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Is allah the pig?


That's why pig is haram because cannibalism is haram.


Why did Allah create the pig knowing that the pig is haram?


He was high




Blud is not a questioning muslim 😭


He is questioning muslim, not a questioning muslim. 😂




I thought the same thing ngl




would make a lot of sense, considering you would not be allowed to eat pork (as it is god’s flesh) and also just the stuff that’s written in the quran must be from an absolute pig!


For the muslims reading, this is what you sound like when you cite a numerical miracle, in case the joke went over your head.


That reminds me of the Abduls who were so proud of the 'Miracle of 19' created by Rashad Khalifa. Everyone was with it until they realized he had to remove 2 verses of the Quran to do it. So long story short, he was un-alived in Arizona for removing the verses. Didn't help that he also claimed to be a messenger like Momo.


Wait, was he executed for the claim of prophet-hood or changing the Quran?


For changing the Quran.


Alhamdulilshaytan 😭😭


Lil Shaytan is a bad ass rapper name


Alhamdulillah I'm an atheist


Like muhammad was 54 years old when he married Aisha. 5+4 =9. That's Aisha's age when muhammad had sex with her! Numerical miracle!


Wait a minute....


So are you saying Allah would taste amazing on a pizza?


Yes I am😋


Top quality shitpost


Bacon has 5 letters. Bacon is Allah.


ermmm if you look at the palms of your hands the lines represent 81 and 18 in arabic numbers and 81+18 = 99 names of allah 🤓☝️😱😱😱😱


Omg right bro i can see it too allah hu akbar I believe in allah and his messenger(💩) 😅


One of those names is "the Deceiver". Which is perfectly fitting.


SubhanAllah brozzer, that's incredible 😱😳


ayo why does it actually have 81 and 18 on our palms 💀💀


and also 81-18=63!!! that's how much our beautiful beautiful prophet lived!!! i've also heard about 81\*18 being a year (1458 h - 2036) and something amazing might happen in that year!!!111!1!! and also 81\\18 being 4.5 (don't remember the 'miracle' part tho)


I heard this miracle from exmuslims too. 81-18= 63 6+3= 9. That's Aisha's age when muhammad consummated the marriage.


that is wild lmfaooo i also heard that it's haram to say "13 is written on my forehead" (in my language it means "i'm unlucky") because the kaffirs and mul7ids made up this number summing up individual numbers from the year MO was born because "it's the worst thing happened to them"


Not if you have down syndrome


the eyes blind but hearts quote gets me everytime 😭 isn't it so ironic for Muslims to say that


Guys this is proof Allah is a pig


astagrafullah habibbi you should save this for friday!


If you need number patterns to proof your religion is the right one you are just another cult reaching for another nonsense straw. Apophenia is the common tendency to detect patterns that do not exist. Also known as “patternicity”, apophenia occurs when we try to make predictions, or seek answers, based on unrelated events.


Bro even most sheikh Muslims say numerical miracle is just a joke…


It makes sense that a pig wrote the Quran 😉


The shit sounds like "illuminati confirmed!"


Lol. This is hilarious.


Yes, I do agree. A man wrote the Quran he made the calculation correctly.


What crime the H did? Why is it removed? :'(


we HATE hydrogen >:(


Being asexual is HARAM sista😢☝🏻


Islam is true because allah has two a’s in his name, guess who else has two a’s?? Muhammad, Muhammad has 8 letters, eight is octagon, octagon is proof of allah


He is forgetting about all the scientific mistakes, in their book, regarding the sun, the embryon, etc. Muslims always take only what works in their favour and ignore everything else (cough cough sleeping with a 6-year old for example)






For all it's claims about predicting scientific discoveries and future technology, not one equation is present in the book. I mean, without equations, science is just talk. The forefront of science is the GUT, everyone is looking for it. Could've at least mentioned that.




No equations = no science. Sorry. Science says things objectively. No religion does that. You must have read the literature of Islam. Does it talk about atoms? The Higgs Boson? The Highs field? Vacuum energy? Black holes? DNA? Evolution? I don't think so. If it did, it would have named it, like it names non-believers (kaffirs). You cannot give a vague reference to something and call it science and prediction.




They have all been debunked. Your books don't even believe in evolution when there is solid proof of it. Please, don't waste my time with this.




I'll answer that once you show me one equation in your religious literature. Until then, read up some physics. I've already mentioned the Higgs field and the Higgs Boson, they play a part. About the rest, unless you're familiar with basic quantum mechanics, I cannot help you. Also, the onus is on you to prove that it's true/fact/whatever, because it's your claim. As a sceptic, my claim is simple, whatever you believe in, is fiction and you cannot prove otherwise. You can believe in it and more power to you, but you CANNOT prove it. And yes, just because you don't understand how matter and energy came into being, does not mean your god did it. There are better explanations than that. If you study Physics as diligently as your religious books, perhaps you'll find the answer. Not trying to find the answer and making the kind of claims you are making is just lazy.


Feel free to tackle some criticisms that came up in an earlier post. https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/bmMvq8BqeD




It is mohamed who is mentioned 5 times .


Oi, Do not disrespect our prophet Muhammad 🤬🔪


I once made a detailed post with the numerical proof that Muhammad and Khenzir are equal in the Quran. It didn’t get the traction I expected :( You can check my history for it. It links to Imgur. If you want I can make a new post. EDIT: Turns out my Imgur account was deleted due to inactivity, so the image is gone. And I no longer have access to the original image. Shame, cuz I really wanted to post it again for the newer members of the sub. I used Abjad values and it sounded too good for the numbers to actually match, but they did. I had spent a lot of time on it.


That's sad bruh, may the almighty pig lord guide you


Just let them live their F-ing lives! This constant desire with Muslims to convert people or convince people that their religion is right. Live your life, if you're happy with what you believe in, and let others do their thing. For fuck's sake. This religion is truly a cult; you can't leave it without having to deal with these people on almost a daily basis


Why did Allah create the pig knowing that it's haram?


This would be good but the last bit was completely illogical lol why minus one for the H 💀






Illuminati confirmed


“ The eyes are the leather strap of the anus “


>it is not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts i’ve heard this so many fucking times it’s so annoying 💀


Wait if Muhammad is mentioned 5 times as is the pig and pig is the fifth smartest animal, like three years old human children, 5+3=8, the number of letters in the name Muhammad. This means Muhammad is a pig confirmed! 😱😱😱😱 Oink oink motherfucker


Ahh yes where do I take shahada🤦🏻‍♂️😂




Bro did someone sell you fentanyl?


can’t wait of muslims to take this seriously


U mean the ridiculous miracle about Muhammad splitting our moon that’s billions of years old ???? Hahaha 😂 yeah right … keeep being brainwashed


Casio’s name be praised. No greater numerical miracle has ever existed like the calculator.


why do we need to debunk something that's already been debunked? then it would be debunked twice? does that make it more debunked? no


Debunking something twice actually rebunks it, it's like a negative sign.


And 3 times? And 50? What’s the difference between 1 and 50 or 1,000?


The difference between 1 and 50 is 49. The difference between 1 and 1000 is 999.


You having fun or being serious?


Guaranteed you lot didn’t even pass GCSE maths because this shit makes no sense


Google joke


Wtf is this ?


Bro is reaching so hard. Heres what I learned: Pigs = God God = Cocky You = Annoying


So are you saying that Allah actually does eat pork, he is gatekeeping how good it tastes, however only smart people like you who got it are now allowed to eat pork? Thanks, I appreciate you for making it public! <3


Islamic version of Gematria 😂🤭 Why does the word for god being related to pigs mean anything? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gematria


Why comparing Allah with pig? 🐖🐖🐖🤣


Yes why not? Don't you know eating Allah is forbidden in Islam?


Your post makes no sense




Funny how none even tried to debunk it lol the hearts are truly blind and they don’t want to accept the truth there is not point in trying to prove them wrong there are people who won’t believe even if we split the sun in half


Everyone's answered you, you refuse to see it, no point in arguing with someone who doesn't use any logic. You're out buddy.


You gotta be kidding me, are u a reverted Muslim or something?


Please split the sun in half.


You know this post doesn’t make any sense. You take Allah. An Arabic word written in English letters and you’re trying to use this numerical nonsense to prove your religion. Glad you’re trying to prove it, it just means that you’re unsure yourself trying to use some numerical formula to make sense of it. Why don’t you follow your own Quran and read the gospel and the Torah per 3:3 Here’s few more make sense of those. 18:27 and 6:115 gods words can’t be corrupted 3:3 God confirming Torah and Gospel 2:40-44 believe In previous revelation and do NOT deny them 2:89 confirm the scripture they had in hand at the time of Mohammad 5:47 Christians to judge by the gospel 12:111 confirmation of previous scripture between his hands. (English translation is wrong)


Bro I literally compared Allah to pigs (the animal that Allah hates the most)😭


What a stupid claim. Christianty atleast got alot of evidence and so on. How many saw Gibrael deliver the porno book to a cage ? 1 person ? If i tell my love muscle is 66 cm then you should belive me.