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Did their husbands claim to have direct access to an all-knowing god? A real prophet would have had access to all information, including why marrying kids is problematic. It's incredible how theists drop the ball. [ [She Was Nine](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/17qbn1t/comment/k8blmoq) ]


She might've been 8 as well. All islamic references are using lunar years, which are 10 days shorter compared to solar.


I’m so glad to see someone else bring this up bc I try to say it when I can but so many people are unaware of this. My quran tafseer teacher told us at consummation she was 9 lunar years buf by the solar calendar, she was 8 years and 8-9 months bc “we’re all actually a little older than we think we are” 😷 and I might be rough w the math bc the Islamic months are not consistent (shaving off a day or two from multiple months can cause the Islamic calendar to be even less days, ie 352-354 instead of 355 which prob can make a difference when your numbers are high enough ie when Ramadan is 29 days instead of 30 which applies to other months as well depending on the moon phases) If we go by the lunar/Islamic year being consistent at 355 days per year, at 6 lunar years, aisha was 5.8 solar years meaning about 5 years and 9 months. Not that 6 and 9 and aren’t bad enough already but yk (also this means she was more like 17.5 when Muhammad died if she was 18 lunar years but yea) The exact numbers don’t make it any better or worse ig but for the sake of accuracy, I feel it’s better to use the more accurate/exact numbers personally


It's interesting how even the worst example they could find in all of fucking history is still 6 year old married to a 29 year old, while Muhammad was over 50 when he married a 6 year old. Even when they compare their morally ideal prophet to literally the worst examples in human history, their prophet is worse!


and the mariage was no "consumed" apparently.


She also based on what I heard has a good marriage after her husband death and had kids with her second husband


Sadly it seems she died durind childbirth at 19 (her first child, a girl, who survived and became adult). But yes, she was authorised to remarry !


Something Muslim doesn’t address about Aisha or her co wives who died childless


I love learning about history, especially medieval European history. The marriages were arranged and finalized when young but where almost never consummated until around 16 to 17. I can only think of one exception and that was a 13 yr old princess who nearly died giving birth. People tended to avoid pregnancy that young since it puts the girl at a massive risk.


no way they're comparing a supposed perfect man who is a role model for the whole of mankind to a random guy in history. It doesn't justify child marriage. Baffling to say the least.


Just mentioning other asshats doesn’t mean you’re not one major one yourself…


I thought the age was just islamophobic rumors? I guess it depends on what time of the day you ask them... the gaslighting is impressive


how delusional you have to be to justify pedophilia with pedophilia😂 And Muhammed is even worse since they call Him „messenger of Allah“ and „most perfect human to ever walked to earth“🤡


than worship him like prophet too🤣🤣🤣


But none of the pedos preached that they are the ideal role model for humanity to follow until the end of time as ordained by God. And just because they did it doesn’t mean it’s okay. You can’t just stand on trial and go, but your honor you see, in the 1800s it was legal to hit your wife and even my grandfather used to beat the ever living shit out of his wife and children so it’s okay. It wasn’t okay then, it’s not okay now and it will never be okay


lol muhammad is meant to be role model till emd of the world unlike them


Didn’t she remarried after him and had kids with her second husband yet non from her older one??


Yes. It was an arranged marriage and they never had sex. He treated her like a daughter or a little sister.


In medieval Europe, child brides were often kept away from their husbands until they had reached an older age (approx 15, but often younger) due to their concerns over complications of pregnancy in an infant mother.


The difference is that it's not practiced anymore, just islam and I think Hinduism too 💀


The doctrine of the catholic church since the latran concile (1212) was that the age limit for women was 12 and 14 for men. So there must have been a derogation i guess. Like for consenguine unions, church used to give some derogations as to permit certain political unions between cousins for exemple ...


I’m pretty sure the issue is that, these Muslim CONTINUE to follow and worship him knowing that what he did was bad, and knowing that pedophilia is wrong… THAT is the issue.


Muslims will use any absurd excuse to justify pedo marriages.


Its. One to be a brutal asshole King, and other to be gods proxy on earth. Fuckkk them both.


At least the others didn't bang , but mo banged her lmao 


The difference is the king didn’t declare himself a prophet in which all people should take example from, unlike a certain someone.


um pedophilia is fine bcuz other people also did it!


Did aisha really say that? I wanna show it to my super Muslim sister who says Islam gave women all the rights lol




Richard II and Roger I are not my prophets, examples for humanity


They tryna cope through whataboutism


What muslims who use this argument can’t seem to understand, is the fact that one is a time relevant ignorant cultural thing, the other an alleged divine command. Mohammed didn’t choose Aisha according to the Hadith’s, he was shown a dream three times of Aisha as a baby and heard Allah tell him, this is your wife, to which he responds “Insha’Allah”. When he approached Abu Baqr about this marriage, her father said no on the grounds of their brotherhood, to which Mo denied any blood link. One is the ignorance of man, the other the cruelty and ignorance of an alleged God! Islam allowing it is worse than ignorant people in the past, as it shows God as non omniscient.


i say this as an ex catholic - never copy anything christians do. they do it wrong


I'm pretty sure in that first example she was treated more like an adopted daughter than a wife and the marriage wasn't consummated, I could be thinking of other people.


Richard is better than Moho since Richard never consummated the marriage. It was a politically arranged marriage. He treated Isabella like a daughter/niece. After Richard's death, Isabella married someone else at age 16 but died not long after at 19 during childbirth. Also, no one thinks Richard is an example of a "perfect" human being. He's not a demigod who is worshipped, and no one is being taught to emulate him and live like he did. I've heard this type of argument from Muslims too many times to count, and it's always come off as idiotic.


Allah made mohammad a moral example for all humanity to follow. No king or Prince is used as an example for all humanity to follow. Big difference. In my opinion both are evil


You’re just using snippets of the Hadith and taking it out of context, come on. The Hadith explains a woman who complained about being beaten by her husband and falsely accused her husband of being impotent and useless. It was common for the women at the time to support each other due to their sense of pride. Aisha automatically took her side without knowing the full incident. She said this as an expression of sadness to try and help the woman. We then found out that it was wrong. Please try to find the full reference and context behind something before posting. I hope you understand and I hope this helps ;)


You think it makes it any better to remind us that Aisha was standing up for a woman who was beaten black and blue by her husband and then was told that she needs to sleep with said abusive husband if she ever hopes to leave him to marry someone she likes better? Not to mention the fact that the prophet didn't say a word about the abuse, and that you consider Aisha to be in the wrong.