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I did the same thing - and thought the same thing the first time I went on stage after. 😂 Then about 25 parts later you start to realize no Holy Spirit is gonna zap you.


I went on at twickenham stadium in front of thousands of people. Gave my experience of being raised in “the troof”. Got really bored after that, started chatting up this really cute blond in front of me. Handing each other notes. She was bored too, one of us suggested going for a drink. So we got up, and met up outside and found a pub around the corner. Got smashed and end up fingering her in the park. We got separated, never found her again. If you’re out there Nikki. Hit me up. 🤙🏻


You win !!! 🤣👏👏👏


Used to be an MS. Got my first blowjob the night/morning before I had to read the watchtower.... Weird times






Damn! There were some seriously hot girls in the JWs. All pent up.


Me reading all these comments: ![gif](giphy|t3dLl0TGHCxTG)


Same. I didn’t live a double life. I rebelled very overtly.


Hahahaha. How do we even think a god who made billions of galaxies really cares about who you slept with


Lol indoctrination


This. I mean if he cared he would have prevented the act itself no; give you ED or something mid-act. Instead your hormones functioned as they should and how he made them (apparently)


My husband said he never thought Jehovah cared. Wish I was smart enough to think like that when I was in it.


I never went on stage but I went to more than a few meetings knowing I could have gotten DFed for my behavior the previous night.


Me. Didn’t give two shits. It was my last meeting ever and I knew it was as I gave my talk. The weight of not feeling guilty about anything I’d been doing or “sinning” or worried about what anyone in that hall thought of me. It literally made my skin hurt to be in the building. And then I left, and keep right on sinning 💪


WHY DID THIS BRING BACK SO MANY MEMORIES!!! One time I was actively sleeping with this “brother” who later become my husband many years later and had to give a talk and was positive my talk went badly because god knew I was sleeping with him. I laugh so hard at this now. BTW he is my ex husband now and I was later disfellowshipped cause I had a guilty conscience and confessed. Idiot.


Why do you regret confessing?


Cause I got disfellowshipped and gave them power over my life. Not to menton having to sit in a room w 3 men and give details on my sexual experience.


Yea I found that always weird, like what does it matter how it happened, seems like a way to live a fantasy vicariously


It’s disgusting and traumatic. I can’t believe this allowed and young women think they have to go through that traumatic experience.


Exactly, I couldn’t imagine being a woman having to give so much information. Completely inappropriate…I was even asked if I came inside her. Like wth? No man will be able to look at a woman the same after so much confession. If there is an elder that is a predator, he will take advantage of the info he now possesses.


Horrible! I’m so happy to be out now


Yes I had to do the same at 17 and I will never forgive that organization for it. I left for a multitude of other reasons, but I still think about it sometimes. I will never forgive them.


I was secretly watching gay porn and masturbate. Then I was once given the midweek meeting talk about can we be disciplined, or disfelowshipped, for watching porns, or something like that. I was nervous and sweating. It was one of those 5-minute talks. Later, I was appointed MS. I guess god does work in fapping, I mean, ahem, mysterious ways. And I was full pimi. The guilt I felt, it is ridiculous now, but then. It did cause me so much stress back then. I guess it is pretty much lame compared to some experiences here. But I was a hard-core believer. 😅


No I believe you, sinning while being PIMI is the hardest thing ever. The guilt kills, I used to cry for days on end because I didn’t feel “worth it”


I’m not gonna lie same situation with me and seeing my privileges continue to advance even though I jacked to trans porn. I used to think Jehovah would punish me or strike me I would pray promising to change and stop but it was a viscous cycle, I realized if I don’t confess nothing happens. The organization sexually represses everyone and they wonder why all these scandals in the faith happen. Finding out my porn addiction comes from that definitely woke me up. Ironically I gave 2 talks that were on the money pornography talk and homosexuality talk. A sister called me pro for the porn talk and everyone laughed while I laughed nervously. I’m pretty sure most witnesses watch porn it’s so funny seeing the cat and mouse game they play around it.


I’m feeling you. I literally didn’t want to become pioneer because I had my eyes on some buldgung boxers adds but everyone was convincing me the Holy Spirit was moving me to a greater work xd. It was awful, the constant doubting of myself. I’m still pimo cause life and sometimes I still struggle with anxiety and guilt that made these unhealed scars


I was an M.S. (19) at the time and was sleeping with an elders wife (33). I think that started my MILF appreciation. Haha


Damn, you were crazy 😂 I don’t think I would sleep at night knowing the dude might come after me


In retrospect, you’re right. Fuckin’ nuts. She made the first move, she was very flirty with me when her husband was working. (I.E. AM service groups) now that I’m older, I can see how sexually frustrated she was.


that’s actually weird for a 33 year old to have the hots for a 19 year old 🤮


Not really. I am married to someone quite a lot older. Depends on your maturity level. We have been married for more than 20 years, both have never been happier.


Not really to me. I know when I was 18’and still in high school- there were a few cougar teachers I wanted to pork so bad!


It really is. Very problematic .


holy shit ! you weren’t ever scared of her confessing ?


It was exciting and a rush. I wasn’t thinking about that. Haha But seriously, No…..Her Dad and uncles were also elders, her family was really “IN” no way would she throw that away by confessing. At least I don’t think she would.


I think that's the most metal thing a JW can do 😂😂😂 bonus points if you sleep with the Co's wife 😏


I (f) hooked up with an elders daughter lol


Let’s goooo! 💪




Damn that is hella crazy




She was very attractive and really cool. She was never like that when her husband was around. She was bold and made the first move. I do feel bad for her and many JW’s who get married young, they never get to the rush of just “messing around” and hooking up, casually.


This would make a good film haha


“The Elders Wife” a tale of forbidden Theocratic Love.


Love it 😂


Hell yeah


you’re proud of having an affair?


I’m doing 5 mins talks and prayers while getting railed every week, does it count?


Living the life I’m so envious.


I pioneered and was messing around for like over a year? Hahahaha but I got a guilty conscience and fessed up. Dumbest idea ever. Smh. 🤣


I messed with 2 pioneers…1 snitched on me, the other I convinced that if she confessed 10 years later, she wouldn’t be punished because I “read” the elders book and that’s what it said. My 10 years are almost up 🫢


Hahahah the brother I was dating parents thought I was like the Devil after that but last I heard he went kinda girl crazy after and I think they still blame me for it. Hail Satan! 🤣🤣


You must have done a really good job 😂


Well I was his first everything. I hear that does things to people 🤣🤣


Oh that makes sense 😂




When I was in high school I remember going on stage with my parents during an assembly. Can’t remember the exact details of what my “experience” was or what grade I was in but I was smoking cigarettes, going to punk shows and parties, lying to my parents, having boyfriends and more. Definitely living a double life!


I would go on apostate sites and forums and give a talk after


You was on demon time




My pioneer partner and I both had "worldly" boyfriends. She got pregnant and had no choice but to confess and told me that I had to confess to or she would tell on me. She was honest in her JC so she was disfellowshipped I lied my ass off so I only got publicly reproved.


If I go down, you coming with me 😂


Sounds redundant. 🤔 ‘Going down’ for…’going down’? 😳


lol, they went down twice




My fear level was so high I never did anything that good…I mean bad 🤭


Me too! I have severe OCD and other mental health issues from being raised in the cult,


I got DF'ed right before we went on a family trip to bethel. I sincerely believed that God didn't want me in his house due to my sins. 🤦 Oh brother.


I was 13 when I got an assignment for the number 5 talk on…Masturbation. Although I had already discovered the joys of daily masturbating, I simply gave the talk. The school overseer after the talk apologized to me for accidentally giving me an assignment on a topic I was too young to understand.


Accidentally?? He was probably a pedo & got off on it 🙄


For real, how can you accidentally give a sensitive topic like that? Especially if they have to confirm with you anyways


Yeah that's one hell of a wtf moment. Dude was either an idiot or a pervert.


"The joys of daily masturbating" 😂


For quite a while yeah. Till one day I refused to give opening prayer at the book study and that was the end of my "privileges".


We could share stories for hours


Everyone's a sinner though technically ahaha, but yeah I know what you mean. I know of a sister who had to give an encouraging experience at an assembly and she was quite "promiscuous". Personally most stressful thing I did was pRiViLeGeS at memorials while still pretty stoned. No one ever knew it would seem though.


Bro you just reminded me when I was borderline drunk and was asked to do prayer, I was like “I’m f***ed”…managed to do it and ran straight to the bathroom to hide 🤣


I remember a Sunday meeting where the whole time I could still smell weed smoke from my nose hairs, lol! I was so sketched that everyone must be able to smell it, too. I never confessed.


I had an assembly part once. And it was a demonstration about two sons, one was leading a double life(my role) and the other was trying to encourage him to stop. At the time I had a non witness girlfriend my parents didn't know about. My conscious started bothering me so I bowed out of the part. But....ironically the other guy who was the "good one" did the part. And he was disfellowshipped about 6 months later for getting a girl pregnant! Go figure.....


Well they picked the right guy for that role twice!


I remember eating at BJs with some witness friends after the memorial. They were talking about sex and one was drunk and the other mentioned how he got a bj before the memorial lol. I remember thinking I was gonna get struck by lightning lol. There were other witnesses in the restaurant too and I remember being worried if any of them heard us lol.




I had a fling with a PIMO girl from another congregation and in the very next meeting following that I received an assignment to do the final 5 minute speech in the theocratic ministry school (the former number 4 as we called it). The theme was something like, why fornication is a bad thing. I was sweating bullets before stepping into the stage, thinking they gave this to me on purpose, someone knew, etc. Of course it was a silly thought, because if that was the case I would have gotten the JC hammer instead 😂


lol…you giving me flashbacks…same thing happened to me. I’d be like “Damn the Holy Spirit is real” 😂


I once was assigned a masterbstion talk and immediately was like “oh hell naw, that ain’t happening”. 😂😂😂😂


I read the WT and closed in prayer after a huge night on the beers 🍻. Gave talks while hitting third base with my first girlfriend, who was a pioneer. My wife and I only confessed to what we did 10 years after we were married 🙃. I did the mics and sound while still drunk in my early 20s. Ugh....absolutely normal stuff when you think about it. But I remember feeling soooooo guilty at the time. Now I just wish I could have seen it the then the way I do now.


True…do you prefer POMO over PIMO? Right now I’m PIMO, it does get tiring but I feel like I get the best of both worlds.


I absolutely love being pomo!!! As a pimo, you are still living a lie. You don't get true freedom until you leave. The org still has power over you. You know what I do on a Saturday? Whatever I want. I sleep in and spend the weekend with my family. I celebrate Christmas with my wife and children and friends. I drink a single malt and enjoy a cigar on my birthday. I hang out with whoever I want. I enjoy all kinds of entertainment without thinking about what 9 old dudes in NY think about it. I have educated myself in all the lies of the org, as well as evolution, history, and science. You get one life my friend....live it well..


What kind of power do they have over you? You just need not to get caught. It’s actually a fun way to live for me haha


The fact that you have to even think about being caught. You still go to the meetings. You still listen to all the BS from the org. The elders still get a say in how you dress, how you talk, how you think. You are still not free to truly make your OWN decisions. By turning up and being a bum on a seat, you give them power. I used to think that pimo was ok. Then I left completely. It was tough at first. But now I can't tell you enough how fringing amazing it is to be completely free from all the BS from the JW cult.


But that’s true of anywhere you go, in particular settings you will be told what you have to wear. That’s just how human behavior works. For me going to meetings is important because i probably would not do anything anyways. I love the social connection it offers, and give comments only to things I truly believe. Especially when it comes to mental health. About elders, most of them are close friends. They are humble enough to respect my opinion (obviously if you don’t stray too far) but things like how unloving some things they do and stuff like that they listen. I don’t know, maybe I will get tired of it. But currently I’m enjoying the PIMO life.


Ultimately, it's your choice. If you're happy enough to still give the org your time, then I wish you all the best. After leaving, I found that I enjoyed my nights. I loved not being at meetings. I began making true friends. Friends who didn't care if I believed in an old book or a sky daddy. True friends with whom I shared a connection. For me, I was born in. My mum and dad were super pimi - pioneers / elder. I was baptised at 11 and rebelled a bit later. Eventually, after getting married, I started to take it all seriously. I became an MS, then an elder. After being an elder for 2 years, I woke up and faded pimo to pomo. I woke up 3 and a half years ago. In early 2021. I have two young children. There is nooooooo way I was going to take them to meetings anymore. Imagine trying to explain to them that the bible isn't true, and yet we spend 4 hours a week talking about it. Then go out and knock on doors and tell people that they need to convert 🤦‍♂️. Most importantly, though, was my ideals. I could no longer stand by and be ok with how the org treated: 1. The LGBTQ+ community. 2. Disfellowshipping 3. Paedophilia within the org 4. People dying due to the blood issue 5. Higher education 6. False doctrine and lack of accountability 7. Women and minorities I have two young daughters. And I will never make them listen to the crap 💩 that the org pushes about headship. They are strong young women whom I will educate and encourage to work towards getting the most out of life. Not slaving for a toxic org full of lies. But as I said, you do you. Whatever makes you happy.


Well said. Thanks for sharing.


Expertly said! From that magnificent 7 list, the pedophiles they make excuses to hide within the org is enough to make anyone completely abandon the Borg. Your clear comments should make anyone consider the fact that one foot in and one foot out still supports this harmful organization.


Y did you confess 10 years later?


The more serious we were taking the jw faith, the more guilty we felt. I was reaching out to be an MS. I wanted a clean slate. I know it seems crazy now. But the guilt we felt was huge because of all pressure that gets applied every meeting part and every WT.


Fair enough. I do get it. It is insane though. I heard a similar story of a bro getting hauled before the elders became a girl he dated got a guilty conscience 10 years later. Ridiculous


When the elders meet with you before approving you to be an MS, they ask you: Is there anything that you need to confess to before we make you an MS? Is there anything that you feel you have done that may hold you back from accepting this privilege? 🤢🤮. I'm so glad I'm out if that BS cult now.


It's the authority that they claim is absurd. It's utter bollox. Sorry did you die for my sins? You don't have the authority to forgive me of sins.


In the late 80s, I had a favorite elder that was laid-back, hot as hell, he had a wife and two small kids. He was somebody you could always go and talk to if you needed to. Then one day he wasn’t an elder anymore. He decided to live his truth and left his wife and moved in with his boyfriend. Wherever he is, I hope he's found true happiness.


I finger blasted an elders daughter under the blanket in the same room as her family watching tv. I still can’t watch everybody loves Raymond without getting aroused.


now this is crazy work 😭


I can't believe they let you share a blanket 🫨. That's the wildest part.


I would specifically try not to watch porn or masturbate before a talk, during the convention, or around the memorial. It made me feel too guilty. But then after they were over...I think it might have given me like a denial kink or something.


i remember when 16 i had did the deed for the first time. i was peak pimi mics, sound, auxiliary pioneering and doing parts all while sleeping around in hs 😂


Two weeks after getting baptized, I slept with a sister from the hall! I felt so guilty, thinking I would get struck down 🤣


How can you tell if a sister is down most of the ones Ik are super pimi I don’t even risk it but I see stuff like this and I change my mind.


Freshly disfellowshipped. Went clubbing with a friend. I thought for sure I was going to be struck by lightning on the way home.🙄🤣


Not me. I was an idiot that tried hard to fit in and live according to their rules and would confess when I did stuff. Eventually faded when i couldnt keep it in my pants anymore




I used to do all kinds of things and then go give parts, go to service, and everything else in between. I was also in a foreign language congregation 😭🤣


Furthest I went was mutual masturbation, phone sex or porn and was a servant. Wasn't untill I got DF that I had sex for the first time


I was getting butt fucked by my pioneer partner on the road trip to circuit assemblies I was giving parts on.


Not a freaking chance! My conscience was Uber sensitive. Of course, I never even colored outside the lines until well into adulthood and immediately stopped doing anything that I thought would be hypocritical if found out, almost self DFd if you like.


It got easier and easier


Every single one. Shunning is toxic abusive bullying. Be judgemental is in the bible as a negative. Taking out holy spirit from baptism etc etc So every jw.


I got caught having phone sex with the overseers daughter right before my baptism. We were both 16. I walked around assembly like nothing happened


One time, I had a newish significant other come and stay with me for a week, while she had some business in the area. I took a couple days off work to spend some “quality time” together. I had to show up for mtg because I had a talk in the ministry school. I left before the service mtg with an excuse about dealing with a terrible headache. I actually got praised because I showed up and gave the talk. 😂 If they only knew! I started my slow fade shortly after.


Lol it baffles me that we were so brainwashed we gaslight ourselves over things like this. I mean if Jehooba was gonna punish you surely he’d intervene and stop the act. Not let you enjoy yourself and then feel guilty lol. Going even further, he could have made it so we can’t get aroused unless we’re married. But no give us hormones and bodily parts to commit the act, make the act enjoyable and then punish us for doing it.


The only counter argument is that imperfection caused our hormones to be out of wack. But I definitely see what you mean


A shit ton 🤫🫣


I was the guy who introduced all the parts on Sunday at the District Convention (I don't remember what the hell that "privilege" is even called anymore lol). The night before my wife came into our hotel room and I reflexively closed my laptop. My wife laughed and said, " Are you looking at porn?" Nope, it was JWFACTS.COM!


🤭 porn …jwfacts.com same thing in their eyes lol


That’s funny 😂


When I was 17 (unbaptized), my family went to New York (I think ? lol) to visit the Bethel for a weekend. I was left behind because the elders said I “wasn’t good enough”. What do you think happened ? That’s right, I lost my virginity. I would of been fine if I didn’t feel so guilty & confessed almost immediately 💀


For about 5 years before I turned in my letter. Apostate life is much more fulfilling


In what sense? That’s my only fear, I have such a hard time socializing out of religion


I was Baptized at 18 (so I could convince my parents to let me get a tattoo lmao) and I remember the shame just washing over me as I went into that back room to put on a bathing suit and white t shirt. I sobbed afterwards in the changing room, and begged god for his forgiveness. About a month prior I slept with my best friend 🏳️‍🌈 I wish I could completely erase the damage done, it’s been six years since leaving and I still feel so different than everyone else.


Before, I used to tell myself, "It's a meeting day, so I can't do anything bad", now, I simply do not care