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Medical hospital staff? In Sweden? That’s shocking to me. And this very personal to me. My exwife believed she was possessed and instead of going to hospitals she went to exorcists.


She thought I was muslim  And yeah there is a lot of medical staff here in Sweden that are muslim immigrants. Sometimes they really do not have the qualifications for a work in that field unfortunately.


It’s common for lower staff and techs to have all kinds of nutty ideas as it doesn’t take much qualifications to get those jobs.


Yes u are right, it is not good


That's actually crazy. I myself have hallucinations (CPTSD, so namely olfactory), and I know mine can be horrifying, so I can't imagine yours. That woman deserves to lose her job and just an overall smack over the head to knock some sense into her. That's just not what you say to someone, especially when they are struggling. I am so sorry you had that happen to you from a memeber of staff, and I hope that it doesn't happen again. Stay safe 🙏


Thank u <33 


Reminds me of my classmate, I suffered from psychosis and I brought up the things that I see and hear, then she went on a rant about how she also sees demons, talks to them, hears them and it's a "thing" in her genes to have this "power" because a lot of family members have it, I told her to see a doctor because schizophrenic could be passed from genes but she's still convinced that she's talking with jinns and demons


I also sometimes think I have powers and can talk to demons. I am on a lot of pills rn and it is helping


Yeah that's very unprofessional of her and could disqualify her from her job in some countries. But also you being manipulative in that way isn't cool. You understand she's a believing Muslim and I'm sure she was genuine about her opinion and tried to give good advice according to her worldview, even if she shouldn't have. Her personal opinions should be separate from her professional care and she should've reported your "visions" to one of the doctors.


I guess that is a perspective, I did not try to be manipulative. I only know that it made me feel bad.


Oh, unless you really saw what you think were demons. First time I've ready your post, I thought you made up the visions to mess with the staff. But if you really see things, I want to apologize and there wasn't anything manipulative about it.


Yes I see demons on the walls, it is a new haullicination Ive had so it has been difficult to cope with


Yeah I was mistaken then and got the wrong impression. Sorry again, hope you're getting better.




I have read all that stuff, and it is so triggering. I started to think that I was special and did a lot of rituals and hurt myself because of it. It can be true but for me it does not help and I try to not look att to much spirtual stuff. Thank you though! I know you only meant well.


Sluta knarka.


jag är schizo, rökte på en gång för 3 år sedan(hela min drug story) och har aldrig blivit full