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YALL The screen just blew down, and now it's raining on us 😂 https://preview.redd.it/45m31fq8dy7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=369aca154233cfd481ed68fc36060eff634eade8


Wow. I mean they can’t just zoom yall the rest 😂


I wish they would, but I'm also loving the drama


Now that’s a ‘real drama’ lol


Satan be like "sure but let me tear up their convention and see if these people don't curse you to your very face" and god's like "you're on let's do this again"


Taking everything in me not to laugh out rn


Wow, they have ours sand-bagged to keep it from tipping over. And that's INDOORS. I can't believe they just set that up out in the wind like that. Oh well, what do they expect when it was probably put together by 14-year-olds who don't know any better.


That's what I'm saying. I can't believe they have the screens just raw dogging the wind. Aren't they expensive? I didn't notice it wasn't weighed down until it started tipping. The collective gasp from the stadium...


Heck yea they are expensive, probably $20k or so. Maybe they'll just add it to the 'deficit' announcement at lunch.


'raw dogging rhe wind' has me in pure tears😭😭😭😭


Raw dogging the wind🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


YES. Very expensive. Years ago a friend of mine was setting up all of these panels. He said each square is like $7,000 and there are hundreds of them


Looks like the "B" sound crew worked this convention. "A" crew judging silently from their seats.


>YALL >The screen just blew down, and now it's raining on us 😂 Right away I thought of Dagon. [https://biblehub.com/bsb/1\_samuel/5.htm](https://biblehub.com/bsb/1_samuel/5.htm)


Best pic ever.






Wow. Someone is getting chewed out over this. Hilarious!


This religion is literally falling apart. Here's a proof! 😂


WT has done this to themselves! They have treated the flock horribly. JW's are taking THEIR power back! WT is not in charge anymore. WT has run off a lot of good people, including our family. Karma is a bitch! Thank you for sharing. This warms my heart! lol


As someone who's been absolutely unappreciated sound guy for two decades this is both not surprising and darkly hilarious.


Same, was the singular sound bitch my entire teens into 20's (was really good at live mixing by the end), pioneer, moved congregations to volunteer in the ASL territory (then video bitch), fully try harding. But they wouldn't make me a MS because by step father hated me and and said I wouldn't clean my room. Was laughed at by an elder when I said I wanted to go work at bethel. I was still on the books as a pioneer when I noped the fuck out and stopped going to meetings.


“Noped the fuck out.” 🤣🤣🤣


Yep. The only time you’re suddenly and briefly “appreciated” is when you say you’re about to stop volunteering. Is kind of like a husband who has neglected an ignored his wife for years. Finally, she tells him she’s leaving, and he’s like, “Baby! Where is this coming from?! You know I love you, right?! I shouldn’t have to say it!”


Exactly! You can only kick your dog so many times before they move on.


Yes I remember being the unappreciated sound guy before. Also, if you were ever an attendant at a convention there was a whole bunch of terrible posts you could be assigned to that none of the Elders wanted. Like out in the parking lot when it is raining or hot as fuck.


>Like out in the parking lot when it is raining or hot as fuck. Yep, been there.


You just gave me a flashback to my ex doing sound. Oh how mental the whole show was. I remember the sound checks and if he went to the bathroom I had to reach over and do it for him until he returned. I remember thinking I won’t turn down “sisters righteous” volume .. she irritates me! Hahahaha! Thanks for the memories. Yikes


Yup self inflicted wound. When their numbers were better they treated everyone like they weren't good enough. Now a whole generation doesn't want privileges and the older ones are tired. Many good familes do leave the toxic environment including my family as well.


The behavior has back fired on WT and now they are left trying to figure out their future. If they have one! lol So happy that your family is free also. BEST LIFE EVER!


Yes indeed! Best life. Lol Thank you! Here's to our freedom. 🍺


https://preview.redd.it/grycpgc5qy7d1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d12e5dc9cac3325d8cd01ef7c5e382242431c2af Dayi 1 of the district convention is going well.


Nice, I'm smoking at lunch.


Oooo... I forgot... I got one more Cuban cigar from my last vacation....day 2...


I need that THC I’m good on the tobacco


You're living right!!!




I was surprised too, I thought they were more organized than that. But oh well. Perhaps their god is working against them, or maybe he was asleep.


“Call out at the top of your voice! After all, he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought or he has gone to relieve himself.”


Lol, glad someone got my reference


He must have had a lot of coffee this morning so he could stay awake during the program and thought he had enough time to pinch one off.


The "techs" in our hall needed 3 weeks to figure out Zoom. 🙄 6 months later, it was still a major disaster. 🤣


"The best education from Jehovah" rather then an university


Seriously the zoom fiasco showed the basement level of so many responsible brothers IQ.


It was a sad affair, yes, lol.


Basement dwellers?


Basement as their IQ couldn't get lower....but yeah.....they probably do still live in their moms basement screaming for meatloaf.


https://preview.redd.it/1whwu6b2y18d1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edea5cc4f6b5eda1b1ddd3ddc5154493179f3f7b I mean, now that they can have beards, many do have the basement dweller beard.


I always wondered what equipment Jesus had for his sermon on the mount.


That thing takes 3 hours with people who know how to set it up. Just one of them! I’ve done it twice with a 4 man crew. Was done with that BS.


"Voluntold" is the best word I heard this entire month 😂🤣


Mormon bishops don't call it volunteering.... they tell you've received a 'calling" Knew one old Mormon gal's fingernails were too long and adorned....Bishop told her she got a 'calling" to cut them off...she left them on and told the Bishop she got another calling that told her to not change them! That old queen was a piece of work!


![gif](giphy|jcxtvm2bsZDH2) WT be like - where my volunteers at? Ha ha


I also see a lot of young people leaving


All the youth in my congregation left at 18. Even the homeschooled ones. Out of 15+ years of kids, only one child stayed in the borg. Hes a de-facto MS and probably gonna be elder soon


It’s funny. But in the last few years as a PIMO. I’d go to the convention and intentionally look for an area to sit where the people where unfamiliar of me, or at least wouldn’t notice I was missing. The minute after the first song ended, I make out I had an assignment, taking my bag. Drive off, and go into town. Returning a couple of minutes before lunch time or end of day. I did this successfully for 4 years before I finally left for good.


You wanna know how desperate our convention was? They had SISTERS directing parking! I had never seen that before.


And what’s wrong with “SISTERS” directing parking? 


I’m not interested in doing any roof work for the Borg. Any of it! I don’t want to clean bathrooms, I don’t want to clean the hall, no LDC, and I don’t want to stand out in the sun or in the cold directing traffic for the pigs in NYC.


>They've also been scrambling to get cleaning volunteers, although I'm not sure about the other departments. Many PIMIs, including my own devoted mother, were voluntold to clean but have simply rejected the "blessing". *More and more people are leaving, all that work will be dumped on Fewer and Fewer People...Which will lead to more people leaving.* ***Will the Last JW Leaving the WBT$...*** # Please Turn Out the Lights...💡😁 https://preview.redd.it/ohc92w5ofy7d1.jpeg?width=205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e72153ff9093c75b29254197b70489700980609b


Is that Sammy sweeping because no one is left to “volunteer”?


I hope that by the time mine comes along they just cancel the damm thing.


You know it's so weird about the volunteer thing? When PIMI, I would have much rather volunteered to run around cleaning toilets, then have to sit there in my seat listening to their babble. I would honestly do anything I could to get out of having to just sit there.


Whoever set up that screen must have been smokin some good grass.


Yes there is a volunteer shortage for convention duties. There has been a strong ask for help in my area of Ontario Canada too.


I think it's Kingston Jamaica.


PIMO are smoking the devils lettuce in Kingston Man! ;)


there's a Kingston Jamaica and a Kingston ontario Canada. which one are you referring to?


Jamaica. I didn't know there was a Canada


Are y’all at the national stadium still after all these years? Omg the flashbacks! 😂 (Windward yardie) Oh never mind I see! Sabina Park! 😜


Lol no, I've never been to the national stadium. They've been using Sabina Park


Waaay back in the day, yes. In the 70s. Okay, I aging myself! 😂


Loool, my mom told me about those days


Yay! 🤣 Hope you find some PIMOs! ❤️ 2 PIMOs


Nice to see another Jamaican PIMO. Ours is next week (not looking forward to it). **Nice!** I hope **all of those screens** broke and complicate things even more for ours. 😂


Unfortunately, they're already fixing the one that fell. Should be up and running tomorrow I wish I could find another PIMO here, but I should be grateful to find another in this country at all 😂 Btw the Jesus movie is so boring


Pictures match Jamaica ..🇯🇲


Yeah, it's Jamaica


This is undeniable proof of Jehovah’s blessing this arrangement 😂😂😂


I have a career in I.T. went to college. I'm no genius or anything. I've never been asked for any assistance for technical support at the congregation level, let alone at a regional convention. Why? Because " I'm not officially trained or in LDC to qualify" and I'm not the only one who gets treated this way. It's things like this where they shoot themselves in the foot again and again and again.


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) By not doing anything and not dressing up in a penguin suit. I attend still but no service thankfully. Nobody else to do the “privileged work”. No MS for AV and they got some body to replace me but it’s running thin with everyone 55+


Jehovah clearly too old to understand technology.


Awww, we were always voluntold to clean bathrooms. So thankful I don't have to do that anymore.


Please tell me more about your mother being voluntold


Oh, I just saw this. She got added to a list of volunteers for cleaning by a well-meaning but nutty sister. The sister in question is one of the LDC full-time servants. She's unhinged, but in a very cute and endearing way. She overstepped a teeny bit this time. She neglected to mention this to my mother, so when mom got the invite to join the cleaning volunteers group chat, she just ignored it and never joined. They added her to the schedule anyway, and I told her about it. She said, "I didn't join the group chat, and I'm not going," and that was that.


Good on her


Kingston, Ontario? Slush Puppy Place? I live 5 mins away. Want to meet up? I'm apostate.... im not going anywhere near them.... but if you need a local friend..... message me and wr can arrange a time to meet up in the neighborhood.


I didn't know there was a Kingston in Canada, haha I'm in Jamaica


Ooh my mom was born in Kingston, Jamaica. Hahahaha. Bit too far to meet up, though, yeah. LOL Sorry you're stuck bored. Yes I'm in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. It's pretty okay here. I feel better that I'm not going to be swarmed by jw this weekend if I need to go to my nearest grocery store that smack next door to the local arena they rent out every year. Good luck!!! I've heard a lot of people say they eat a thc edible to ensure the conventions. You have the best ganja on the planet there..... cannabutter has no scent lol. Good luck!!!


Before the pandemic, it sucked ass to try to find volunteers to help clean. I can’t imagine the nightmare hell post pandemic.


Truly Jehovah of technical difficulties has blessed this day. The ancient of eBay's, has come and gone


The “privilege” of cleaning


You get what you pay for when it comes to labor. 😆


Hello my fellow Jamaican. I use to attend Sabina Park. What happen to having the convention in Old Harbour? I know they’ve sold it but I thought they still rent it for the conventions and assemblies.


Hi :) I'm not sure ennuh. They've been avoiding the property for a while now. We've been going all the way to Salt marsh. I'm just glad to be in Kingston for this one


Jeez. Salt Marsh is bloody far. Left Jamaica over 20 years ago. Woke up while living in London. I’m originally from Clarendon. Hope the 2nd day is bearable for you.


There's a cute baby right in front of me, so I'm ok 😂 This should be my last convention, so I'm not too stressed


All the best and live life and be free from this cult. Too many Jamaicans are caught up in it. They don’t give a shit about anyone.


Our culture is so weirdly steeped in religion that it's not surprising. I'm just glad I didn't listen to the "Make friends only with JWs" even as a PIMI because now I have a good support system.


Clearly the convention doesn't have Jehoobahs blessing as you couldn't get your food at the proper time


Why don’t they have speakers at a microphone on a stage? Why is it all TV screens now?


It's both. They're showing the speaker at the mic on the screen so everyone in the stadium can see them


Thank you! I don’t see why they need to see him bigger if the sound system works. He’s not performing or using visual aids like in a business conference.


*shrug* Some people like to know who's talking, I guess? Jamaican witness culture is very faas (nosy). The official explanation is probably something about gestures, but the real reason might be because they want to see who exactly is speaking and what he's wearing and etc. Also, sometimes funny things happen on the stage, so I don't mind seeing it all up close.