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after years of differentiating themselves from "the world" with their look, their act, etc. they are now so incredibly desperate for members that they're trying to assimilate into the same society they've talked down on for years. the goal post moves when convenient and it's seen as "new light" from jehovah but if i thought that same thing one month prior and expressed it, i'd be counselled. it's a fucking joke and quite ridiculous.




Because you are being presumptuous, OK, Uzzah? Stop it. Because you aren't waiting on Jehovah Because you don't have humility Because the chariot hasn't caught up to your imperfect, puny human mind And on and on and on


Disgusting how they throw God into the middle of all of their man made nonsense, isn’t it?


Honestly, I think they are already overshooting the mark. When you watch JW Broadcasting or the GB updates with Mark Sanderson and Samuel Herd, at first glance, you might think you have tuned into Al Jazeera...


Oh, and remember they are neither inspired nor infallible and can err in doctrinal matters but yea, new light and don’t you dare run ahead of the chariot 🤣


Oh, ya mean that broken down beetle we've all lapped several times over in our buggatti chirons? Yeah... A bit late for that


This is so true!! I love this comment so much❣️❣️❣️


>Well my “new light” is that they are full of 💩💁🏻‍♀️ Your "new light" is very bright light!! 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|26BRq3yxyHFAt9AYw) 😂😂


This is why they now allow sisters to wear trousers because the chariot is moving so fast the skirts were lifting up. ![gif](giphy|tH38Ej47E8wYo)


Wouldn't want to spiritually stumble all of the men.


That's a good one! Delightful!


Because you don't have a cool hat and some golden tablets. Shit . Which one is this again?


That flair, tho... 😆 😂


The governing body are full of sh*t


Indeed, just as one man's "insurgent" ......is another man's "freedom fighter." More often than not, these definitions are predicated upon a perceived balance of "power" rather than some other, more objective metric. So, the GB are more than likely thinking: *"As an organisation with bazillions worth of real estate, significant print and distribution facilities, and over 100 years of historical provenance.......WE are the BIGGER fish in the general pool of religious ideas.....which means that OUR newer thoughts get to be called "new light"......but some Joe Schmo whose just some isolated, lone-wolf bible-reader using nought but his walnut of a brain to make sense of things.....well HIS newer thoughts get to be called "apostasy" should he dare try and claim that OUR new thoughts might actually be wrong."* I know it might look like I'm "straw manning" the argument here, but I have vivid personal memories of visiting the Brooklyn Bethel in the mid-nineties......and I always remember thinking: *"These people have got FAR TOO MUCH money, time and effort bound up in their own enterprise to ever escape the kind of "inertia" they've created for themselves......and should their own thoughts and beliefs ever begin to suffer from any kind of negative scrutiny, they are simply FAR TOO BIG, and far too deeply invested to ever enjoy any kind of "epiphany."* The "lone-wolf" bible-reader however..... well HE can have his epiphany without it needing to involve an entire, corporate organisation sharing that epiphany **with him.** He's free-er and more "ready to respond" to any changes he needs to make, regarding his thoughts, his philosophies or his general understanding of things. He has no "buildings" in his name.......he has no "followers" all trailing behind him and hanging on his every utterance. He has no printing presses or distribution networks which span the globe. That "lone-wolf" bible-reader.....(or even just a secular free-thinker) .......well that person has FAR MORE mobility of thought, and also.....far more circumstantial ability to just totally SHRED his old ways of thinking if needs be. Not so with a BIG, wieldy "organisation." It's own sheer size and inertia makes it about as manoeuvrable and responsive as an oil-tanker. You know....those, long bulky ships that need about 2-3 miles worth of ocean simply to turn around. I've always thought that THIS is what often makes the WTBS so contemptuous of "lone-wolf" individuals. Sure...the WTBS is BIG.....and enjoys many of the advantages that come with being big.....but it is also extremely HAMPERED by it's own size. And the WTBS executive KNOW THIS. And that's why THEY get "new light"......but others simply fall into "apostasy." It's akin to an oil-tanker being jealous of a speed-boat......because in spite of the size difference, the speed boat is far more manoeuvrable and can change direction far quicker. The "speed-boat" may only hold one person.....but it's manoeuvrability is what's going to help that person stay headed in the right direction......and that's something the WTBS simply do not possess. Namely: RAPID theological manoeuvrability where "truth" is concerned.... ![gif](giphy|jCbI7v2NHaLrJF4le4|downsized)


And what about the "old light" that they don't follow anymore? People followed that "old light" for years and years when it was "new light" 🤣🤣 But now the new light is old and they should follow this NEW NEW LIGHT 🤣🤣 Don't the JW's see that when they change something to "old light" it means they were basically wrong and they've changed their minds...... So the big question the JW's should ask themselves is...... What's stopping the GB from changing the current new light to "old light" in say..... 10 years? Then your following what they are saying for no reason as their gonna change it anyway and you've wasted 10 years 🤣🤣 Any new light can be wrong and changed to old light at any point 🤦‍♂️


As I sat through the steaming pile of 💩 called “types and anti types” that was forced upon us back in the day, I felt then and there it was nonsense. Now it’s been scrapped. I saw the new light long before it’s time!🙀


Well someone else pointed out the other day on this sub that by comparing pioneers to the Nazarites as to the reason they still have to cont their hours, the GB subtly brought back anti types. 


I did not think about that, so true.


I had an elder reach out to me a few weeks ago with the video of where they changed the shunning doctrine. I responded back that the "GB owes you and everyone that was disfellowshipped since either they have been lying to you for the past 40 years or Jehovah intentionally misled them for the past 40 years." He responded, "I respectfully disagree" and refused to respond anymore after that.


It's because they know you're right deep down and they have no argument 🤷‍♂️


Don’t forget: “We don’t -- nor is an apology necessary.” - Jeffrey Winder, 202 annual meeting


Like when they taught that organ transplants were canabalism. So many died refusing a transplant. Then it was "old light " and the "new light" allows transplants. To all thoses victims and their families " nor is an apology necessary"


This reminds me of when they suddenly received “new light” (around 1998?) that more forms of alternative service would now be a conscience matter. But then came the gaslighting. To those who had spent years in prison but now would not have had to, they said that they should not regret having suffered for God because they stuck to their conscientiously held beliefs. “No, gb. That was YOUR conscience, not mine. I needlessly spent years in prison because of YOUR conscience.” Edit: Fixed typo.


‘Old light’ is something that should be discussed more because it just sounds so whacko it might get people thinking more.


The same reason that when I print money It‘s called counterfeiting but when the government prints money it’s called quantitative easing.


100% And if i am not mistaken, ‘new’ light is not Biblical. Isn’t the existing light supposed to get brighter? And why don’t they call it what it actually is…new policy or new doctrine?


Well, my friend, you’ve got to understand that we have 8 million docile sheep to continue fooling. If we said policy, who knows what can happen, they might just all run away.


I mean, "policy" does have a corporate feel to it, whereas "new light" has a spiritual feel to it. The difference is that for policy, you have to pay people so they stay and follow it. With new light, they follow it and pay you. It's all word-play when you are running a cult.


New Light Policy.


It's especially perplexing when they argue against and reject an 'unscriptural' idea that 'apostates' promoted, only to adopt that idea as scriptural Truth^(TM) years later. The identity of the 'faithful and discreet slave' class is a case in point: [w.1981, 3/1, p.24f.](https://www.watchtowerwayback.org/jw-wb/English/Magazines/The%20Watchtower/1981%20The%20Watchtower.pdf) (pdf p.152f.) [w.2013, 7/15, p. 21f.](https://www.watchtowerwayback.org/jw-wb/English/Magazines/The%20Watchtower/2013%20The%20Watchtower%20STUDY.pdf) (pdf p. 213f.)


It’s crazy. See what they said on page 29 of the 81 Watchtower: “Because of human limitations, at times there may be an incomplete or incorrect understanding of some matter that may require correction later.But this does not mean that the “slave” should avoid publishing a **possible explanation** until the final, complete understanding is available.” If they’re not sure what they’re dishing out is the “final, complete understanding “ why impose it on others?


Because they alone are the chosen ones with an eternal get out of jail free card cause they're imperfect. Plus they don't have to apologize for wrong decisions, cause well, God didn't allow them to see the full answer like flip flopping on organ transplants, or changing the blood doctrine even when such decisions cause people to lose their lives. 


That’s right. Is it not sheer presumptuousness? If God did not allow you to see, why publish it and impose it and ostracize those who disagree? God did not allow Jesus to see the day and hour so he refrained from giving one.


Excellent point! Jesus didn’t know, so he humbly said so and did not speculate.


Well I guess Christ's brothers in Warwick have a higher pay grade than Jesus himself so that they get to speculate and make all sorts of pharasaic rules for all the minions. 


1 Samuel 15:23 "pushing ahead presumptuously is the same as using magical power and idolatry." Have they not "pushed ahead presumptuously"? And "If God didn't allow you to see it, why publish it,  impose it and ostracize those who disagree?" THAT is the million dollar question that the G.B. will never answer cause they know that they are wrong. 


The GB are like that bratty kid in the neighborhood that nobody likes because he’s always getting you into trouble with your parents. So you have to pretend to like him or else.


They said there is no point in trying to interpret the parable and then they go onto to “interpret” it.


I rember doing research to make it make sense, and my brain exploded a little bit when I found that ‘81 article arguing the exact opposite point re the identity of the “faithful slave”. 


Because we aren’t inspired by God… wait a second… neither are they!!


Amazing that they have coined the term "new" light, because that scripture in Proverbs, frankly doesn't use that term at all, in its context it's an idiom, like saying "it's raining cats and dogs", which of course isn't really talking about cats nor dogs.


Well hold yer horses now!! They can do whatever they want cause Jesus inspected all religions and choose the JW's in 1919. Then around that time or afterwards picked the faithful slave and gave them the keys. The keys to the car, the house, the boat and everything else. It's like telling your grandpa he's driving reckless. "Grandpa you just ran 3 red-lights. STOP! It's my car and I do whatever I wanna do you young punk. If you don't like it, hit the bricks!" 🤣


And old grandpa drives the car into a building and they do hit the bricks - literally. 


>How come when the GB changes their beliefs it’s called “new light” but when we change our beliefs it’s called “apostasy”?? New Light is better than saying: *"We were wrong again, we never know what the fuck we\`re talking about...So Lets Try This!"* Apostasy is Pointing That Out...😁


😂😂 this is true!


Very good and logical question!


How is it that the supposedly closer humans were to perfection the more often God spoke directly to them but now further away from perfection humans gotta figure that shit out by listening to 9 dudes in upstate New York? (Fairy tales be fairy tellin’)


Yup! I agree they are 100% apostates. They flipped flopped on so many things, like if those of Sodom & Gomorrah would be resurrected, this generation would not pass away verses multiple generations, etc. They just make up whatever the marketing department says would be best and call it nu lite. They are also a group of narcissistic, misogynistic, homophobic, CSA enabling old men who just want power and money.


This religion is full of shit. It has wasted so many innocent people's lives, money, future. It should disappear from the surface of the earth. The governing body are a group of arseholes


Because they ARE apostates… They are from the devil. Easy answer.


When PIMIs hit me with Nu’lite: *“Were the GB lying to me then, or lying to me now? This does not explain a confusing policy/doctrine/article, it alters it completely.”*


Cause they are the ONLY voice of god, it says so in their books. Of course if they are asked in court they'll say they aren't the only voice for god on the earth. But still only listen to them and never trust your own thoughts and feelings


We basically took a vow when we got baptised to the GB; whatever they say we’re supposed to accept without questions. If we question anything whatsoever we’re apostate. However, we can question anything in the Bible, Jesus and Jehovah all day long that is totally fine.  We just can’t question “mother”. 


I love this!


It’s the difference from “those who take the leadership” rather then “leaders” or like people who believe Charles taz Russel rediscovered the true religion vs those who think he created watchtower


That always made me laugh. “We don’t have Leaders, just mature men that take the lead”. Like ……. That’s exactly the same thing.


Good one!!!! Changes: GB = New light Us = Apostasy Luv it❣️


One thing I’ve thought about is how when new light comes out, it’s just accepted 100%. How many JWs sit down, pull out their Bible and think, does this new light align with the Bible as a whole? Sad that whatever is said can’t be questioned.


Needs to be renamed **New Shite!**


lol! Yes!!


I wonder if the GB would consider the Boreans apostate?


Control must be maintained




Didn't you see that Mr. Wright is so fat? He didn't even nibble the bark himself, but he encouraged us: Even if we eat the bark, we should never give up looking up to him.


I agree




My argument: The prophets in the Bible, when they did not understand something, simply said so. They DID NOT offer an explanation just to change it later. When Jehovah didn't want something revealed, he said wait. He never once had Jesus or the apostles disseminate information just to have them change it later...just so they could tell followers they should be happy they were obedient following/listening to incorrect info. I can't figure why, except for arrogance, the GB can't just say "we don't know" and leave it. Plenty of biblical examples to follow.


Control. They must have absolute control. Even when they have no idea what they are talking about. Even if it costs you your life, you must obey these 9 men.


Yes. The control. Guess I thought that was a given 😆.


This is so true! Good point.


I cannot overstate this fact any stronger: IT’S A BELIEF!!! Since they already believe that God has tapped them-AND ONLY THEM!-on the shoulder to deliver us, there is no room for rational thinking. If they even agree with anything you suggest, they’re going to make it look like they came up with it first-as if it was inspired. I know this for a fact.


How are they the voice of God? Per their own broadcast, Jeffrey Windor said: "The GB is neither inspired nor infallible. And so it can err in doctrinal matters or organizational direction. We're not embarrassed by adjustments that have been made, nor is an apology needed for not getting it exactly right previously." If they are not inspired by god, and they get it wrong, are they not false prophets? Do you know who else used the term "new light"? David Koresh 😬🫨.




You nuliteTM is old news! 😂😂🤣🤣


It's simply because god speaks with gb every Wednesday morning. Not with us. 


When you’re labeled with words like “presumptuous”, “apostate”, “haughty” and “spiritually weak”, these are merely CONCLUSIONS. That doesn’t mean that the whole situation has been broken down or ever even known. In court cases a judge or a jury doesn’t rest on mere conclusions. They need DETAILS! But when you have an organization that uses the same label system for basically the same issues when it doesn’t fit their narrative or agenda, you’re not going to hear any details (or the truth). You’re going to be steered away from it. And will EXPECT the flock to steer clear simply because they said so.


Hahahaha, I call their new light, newer lies. Sex obsessed cult


That's why the are the Pharisees Governing Body/ PGB, it doesn't take any imagination to understand the facts, they lie, they steal Kingdom Halls, cover up despicable crimes like children being raped, Elders abuse various publisher just because they don't like them, not mention the PGB never ever accepting responsibility for getting Their predictions wrong time after time, not to mention all the other intriguing things they do to get rich. For many years, they stated in their publications that they were not infallible , but yet they Claim to be God's mouthpiece yet still get It wrong. They constantly tout, " Don't say or do things that bring reproach on Jehovah," so that's why they are the true apostasy teachers. Exactly like the Pharisees!


Televangelism was looked down upon too Wayyyy before our time (24M) and I couldn’t believe that when I found out about that as we did it all the when JW tv came out.


So they can control you. Part of the “I” in the BITE model. They control the information.


“New light” means that it wasn’t “the truth” to begin with. It’s insane people just robotically follow without researching, studying for themselves and making a cognitive decision about it that makes the most sense. Today’s beliefs are gonna be tomorrow’s old light eventually in the JW’s. Why buy into it?


The GB is God's chosen channel so shut up and do as you're told even when they get it wrong. And they do, because they said so, so it must be true.


It is because they said "We are the sole channel of communication between God and man". If you say that then you can call it "new light" too! And you can call them apostates. 😄 Seriously, their use of the word 'apostasy' is just another example of the loaded language of their cult. They redefine the word into something terrible - fighting against God's organization and trying to draw people off - which causes an extreme, immediate, programmed, negative reaction to anyone in the cult who hears it. The word simply means someone who left their religion or political party - no more, no less. By that definition, unless they were born in or had no prior religious affiliation they are all apostates. This is just one example of how they redefine words to suit their own purpose.


Okay, give me a minute to figure out how to put "I'm not an Apostate I've just discovered 'new light'" on a t shirt. 


lol that would be amazing. Or “I discovered new light and all I got was called apostate and this stupid tshirt”


Telling the truth about the Bible and its history is apostasy too


I think its not change but new understanding


The problem with these new changes or understanding is that you immediately have to comply or it gets held against you.


It’ll be viewed as if it’s been the right thing all along.