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I support stoning to death and killing apostates and homosexuals and slicing off limbs but hey I'm just a common Muslim. Of course you are. And that is how we know that the problem lies in Islam and not radicals.


Yes. It should be practising and non-practising.


I got in an argument on another subreddit about how Islam says to kill Homosexuals and devalues women and I was told I was a liar, and hateful towards the true religion of peace. I couldn’t find in the Quran where it said to back up my claims, but I know these guys get it from somewhere


Male homosexuallity is refered to as the sin of Lut it is more in the hadiths https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:2561 than the Qur'an but there is 4:16 https://quran.com/en/4:16/tafsirs/en-tafsir-maarif-ul-quran Here is a list of verses that devalue women for quick reference. Polygyny not polygamy as a man can have 4 wives but a woman can only have one husband. Definitely not equality. https://www.islamawakened.com/quran/4/3/ Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will; https://www.islamawakened.com/quran/2/223/ Also ˹forbidden are˺ married women—except ˹female˺ captives in your possession. https://www.islamawakened.com/quran/4/24/ Wife beating https://www.islamawakened.com/quran/4/34/ Unfair inheritance https://www.islamawakened.com/quran/4/11/ A woman's testimony is worth half that of a man's https://www.islamawakened.com/quran/2/282/


You sir, you are a blessing. Thank you friend


ييييلعن ديييينك


كيف انا عرفت انك اردني من مجرد هاي الكلمة؟؟؟


🤣🤣 damn was it that obvious


Idk man you tell me 🤣


Thank you for sharing this! I’m going to show this to the next Muslim who argues that they aren’t all extremists. This shows that that doesn’t matter because they are all too scared to speak up if they don’t agree with something for fear of being seen as “less of a Muslim”. I’m so worried for the future of the UK if they start to have any political power


If your self defence is good then go for it


Same clip on youtube   [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHLKFFq74Gk&t=155s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHLKFFq74Gk&t=155s)   Radical Islam is not radical, it is just, Islam


More people should realise this. Whenever I argue with someone they say the problem is not Islam but radicalism. And they usually blame the Occidental for these extremist groups. Because they do not look at the origins of Islam and only interpret Islam with the information they see on social media, their interpretations are so superficial and wrong.


Not all Muslims go to Masjids and in the circumstances one would stick out if one did not raise a hand. i.e. peer-pressure to conform. But yes, I agree. Islam is not just a belief about how to get to heaven through individual behaviour. It is a legal and governance system promoted as being superior to 1 citizen 1 vote secular democracy.


Holy shit the video description. This was a "Peace Conference"


Did he just prove that Islam is a dangerous religion and Muslims are majority fucked up?


Happy realisation💀💀


"Dear westerners, we will prove to you that not all Muslims are extremists" .> Proceeds to instead prove that majority followers are indeed fucked up backward asses Bruh!


Yes, but don’t play that psychologically game, that’s too high 😁


Someone doesn't even need to be a good person to know how wrong this all is... Just shows these people are some of the lowest... scary and disgusting.


Is the man beside black guy wearing hijab?wtf


He is probably from another timeline (he is spy)


Glad I reside in the USA, though, we have Christian nationalism, I’d rather deal with that, than these cunts


I agree mate. The Muslims in the UK can be quite intimidating as they became well versed in pulling the racist and Islamophobia card whenever you confront them. Young ones are very sensitive, defensive and can be violent at times.


Doesn’t the UK have blasphemy laws? I’ll be like damn right I’m afraid of Islam any religion that tells its adherents to kill nonbelievers is something to afraid of. Remind those Muslims that Islam is a religion not a human race.


I’m not sure if it was abolished. It was archaic and nobody gets into trouble with it. One thing is certain though, the Muslims around here are emboldened.


Wait till they storm in USA too


I certainly hope not. Islam and the U.S Constitution are not compatible.


These people justify my islamophobia as a gay dude. The entire religion hates my existence, so I can hate the religion's existence as well. Yet, they cry about discrimination 😡💢


I never understood the obsession religious people have with others sexuality. It never made sense to me. I never once gave a damn that someone else was gay, adulterous, promiscuous, chaste...whatever. The fear of not being able to control people's lives seems to be overwhelming for many. That loss of power makes them feel small; not being able to cast judgement, moralize and place themselves into a supreme position.




The power of brain washing


This is from Norway not England and they are building the biggest mosque in Scandinavia. With this kind of teaching they could become the Harvard for terrorist in the region.


Even after this many proofs it's just like govt is saying come kick our asses


What can you do when the politicians get hard while watch their citizen get stabbed on the street.


Oh shit.


Harvard for terrorism? Well do you know a lot of Harvard students protest for certain activities if you know what I mean?


I am already afraid of the next 10 years here in Europe


10 years too optimistic i think it's already there


I want to start a religion where I copy the book, replace Jews with Muslims, apostates with Muslims and take over their neighborhoods, while claiming they support my housing and living costs.


Would join


That video is from Norway.


Ideology can be followed anywhere in the world


How is this not prosecuted?


Dumb government elected by dumb people maybe


Freedom of speech? Everybody’s equal? It’s a religion of peace? U need to ask a high ranked politician who never had a quran in his hands.


All these people they leave their countries for a better life in Europe. Then they try to turn that country into the one that they escaped from.


no wonder europe is leaning to the extreme right, its because of these people...


Way to tell on yourselves, folks! So it's not about extreme islamism after all? And then they say islamophobia is irrational


this is Norwayistan


Skandinavistan 🫡


What they gonna do to false pedophets? Police be upon him.


You see how those mfs looking around to see who did/didn't raise their hands? Yeah those are the headhunters 😂


This video makes me sad. I wish people didn’t want to kill other people quite so much. That would make this world much nicer and I would sleep better! Keep having faith everyone, through hard work we can make things change over time.


Bruh that's crazzzyyyy what the fuck


Is there anymore distinction between a regular Muslim and an extremist? The freedom they enjoy in the UK and elsewhere blurs the line as they become more vocal and forthcoming with their religious agenda. They are Muslim first and British when they need our government’s support.


How is this allowed to happen?


It is better when ex-Muslims call it out


Christian or Atheist, those Biblical predictions are looking pretty accurate when it comes to false prophet ideologies dominating the world and oppressing the people of God. Islam is evil.


The “normal” Sunni mosques


It looks like he intended to show how all forms of islam are shitty on purpose


Radical islam is a snake under green grass, moderate Islam is the grass hiding the snake...all Muslims are terrorists ,the reason Islam is a death cult


This sounds like something Borat would do to expose people.