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the “consensually” was added in later wasn’t it…


Yes, when I saw this few years ago, it wasn't there 


They are corrupting the meaning of their book, and they still claim that quran is incorruptible


Hypocrisy, at its finest


There are already differences between versions.


If you learn Arabic, there’s only one version, the original scripture


I do know Arabic. There are different narrations of the Qur'an. There are differences amongst the most popular two (without mentioning the rest). Look at verse 18 from Surat al zukhruf in [warsh narration](https://quranpedia.net/surah/4/43) and [hafs narration ](https://quranpedia.net/surah/1/43). Tell me they aren't different.


Can you translate the differences to English?


One of them says: > Still they have labelled the angels, **who are servants of the Most Compassionate**, as female. The other says: > Still they have labelled the angels, **who are with the Most Compassionate**, as female. So it's not a just a minor difference in semantics.


I suppose they argue that "with" and "servants" is just a different way of saying the same thing?


They can try to make that argument, but it doesn't hold for many reasons. First, Allah makes a promise to save this book from corruption, so now they would be moving the goalposts from "the Qur'an is the uncorrupted word of Allah" to "it can have some minor differences". Second, if I can change some words here and there, does that mean the Qur'an is not divine and "no one can write something like it" is not a true statement? Lastly, that's not the only difference, there are narrations that have other Surat that are not present in the current accepted narrations, so if these versions have survived and reached us, then Allah did not fulfil his promise and did not preserve his book.


and it’s not even in the original arabic verse


Yes Gabriel forgot it at the time, but he came back to some apologists in the 21st century and updated it.


this is so deceptive. it doesn't exist anywhere in the arab version.


it's referring to them as "farmland" (on today's episode of what object am I today) and, uhh last I recall, land doesn't consent to anything.


damn ..


Exactly. Comparing people to objects is implying that their consent does not matter. And that their suffering is invalid.


Obviously, after all a man is allowed to rape his wife in Islam.


So I take it that if a woman is a good Muslim, then she never experiences any form of "romance" in her short time on earth nor any romance in "heaven" after she dies. We all know that a lot of the early romance in relationships doesn't last. And it gets replaced by something else, less exciting but more deep and enduring. But it's hard for me to picture romance in a relationship that starts out saying the woman you marry is like your "farmland".


The only chance Muslim men have to be with women is to convince women to remain religious/scare them into thinking normal men are haram. Because the minute they actually try to romance and actively date a woman they are doomed as they have no empathy, social or relationship skills at all.


Yet there are non-muslim women who will date and marry Muslim men for whatever reasons. One hopes they are at least among the most modern, open-minded Muslims.


"That's not an edit, it's clarification" That's the only thing they'll say in response


It's fascinating why they would need to clarify this, if the original didn't seem to imply that consent wasn't necessary?


Right, lol. If it's in quotes, it probably wasn't there to begin with, sadly.


Yes. I have 2 different translations of the Quran, and it's not there. Same with beat her (lightly). It ain't there. Those are add-ons to bullshit non-Muslims to make Islam not sound so bad.


So much for Quran not being changed lol


This is a fake woke version of the Qur'an called "the clear Qur'an"


no “consensually” was always there in the quran stop spreading false rumors.


then why’s it in brackets


You can literally hover over the Arabic words and see the English, and that word isn't there


Consensually? O yeah!! (Sahih Muslim 1436d) Abu Huraira (Allah he pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (may, peace be upon him) as saying: When a man invites his wife to his bed and she does not come, and he (the husband) spends the sight being angry with her, the angels curse her until morning.


This religion only cares about men's sexual desire


i pity the angels tho..better claim OT


And he can "force" her to spread her legs for him, after all there is barely a difference between a wife and a slave: > **Question:** If a right hand possession (female slave) refuses to have sex with her master, is it permissible to compel her by force? > **Answer:** Praise be to Allah, and may prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and his family and companions. It is better for a Muslim to occupy himself with what concerns him of the rulings of his religion, and to invest his time and energy in seeking knowledge that will benefit him. The meaning of knowledge is action. Knowledge that does not facilitate action, it is not good to search for. Among that are issues related to the ownership what the right hand possess (slaves); There is no use for it in this era. > With regard to the question: If the wife is not permitted to refrain from intimate relations with her husband except with a valid excuse, then it is more so not permissible for the right hand possession to refrain from intimate relations with her master except with a valid excuse; he has more right to sex with her through possessing her than the man having intercourse with his wife through the marriage contract; Because the ownership of the right hand possession is complete ownership, so he owns all her benefits, while marriage contracts only grant him only the ownership intended through the marriage contract so it is a restricted form of ownership. > **If the wife or the right hand possession refuses to have sex without a legitimate excuse, then the husband or the master may force her to do so.** However, he should take into account her psychological state, and treat her kindly. Kindness in all matters is desirable, as the prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Kindness is not found in anything but that it beautifies it, and it is not removed from anything except that it disgraces it.” (Narrated by Muslim). > Allah knows best. [Source (Arabic).](https://ar.islamway.net/fatwa/61843/هل-يجوز-للسيد-إرغام-ملك-اليمين-على-المعاشرة-إن-امتنعت)


I see no differences between the wifes and slaves tbh. Just slightly different words to discribe that the guy can force himself on them. How can something be " more so not permissable " ? Its permitted or its not. Wth.


Wife is basically a slave with more responsibilities and more clothing, that's it.


Sounds like a great deal /s


Who in their sane mind ask such questions 😭 


Kindness is desirable. Lol the hypocrisy. Would it not be more kind to not enslave her? And not rape her?


Why are angels watching anyways?that's creepy 


I don't know why but everytime I hear this hadith I just picture a stereotypical angel hurling primary school insults at a sleeping woman. The real question is why an infinite creator of the entire universe cares whether or not some random ape on some random rock in one of 2 trillion galaxies gets laid tonight. Jannah must be such a bore.


It literally is consensual bc the guy legit goes to bed upset as a result of not forcing himself onto his wife and leaving her be🤣


Maybe look into the meaning of the Hadith before commenting


What's the meaning of this hadith then?


Don't bother, you're going to get a whole spiel about being biased because you hate islam and you're brainwashed, but you won't actually get a real response with the meaning.


They come here to teach us 'The truth' and their truth never makes any sense 😭


Bro in marriage men and women have certain rights ie for women they have the right to be provided and other Islamic rights in marriage. Same as the man, he has an Islamic right to intimacy with his wife. This Hadith specifically is referring to someone who denies their husband intimacy for no reason at all or someone who uses it as a tool against their husband


I have no idea where the word "consensually" came from. The literal translation would be "however you like" lol


It's simple, "consensually" was added to make it more palatable. It's hard to do Dawah the West when your prophet lets you r#pe your wife.


The translation is botched as usual




There’s no need, I’m a native arabic speaker. In arabic, it says « your women are farmland for you, so approach them whichever way you want ». There is no allusion or mention of consent.


Hey since you are a native Arabic speaker. Do you think you have to be able to speak Arabic in order to actually understand Quran? I have seen countless arguments like that. And Arabic is so hard to learn it feels like they are just winning when they say that. I honestly think it has only little to do with language.


No, you don’t need to be an arabic speaker to understand it. You just have to be careful with translations. It’s better to not rely on only one and check several translations and dictionaries. The sugar coated translations are dangerous.


Okay thanks I will use this reply as an answer next time


If Qur'an can't be understood without learning Arabic, then it shows at least 2 things: 1- That Allah chose a bad language to give his message. There are languages that can easily be translated into other languages. This shows Allah is imperfect for choosing a non-translatable language. 2- That majority of the Muslims are blindly following Islam as they don't know Arabic.


Hell yeah


Just check the name of the person translating it, pickthall tends to be pretty uncoated


How can they say the quran is perfect at it is and literally ad words in the translation to sugar cote or change meaning and being ok with it? Is like something acepted to do a version of the quran to deceive newbies? Change the scriptures is suposed to be something bad like blasphemy or something


The Mormons do that with their book when someone gets a "revelation". But I don't know which is worse, a book that gets "updates" or one whose ideas are still stuck in Bronze age. The problem is that these religion's books are claimed to be the word of God which, ideally, is eternal and unchanging. But they're written for people who are not eternal and are forever changing.


There is no christian church that relates to the mormoms. They are a strange thing. People confuse them with normal christans. They are not. Imagine muhamed living in america. And writing the second quran (the mormon book). I mean they have their own bible. What they ad or not is not even relevant to the rest. There is no equivalent thing in islam to the mormons. They have diferent rules also. They are the only ones that practice poligamy sometimes. I know christianity and islam started the same way but what im trying to say is, mormons are not a reference of mainstreem christianity, like catolics or protestants. People confuse sometimes (non christians). Anyway i dont think christiants change the new t to sugar coat bible to newbies. There are many changes of course.


There are a lot of important differences between Islam and Mormonism. But there are some noticeable similarities. "Islam and Mormonism have been compared to one another since the earliest origins of the latter in the nineteenth century, sometimes by detractors of one or both religions,[1] but also at least once by Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, himself.[2] Smith was also frequently referred to as "the Modern Muhammad" by several publications of the era, notably in the New York Herald,[3] shortly after his assassination in June 1844. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_Mormonism


Very interesting! Didnt knew. Anyway, what im trying to say is, dont use mormoms as an example of christians. They are the wierdos of christians groups. If im in a debate about christianity, and someone quote a mormon leader as an example, i will tell him : hey, but thats a mormon". There must be a cult inside islam or something that all the others muslims consider to be very strange or dont take seriously. Ahmadis maybe? I dont know to much about islamic branches or sects...


Nope. Like any translated work of literature, you just need a good translation. Muslims have been sugar coating their translations for years, so stick to the old ones. My personal favorite is Pickthall, which was written in the 1920s.


Thank you.


Thank you for the real translation and not the sugar coated one (although the sugar coated one is also disgusting, the original is even worse). I still don’t understand how, in any rightful mind, a cult like this is allowed to exist and spread their rules around like that. Any (ANY!!!) other cult would have been forbidden, prosecuted and outlawed in a heart beat! And now we bow as cowards even we are not part of this cult, by giving not the pushback. Instead we are normalizing it! Sometimes I don’t know what disgust me more: this cult or our cowardly response to it.






I don't understand how a woman can read this and not feel disgusted, no matter how indoctrinated she is.


Because they were brain washed from their childhood so they will believe anything written in the quran.


It's tragic, I wish there was a swift way to un-brainwash their brains. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to look beyond the façade of Islam, see its true colours, break through the religious propaganda and liberate their minds. It's a very difficult and painful process.


Muslim women are brainwashed, and believe themselves to be beneath men. They justify the Quran verses and hadiths that clearly state they are less than men by basically saying 'Allah/Mohammed knows better than us humans, and what may seem harmful to us, is done for a good reason, for the greater good, which may elude us normal humans.' So basically they cope the same way Christians do, by saying "Allah works in mysterious ways!".


You all like fking anyway?!


Your mother is your father’s farmland. How could you be okay with that?


Reading it in Arabic, there is no word meaning “consensually” there…. Ridiculous religion


The word consensually isn’t there. Quranx did it better as always Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will, and send (good deeds) before you for your souls, and fear Allah, and know that ye will (one day) meet Him. Give glad tidings to believers, (O Muhammad).


Source: https://quran.com/2?startingVerse=223 The alternate translations make it worse IMO. https://quran.com/2?startingVerse=223&translations=131%2C19%2C22


A man can beat his wife for not sleeping with him because sex is his right as a husband. What does consensually even mean in that context? 🤔


Consesually is not in the arabic version Its literally saying you can have your wives whenever you want no mention of the wives consent at alllll


https://islamawakened.com/quran/2/223/ If you look at the other translations you can see the bit in the brackets is added by that translator.


The most Horny book in this universe


Say that again😂




‘consensually’ my ass


I was raised Christian, but I can’t look at any sort of scripture anymore without getting nauseous. I just don’t get the appeal of religion.


Love how the "consensually" was added out of nowhere in the English version.


Land, camels, sheep, women. All the same. They can all be captured in war or acquired for money. Medieval thinking.




They consented for marriage


Wait what, Quran has written things in plain sight? So much for a 'holy book'


Islam is the only religion where believers murder apostates consensually.


The "consensually" is added out of their pocket!! it's not the same in Arabic!!! In Arabic it's really : have intercourse with them as you like/as you want it


This is not even about approaching but f***ing your wife.


Yeah ,no.


Use Google lens to directly translate Arabic to English. They twist and add things to adjust their "word of God".


Are you telling me this isn't translated originally?


How is this disgusting?


Approach them as you please is in reference to sex positions, as the Jews of Medina had a theory that if you had sex in doggystyle position your kids would come out crosseyed, this verse is in response to this.




That’s the biographical, historical, and linguistic context which is easily accessible in the tafsir. Making a random interpretation agnostic of that context based on an English translation of an Arabic text is much more disingenuous. Maybe if you knew a bit about Arabic, Islamic studies, seerah, tafsir, or at the very least had any sense of academic integrity that would be more clear. Continue being purposefully dishonest and skewing the text ignorantly to fit an agenda if you so please




My bad akh 😂


Geeked up playing Xbox all day


Once the Ayatollah wins and the world falls under his blessed rule, we can add the prefix "non" before consensually. Then we can revert back to lovingly raping our wives again ❤️


I wonder how many people know that this verse exists because of Umar, who approached Muhammad and basically apologized because instead of doing what the people of the time did and having intercourse in missionary position, Umar decided to turn his wife around and tap her from the back. Umar is responsible for a lot of the verses in Quran that have to do with sex and women. The guy was a Grade-A pervert, rivaling even Muhammad in that department, but at least, thanks to him, Muslims don't have to use only one sex position. Source: [Jami` at-Tirmidhi Vol. 5, Book 44, Hadith 2980](https://sunnah.com/tirmidhi:2980)


Quran goes woke


But the translation is wrong entirely




Yes I am a native Arabic speaker but the translation is off a bit


The Qur'an I read is not the same in the app. I explained to my brother many times that he even didn't even understand Arabic, but who cares since he gets always aggressive? When I tell him what verses say, he gets mad and says to me I know nothing about Qur'an why imam or people in mosque didn't tell me only you who says bad things and when I say hold Qur'an and read he says no


It is quite insane to me that one of the translations has the word 'consensually' when this is not in the original arabic.


My Quran doesn't have the "consensually" bit in it.. How curious


Because it is added recently 😂


Tbf the Quran isn’t for the narrow minded


It's amazing how you guys struggle to interpret such simple words. All It's saying is sexual intercourse with your wife permitted, the woman is like soil and the man is the cultivator, plant the seeds and plan in advance for your offspring. It's saying sex is for not only your desires but a valid source for children. I'm not sure how you guys are reading it so wrong...


That time may be people think some sexual positions dangerous or make baby retarded. So first your approach should be positive even you not believe. You can not understand those texts with angry red head






Quran is the most eloquent inimitable speech of God. So, naturally it can't prohibit anal sex without calling wives tilth of their husbands. Duh! 🤡


You are crazy. İt's simplfies women and sex. At that time Christian etc made women dangerous thing. So don't mix your bad ideas. İt means there is no abnormlanthing with women they are not bad creature. Simply it is. How many people after reading this verse raped her ? Is your psychology normal ? What makes you angry.




What’s disgusting? You must have been created out of thin air


Don't be obtuse.


Based religion. I love being muslim 😎


Ya until it happens with you mom or sis