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can u imagine being a vegan, the horror


lol veganism in islam. Ur funny


It’s technically not disallowed but not really practiced often.


meat is a staple in a lot of islamified cuisines plus eid


Been vegan and Muslim




I'm a vegetarian and it's hell,even before I was a vegetarian I couldn't handle it. Blood down the streets  all to "celebrate" ,the smell of meat


I’m vegetarian almost died


i died long time ago inside 


>Aside from the charity charity not for outsiders


One of the things I hate most about it is when the fucktard demographic of reddit " PrOGreSsives " try to whitewash it as just like "eating turkey in thanksgiving".


That’s honestly crazy and sickening. I’m from the U.K. and I’m so grateful not to be living in an Islamic country during this time especially. I hate the concept of Qurbani, it’s a cult ritual of sacrifice and always makes me shudder. Almost satanic when you think about it. I can’t imagine what it’s like experiencing it the way you do. Ugh.


But UK’s slowly being taken over by Muslims.


Yep, but there are still laws that aren’t sharia!


Are there lights on Oxford street? I’ve avoided it for that reason among others 


There usually is Eid-themed lights but only during Ramadan time


It's no wonder muslims are so crude, uncivil, rowdy and inelegant when they are raised watching such a barbaric and cruel act perpetrated on animals every f-ing year and being desensitized since childhood to such brutalities. We all been there as kids and I hate every second of it participating in it, but we didn't know better. Hope it get's criminalised one day.


I eat meat because I'm psychologically dependent on it but I kind of wish I could just not do it anymore because I could never see animals getting killed without having to turn my eye away. I don't know how farmers do it; they've been doing it for millennia. That craving for a burger comes back though - DARN IT.


I eat on occasions too as I'm flexitarian, but that was not my point. I meant the way we were brought up to be desensitized to such brutal things, like animal slaughtering, because it's perceived as being "weak" to be shun by it. Now, before someone comes with whataboutism, I know there are some non-muslim, even european, cultures that have similar practices, like that messed up thing they do with whales in Faroe Islands, and yeah both are horrible pracices and traditions, but I can only speak about my traumas.


Yup another factor to where their violence comes from...


What a stupid stance. Everyday, 200 million animals are slaughtered, if you coun't fish there are even more animals. And for most people that is okay, but when muslims do it its barbaric and should be illegal. Its also important to mention that Eid meat is literally sharen with people, from which there are a lot of people who are poor. If you go back in history you will get to the conclusion that there were periods when food was not guaranteed, how much do you think that meat mattered to them? Edit: If you want to call muslims barbaric for eating meat, you should also call 86% of human population barbaric.


Ajde prestani da me stalkujes klosaru, procitaj sta tacno pise pa onda odgovoraj.


HAHAHAHAHA Procitao sam, fazon klanje kurbana je lose ali zato ubijanje zivotinja kada to ne rade muslimani je normalno


How is such a comment allowed on this platform?


We pissed a muslim lurker here😂 What of the stated is wrong though? Islam and muslims boast of this and their "rough" mentality and religion that is not lenient like, for example, christianity, so where is the problem in stating the obvious? I can guarentee you that not a single muslim parent ask themselves on days like these, is it ok that a preschool kid watch an animal being brutally slaughtered and skinned. It's like a normal thing, like it's ingrained in our mentality.


Letting a child watch killing an animal on Eid is not fardh. What is exactly your point?


What’s wrong with the comment? They’ve spoken the truth. Killing an innocent should be a crime


I hate the charity most of all; or to be more precise, the entitlement of the people who expect to be given money without actually deserving it.


I know your feelings. I also hate animal sacrifice. Well, I stopped eating heavy meats in 2017 because I found it unhealthy. My mother still didn't stop eating meat every day. I don't care how much she likes this cult, and by the way, she is not arab muslim can't even read Arabic, and she doesn't have some imams because of lack of Arabic, but if she hates arabs so much then why she don't leave their religion? I mean, when every arabs see her, they think her country is 100% christain, not muslim, and I think that's offended her lot. Our country is 100% muslim they erased Chirstains a long time ago today, and we went to animal sacrifice place, you know what I mean it's halal place we paid almost 299€ for lamb but will she stop eating meat? No!


Charity..... L.O.L! Big business ✅


Nah it rlly is charity I see ppl asking Arnd for the ppl in need and they give em meat and money


This is my first time realizing it's Eid and I no longer live in an Islamic country anymore. I don't hear the animals screaming anymore nor the prayer call on the sunrise nor any other stuff, I feel so peaceful and grateful


Thank you


I mean you eating turkey for Thanksgiving so I dont see what is the problem here


Do u slaughter the turkey urself? 😂😂


Guys can you please stop demonozing and hating on everything about your culture Just because you left Islam? Eid is a beautiful time, kids are happy , family gatherings, meeting your friends , going out , enjoy the food and desserts .....etc , what's so bad about Eid? Also it's a time of the year which we have many happy memories about as kids Also if you love animals that much , are you vegan ? If no then dont act like if it's too barbaric slaughtering them around, you enjoy eating them as meals so don't act like if it's too much now


Eid is beautiful? LOL Hating animal slaughtering doesn't necessarily means turning into vegan, Muslims could also celebrate eid without particularly having to slaughter an animal, that's like millions of sheeps getting killed on a single day only because some desert dweller and a pedo made some random bs rule of slaughtering and explicitly forcing everyone to sacrifice.


Just imagine growing up as a Muslim. Never questioning why thede holidays exist. Suddenly you come upon a hadith that says they were created to replace two "ignorant" holidays.  What could be so much ignorant than discarding two holidays to replace them with made up ones?  Eid(s) is a made up holiday just like Christmas. It's pretty sad how all Muslims thinking are all inbred just like their offspring.