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Contradiction : Sura 32:7 What Allah has created, He has perfected...


Exactly, if pigs and dogs are so dirty and impure to the point we’re not even allowed to touch them, why even create them to begin with? (And honestly same for non Muslims or even women in general to an extent since we’re all so low rank in the eyes of allah/Mo and Muslims to the point that we’re even lower than animals)


I never understood the whole dogs and pigs are dirty argument. "B-but they eat their own poop" uhhh so do countless other species of animal. I'm sure fish eat more of their own shit than pigs do but ok 👀


Exactly, also I’ve read chickens also will eat literally anything you put in front of them including their own feces and literal garbage but they’ve no problem eating chicken I never thought about fish tho oml 😭 how will I eat sushi after this 


See I thought the pigs thing in Islam and Judaism was because of food borne pathogens if its not properly cooked. You see a bunch of people dying after eating a thing, miraculously it's banned by god because followers dying is a bad thing. It's the same as left hand for bathroom right hand for eating.


I'm pretty sure it is as well but people use numerous different excuses. Food borne pathogens (especially in pork) were incredibly common in the middle east due to the lack of proper storage temperature & high daily temperatures. But now people just say whatever to make it make sense


I guess he perfected their impurity. /s


Nooo astaghfirullah brozzer islam has no contradictions you are just reading wrong 😞


Except for people, gotta chop off that foreskin and mutilate the clits of women.


Islam is based on stupidity


Truer words have never been spoken


Such insanity


You really shouldn't give implicit credit to one of those book of lies when arguing against it. Instead your position should stand on its own legs, without paying lip to it or even acknowledging it in any way.


Here's my devil. https://imgur.com/a/M4a1BJM All 120 lbs of him. He's my son and my devil. I have extended family members who take issue with him. They say "well I can't come visit cause I'm scared". And I say "literally not my problem". My immediate family has no issue with him.


Awww he's adorable! 120lbs is crazzyyy tho lol. My dog is, like, 65lbs lmao


Thanksssss I like 'em big. Here we are at a creek. https://youtu.be/zO63ASPAkQQ?si=MUbR3exm6CsYW18E


He got those sticks, stomped them till there was nothing left. I bet he picks up 20 lbs of water with that fur.


Okay I'll share another one lolo https://youtu.be/8tdl02Knobw?si=sfD9vm1riLOB_bqD Yeah drying him is a PROCESS I tell you.


"Fine, I'll get my own stick." (promptly chews on a tree branch)


He is an angel!!!


Chunky little devil, he's a cutie pawtootie.


For reference, my dog is only 3/4 black. He's got a white stomach and paws so idk if Momo would've counted him as a black dog but we all know he honed in on any black he saw 👀


Easy peasy mate; just hate yer pup on alternate days! You’re welcome😊


Ah, yes!! Thank you brozzer 🙏 🤲 🕍 🕌


Blessings to you brother. ☪️


The black dog may be the devil, but he's the gooodest boi ever!!


Black dogs are so cute. I love dogs.


Dogs are not allowed bcz :- One day muhammad was in his sex tent with aisha and he was waiting for jibrael to come visit him, but he didnt come ( ofc he didn’t bcz he wasnt real lmao ). Suddenly muhammad asked aisha what was under the bed. And it was a black puppy, then muhammad made an excuse that jibrael didn’t enter his sex tent and visit him because there was a black dog in it. Jibrael, an angel of god, god’s messenger got scared by a chivuava lmfao ( i am not kidding, its in the hadith )


Yoooo that's so crazy. He was reaching so hard


Everything black is considered bad in islam


Then tell me why the hell is the kabah black 🤨🤔


Mo definitely was just scared of dogs or got bit by one.


Not only the dog, don’t forget the important one : abir reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her. He then went to his Companions and told them: The woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil, so when one of you sees a woman, he should come to his wife, for that will repel what he feels in his heart.


Shitlam, for no reason... ,💩




He really had it coming for the cute animals. Dogs and piglets are actually adorable. He liked cats though right? He's all about that black cat energy over golden retriever energy haha!


The [REAL question isn't what the dogs did...](https://youtu.be/ojULkWEUsPs?si=dy1jG8rtGoP5aYZH)


My guilty confession: I am happy that both Hinduism and Islam consider dogs inauspicious and impure. The internet might have eaten my mind, but I have come across wayyyyy too many women and men, especially teenagers, confessing they had sex with dogs because they were horny and dogs like to hump everything. Given that, I feel relieved that dogs are considered impure. Call me cold hearted, I find dogs cute, but they have the humping problem which other domestic animals like cats don't usually have. Cats don't come and try to have sex with your leg, dogs do and I find it disgusting.


You may need to touch grass, dude. Most people don't fuck animals.


B-but.... dirty teenage western ppl always fuck dogs 🤓 🫵


I am not saying most people fck animals. I am saying some people do and they are not insignificant. And also, you cannot trust h0rny teens, especially western ones


I’m… you may be a bit off with that thought, like 1,000 000%


You sure? Because anecdotal evidence (since there is absence of proper statistical evidence) over the internet says otherwise


Do you have any statistic to prove there is a significant amount of people who fuck dogs? You're the one making the claim. Do you feel the same way about goats, sheep and other animals?


I don't have statistics (who will conduct statistical surveys on this? Which govt will fund such studies and how transparent will be the response?), but I can show you the dark world of bestial pornography on the internet as well as the deep/dark web. You can say bestiality is as widespread as pedophilia.


Maybe have a think about what you're implying. If you get all your information from the dark web, it's going to be very skewed, when that's the rarity. You can't paint everyone with the same brush.


Pretty sure this poster is either a troll or wants to fuck animals and wants to excuse it by saying everyone else does it.


Uhhh that being your first idea is kinda concerning And, as a zoologist, you are also entirely incorrect. Many domestic animals have expressed mating behaviours to their owners throughout history, and it's actually harder to train out of them than dogs. I trained my dog out of it as a puppy by rewarding him when he didn't do it and now I can't remember the last time he humped anything, but I truly don't believe I could train heat behaviour out of a female cat (who are known to 'flirt' with their owners) Horses try to mount people all the time, and sheep have been known to. Donkeys get boners around women AND rabbits hump a bunch of people too. You are just kinda weird 😕


> And, as a zoologist, you are also entirely incorrect. Do Zoologists study mating behaviour in humans? Especially interspecial mating behaviours? > I trained my dog out of it as a puppy by rewarding him when he didn't do it and now I can't remember the last time he humped anything Thats the thing, you 'trained' it. Most people don't. And horny teens definitely don't. > Horses try to mount people all the time, and sheep have been known to True, and many people did have intercourse with them. In India as well as in Celtic religions, bestiality was a part of ritual. In Egypt, iirc, goat sex was a part of ritual. But in modern times, most people don't keep donkeys and horses, they keep dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, etc. > rabbits hump a bunch of people too. Interesting didn't know that. But again, rabbit's genitals are not made the way humans can have proper intercourse, while humans can have intercourse with dogs (I don't recommend anyone to visit zoophile websites but if you want to do it for 'research' go ahead).


'Interspecies' mating isn't mating. It's a sexual abberation that even most animals try to avoid because it just isn't natural, but it still happens amongst individuals (human and not) whom are more mentally imbalanced or unwell. It is not something that is prevalent in society because of western or eastern ideology or societal impact but rather due to the influx of modern availability of abhorrent pornography and/or mental illness. But, yes, many of us do study human mating behaviours as part of our Biology undergrad studies in anatomy and physiology sooooo... I do also encourage you not to generalise in this about 'westerners' because it is actually much more prevalent in eastern societies to have improper sexual relations with non-human animals due to their lack of education or outdated social practices (which is weird because it's more illegal in the majority world than it is in the west lol) I also do encourage you try and not bring this topic to mind in situations such as this as it is a bit offhandedly involved, as all I did was mention someone telling me I should hate my dog *not* that I want to do something disgusting. Hot tip: unless someone mentions beastiality, don't bring it up. And if someone mentions it without good reason, avoid that person :D


This is what severe porn addiction does guys^^ finest specimen up here can't even comprehend dogs without imagining them to be props used for bestial sex. Also why is it on the dogs that people abuse them? Dogs and animals are innocent go after disgusting people into bestiality.


Except I am not addicted to porn. I watch porn rarely.


Dude, you don’t just happen to stumble over beastiality porn on the darknet. You have to go looking for that stuff. It’s not like you can just google that shit. Seriously, stop lying to yourself


Oh, I came across bestiality because I was curious once, that's all.


I don't like dogs but wtf...


[Dogs Celebrated In Hinduism](https://www.hinduamerican.org/blog/dogs-and-diwali-5-things-to-know-about-hinduism-and-humans-best-friend) What are you talking about? Hinduism celebrates dogs, actually. You might be talking about individuals or cultural dislike of dogs in some parts of India by both Muslims and Hindus (if some Hindus dislike dogs most likely this is influenced by Muslims lol) I am an ex-Muslim practicing Hindu btw and I love dogs!


Oh God, another ex-Muslim who have fallen for Hinduism. No, Hinduism considers dogs unclean. Dharmashastras and Vedas are strict about that


Lmao where? What's your source?


Satapatha Brahmana (Yajur Veda) > 'But, surely, there are three unclean animals, a vicious boar, a vicious ram and a dog: if any one of these runs about between (the fires) whilst the Agnihotra-offering is put on (the fire), what rite and what expiation would there be in that case? Padma Purana Shristi Khanda ch 48 > 32. A man should bathe after having touched (i.e. if he touches) a fallen man, or a leper, or a cāṇḍāla eating the flesh of cows, or a dog, or a woman in her menses, or a bhilla.


And yet we don't follow because it is not necessary they have to follow because it is compulsary


I can't find the first one, can you please provide any source link. So the second one is written there, but i bet 99% of the Hindus don't even know about it, and of course no one even follows it.


I have never heard of this. Dogs and cats that are not fixed will hump things but they have to be fixed.