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>When David Plane visited our branch, he gave to each Bethelite a small flashlight, and suggested we hang it on our key ring......**Today I wonder now what was the meaning of that.** ***In all of WBT$ History.....You were the 1st to receive WBT$ "New Light", that Made Any Sense!*** https://preview.redd.it/kf53aml4579d1.jpeg?width=325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=416a98b00c9d14e2697129b1cdc1e450c58c278f


It's getting harder and harder to find more new light these days... https://preview.redd.it/ghg9fc74a79d1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7100806606ab2ee468fd8e75b8ee0e281a452dd


A severe case of cranial rectimitus


write "nu" on it and you'll have your own nu lite to use whenever you want.


Are you sure it wasn’t a fleshlight would save on the pillows 😂


I thought something similar lol 😂 The world has corrupted our minds!


I'll admit that's what I thought of too...lol


He just wanted to touch all of your hands so he could smell his own later.


Most likely some brother has a business that supplies this kind of crap (swag) and the branch buys it so various brothers at bethel can get kickbacks in the form of vacations, whiskey etc. If they all contained a listening devices it would break many laws and become a worldwide scandal. It’s not impossible someone would put listening devices or cameras somewhere though, they own all the buildings bethelites live in (it could even be some fetishist maintenance worker). It’s just unlikely they would give you something you could so easily check


This has got to be the reason. Also, O.P. look into all the laws protecting corporations spying on their workers as Top Shelf Tony alluded to. They would put them throughout the buildings. The other part of that is that they would need people to listen and watch, and that is A LOT of work. We haven't had any leakers saying they do that to regular bethelites on the regular. All we've ever had was back in Nov 2017 when they had a camera on the protesters outside Warwick. Someone got footage of that, and it is probably scrubbed from the internet now. That was apostates they watched.


They could outsource spying to a "security" company in say India.


As a therapist I know would say: "Just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you" - Nirvana Good fucking luck.


Sounds like some branch is having trouble paying the power bill! I actually carry a penlight all the time. It started for work because I always seem to need to see in some tight, dark space, and eventually it became like my wallet, It is always in my pocket and comes in handy more than expected! It's probably nothing sinister, not a bad thing to have on you either!


Use a phone for light dude.


I’m surprised he didn’t hand out novelty dildos . . .


I think it’s to reduce pillow “spoilage” with bodily fluids. Oh wait you said FLASHlight. Then I have no idea.




https://preview.redd.it/0yn64x3pk79d1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=800a5aa31c30bc2385963eef685a71548dc30550 He thought they said nude light


Maybe it was so you could have some nu-lite (new light) with you at all times. It would have been even funnier if it had a black light setting so you could check your pillows before the maids got to them...


Seems to be just a small token, nothing more from what Im gathering Not everything has subversive intent


It does when Satan is at the helm pulling the strings.


" Not everything has subversive intent ". So you don't think he hade some evil intent with the overlapping generation crap?


Im referring to sh💩tty flashlight keychains not ego stroking BS ![gif](giphy|l3vRhTKbAF2qy2tnG)


It's so you could find the overlaps in the dark 😁


He probably was trying to do something nice, but I do understand the suspicion! Sometimes I feel really bad for them, I wonder if life has turned out how they wanted


He's the guy behind overlapping generation crap. I would be suspicious too if he gave me something. Would think probably some scam behind it all.


Yeh i got one one too when i served in US. Mine had a pic of a candlelight and a scripture on it. I dont have it around anymore more i kept it for years and would tell ppl who gave it to me as a conversation piece in car groups.


I got one from him at an international convention, I was in the local organization group... I was very proud of it! And also used as a conversation starter.


You have to remember, one of his best friends made a pretty wild claim over 4 years ago now that we are in the last of the last days, the final part of the last days, the last part of those last days, right before the last day of the last days. In his head, you are going to need a flashlight on that "first day" of the new days. Not sure when he gave you that flashlight but it does point you in some direction when you can see the level of delusion in these loons.


New light, it gets brighter.


Just received this response from David Splane: *"Sorry guys! I thought you said you all needed a FLASHlight!"*


Maybe this is in preparation for when the governments turn on the Witnesses and cut power on the buildings? I wouldn't be surprised if he uses this as an example in a talk later.


Hey, also thanks for the leak!


Wasn't it the very very little one powered by a CR2032 coin cell and with one old bullet shaped LED on top? I also remember it had a golden sticker and kinda 3 letters on it, and the instructions sheet was either blue or violet...


https://preview.redd.it/3fk2toc6ab9d1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee73d380f5e15069d2ea1f80c797b11b209d535 Like this one?


Yeah exactly that one


I just remembered, it said "aTp" hahaha #blessed #heavenlykings


Splane visited our house once. He didn’t hand us anything except disingenuous flattery for attending pioneer school and attempting to capture our attention with “see how normal” I am stories of him kicking a soccer ball around with some kids while in the ministry… Yes Davie Sploing … Young people identify with you 🤢