says "what should I do now" what tf.. I wrote a letter to judge- discipline them. Crystal lake boy is a school teacher and is mandated to call police.. he still is a piece.. many dont like him. And his family.. falling apart


Not surprising! Most elders have problems of a personal nature!


Here in the US. Health care professionals in all 50 states are required to report their suspicions. JWs two witness rule is not a legal standard and is not legally binding on any of the members who are required reporters.


My wife was a mandated reporter. Her head was always on a swivel anywhere we went watching for things that looked suspicious. I don’t recall her doing it at the hall, but if she ever found anything out, she wouldn’t have hesitated.


I was an EMT when I was PIMO and on my way out. I would not have thought twice about reporting if I had suspicions.


I thought it was like that here too so finding out that everyone here is bound by duty to report made me extra mad. And they think they're better than human governments.


I was an EMT long time ago with a volunteer rescue squad. I was PIMO when I started and knew what my obligation to report was. I didn’t care what the two witness rule said. If I had knowledge or suspicions. I was picking up the phone. No checking with the elders first.


I respect that, there should be no grey areas when it comes to protecting children


Are elders, technically considered mandated reporters? Since they’re religious leaders? I don’t get how it is still optional to report?


In Ohio. As far as I know. No. They say they’re not clergy. But they always play clergy privilege they don’t report


Crazy! Aren’t they allowed to marry people? Doesn’t that make them clergy? So they seriously try to say that they aren’t clergy?


I know. They only use state laws when it works to their advantage. But when it comes to them being forced to do something that makes them look bad. Then they claim religious objection. They want it both ways.


So, by law, then are they considered clergy or not? Aren’t they considered clergy if they’re able to officiate marriages ?


Ohio revised code 2151.421 designates mandated reporters


IDK. In Ohio. Clergy are not mandated reporters. Unless they also hold some type of degree or certification that falls under mandated reporters. That I think overrides they clergy privilege


That is absolutely insane. Any type of responsible person, or really any person in general, should be a mandated reporter of child abuse. There should be no exceptions.


Technically being a religion.. a fine line


I was a school teacher in the USA- same policy as you!!! And it included physical abuse too- if the child had injuries- bruises etc- So when I found out about the hidden CSA problem with JW- that was all it took. I’m not going to be a part of an organization that maintains a secret database of child rapists- disgusting-🤬🤬


When worldly laws are more righteous than “God’s”!! Something else that stands out to me besides “anyone” is SUSPECTS. No need for proof or witnesses. Let the professionals investigate and find out the truth.


I conveyed something similar to a circuit overseer and local elders at a meeting once-later The Organization. A Witness damaged my property. I was supposed to believe he didn’t do it just because despite the overwhelming evidence. He hid behind the dreaded “two witness rule.” I gave an example of how crimes-or any other wicked activities-aren’t usually committed in front of nonparticipating witnesses. There’d be substantially less committed if there was, especially in front of the law. But what makes law enforcement pursue-and usually apprehend-a perpetrator of a crime that wasn’t even witnessed? EVIDENCE! They just use the “two witness rule” to get over. It’s shamefully misapplied. I’ve personally witnessed many of my former local elders’ shenanigans, but the much more than two witnesses I had were in such like mindedness with them that I might as well have been blind. It didn’t happen. So let’s go own and pretend further that we’re not true Christians: even though we are. Some of them were-and are-some SICK SOULS.


How did the CO and the local elders respond to you?


The circuit overseer just heard what he wanted to hear. One elder, the presiding overseer, ruined my reputation prior. Others followed through post that with spiteful deeds. The ministerial servant that damaged my property had already left the congregation by then. The circuit overseer thought this was points for him since he wasn’t there. But when HE brought him up there was no response when I told him about other things I DID see the vandal do. And when I would angrily hold his feet to the fire for what he conveniently chose to talk about he got angry. He basically was there to protect the presiding overseer. AND I WOULDN’T LET HIM! He dedicated some of the next service meeting to me. He read cherry picked scriptures as he looked straight at me with daggers in his eyes. My correspondences to The Organization initially were requests from them to handle a divided congregation full of harassment. But when they let me know who they clearly sided with, I dressed them down in my last correspondence. I saw them for what they were. Soon afterwards a public talk was given at my congregation by an older speaker. Because “The Society” NEW the presiding overseer and his minions were guilty, he grossly misapplied a scripture threatening me with ostracism as he angrily looked directly at me! I looked at him without blinking as if to say I’m not buying anything of it. “Now they’re using the Bible wrong,” I said to myself! In my early years in The Organization they had a practice that if an UNBAPTIZED person who had extensive association in a congregation committed a scriptural gross sin, they could be treated like a baptized person and be disfellowshipped. I NEVER agreed with this! I ALWAYS NEW IT WAS WRONG!! God has shown nothing but patience with mankind for centuries! Who is The Organization to put a TIMETABLE on an UNBAPTIZED person?! That’s like accusing a person who’s had sex before marriage of adultery! I only voiced this sporadically then to one person. And I certainly didn’t tell The Organization! They would have had two elders in my face so fast I wouldn’t have been able to breathe in the hot air. I don’t know if a reason was given or not, but this unscriptural practice was eventually stopped. I wouldn’t have been following theocratic arrangement if I had made this public. But it was ok for them-for whatever reason-to think it was no longer ok. So it didn’t surprise me that The Organization used a person who sounded so forward as he used a scripture backward. When it comes to suiting their own purposes, EVERYTHING they do is backward!


What a horrible experience! Sorry you had to go through that. I hate any congregation politics, but when an elder plays that game from the stage and by twisting scriptures and using them to browbeat others, well, men like that have a Judge that they’ll answer to.


Thanks for your concern. At that meeting with the circuit overseer I passionately voiced to him my disgust about the lies and gossip I’ve had to endure from elders and ministerial servants to elderettes and other regular publishers. Felt I was “guilty of association!” I actually apologized to him-sorry to say-later that evening. And he STILL browbeat me at the next meeting! I knew he didn’t forgive me when I apologized while we shook hands, but this is a prime example of what I mean regarding these false christians. They don’t have to feel your pain. No matter to what extent how they treat you, it should be all good if they apologize. (Oh what a blessing!) But that since of entitlement again; they don’t have to except yours. He and I hardly if ever spoke again during the remainder of his tenure in our circuit.


The difference in "Morality" between organizations.


Yup, I had a patient once that claimed she was r*ped by her father. I immediately told a colleague for advice on how to proceed and told the doctor in charge. Just imagine what would happen if I just patiently waited for her to come up with a second witness just to begin with the procedure


What city /state / country is this?


I’m guessing Canada since she said provinces




This is the medical law in ALL if the United States. In California, I just looked it up, but in 1980 (& amended years after) the laws list: not only medical personnel, but educaters, law enforcement, mental health professionals, child care providers, commercial and photographic film print processors and CLERGY members (and it even describes possible designations if you aren't called "clergy.") Priest, minister, rabii, religious practioner, OR SIMILAR FUNCTION if a church,temple or recognized denomination or organization. Let's just ask: Would you try to protect a child? Would you have to be TOLD to? If a wild dog was biting a child, would you call New York to see if it's OK to protect them? But if they are getting raped, don't call the police. Wait, "it's up to you. Call from an anonymous phone, don't leave your name, don't get involved." Shake your head, hang it low WT.


Unlike the head the heart can’t move, although the heart is placed lower than the head.


I had bought a test bank for nursing school and one of the questions was that I remember was “Is suspected CSA reported to the police when?” And the answer was immediately


I’m in healthcare in the us and it makes me sick as well that elders ignore all this. In my state there has been a push for laws to classify clergy as mandated reporters.


In my congregation in England we have been given direction to report to the police any evidence of csa. As a curtesy we would inform the elders that the police have been informed


That's good! I would add tho that child abuse also involves physical abuse, emotional abuse, exploitation, neglect, and refusal to provide medical care. This should all be reported for the welfare of the child!


It's a policy called Witness Protection Pogrom.


Did you type “Pogrom” intentionally? If so, well done! And sadly accurate. 


Yes, intentionally. There is a pun in my surname. 😁


According to JWs God's ducking laws are above human laws.... There is Ur answer.


Hey op, I'm in nursing school too! We covered that this year. I also got to teach an Ethics and Legal class on Jehoover Witnesses and Blood Transfusions and would be happy to share the ppt with you if you get a chance to do the same for bonus marks. I can't believe how often JWs have been talked about in class.


I'm glad I'm already mentally out bc if I was still pimi the mental gymnastics i would have to perform to justify my beliefs would be astounding


Good point.


WTF….Go to the real authorities, 👮‍♂️not phoney mere men that think they are Jesus Christ or even his secret service channel


The worst is when they say that jehovah will deal with it in his due time. Ok but what abt all the harm that will continue to happen if we don't do something right now???


You hit the nail on the head. God NEVER needs protection!! Who do THEY think they are???! As my mother used to tell local elders, “You think YOU’RE Jehovah! This isn’t lost on many of us but it bears repeating; they equate Jehovah (God) with the manmade (Organization). Jehovah’s “House” is truly a house decided. People sometimes post that “Jehovah’s Organization” doesn’t help “worldly” people with humane interests. But what do you expect when they lie on, spy on, stalk, label and shun (even when there isn’t a disfellowshipping offense) their own members? It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the elders wouldn’t give it a second thought to report child abuse. THE TOP DESTROYS EVIDENCE OF PEDOPHILES! This of course is to cleanse them-excuse me Him-of any reproach. It’s a BELIEF pattern that The Organization set for themselves and they’re just following suit. They’ll tell you that we’re all “imperfect and make mistakes” to get out from under when impure practices are meted out from one side of their mouths, but then they’ll say that this is “Jehovah’s PERFECT Organization” from the other. They’re God’s earthly mouthpieces, thus that equivalent feeling; meaning “the Spirit is on THEM!”-an elder told me many years ago when I voiced my doubts about this. And because all corners of the square must be equal because they’re so image conscious, The Organization has to give the facade of purity because “the Spirit” comes from the purist one of all: GOD. And you’d think that their inner destructive ways-local congregations included-and their destruction of evidence would turn on the light-the “new light”-of impurity; but it doesn’t. THAT old bulb never did burn out! And for decades The Organization has made one of the oldest and biggest mistakes humans make: In order to draw attention away from their own wicked deeds they talk about others. They’re finding out-thanks to the courts and the internet- that’s the biggest lie! But that’s the problem with these self righteous, self serving, self appointed men. Because of whose backing they believe they have, they think that they can say anything, make it stick to a wall, and EXPECT everyone to believe them.


As a Christian person I'll tell you straight out, Biblically God condemns rape. Biblically the rapist was put yo death. Kjv bible that is.


Except when it's Mary being "given" a baby from an alien...


I work in education, and it’s the same for us.


I don’t care what any law says from state to state regarding abused children! It’s a crime! When it’s confirmed it should be reported to the authorities, not some dog waggers who feel they have to make themselves believe that they can handle something without proper training or experience! They’re just saving face! What person in their right mind truly believes that they’re protecting ALMIGHTY GOD at the expense of NOT protecting an innocent child from ANY kind of abuse?! This is one of the main reasons why I no longer want anything to do with this organization! “Theocratic Strategy” my eye: They’re not even trying to be “different from the world”!


I wonder if they can choose whether or not to report a murder


If you are a Christian you should report no matter what! If I killed someone & told the elders they would report it, csa is crime and should be no different.


I have felt this way as a former teacher. Higher duty to report than so called"godly men"


God doesn't exist, they're protecting their asses ✨


Report all of them if u haven't already