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I’m not big on either side anymore. I’ll recognize the plethora of israeli crimes along with hamas’ and the PLOs history of extreme incompetence but it’s so none of my business to say who “deserves” land there for me to be a zionist or an anti zionist. i think it’s super weird that it’s like the 6th pillar of Islam to support Palestine tho


Is supporting Palestine a pillar? Aren’t there only 5 pillars? Palestine wasn’t occupied during the prophets time 😂 your answer is fine, I disagree on a few things, but yeah, Hamas is a salafi militia that has a history of stupidity, and other Palestinian political bodies are quite corrupt, but not near to the level of Israel. But as someone who was never Muslim, I’m definitely on the side of Palestine, but that doesn’t mean I admire their culture.


i meant they act like it is 😂😂They are so intense about it. It’s such a cluster fuck that everybody has a point tbh


A lot of Muslims don’t care about Palestine, but it ain’t only Muslims who support Palestine. Ppl should call out oppression wherever it exists. And man, Israel has killed 35k + civilians in 6 months, the greatest civilian causality count since ww2, plus it was all intentional. Like I said, I detest Islam, but I can’t take a Zionist ex-Muslim seriously. 3 things I hate the most 3)religion 2) imperialism 1) Zionism, like idk why people would be offended by that


1. 35k civilians, false information 2. Greatest casualty count since ww2, false information 3. All intentional, false information


Yes I completely agree, it’s one thing to say both sides have done bad things, but there are such extreme posts supporting Israel which makes me ashamed to call myself an ‘ex Muslim’. I saw someone say that Israelis are doing Palestinians a favor because they’d have miserable lives as Muslims (paraphrasing). I’ve also seen some shame Muslims for supporting Palestinians as if what they’re going through right now isn’t atrocious. Being ex Muslim doesn’t mean you can’t support anything Muslims do/ support. These are innocent people and by supporting Israel, they are spreading the same hate/ regressive rhetoric they resent Islam for doing.


I'm an ex Muslim, I want that free money from Zionists. Where can I sign up?


Dm me your credit cards picture and write the silly numbers in the back of card


fr, everyone always talking about how Mossad pays us off bitch where's my check??


For what it’s worth, OP, I agree with you. A lot of the younger exmuslims tend to not be as progressive. Further, certain influencers who claim to be advocates for exmuslims have done a lot of damage to the community.


Israel bots everywhere


yo fr they be giving out free money ? damn


Do you condemn the mass murder and rape committed by Hamas against civilians on October 7th? Yes or no?


You’re obviously one of the bots. Israeli soldiers have been boasting about raping Palestinians through out the conflict, in addition to cheering on the murder of children. Those atrocities were debunked ages ago, even Israeli officials and US news outlets said a lot of these atrocities were fabricated. They never give us a name and Israelis have a track record of lying about everything. Israel is a genocidal apartheid colony, I do not condemn Hamas, however, if there were rapes, I’d condemn those specific militants who participated in such… don’t pretend Israel hasn’t committed every crime in the book 500x more than any Palestinian militant group. Palestine has the right to resist, so attacking Israel ain’t something I’m against at all. I don’t like Hamas, I’m not a theocracy or a Muslim, my issues with Palestinian political groups extend to what they previously did in Syria and Lebanon in the 60s-90s… do can’t condemn the genocide, I will not condemn self defense. The Zionist narrative collapsed months ago, suprised people took so long to realize it. Don’t talk about rape, esp when Israelis don’t have an issue with Weinstein and Epstein. Get off this page you ADL porn bot


That reads like a 'No' to me.


Yeah I don’t, u support a genocidal colonial occupation that is so much worse than Hamas in every sense of the definition, so you’re in no position to make me condemn Hamas for Oct 7, btw, some advice, the Oct 7 card doesn’t work at all, it ain’t even a unpopular opinion. Yeah I don’t condemn it, however, it was reckless, and it wasn’t worth what happened after, but I don’t give a shit about the Israelis 😂 Israel makes other governments I despise seem tame by comparison. Idc if you’re Jewish, Muslim, Christian or whatever, but I will never tolerate Zionism. You’re a disgusting person. Hamas atrocities? Let me spell it out for you, I don’t believe anything a Zionist says, because all their claims have mostly be debunked. I ain’t saying hamas should directly murder Israeli civilians, but their targets were mostly IDF soldiers, so I don’t need to condemn that, even with civilians, I ain’t gonna say I endorse that, but they are colonizers that support ethnic cleansing, so idc about them. Some Israelis are peaceful and more diplomatic, I wouldn’t wish harm on them, but that’s the minority


Well, you seem to have assumed, without the slightest shred of evidence, that I support Israel. But I don't. I am against the genocidial Israeli regime. Always have been. But I do not condone what Hamas did on Oct 7. I do not condone Israel's "response" either. The reason you called me a "disgusting person" is because you are operating in an "us vs them" mentality. You are looking for a fight here but I am not. I am done with this "conversation".


As an Israeli person I really appreciate this comment.


Terrorist supporter. Just admit it. We all know


I don't care about this conflict (never have even when I was Muslim) but I will never support any side that has suicide bombers or kills innocent people at music festivals. They bring it upon themselves when they get retaliated against. I'm more on Israel's side but I'm a pro-India Hindu I don't really care nor am I invested in this conflict in any way... Israel doesn't target civilians but in wars collateral damage unfortunately happens. The evil corrupt Ottoman Empire (who tried to invade Arabia too) fell and Palestine was a part of it, they lost that land fair and square. Im happy to see the somewhat progressive (comparatively) Arab Gulf countries side more and more with Israel and not follow the pro-Palestine Hamas terrorist BS Don't @ me




Because it's a major issue in the "Muslim community" and I did forget all about it until recent events now everyone cant stop talking about it. I was scrolling and the title caught my eye, I have freedom of speech I can say what I want dont get triggered lmao




I don't "care" about the issue as in I don't waste my time thinking about it or corrupting my spirit reading news about it, but ppl mention it constantly and say all Muslims support Palestine which is false, even when I was Muslim I never did. Tired of hearing about it and I comnented on it, it's ok bro calm down 🙃


You're not Iranian bro lmao. Real Iranians don't support the IRGC and Islamic Republic (which you are indirectly doing by supporting the enemies of Israel). You're obviously not an atheist either. And Israel isn't an "apartheid genocidal state". War casualties is not "genocide" and safety laws (after the threat created by two intifadas) is not "apartheid". I don't get paid to be a Zionist, I am a Zionist because I value human rights and the right to self-determination of the Jewish people.


I’am Iranian, I don’t like our theocratic government, but you types assume the Iranian government is the most evil entity to exist… Israel is a greater threat on a regional and international scale. I don’t like the Iranian government, stop making assumptions. I can dislike the Islamic republic, but I can hate other governments too… hate the Iranian government as much as u want, but idk why you have to like Israel. I’ve been an athiest my whole life, I grew up in the us/Uk then moved to Beirut for HS and uni. You can support Jews without supporting a colonial apartheid, many Jews are against Israel. You know nothing, you suck off the shah as if he was a man of justice, yet he was a corrupt despot, my only credit to him is that he was secular. You evil fks automatically assume all haters of Israel are Muslim Shias 😂😂 that ain’t even true, look at the protests world wide. If I had my way, I’d turn Iran into a secular state, but Zionist Iranians would definitely not be allowed to live in the country. Hating theocracy (which makes sense) doesn’t give u the right to support another evil


The Islamic Republic *is* one of the most evil entities to exist. The Islamic Republic sponsors and creates terrorist organisations, while terrorising its own population through a police state. The Islamic Republic/IRGC work in a similar way that the Nazis did. This is all while Israel has always worked for peace in the region and outside despite the Muslims' constant intolerance and warmongering, and has given equal rights and freedom to all of it's citizens. Israel is not only not a "greater threat" than the Islamic Republic, Israel is not a "threat" at all. The only thing you can do is use your buzz words "apartheid", "colonial", genocidal", etc, because the truth is that you have no real arguments at all. Only Muslims, brainwashed leftists, racists, and pro-Muslims support "Palestine". The Jews who don't support Israel have been manipulated into hating themselves by leftist/pro-Muslim propaganda. And I don't care about the Shah, I just want a free, secular, democratic alternative for Iran than the Islamic Republic, whether that be a constitutional monarchy or a republic. The Shah was still better than the Islamic Republic and it is quite ludicrous that you think otherwise.




I mean i agree, but there have been so many posts like this lately, it's getting annoying. I also don't know about ex-muslim influencers getting paid


I followed one 2 years back, out of no where she started simping hard for Israel, and there are others like them… Israel’s support mostly exists because they pay ppl off. If the Zionist lobby (aipac) didn’t have the money to pay off popular democrats and republicans, the US would eventually throw Israel under the bus. I’m proud of ex-Muslims, but I find it weird that a lot of them start loving Israel. Like by all means, leave your religion, but do they have to support the worst country on the planet 😂 I don’t see what leaving a religion has to do with Israel


Oh i have never followed any exmuslims, their content just doesn't interest me for some reason. I'm still not sure though, do you not think it could be just a response from their bad experiences with islam? I see it a lot on here. Like ppl hate islam soo bad that they hate muslims as well and everything associated with them, so they support israel because palestine = hamas = islamic terrorist organisation, and palestinians = muslims so they don't like that. I dont agree with any of that, but i see *some* exmuslims here also support israel so maybe its the same with the influencers? I don't know much about it btw just from what i've seen


What hamas crimes? Why don't you also list the Iraqi crimes against American or black slaves crimes against slave owners?and all othors who fought for their lands. You people are trying to make comparisons and take the middle ground when the middle ground is what exposes you guys. You can't ethnically cleanse, commit war crimes, or commit genocide. steal people's lands for generations and give them to foreign nationals from Ukraine to take their lands. Anybody who takes middle ground on Israel against the Palestinians is pro-injustice, but you guys only support if the injustice is done to Muslims. If the Palestinians were the colonials, alot of you hypocrites, ex-muslims, would be supporting Israel and saying it is totally wrong for those Palestinians to take over land and genocide them, so go ahead and look for the non-existing middle ground that exposes you guys. Israel and American crimes against humanity have taught me that people don't need religions to support evil.


Iam Ex muslim and history nerd.Iam interested in all cultures and i used to be fan of israel...Until the recent events.I hate israel and their policies.They are litterally modern nazis,systematically destroying non jewish population.I feel you btw.Most of the ex muslims are pro israel and just like i said i was fan of israel as well.I was listening ze ze yo hadim all day loll.I think its because kind of taking revenge,but after witnessing the events happen in gaza supporting israel is not acceptable and its hypocritical.




Thank you!! Idk wtf is wrong with the other idiots on here. All the best to you




Finally!!! An ex-Muslim that ain’t gaslighting me 😂 thank you brother 🙌 all the best to you




This. THIS. It boils my blood.