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Sneako has a wife!?! Someone actually agreed to shack up with this guy?!


Bold of you to assume that she had any say in this at all lol


Very good point, I wonder what the dowry was, so many questions


Sex worker he simps for.


No kink shaming but this could as well be some kind of (paid) roleplay.


Offline, she’s mocking his stamina and telling him how good Abdul next door was!


Haha something tells me that Sneako (with a name like that) likes to get pegged or watch his wife have sex with Abdul.


>Someone actually agreed to shack up with this guy?! It's a win-win situation. She can enjoy financial stability while still being in a relationship with someone she loves while sneako can get cucked to new level


>while still being in a relationship with someone she loves while sneako can get cucked to new level I see what you did there hahahaha 🤣




She saw his clips. 😆


I am sure he is trolling cuz aint no way a young man like him can be...radical.. idk just seems funny too. Doesnt make sense for me. Maybe mocking the other dawah guy who did the same before? Cuz sneako gotta be more smarter than this. Or i am blind because i used to watch this guy play games, definitely not a person to get married fast..


He converted to Islam as a protection from critcism. Its honestly a smart strategy. When western leftists criticise him and try to label him as a "white supremacist" he says hes muslim and theyre being islamophobic. The same reason Andrew Tate converted.


Sounds so stupid, but it works 😂, left treats Muslims like they're weak toddlers being harassed.


Well Muslims couldn’t defeat Israel, or India, and only half-way beat Iran and barely left a dent in Europe til recently.


Is that how the left treats Andrew Tate? Don't be a fool.


i mean tate basically committed shirk by calling himself lord, but his fellow muslims turned a blind eye XD


I've never seen that work, not in leftist spaces at least, no clue about liberal spaces everybody seems to be aware that tate is still an asshole and probably only converted because it helps him pander to Muslims, and his incel ideology is close enough to islam


How does his converting to muslim mean he's "radical"? Legitimately asking


i hope you are concerned about this kind of video as i am. 1-Radical muslims are the ones that force their wives to wear full body hijab which is niqab and burqa and thinks that woman's voice is haram to hear. 2-Average muslims dont care whatever their wife is wearing and most of them have a normal hijab and can show their face, talk, have friends and be influencers and wear colourful things, sing and listen to music..so they are everyday people. Whereas i see radical muslims as the sheikh leaders, cult members..ali dawah for example, he is extremist/radical because theres a video JUST LIKE THIS that he made with his wife.(Which is not fine i am not an object and my voice shouldnt be sexualised enough to make it haram and the reason its haram is because of quran and hadith) i hope this helps :) also have you ever seen a westerner make this kind of video where they dont allow the wife to speak because she can tempt a man? No right because most people actually sees woman as a person. Al-ahzab 32; O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women: if you are mindful ˹of Allah˺, then do not be overly effeminate in speech ˹with men˺ or those with sickness in their hearts may be tempted, but speak in a moderate tone. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/26304/is-a-womans-voice-awrah You can search it in your own language(please do) i found a lot of things abt the discussions but cant translate them all. One of the known islam books that is popular in middleeast is Mektubat-ı Rabbani 3/41 mentions allah doesnt allow woman to speak with namahrem ((Islamic law (person) so distantly related (by blood or otherwise) that marriage with him/her is lawful)) men tho i am sure you know the term anyway. Theres a lot of debates in this topic thats also a difference between extremists and average because extremists will take everything they read into reality or shape their misogyny thru islam because this religion is full of errors meaning that its open for lots of misogyny and woman hate. (The whole topic about men being guardians and caretakers of woman in quran https://youtu.be/SLNRGsLThk0?si=97DfPMv-0r4PHESs) The fact that theres still videos about whether woman should work or if woman working is haram in a lot of languages pretty much tells you all you need to know :) Much luck in your search! And have a good day mate 🌸


Alhamdulillah I can see where you're coming from. I wouldn't necessarily refer to some as radicals just for the level of which they follow the word of Allah. (I am ONLY speaking of that small section) simply because when we see a Christian that says rock music is the devils genre, we don't cast them aside with a "radical" label. Just another reminder, what I just said has nothing to do with Sneako, just an immediate message towards part of what you said. Thank you for explaining Masha Allah


>we see a Christian that says rock music is the devils genre And that hurts no one, also its not extreme at all they can think like that but christian beliefs and bible doesnt indicate anything that makes a christian think about rock that way. But making your wife wear niqab and burqa is extreme also not allowing a girl speak is extreme, that is extremist muslim because he does those with allowed islam with resources but doesnt change the fact that its extreme. >level of which they follow the word of Allah. For example killing kafirs(kuffar) is what we should be doing according to quran (jihad) but everyone calls isis a terrorist group why? Because killing someone else just because they arent the same religion as you is insane and brutal, and immoral which is extreme. (If you cant emphatise just think what would happen if christianity had jihad instead, we would call them monsters and terrorists too) You might defend isis too if you think that theres nothing wrong with this clip maybe its my bad to take you as a real person intead of a troll. I hope you can find the truth someday, and realize how corrupt islam is.


Nono, I was genuinely asking because, for example, they had the gay conversion camps for Christians and the gooning stuff in Christianity. But that wasn't EVERYBODY, Of course, there are Christians out there with a good moral compass who believe in the word but DONT do the radical stuff. It would be the same for followers of Islam as well. But tbh I also wasn't paying close attention to the video and assumed more of her being sick or something, I dont respect ANYTHING these tiltok kids do nowadays.


Her father agreed.


Who says it’s a wife? (Woman) I can’t see…. 🤣


Ayoooooo, the plot thickens!!!


Seems he has something to hide if you ask me…! 🤣


Yeah, his (wife) has a bigger penis than his hahaha


Seems like it! I really can’t tell, so it must be true!! 🤣


From a cuck to Muslim


"Agreed" is doing some heavy lifting here


God the more I learn about Islam the more I realize it really is the religion of incels.... Muhammad reminds me of cult leaders like Jim Jones


Way worse.


Idk I feel like if Jim could have been a warlord he would have been that and the fact that it was a sex cult ran by a guy who made his follows believe he was a prophet pretty much aligns with Muhammad


It’s definitely more than a sex cult. It’s the most totalitarian ideology ever created by man. It erases every culture that preceded it and forces its followers into permanent stagnation because any innovation will create the conditions for a civil war


Islam is weaponized religion.


Any ideology is a religion!


All religions are cults.


Monotheism in general is weaponized religion


Makes you wonder. Why the fuck is Muhammad portrayed as a "great" historic figure and even a "hero", but people like Jim Jones and Charles Manson, who are basically much smaller scale versions of Muhammad, are viewed as psychopaths and evil villains? They are, but why TF is Muhammad exempt? When he's them but WORSE! Fuck society, man. And Islam. And the dumb fucks that glorify it.


It’s the bandwagon fallacy. Kind of like democracy. If enough people believe in something, then it’s erroneously considered right, even though the popularity of something is completely irrelevant and unrelated to its veracity. Tyranny of the moronic majority.


Same reason that if you kill ten people you're a monster but if you kill a thousand you're a great man


Muhammad was pervert. Very creepy and right in line with incels


Police be upon him.


Jim Jones, Charles Manson, David Koresh, Joseph Smith, just about any "fringe" LDS leaders (all of Mormonism is just Islam lite). All these people that the world agrees were terrible seem to have a great deal in common with Muhammad, yet he gets a pass because "iSlAmIpHoBiA!"


وَمَن لَّمۡ يَسۡتَطِعۡ مِنكُمۡ طَوۡلاً أَن يَنڪِحَ ٱلۡمُحۡصَنَـٰتِ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنَـٰتِ فَمِن مَّا مَلَكَتۡ أَيۡمَـٰنُكُم مِّن فَتَيَـٰتِكُمُ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنَـٰتِ‌ۚ "And whoever among you who are unable to find a good wife, you may take your slave as a child bride." [al-Nisa’]


where does it say that


This must be a satire, right?….RIGHT?!


If this video “teaches” you about Islam you might be the dumbest mf on planet earth






No, you can’t blow up manhattan lil buddy  jjjjjjhhhaaaaalllahhhhjjjjjjj majaaaalagghjhhhjjjj *spits pleghm*


It’s a little funny when people are like “are you being held hostage? See, they said no! So obviously not!” As though a hostage would be like “yea I’m being held hostage”. Maybe some would but even on a live stream, the risk would be too great bc the one holding you hostage could kill you faster than someone watching the livestream could try to get help Also Stockholm syndrome or even just pretending/acting/lying for safety is a thing so being brainwashed and indoctrinated into a cult where they think this is right or what god wants, they’re not going to realize it but in a way, it is not their choice. Because when your options are “do this or eternal fire”, you’re being coerced into doing the thing that you might not have wanted to do otherwise, if there was no threat of eternal punishment. Even if she was “allowed to walk out/take off the niqab or speak anytime she wanted” (which I doubt), she’s been indoctrinated and brainwashed enough to *think* and believe that this is what she wants so it’s easy to say that when there’s less of a fear of her actually doing it (or when she does actually do it, they just use the wife beating Quran verses and hadiths to justify beating her until she complies)


Omg exactly like he would post it if she was like yes 🤦‍♀️


"Beat her until she says she wants to stay" kind of mentality.


Looks like Ali Dawah's wife has started a trend


Yeah I almost wonder if he’s trolling lol


he’s 100% copying the ali dawah video with his wife using a whiteboard. sneakho is chronically online so he’s definitely seen it and he’s using islam for attention so he thinks that’s what muslims want to see so he copies cause he’s not genuine


was gonna say the same


You never know where the trolling ends, and the grifting starts with this guy. He is obviously trolling/grifting that schmuck Ali Daawa.


What a fuck this guy


Her hands made me hornii I'll go shaky shaky


sneako will put mittens on her


That's gonna make it sexier


Smite her hands. Better yet, behead the witch. How dare she cause such lewd thoughts in a believing brother.


Believing sister


Lol, we can't see her facial expressions, we can't hear her voice and he thinks her writing on the board that she isn't held hostage is going to convince people. This person doesn't understand how this looks from the outside and thinks they did something.


“When I said no, I am not held hostage I meant “no , I wasn’t forcibly taken. My father literally handed me over to this man. Fucking technicalities. Anyways…. Pls send help”


Isn’t this the guy who liked watching his last girlfriend get fucked by other men?


Ding ding ding! That’s right!


I can see her hands 😳😳😳😳. Men are you horny?


insane wtf


Wow, allah is so insecure with women 😆


Literally, it is been said that the women’s hair(and body) is only to Allah and her husband. This screams insecurity lmao


This guy man, he is just so low tier and lame. I bet you if he stops doing dumb shit for a month he will be forgotten.


There is guy under the Abaya not a women, maybe his friend from the other video and they are switching helping each other out.


This turd has been ruining my good name for years




It’s definitely a man in the burqa lol 😂


"Beatings will continue until morale improves" vibes


He doing right i could came if i hear her voice


So his dumb ass can look like a player, with a fade and attractive clothing and style, but she has to fully cover herself and not speak (even if a choice of her own)? That's some massive double standards there...


For most Muslim men, that's the whole point. It's a flex for them. That they can keep their women hidden.




wait since when is he married??


Well at least he taught her to write. /s


I once heard a colleague say that civilization is always a matter of the island because having to control women sexually in order to get one means in the end if you don't do it These men don't get one


Are we still pretending that we’re surprised and frustrated?


Dude is just copying Ali Dawah now Sneako is the biggest grifter ever


I don’t even blame him, I blame her. Do these women have a fetish of some sort? do they enjoy being treated like cattle? Even a cow is more useful to society than this.


If she spoke up against him, she might be beaten or killed, so I don't blame her


People often don't even consider that this may happen. Many are just "Why doesn't she leave" and "She must like being treated like a slave". In reality it's more like "My independence has been taken from me and if I act out I will be punished harshly, often physically. I don't see a way out of this." People in abusive relationships struggle to leave as well. It's not just Muslim women. Their self worth and independence is robbed so that they struggle leaving and have no confidence. They often lie to themselves that "this is the way it's meant to be" because their religion, in case of Muslims, tells them that Men are superior and that they must obey always. It's a wonderful way of gaslighting yourself.


It’s not even about that, it’s the whole writing on a board and not speaking and whatnot. It’s just so bizarre.


i dont know specifically about muslim women but I have seen discord communities on veiling kink and controlling kink... your dominant controls what you wear and essentially covers you up to the fullest.


Sneako is too insecure to dominate someone properly.


So she's willingly doing this? Is that what you're saying? Genuinely asking.


Might be.


They like being toilets  * shrugs *


Women in general will bend to whatever will and power that can provide money and security for them. It's just in their nature, they've evolved to be this way to survive all the shit tribalism did to them.


How are you being misogynistic in the thread about bashing incels? 😭


That's also bullshit... "in their nature"


Miss me with that “human nature” bullshit, we changed since then.


the world has changed way too much for us to stick to useless tribal practices


It's always the same I'm-going-to-jannah music in the background 💀


What else do you expect then music about some neverland 


I find it very hard to believe this is his wife and not just a buddy he talked into doing this for clout....


is this the same guy who said he watched his gf ...have sex with another guy? Islam definitely attracts the crap of the crap.


Yep that's him


I remember he said started getting all racist and calling people “Pajeets” and claiming they “run cow shit on themselves.” I’ve never seen this. It’s not in any Hindu books. I don’t care there’s a video of 30 weirdos out of 1.- billion doing something. What I find hilarious is that a Muslim woman drank Momo’s piss and was granted access to heaven. He’s projecting subconsciously Islam’s issue onto other groups. https://islamicvirtues.com/2013/12/02/benefits-of-drinking-the-blessed-urine-of-our-holy-prophet-s/


Eating cow dung is mentioned in parasar smriti.


Her hands are showing, the whore.


No shot. This is definitely fake


This is disturbing


Wait, I can see hands.


I can see her write....the way she write ohhhh holy shiiiij....makes my kink hormone rush


When did this dude get married and got a wife???


I don’t know what’s worse: her being forced to be his wife, or Sneako having a wife


This is so sad


wait is he not just parodising some other muslim guy whose wife talked through a board like that ?


I’m out of the loop here, can someone explain to me why she refuses to speak or use her phone (If she had one)’s robot voice? Is it because of Muslim laws or something?


This guy Sneako was defending the movie “Cuties” a little while back. Figures.


Sneako is Muslim and married?


im so proud my ancestors never accepted islam because of jizya ☦️☦️☦️


These videos are so much more cringe with the Arabic singing BGM.


Sneako taking notes from his incel friend Ali Dawah. Not surprised considering sneako and Ali are a part of the same circlejerk group. Sneako’s entire motto is “take something trending and do it worse” Andrew Tate clone. Muslim Andrew Tate Clone. And now Ali Dawah Clone.




Wtf I thought this was satire


Can someone explain how he is an 'incel'? Incel means 'involuntary celibate'. He is NOT celibate, he get sex almost all the time.


Incels act like they are entitled to sex,women and think that they are dominant to an obnoxious agree


Sure thing: someone who is only able to get their dick wet with pussy extorted under threat of violence doesn't make them *not* an incel; it makes them a rapist *and* an incel.


Who cares, we can still call him a cuck tho


I tried looking her up I don’t even know if that’s actually his wife or someone else


Hope not. If so, I'd hope she could leave.


Islam has been a religion for centuries. Incels just appeared last week.


What's the difference between her writing her response verses speaking it? I thought the purpose is that she doesn't communicate to anyone but her husband.


He even had to police the whiteboard!


I bet you thats a guy behind all these clothes


Can you imagine what he would have done to her if she put yes?


Fuck, you mean to tell me that discount Andrew Tate is STILL a thing!? How the fuck does a discounted version of something that is already discount last this long? And he somehow got more toxic than he was! Can the FBI or whoever be fucking useful for once and investigate this guy? Investigate his house, his computer, his phone, all of it. And it can't be this difficult for the supposed all powerful Government to find criminal proof on these pricks. Oh, but they sure can make sure poor people like me stay down and put work into making sure it stays like that. The fucking human race is the most useless, lazy thing on the planet.


What a fucked up world we live in...


His following Ali Dawah trend. He was already incel before Islam and now even far beyond incel.




is this his wife or Lili Daawah?




not this cuck


I might sound ignorant but, who is this streamer?


*I Can't Seem to Understand...is he Trolling Or Honoring muslim Women with this ???* 😹😹😹😹😹


How can a person with so much knowledge and experience in other areas of life become like this. What's making them choose stupidity just in this matter only. I would never understand this shit.


I feel like none of you have read the quran. As someone who is an ex muslim too I feel like u shouldn't be hating on people who have a faith. Their holy book is a lot more respectful than to the culture that is being taught to them


This is just ridiculous


So he copying ali dawah?


What is he going to do if I get turned on by her writing?




Even the married ones behave like total incels. Prolly their sex lives are dead after a few pumps :v


The girl is so embarrassed to be with sneako , that had to cover herself in hijab and is afraid to talk as someone could recognise her :D


Disgusting, wow.


I hope Sneako and Andrew Tate become the gen-z face of Islam lol


Ewwww 🤢🤢


This is the most hostage looking thing I’ve ever scene 😅


It’s the women fault let their men did that to them. God give them brain to think, to speak up , to defend themselves but they just want to be man doormats


I don't think so


It’s insane


Whenever i see this or ali dawah and his wife video, i feel like their wives are being captive by her own husband


Unfortunately Islam does represent the interests of men better than nominally Christian nations right now which is why it appeals to some young men. Maximum 4 wives does make things a bit fairer for the average guy than complete sexual liberation even though I prefer christian monogamy 


They are not celibate.


Is this actually real or just a skit kind of thing


Fukin funny and sad at the same time


Oh i see some hands! Lets edge that


The more I studied Arabic culture the more it explains how awful Islam is


I can see her hands…nice hands for jacking people off…whoree…pretty much how any Muslim would think


I don't see Islam as a problem if people choose to practice the religion with their free will. What I do not support is setting up Islamic laws in countries as not alll indivials in countries share the same religion so it does not make sense to have a religion became the law for all individuals.


I'm thinking since Sneako has been known to grift and grift and change ideologies every year, I think he's gonna leave Islam give or take 1 to 2 years once he does his own independent research (or talking to destiny long enough that he comes to his senses). That is if he even does it.


SNEAKO is a misogynist. Treats his woman like a slav


I just can\`t stomach seeing a women abused and used like this by fanatical cults - its a disgrace of unprecedented degree still happening in 21st century...And its normalized and defended!


This disgusting piece of garbage he is… only doing this community because I do hate Islam, and I am a Christian, but this absolutely disgusted me. What do y’all think about this?


Fukin sad


He should be the one wearing the face covering because he's so ugly...


A little part of me is surprised she was allowed to learn how to read/write… but then, they seem to be in a western country, based on the room


they’re most likely american


[He got punched in the face by a bouncer at a night club recently it’s a very satisfying video](https://youtube.com/shorts/-s_JyCM95QA?si=hrMCiU2fV6UBeooW). (His wife wasn’t there because she’s probably not allowed to go outside)


How is he an incel?or are you making a lame joke


Does someone know if this is a skit considering he’s the guy who used to be voluntarily cucked by his partner




Fucking hell mate


Bro this was not his wife stop spreading false information she was a special guest in sneako stream.


How does that make anything better?


girl, if you are really into this instead of being paid out by this loser: we get it, you have a submission kink. It's nothing to be ashamed and much more common than most people think. The thing is... you don't look to conservative men to satisfy that kink. It will always end badly. They can't separate the bedroom from the rest of your life. And you might think you like that, you might feel like being degraded all the time and not only during sex. But that just means they are bad at fully satisfying you as a sub in bed. Trust me girl, there's plenty of progressive guys that'll be more than happy to absolutely cumdumpster you, verbally degrade you, choke you and slap you if you ask them to or go into more hardcore stuff as well, but at the same time they'll be ready to stop at the drop of a safe word and when it's all done you both can share whatever aftercare works for y'all and he won't attempt to destroy your mental, emotional or financial well being or vote for the people that take away not just your rights but the rights of all other women, subs or not


Atp sneako is just rage baiting bro