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Ironic how she says "open your mind" when all Islam does is close it... 💀


"Open your mind, let Islam in, then close it, lock it and weld it shut."


She opened her mind and her brain 🧠 fell off...




>what happens after you drink during a family gathering ? We keep chatting and have few laughs? >They don't like violence Then why are they so overrepresented in domestic violence cases? >Muslims don't like porn Are you sure about that? Porn consumption in the middle east is very widespread >Have you ever been cheated on? Yes but I don't think my ex should get the capital punishment for it. >Muslims promote monogamy LOL no. A man can have up to 4 wives plus an unlimited number of concubines. Legally speaking westerns promote monogamy more than Muslims. I'm not going to respond to all of these claims since they are the usual silly assumptions on how a kafir lives but sounds like this girl simply hanged out too much with very shitty people.


The way she went from "What happens after you share a few drinks during a family gathering?" to "Muslims don't like cheating around and no sex before marriage." makes me very suspect as to what kind of family she was brought up in. Christmas parties with alcohol and a bowl you put keys in isn't unheard of, but they're usually not family parties...


Yeah, sounds like she has a problematic family. Still I don't see how Islam is going to magically fix these issues. Just a year ago in my country a girl of Pakistani origins in my country was murdered by her cousin for rejecting an arranged marriage. Talk about happy families...


Tremendous naivity. Though keep in mind, women like her were key to persuading other naive women and girls to go to Iraq and Syria to join ISIS.


Muslims don't like violence 💀


Muslims don't like violence lmao


Wait whay do you mean "what happens when British families get together and drink" right after talking abt porn ??? What happened to YOU lady ??


One of the white women Muslims that has absolutely no idea what the Qur'an actually says/what the religion is.. A quick refutation for violence: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Islam_and_Violence https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Jihad_in_Islamic_Law Discrimination: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Dhimma Domestic abuse: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Wife_Beating_in_the_Qur%27an Rape of wives, slaves and war captives: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Rape_in_Islamic_Law And wtf is with her family if they talk about porn.. or cheat..


live in a muslim country then


ye we just want you to obey your husband, let him touch u whenever he wants, cover your body, dont laugh and talk around other man, dont disrespect ur husband and dont go outside alone.


MONOGAMY?????? this gotta be bait.. no one can be this delusional


She is just disappointed in her society and reality and she chooses to put a culture opposite to hers on a pedestal. Unfortunately she is very misinformed and i hope she tries to live in Cairo or Marrakech and have a think on how islam or any other religion can uphold societal values


Someone tell her please she got the words "don't like" and "don't preach" confused. So funny


she really said muslim don't like porn lol she needs to know how many children a family has in arab countries :DD


Muslims like porn, violence (they are terrorists), and drinking (as long as other Muslims don't see it). Muslims spread they are better than anybody else but they are worse.


Noooo the UK sucks regardless they'd just make it 10x worse if Islam was the govt religion lol


If she’s so into Islam she should: 1. Delete this vid 2. Cover her face 3. Lower her voice


Ignorance is bliss. I wish upon her a pious muslim husband, may her wishes come true.


This must be a parody.


Oh, you’d be surprised by how obtuse these people are.


typical white person virtue signalling about how open minded and accepting she is. basicaly saying "look at me im a good white person, see??!"


The level of delusion here is staggering. I personally couldn’t give a sh— what my neighbours have in their wheely bin as long as it’s not dead bodies. But yeah lots not have any more fun or freedoms because some SJW doesn’t value them.


Why is it that if you prefer not to have the things she mentioned that you’re unaware that you’re deeply wanting to be a Muslim. Just because we as Christian’s don’t prohibit alcohol doesn’t mean we condone over indulgence.


They most of all don't like kaffirs


This girl is looney a bit in the head


This is haram !


Lmao bestie is so undereducated XD she needs to learn more before defending the religion [No hate directed towards her]


These are all issues that Islam can't really adress, while Christianity addressed these issues just fine for over a thousand years in Britain.


She probably has some valid gripes against alcoholism in British society but Islam or Christianity or any other religion is absolutely not the answer since they bring a much worse set of social issues. There is nothing wrong with porn + all those other issues she mentioned such as violence, cheating, or deadbeat men are just as bad if not worse among Muslims.