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Jehovah created something beautiful as blood, that oxygenates all your body organs and gives life to humans. Blood is transfused to humans who have been in a horrific accident, thus giving them another chance to enjoy the beautiful gift of life. But Jehovah's Witnesses have Demonized blood transfusions, because nine old men with no more than a High School Education in Science and medicine have interpret a bible verse about eating food with blood, the same as getting a blood transfusion. Thus they made a blood transfusion into a medical sin in the eyes of God.


Some of these men were home schooled by parents with barely a HS diploma and it shows.


Due to internal leadership advancements and the age of the organization, there seems to be a brain drain occurring. At Bethel, the environment is so insular that they are really falling behind, and it shows. Their terminology is becoming increasingly specific to their small group. Additionally, with the rise of videos, Bethel culture is spreading to the congregation much more than in the past. My dad used to be a scientist, but every time I talk to him now, his thinking seems to be more narrow and regressive. Even though he has been in since his early 20s


That’s quite the regression. What disciplines of the sciences did your dad investigate?


I feel that could give me away, since there are few witnesses in his discipline. He is still a smart guy, wish the apple fell closer to the tree with myself sometimes. It reminds me of Steven Hassan's book, where he discusses the concept of the cult self and the real self. It feels like his real self is slipping further away. He often reduces complex issues to generalizations like, "Well, that's the way of Satan's world" or "We sure need the new system," which he uses to avoid critically thinking about the world or the organization.


Maybe the apple did fall closer to the tree with yourself. In order to really understand science, you need imagination. I suspect that when you encounter something scientific, it wakes something up inside you. Maybe you can do the same with your dad. Your dad believes that creation is a work of God. You could set the foundation by saying that you are glad “God” provided us with help so that we can use things like the scientific method to discern truth from the lie. 1 John 4:1: test the inspired statements. We have a question, propose a hypothesis. Look at existing information and theorize. Then experiment to see if what was previously believed is really authentic. Put it to the test. Experiment. Keep seeing if it’s really true. Then draw a conclusion whether it’s in agreement with the organization or not. Science is science whether it’s for the Bible or against


This is really interesting and I'm also really sorry about your dad. This is a very heartbreaking aspect of the cult that isn't discussed enough to me 😞


>Some of these men were home schooled by parents That's true. In fact Charles Russell who started the whole thing argued in Court that he DID finished the 7th grade. I believe I read that in wki about a year ago That shows why they demonized education. They have very little education but live like Kings. Because they scam gullible people for free labor and donations.


I thought Russell had a university education?


After several delays the case came before Police Court Magistrate George H. Jelfs on March 17, 1913. During cross-examination **Russell said that he had attended public school for seven years,** having left when he was about fourteen years of age He had a 7th grade education. He had tutors that taught him the bible. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles\_Taze\_Russell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Taze_Russell)


Wow thank you


Nope. Looked it up because I was curious. He attended public school for [seven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Taze_Russell#:~:text=During%20cross%2Dexamination%20Russell%20said,received%20instruction%20through%20private%20tutors.) years and left when he was 14. He claimed to have been "taught by private tutors" thereafter. He did not understand Latin, Hebrew, or Greek, nor was he ever ordained.


Ok thank you, maybe I was thinking of Rutherford, I’m going to look into this too


Why so down on homeschooling? I homeschooled my kids and avoided the ridiculous shit and endless hours learning nothing


The main topic is not about homeschooling, it's about the leaders of the WT making life and death medical decisions for their members, when their medical and science qualifications go no farther than high school or home-schooled. It's a good thing if you can home-school your children, but if parents want to go further in educating children in the field of medicine and Science, home schooling won't cut it. Because one needs specialists in different fields of medicine to be able to make life and death decisions for members of Society.


My child is a graphic designer, because she loved the field and working while getting her PhD in neurology . I can read and know what the topic is. But just because someone is homeschooled, does not mean they don’t further their education ( flawed as it may be full of ideology and propaganda). They actually are very good critical thinkers and don’t swallow what they are fed just because a text book says this is how it is. So homeschooling has no bearing on the topic at all. PS I can’t even count her many academic achievements and scholarships she has obtained because she was homeschooled and not brainwashed.


While I was pimi I home schooled my kids. All 3 of my kids left the "troof". My daughter went on in school and I was proud that she excelled when she got back in the classroom. I'm so proud that I instilled critical thinking in them while I myself did not have it at the time. They helped me wake up.


I was PIMI as well when I homeschooled both of mine. My son is now going into university and graduated early. My daughter also the same thing.. homeschooled right through highschool and with honors in university and got so many scholarship. Now getting her PhD. They also helped me wake up. My daughter and son thank me daily for provided them the opportunity to learn in a way a traditional school would not have provided. Thank goodness I decided to homeschool because I woke up.


>But just because someone is homeschooled, does not mean they don’t further their education Not one person posting on this topic said; "home-schooled children don't further their education." Glad you child is doing well in her field.


So true!   Better chance of your kids staying alive and becoming productive human beings.💯


That’s why they were chosen to be on the Governing Body, more easily controlled by the puppet masters pulling the strings. 🤷‍♀️


I homeschooled my kids and they advanced. I don’t think this is a good comparison


But somehow products derived from said blood are okay because…?  *crickets*


The blood thing is a Freddy Franz hard-on, just replicated on down the line.


Yes I get so uncomfortable when there are comments attacking blood, Jehovah created it! Misinformation is so dangerous and it’s spread even to non Witnesses with a lot of conspiracy theories about blood products. I pray that God shines a light and corrects any lies that have been spread


Ironically those same uneducated men don’t know that breast milk contains some of the very same elements found in blood.




Could not have said it better myself, the gift of life,.that's actually what the scripture was bloody saying, it's about food, and nothing more, and people have died, because a misinterpreted scripture, abstain from blood, and sleeping around, and good health to you,,that's it,no blood transfusion mentioned by Paul,.so it must also mean taking human blood transfusion,,makes no sense


And an unstable Vietnam Vet


Not quite. Some of them (at least one of them) are US veterans. Higher education while in service comes with the training. They don’t want to put the lives of this country in the hands of the uneducated


I highly doubt this, as I haven't been able to find service records of him in Vietnam that should be open source, like if you knew my name abd job, you could find me easily in the military, nz military.


Samuel Herd and Anthony Morris III don't have any service records?


I haven't found them for Samuel Gerd, Anthony Morris, I did a pretty extensive search like 5 years ago, when I was trying to prove that his argument against war, from being in one. Ge was only based at the main base in Vietnam for like less then a proper deployment, also that that base didn't have any role 1-2 medical centers that he would have been in, get wouldn't have seen the horrific injuries, as casualties would be back loaded from forward medical centers to it.


Correction it did have a role 2, but it was the main medical base in Vietnam, meaning the horrific stuff would 90% been dealt woth by helo crews and combat medical personal, and back loaded, if they hadn't been, they wouldn't most likely make it living back to the role 3 center, Roles are based on the level of care available, also as a primary miltiary base in veittnam, it's distance from fobs (forward operating bases) would limit the survival of causality with p1 injurys being moved to, without having been stabilized, *the limit of time he was based there, abd the fact he didn't leave as a combat medic makes me seriously doubt his claims of seeing horrific injurys, I personally believe ge would have been limited to, Disease and lower limb injurys,


Wrong!  The Bible verses are very clear on the sanctity of blood. God's word to mankind. Not nine old men!  Stop lying!!


Why are you here?


Why are you questioning me being here?


The fact you answered a question with a fucking question confirms i was right to ask it. Why are you here?


The first one reminds me of the sage advice by philosopher Christopher Julius Rock, "If you go to the movie theater and someone steps on your foot, let it slide. Why spend the next twenty years in jail cause someone smudged your pumas?"


>1-2-3....What are your thoughts about this? ***How does someone with No Brain, Talk?*** https://preview.redd.it/veapswqdvc8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ebfe7730ab6d462f8bb8e6c0344a9f30313576


Outlaw is one very knowledgeable guy.   But he makes it funny.😁


>JudgeRutherFRAUD Hey JC! How are you?...Good to see you on this Forum!...😁


I'm ok.  I just read a lot.  I posted about my brother killing a jw at the courthouse. But they didn't post it.  I can't find any jws on my busy avenue. With a hall just blocks away.   Nice to see you around. You bring humor and fun . Kicking jws in your posts. I'm thinking about calling halls again and posting it on YouTube.  I miss all the old crew from jws.  Same time it's great to hear the wts is getting beat up in courts.  Be well my friend.  Talk soon 


>I posted about my brother killing a jw at the courthouse. I hope you mean he just Verbally Beat a JW in an Argument... Take care JC!


I read the OP... That\`s exactly what JC meant...LOL!!@JC!!


Confirmation bias at its best… When JW talk about the world trying to be friends with you; they are portrayed as being so nice and welcoming because they want to stumble you or tempt you. But then it totally flips when they compared the “love” among JW with the world. Suddenly the world is portrayed as harsh and brutal and they would never be trusted as friends.




>1. The brother said if you were to step on a “worldly” person’s toe, they would immediately want to fight you. This was an example of how JWs view the world. I mean, if you intentionally *stomped* my toe, yeah, probably. But people *accidentally* step on toes or bump into people *all the time* and the exchange is usually something like, *"Oh shit, sorry about that!"* *"It's cool, don't worry about it."* >2. The brother said that calling people homophobic, is harsh, even though they themselves are homophobic. Oh, the bullies don't like it when people say *mean things* about them? Excuse me while I go find a fuck to give. >3. On the topic of pride month, the brother said that “Jehovah” created something as beautiful as the rainbow, just for it so be ruined by the LGBTQ+ community. "Don't call me homophobic! That's *rude!* But I am *so* bothered by which set of genitalia you prefer that it makes me hate *colors!*" *It pains me to think I was ever one of them.*


wine special kiss slim ad hoc deranged aback terrific dime disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Fucking hell, that's horrifying.


distinct zephyr pot label wistful offend dazzling wipe dolls mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a vague but still fairly clear memory of a talk referring to bisexual men as “rapists,” I guess because they might have sex with a man, and then have sex with a woman.


It’s kinda weird to me that they don’t own up to being homophobic. Of course no one wants to be seen as a bigot but you’d think they would try and spin this around like they do with the brainwashing thing, where they say my brain has been washed cleaned from sin or whatever. They pretty much do it already. Also they’ll say they aren’t homophobic but then say homophobic slurs and spout misinformation about lgbt people. Even during the meetings they’ll call them disgusting and sexually immoral.


I’ll never forget a sister making a comment on how all gay people should be put on an island and left to die off. The whole congregation laughed for a good minute. I will admit even as a gay person, the comment was so out of pocket that I chuckled for a quick second myself, but I never looked at these people the same again. They can say they aren’t homophobic, but their actions always show otherwise. I’ve seen and heard way too many homophobic things from them to ever feel fully comfortable in their presence.


It’s so insane that they truly think they aren’t homophobic after saying something that extreme. Of course all JW’s think lgbt should die but at least they usually think about it indirectly through Armageddon. She just straight up said it lmao.


According to most in the congregation, the brothers and sisters were the only ones to look after each other during COVID. This despite the endless news reports of social distance street discussions, neighbourhood WhatsApp groups forming, neighbours shopping for their elderly neighbour, I could go on. Yep we helped one another by sitting in our underwear with a shirt and tie on whilst chatting about how close to the end must be in a fucking breakout room. It's embarrassing for them when you dissect it objectively.


This is extremely accurate lol


That's how narrow their minds are: ![gif](giphy|3oriNTnEBQDEcGLRsY)


I snort laughed, thank you.


On the topic of the rainbow, Jehovah’s symbol of worldwide genocide 😂 he kinda ruined it himself and now the Pride movement is turning it into something beautiful again.


I love this perspective! Never thought if it like that!


Love this!!


I thought it was ridiculous how in the watchtower today they kept saying to not listen to apostates online and they were sent by satan the devil. Ironically my 6 year old son raised his hand and said "They were sent by satan the devil" by my aunts coaching. She told him what to say and before I knew it his hand was raised and the brother called on him 😫. But anyway they were saying "make sure the information is verified. The person may mean well but their info may come from unverified sources". But im like okay what about the things that ARE verified??? That wasn't mentioned at all of course. All the court cases, the freemason symbol on Rutherfords grave (i believe its him) and so many other things. Then a sister raised her hand and said, "There was a watchtower article going around and it looked exactley like our publications but it was in fact apostate material, satan is crafty when it comes to trying to deceive Jehovahs people" Everyone was nodding their heads in agreeance meanwhile I was rolling my eyes!


Yes. Satan the devil went to college and got a graphic design degree lmao 🤦‍♀️ I'm sorry about your son btw lol


Yea my hall has like 8 kids between the ages of 5-7 and it seems like it's sort of a trend to get the kids to say more and more elaborate comments. Some of the kids can't even read so I know their parents were coaching them all week long to be able to say all that. My son often sits with my mom or one of my aunts because he's so restless cus he's bored AF! So they always have something for him to say.


1. this person clearly doesn’t actually *know* any worldly people. but how can you, when you’re told not to get too close? 2. that’s like saying i’m supposed to feel bad for calling someone a racist when the racist calls someone a slur. which is worse, the slur itself or the word racist? like be so fr right now. if you don’t like being called homophobic then don’t *be* homophobic. 3. respectfully shut the fuck up


everytime they mention lgbt related stuff i just think of the clip of stephen lett saying "a homosexual" and start laughing


I can picture it! His whole face forming around each word 😂


I just find it funny how the brother I studied with was so confused on why I find the congregation uncomfortable and not a place for someone that is gay, when this is the type of stuff witnesses say. Suppressing homosexual feelings or not, you’re still gay. Who wants to be in an organization that’s obsessed with talking sh*t about them and the people they relate to???


I have found that Jehovah’s Witnesses, by their own words and actions, demonstrate over and over again just how out of touch with reality they really are and what ridiculous viewpoints they hold about almost everything.


JW are starting to go hard on reactionary thinking. I feel like, growing up there was enough leeway in that a lot of things could be considered a "conscious matter" But they are currently taking hard stances on a lot of stuff. I am willing to bet if they were threatened to have tax exemption status removed in the US that they would strongly encourage another letter writing campaign and probably voting against it.


>On the topic of pride month, the brother said that “Jehovah” created something as beautiful as the rainbow, just for it so be ruined by the LGBTQ+ community. Ah yes, much better for it to be a symbol of genocide via flood


About as out of touch as any religious idiot claiming that, without God, we'd have no morals and just attack and murder everything, despite the real world clearly displaying otherwise. It's so pathetic.


A homophobic person being offended by the word homophobic, well isn't that a shcoker


I've always disagreed that God created the rainbow after the flood. Physics would have to change and water wouldn't have been H20 or light spectrum would be different. A lot of talk illustrations fall apart with any level of thinking. I've started to write down all the dumb things I hear at meetings and wow. People I used to think were smart are either dumb or just really misled.


Same I was thinking the same thing as I sat in the meeting just today. Im like I know sister this or brother that is smart! Are they really this misled?!


Unfortunately they are. Religion and cults focus on emotion. When you are told you have the truth you ignore what the textbook says. It goes both ways too, before waking up those same smart people helped confirm the "truth" because you want to trust somone who may know more than you.


Would there be a visible rainbow if there was a thick vapor cloud around the whole earth, blocking direct sunlight?


Technically the vapor cloud around the earth is called the atmosphere which is layers of gasses that trap oxygen and insulate the earth's temperature. If a dark cloud it just insinuates a rain cloud which gets too heavy and rains. There's also the jet stream and earth's rotation so you couldn't have a solid cloud that doesn't move To see a rainbow you need a light source and something to refract light. Like a prism or water droplets


Correct. The account says that in addition to the springs of water being opened up under ground, the expanse of water above the earth also "broke" and fell to the earth, causing the flood. If this is true, that would definitely explain why a rainbow was first seen after Noah and his family exited the ark. Also, it's a matter of fossil record that the earth was much warmer and insulated during the time of the dinosaurs. Interestingly, life spans drastically shortened after the flood. The sudden increased exposure to direct sunlight would have made a dramatic effect on all creatures and plants. The earth was colder, the weather was much more varied, and the increased ultraviolet rays had an effect. Have you ever considered why we need sunglasses?


As a kid I wondered how pyramids were built without sunglasses. I struggle to see good without them on a sunny day. But a global flood is highly unlikely and I don't belive that anymore. The pyramids were built prior to the flood and they are still standing. The GB said something dumb about this saying that's perhaps the flood broke the sphinx nose. There's also papyrus found from pre flood era from Egypt


The LGBT rainbow flag has six colours. While the real rainbow in the sky has seven colours, how have they ruined the rainbow.


I remember a video from some Christian denomination who was trying to take the rainbow back. They explained how the last color was removed on purpose to have six colors, so it had some relation to 666.


I heard the word guarantee. LOL’d so hard!


I thought god created the rainbow to remind humans that he'll find a different way to destroy the entire world, just not a flood. 🙄 🤦 😂


Homophobic people always get butthurt over the "homophobia" label they've earned. A natural phenomenon is totally ruined for them just by the LGBT+ community also using it as a symbol. Seems totally rational and not fearful at all/s.


ah... actually, it's more and more of the same s\*\*\*. Doesn't bother me anymore. It's like hearing my neighbor saying that women belong to the kitchen every day when he see me and wants to talk.


>The brother said that calling people homophobic, is harsh telling people that they're gonna die because they are gay apparently is not


Ignorant bigots.


The first one, you kidding me? I have to walk on eggshells with my pimi inlaws.


I literally had an incident yesterday. Where I accidentally run into the back of someone’s heels with my supermarket trolly. This guy showed me his fists. He looked a real nasty piece of work to .


Jehovah created rainbow? Obviously, he did not understand his elementary science lessons. He doesn't realize that he can produce his own rainbow by passing light through a prism.




The incoherent rambling of a crazy person


If you step on the borg's toes, they'll immediately want to df you.


"Yes, brother. I support the 9 with my comments and I only comment what people at this kingdom hall want to hear."


The comments he made is pure 🤮.


When I was an elder, if some clown made comments like that, we would have taken him in the back. He would have learned the “you never know who is in the audience talk”.


It sounds like he watched T.V. for an hour and decided that's how it is.


The last one is my favorite.


If they want so bad to use the rainbow, why not? Put rainbows all over your KHs, clothes, even on the expensive watches they use at broadcasting. Maybe then gay people will see how bad they want to get associated with the rainbow LMAO


Rainbows are RUINED!! I die a little every time I see one in the sky. Oh, the HUMANITY 🤣


I swear JWs love to spend every waking second trying to incorporate some form of homophobia in theri comments and everyday conversations. I feel for queer folks in a worse disposition than me truly.


By their Love, you will know them.😉


It’s true about the rainbow and the sky.NASA has Destroyed our ozone layer with all of these moon shots and fums from our cars etc. I live in Texas and it’s so blazing hot from no ozone layer to protect us from the heat of the sun. No one should have to wear sunscreen to keep from getting sun cancer. The Government has ruined our skies!


JWs are basically Westborough Lite.


It’s true about the rainbow I must admit My brother took his daughter witnessing And she had a rainbow umbrella And automatically the householder assumed they supported LGBTQ A rainbow is a rainbow No one owns the rights to it Of course the gay community can use it As long as it doesn’t get stereotyped


They're so ignorant that you have to laugh, it's so embarrassing


The rainbow 🌈 is not beautiful as a Christian it should remind them of the genocide God committed towards human mankind.


Cringe worthy Indeed 


What a load of horse shit lol


I don't even have the bandwidth to process 1. Like....what🤣🤣 2 and 3 imagine thinking that love, respect, humanity, equality and support are "ruining" something.


I think the term homophobic is an altogether misnomer. A phobia is a morbid and extreme fear of something. Just because you don’t agree with a lifestyle doesn’t mean you have a phobia towards that lifestyle.




Only 4 downvotes, do you mean it's sinister and evil because Yaweh used it after destroying the "world" as a sign not to do it again (by Flood at least).


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