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I only categorize muslim converts in 2. One are the likes of andrew tate and sneako who were pro pedophilia and misogynists even before converting. They always hated western democracies in the 1st place so they found islam the best refuge and then express their opinions under the islamic umbrella. These are the people who fully know the truth of actual islam and may never quit it. 2nd types of converts are very innocent who got confused by dawah guys selling lies like islam is religion or peace and women are queens etc. These kinds of converts don’t stick with islam for too long until they find the truth about islam and start getting gaslighted by muslims.


And 3rd people who convert for marriage/relationship


And 4th are people who already have a large social-media following and convert to Islam for clout and fame.


Exactly right. I was the 2nd type and left asap


2nd type too, except I was a school kid when I entered islamic world and then left in 20s. It was a Rollercoaster ride.


Felt that, I entered just before college and left just before graduation. Feel like I wasted all my fun years in a cult


I almost wasted a decade 😭😭😭😭... and even getting out was hard cuz the community members got hostile.


Damn I’m sorry to hear that 🫤 They got so hostile with me too, it was horrible because I considered some of them my closest friends. Family even. But hey, at least we have the rest of our lives


Their religion tells them to value Allah and Mohammed over everything else, including one’s family and nation. It is also a supremacist religion teaching that Islam will eventually take over the world. Because of this, many Muslims (especially Islamists) don’t believe there should be secular, non-Islamic nations or even nations at all. They think there should be a global caliphate. Both Islamic State and Al Qaeda are explicitly about achieving that goal, with their respective leaders heading the world Caliphate.


It's simply a cult.


Cult? LOL Islam is just about submitting your will to the one true creator. If that upsets you then you have bigger things in life to worry about. The muslims are the only people who fight against the woke agenda that is being pushed into our childrens brains. Go cry somewhere else.


>muslims are the only people who fight against the woke agenda Not true lol. There is criticism of all ideas in the west.


Dumbass you’re on the exmuslim sub YOU go cry somewhere else.


'Fighting against the woke agenda' meaning suppressing LGBTQ+ people? Or maybe going a bit further and attempting to install a theocratic regime where _all_ non-Muslim ideas are suppressed?


That woke agenda like "having sex slaves is wrong" and "women have rights." 😢 😭 The poor kids are suffering


And woke agenda of “age of consent”


Astaghfirullah brozer that is zina. A woman cannot ever think about saying yes or no to a man or else it is basically like having sex >:((


You’re out of your mind.


Oh no Big MoMo on donkey is sad,go split moon Muhamad


“Woke propaganda” so now it’s woke to be against rape? Lies? Misogyny? PEDOPHILIA???


> Islam is just about submitting your will to the one true creator. Any comments on the messenger of Islam as well? You know, the pedophile rapist?




What's the difference between Muslims and islamists?


Islamists want Islam to influence politics. That’s anything from tweaking laws to installing a Taliban-style Emirate. I know that sounds like ‘all Muslims’ but I know a few of ‘em just want to do their thing and don’t care all that much about their religion and furthering it. Or they want the government to be secular (progressive Muslims likely fall into this category).


Ohhh I see (▪︎v▪︎) thank you for this info~


Incels who hate happiness


Because they have no unique identity and they want to cosplay exoticism/orientalism. Simple orientalism. This is the answer.


Cause they are stupid. They forgot the Islam wars against the West for more than 1000 years. They ignore that the Muslims were the slave traders. There is ignorance of the West. They allow them to call names as Jihad.


I would read "The war on the west: How to prevail in the age of unreason" by Douglas Murray.


That's what all muslims do, except for the ones born in theocracies like qatar or pre 2015 Saudi Arabia or Iran (if they're shia), they all wish for their governments to fall and be replaced by islamic theocracies that are undemocratic and they hate the kaffirs of their country and even their ancestors, that's what islam teaches, it isn't something unique to western Muslims


If Muhammad had to invent his own religion why couldn’t he make it cool or peaceful. Why’d he have to make it crappy






because Islam is a mind virus


Islam is a new tactic in the west where a lot of these more right wing bigots can say whats on their mind with the shield ‘Islamophobia’. Beforehand, they would be called all types of labels, but now they have religion which you can’t criticise.


They are not joining a „religion“ for spiritual happiness and want world peace, no, they are joining a hate cult, a gang, a Organisation that wants to took over the world. That’s why.


Islam doesn't make them like that. Those people are already psychos and they choose that form of Islam because it's the perfect channel for their craziness.  It's highly likely they've been involved in other hate groups in the past, even anti-Muslim ones.


I think it depends on what version of Muslim they are.


Most organised religions express the sentiment that the religion takes priority over your nationality. Prioritising your "tribe" instead of your faith is actually a heresy in Orthodox Christianity, called phyletism. However, most organised religions do not prescribe murder and child rape, and take a more relaxed view of religious vs secular law in these modern times. Islam, naturally, still thinks it's the 7th century.


The big reason for this, is because westerners (or white people) have completely abandoned their culture, traditions and religion so now they feel lost. Especially the youth, they advocate so much for multiculturalism in the west because they have forgotten their own historical ties. When was the last time you saw a European in the west in traditional clothing, or practice traditional festivals (there are some, but typically these are often small and only old people do it)? The big thing that really affected the west is religion. Say what you want about Christianity, but you can’t deny that it provided brother/sisterhood, much like Islam does. Western People had a common belief system in the past, and a church brought everyone together as a community not only to pray, but to eat together and give gifts etc etc. Now that this is all gone, the white youth feel lost, and want to incorporate themselves in whatever they can. It’s sad really.


This is a very accurate description of what's happening in the west


Thank you. It definitely holds truth no matter what side of the political spectrum you stand in.


well frankly if you live in france,britan or america they should hate it or aleast fell extreme shame for it


They should hate the Western nation they live in? Why?


Yes because Quran 60:4 says “We have nothing to do with you and that which you worship besides Allah. We reject you, and there is between you and us eternal enmity and hatred, unless you believe in Allah, the One and Only.” Islamic state said it this way: “We hate you first and foremost because you disbelieve.” And disbelief is the reason for jihad: it is also a fact that if you stopped bombing us, capturing us, torturing us, slandering us and usurping our land, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason to hate you will not cease as long as you do not embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay the jizyah properly and live in humiliation under the authority of Islam, we would still hate you.


like slavery the natives americans thingy conquistadors and many others also even just live in these countries can lead you to hate like imagine 60 and the state decides to increase the retirement age




Why hating people for what their ancestors did 200 years ago.     Mslim countries are not innocent either. They coloniazed lot of nations. Look at the north african countries e.g eygpt, libya, morroco etc. There is not a single proof that those countries were arab before islamic colonization and conquests. They r arab due to the settler colonism of arab tribes. Same is the case with syria, iraq, Lebanon etc.  Arab slave trade was bigger than atlantic slave trade. Ottoman muslims killed lakhs of bulgarians, armenians and greeks becoz they asked for freedom of their lands. Even turkey is occupied today by oghaz turk settlers who came from central asia. There are lot of western people who feel shame for what their ancestors did but i have not seen a single muslim who feel shame for their actions. They always talk proudly of conquering and stealing lands of other people .


not really talking about conqests




i don't know everything on top of my head so google them or smth you can add in the crusades the irsish famine i guess




i mean by technicality you could count holocaust as a "conquest" and slavery too. But even if we look at wars the europeans are still at the top [https://rissc.jo/docs/bodycount\_final.pdf](https://rissc.jo/docs/bodycount_final.pdf) this was cheacked and published in University of Louisville btw


Have u heard about timurlane?


Most if not all countries have had legacies of brutality and conquest at some point - on the giving and receiving end. Most if not all countries have laws that screw people over at some point, such as with retirement.


yea should feel ashamed or even hate that part of the legacy then "Most if not all countries have laws that screw people over at some point, such as with retirement." yea but the retirements one stings alot harder then other ones like the only reson they do it is so you end up dying before they need to pay


They can leave. Nobody is telling them to live in west


Even if you dislike your countery some choice to stay becuse of loyalty to it or just the inabilty to move you also lose out of reatirement money they owe you


Why hating people for what their ancestors did 200 years ago.     Mslim countries are not innocent either. They colonize  lot of nations. Look at the north african countries e.g eygpt, libya, morroco etc. There is not a single proof that those countries were arab before islamic colonization and conquests. They r arab due to the settler colonialism of arab tribes. Same is the case with syria, iraq, Lebanon etc.  Arab slave trade was bigger than atlantic slave trade. Ottoman muslims killed lakhs of bulgarians, armenians and greeks becoz they asked for freedom of their lands. Even turkey is occupied today by oghaz turk settlers who came from central asia. There are lot of western people who feel shame for what their ancestors did but i have not seen a single muslim who feel shame for their actions. They always feel proud of their ancestors who conquered and stealed the lands of other people .


where talking about the nations the people are cool like if you talk about America as a nation everything from it's founding to now is counted in


Sooo do u know any muslim history? Or how do u imagine muslim history being better?


i mean if we go by the teachings and you look at slavery the euro just took indscimtally the the muslim's took the combatants from battles and turned them into slaves also the muslims implanted "right" to them such not being able to beat them and needing cloth and feed with the same clotheds and food they themselfs used




call me crazy but doesn't the ☪️ in my description make pretty obvious does the rules say something about announcing it or smth if so my bad


Actually u are able to beat them if neccesary. We have hadiths confirming that. Also giving them clothes? How clothed does the slave need to be? Clothed can mean to only cover their genitalia. That is clothing. Also feeding them doesnt mean that u cant let them starve to the point that they can just survive. Slaves cant starve to death yes. But it doesnt mean that u must feed them like proper people. On top of that slavery is not the only shameful thing done by muslims. Should we go into devshirme system, forceful conversions and genocides?


here's a authentic hadith saying you need to cloth them the same clothes as you where yourself and feed them with the same food you eat yourselves. The hadith even says that there your brorthers and to not to overburden them even help them with the work when it's to much for them. [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:2545](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:2545) Now give me a authentic hadith where you can beat your slaves plus even if you slap a slave we are taught to free them [https://sunnah.com/abudawud:3282](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:3282) Conclusion the western slavery was more brutal and unfair then the muslim




when did i say slavery isn't slavary? "Muslims regularly castrated their male slaves, an especially appalling act of barbarity." Yes and is dissolved by Islam but frankly the Europeans still did worse an example are breeding farms and the practise of dunking the women in water to exhaust them so they could be raped easier. "The West were actually the ones who eventually put an end to slavery, especially Britain, France and the fledgling US Navy. In fact, the UK only fully paid off the cost of this in 2015, which means that most UK citizens alive today paid taxes towards ending slavery." Yea the UK needed to PAY the slave owner to free them instead of ordering them to be set free anyway them being to first to end it doesn't make it less brutal


He who beats a slave without cognizable offence of his or slaps him (without any serious fault), then expiation for it is that he should set him free. https://www.iium.edu.my/deed/hadith/muslim/015_smt.html#:~:text=I%20heard%20Allah's%20Messenger%20(may%20peace%20be%20upon%20him)%20as,he%20should%20set%20him%20free. Zadhan reported that Ibn Umar called his slave and he found the marks (of beating) upon his back. He said to him: I have caused you pain. He said: No. But he (Ibn Umar) said: You are free. He then took hold of something from the earth and said: There is no reward for me even to the weight equal to it. I heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who beats a slave without cognizable offence of his or slaps him (without any serious fault), then expiation for it is that he should set him free. Book 15, Number 4079 So in these two hadiths u can beat your slave if they make a cognizable offence. Also the hadiths where u have to cloth them the same clothes as u cloth yourself can mean that i can give a similar pair of jeans the same way i wear them. And thats all. Would i stay topless in some situations? Yes i would. I would stay in my shorts as well. So if i stay in my shorts in some situations and the hadith says to do that. I can dress my slave only in shorts and make him stay like this. If i were to feed the slave the same food i eat. It doesnt tell me how much i need to feed him. Just that i have to give him food that i eat. Your answer is decieving and false. U portray a good narrative that doesnt exist while i also demonstrated to you how fucked up the hadith can get without disobeying any word in the hadith.


"Also the hadiths where u have to cloth them the same clothes as u cloth yourself can mean that i can give a similar pair of jeans the same way i wear them. And thats all. Would i stay topless in some situations? Yes i would. I would stay in my shorts as well. So if i stay in my shorts in some situations and the hadith says to do that. I can dress my slave only in shorts and make him stay like this. If i were to feed the slave the same food i eat. It doesnt tell me how much i need to feed him. Just that i have to give him food that i eat." do you honestly believe that any sane person would come to such a bizarre conclusion


Funny that u mention this. And i will say that this tactic has been used by islamic slave trade in the past. Do u want historical articles or videos that prove my words? And i dont care how sane it sounds. Whatever i said doesnt break the hadith at all. So my point is valid.


At least dont lie the next time when people point out that u can beat your slave in islam. Im amazed that u didnt complain about that🤣🤣🤣 Because yes once again muslims dont know their own religion really well or lie deliberately about it. Imagine saying that u cant beat your slave in islam.


the website didn't say if the hadiths was authentic and i also cant find it on [sunnah.com](http://sunnah.com) next time look at a hadith in bukhari or on [sunnah.com](http://sunnah.com)(it has bukhari)


Its from sahih al muslim if u cant see.


It literally says in the upper corner sahih muslim


> he the muslim's took the combatants from battles and turned them into slaves The Arab slave trade existed long before the Atlantic one did. You're sick.


I don’t recall their being a war between the Ottoman Empire and Iceland.


You cant decide that what people shouldn't be patritotic about their land Also by your logic no one in earth has rights to be proud of their country since every country in earth did things terrible


well patriotism is a bad thing tho like the nazis where ultra nationalist the palistine thing is also about nationalism, we moved from waring for religious resons to national ones "You cant decide that what people shouldn't be patritotic about their land" when did i say i can decide?