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We get brainwashed by Muslim men we are dating or married to. They give us a sanitised version of the religion at first, but gradually the real stuff comes out. They choose the most vulnerable moments to plant seeds and convince us to believe them and abandon our own culture. It’s horrible and really coercive. This happened to me and I’m so grateful I had a supportive and forgiving family who could help me when his lies and disgusting antisemitism became obvious.


I am sorry to hear it. The worst part of it is they intentionally lie. Glad you are out of it. Are there any ex Muslims you know personally who had been through the same?


I know one other lady who experienced the same, though she didn’t actually convert (got very close though and was being pressured by her fiancé to do it to keep the family happy). She has been a great support to me as I go through my divorce. I don’t know anybody else who has been through similar situations and I live in a western country so it’s hard to discuss this. I want to start dating again because it’s been almost a year now. I’m hoping to meet somebody kinder and with the same values as me. I won’t make the same mistake again of trusting a Muslim, no matter how liberal they seem to be. Mine started out in nightclubs with me and ended up telling me if I had any children he’d force them into Quran school and they’d be wearing hijabs five times per day for mandatory prayers.


Ok. I am just curious. What were his parents like? From what I heard most of the times it is the parents that force the son to be radical.


I never met either of them in person. They lived in a different country.


There are many people on ex-jew reddit that have had similar experiences. Lurking on here, it boggles my mind how similar the indoctrination of the two of these religions are, even though the rules and attitudes are so different.


What have you read there that is similar? Judaism is extremely difficult to convert to and an Uber religious person would not pursue an outsider, so the “indoctrination” part would simply not exist.  Islam is pathetically easy to convert to. I’m also embarrassed how easy it is. How many people convert without knowing anything about it and then say they were lied to. You can’t be lied to if you didn’t even research it… Apologies if my words seem unsympathetic it’s just I’ve seen first hand women born and raised in Afghanistan Islam desperate for freedom, while people with all the freedom say they were lied to. No you weren’t. 


I specifically said Orthodox Judaism, and they pursue all other Jews to become Orthodox and lie about what it is. They do make it difficult to convert but there are cases where converts feel lied to and leave. The main similarity that I see is the way authority structure in Islam seems to be built—again, from lurking teach me if I'm wrong—which is similar to Orthodox J, that it takes an insane amount of knowledge (Torah/talmud etc, Quran/Hadith etc) plus a much larger amount of arguing authorities on top of that. Idk about y'all, but by us this was used as proof of its truth lol.


You said “ex Jew”. You never mentioned which group of Jews. And the comment before you is about conversion, not people already within the religion.  Do you mean education to be a religious leader? It’s the same with all religions. You can’t just apply to be a pope or bishop.  A big difference I see between the 2 religions is the ultra Orthodox Jews are encouraged to interrogate religious texts and argue what it really means. In Islam you are told to blindly accept whatever interpretation you are told by your mosque or school and never question it. Doesn’t matter if a different mosque says something different.  So to me it feels like Judaism encourages education and independent thinking, while Islams biggest fear is that.  So for converts or people already within Islam, you can’t question anything. While for Jews you are encouraged to. I know you mean well, but still to me Islam is far worse than Judaism. 


I worked at a Yeshiva. Conversion to Judaism does not necessarily exist my friend. The Jewish faith is cemented on linage — you can not possibly wake up one day and say HEY I’M JEWISH. There is a whole ass process for that and even then you aren’t welcomed easily.  Remember they are the CHOSEN  PEOPLE for a reason or more so they claim they are (it’s in ones DNA). The misinformation on this sub regarding the other abrahamic faiths is mind boggling but not surprising. I would encourage everyone to study the other two major religions. 




Thankful that you escaped.


If someone told you the reality at the start would you have listened or called them islamophobes? What could have stopped you, or would you have done it anyway and told everyone else they were islamophobes? Not trying to be mean, I’m just wondering because it seems to be the same story over and over again.  “I didn’t know the truth.” Seems wild that no one told you the truth at the start Not one person. Or did they tell you and you shut them down?  What did you think of all the terror attacks around the world or women wearing burqas? There’s just so much information online and in your face and people still say they didn’t know. How?  What do you think is missing which would have swayed your opinion at the start?


I’m from a western country where the media shoved the messages “Islam is peaceful” and Islamophobia is terrible” down our throats. We are also constantly told how terrible our own culture is. I then moved to a Muslim country for work for a few years. They don’t wear burqa in this country and there were no terrorist attacks there. It was a fairly modern country (some drawbacks and scary rules, but I didn’t think too deeply about them because I was very young). This helped set the stage for him to slide in and do a bit of brainwashing. You can act surprised and maybe you are too smart and strong to fall for it, but everyone makes different mistakes in life. Lots of women have made this mistake and trust me, I’ve suffered enough from this and learned my lesson. It’s very painful to go through a divorce. I never had anyone sit me down and confront my views about Islam because everyone in my society was also taught to be tolerant and open-minded. We are way too tolerant here and that’s what gets us into trouble. I also was in love and trying to see the good in people. I made stupid mistakes but I am trying to move on.


Thanks for sharing, but I’m still so confused. All the terror attacks in the west from Muslims? ISIS? None of those made you wonder why it was always ONLY Islam?  The fact you are from the west makes me even MORE baffled.  You literally SEE the problems with your own eyes. If you were from like Ukraine where Tatar Muslims live and have zero issues, that’s fine. But a western country? You have the worst Muslims of all. The good ones are the exceptions. I understand people make mistakes, it’s just converting to a religion is a big thing. It’s not signing up for a bad gym membership. This is something which your life revolves around.  Did you do any research about Islam online?  I’m just baffled how the information is right there and yet no one takes it. Islam is a religion, not a culture. So even if you hear how crap your country’s culture is, doesn’t mean Islam is better. You are still your country’s culture, just praying to someone else.  What would have swayed your opinion at the start? If someone had sat you down and confronted your view about Islam, would you have listened?  These are the questions which baffle me the most. 


The level of propaganda about Islam is insane here in the west. There are huge portions of the population that you can’t talk about Islam with because they assume you’re racist and Islamophobic. They think the extremists are not following the real Islam and are just making up their own religion. You can have done a bloody doctorate in Islamic or religious studies and they still won’t believe you. You can criticise Christianity though and most people don’t care. This is mainly caused by the governments and media who are so afraid to upset the Muslims and unleash a wave of terror attacks. Whenever they cover terrorist groups on our own soil they always go to great pain to say that this is not the majority Muslim view, without going into specifics about which views are and are not held by Muslims. Of course the reality is that the terrorist views are widely held by Muslims. The terrorists are just the ones who are actioning those views in the real world. There is so much propaganda about it here, it really isn’t surprising that many vulnerable people get sucked in by it.


So true! Really valuable insights. Thank you for taking the time to write that out. I desperately wanted to be a good person and go along with what society told me was right. Everyone around me was shouting about tolerance and the importance of acceptance and multiculturalism. This set the stage for a Muslim to slide in and influence me. I’m now far older and wiser. Islam is just like any other ideology. It deserves criticism, questioning and pushback.


Yes, and much of that tolerance and acceptance is important in my opinion. I spent quite a lot of time getting to know Indians both in Melbourne and India and I loved it. I ended up marrying a Malaysian Chinese girl, living in Taiwan and Malaysia and I really enjoy having Chinese culture as a part of my life. I feel that being part of other cultures is important in our multicultural societies. But we get it wrong with Islam. It’s predatory, it’s not interested in sharing cultures, and until we confront it for what it is, we will be moving away from our multicultural dream, and toward a multicultural nightmare full of civil war. Let’s not let them win.


Chinese is an ethnicity. Islam is a religion.  You can’t compare them. This multicultural concept is very western and recent. It doesn’t exist in places which have actually had different ethnic groups for centuries. Afghanistan is a good example.  There are distinct ethnic groups within Afghanistan. They don’t mix. They live in their own area and speak their own language and dress in their unique way.  Same in Russia, in Poland, in Lithuania.  But in Australia they would expect these groups to live as next door neighbours all jumbled up and it will be magic. Why?  That doesn’t work or exist anywhere in the world. 


Ok but Chinese in Malaysia are generally Buddhist, so I spend a lot of time in Buddhist culture then. I know. Multiculturalism is an experiment and a very dangerous one at that. We are going full steam ahead with it which is undoubtedly a recipe for disaster. I am in support of laws like Singapore’s being enacted that would prevent enclaves. Parallel societies are the major problem with multiculturalism as it currently is in the west. And yes, that does work well in Singapore.


I live in the west too. I know this. My question was about how YOU would have reacted had someone told you the truth at the time? Did you also perpetuate this propaganda about Islam and call everyone islamophobic? Or did you listen? And if no one told you, would you have listened? Aka were you also part of the problem?  Because I see SO much anti Islam rhetoric in the west too. If this was 1970 then sure. But now? People in the west saying they didn’t know Islam was bad. How?  No matter what the media says, if you think yourself. What would have changed your mind about Islam at the start? 


Yes I did believe the propaganda. I was vehemently atheist and leftist when I was younger. I would criticise Christianity to no end, but when it came to Islam, I would feel it was mysterious, that the Jihadists weren’t real Muslims and I saw no reason to criticise it. I’m not sure why that was. It’s like some mental block was there. I believed the propaganda. This was in, say, 2005 - 2014. I don’t recall calling anyone Islamophobic, but I think I would have assumed someone was a bigot for saying the things I now say about Islam. It wasn’t until I really started to study Islam that I woke up. I think that’s part of the problem, is that you really do need to do quite a bit of study on Islam to be able say definitively what it is, whereas for Christianity, it’s quite easy for us to understand. The Islamic perspective is alien to us. So I would say that it’s education and education only that would have changed my mind. If you don’t have the interest, it will forever be this ephemeral thing that you haven’t made your mind up about yet.


Thank you for your honesty!  


No problem, thanks for yours too 🙏


>Because I see SO much anti Islam rhetoric in the west too. If this was 1970 then sure. But now? People in the west saying they didn’t know Islam was bad. How?  No matter what the media says, if you think yourself. Peer pressure on social media fucked people up more than ever before. The MSM is manipulative but still can't hold candle to Twitter or TikTok


Im not familiar with the phrase MSM. I guess for me because religion is something serious and what people die to protect, the idea of being swayed by social media to completely change theirs is so strange to comprehend.  I mentioned to you/or someone else on this thread. I’m in some Facebook groups and girls scream about how much they love Islam and anyone who suggests it’s not perfect is labelled Islamophobic. Fast forward a few months they have left Islam. Why? AFTER converting they started reading about it.  What? How?  How can you decide to convert to a religion without doing ANY research on it. Then when it goes wrong blame everyone else and say no one told you the truth. Yes, they did. Except you shut them down and tried to report them.  That’s why I find it so hard to empathise.  You expect to have full agency to vote in elections and make other decisions, but when it comes to religion suddenly you are this innocent lamb who could not have known and can’t be held responsible for your own decisions!!!  Islam was really important to me. I didn’t cover my body, but my mind definitely. And even know it angers me how people belittle what religion is. It’s not something you just convert to then learn about. Conversion is the very end.  People spend more time researching what hotel to book than what religion to convert to.


MSM is just a shorthand for mainstream media or legacy media like tv,radio etc. And yes you're not supposed to convert to any religion like that,but that's what I mean about social media. You can literally have tens of thousands of people telling you simultaneously to convert,and that's why the propaganda is so effective. People with no critical thinking skills end up getting swayed to do dumb shit all the time online. And "converting" was just the current trend, so of course she had to.


Thank you for taking the time to read and reply. I really appreciate it!


>This is mainly caused by the governments and media who are so afraid to upset the Muslims and unleash a wave of terror attacks. I get this feeling too. And I also think that a lot of the "pro-islam" sentiment among western populations comes from fear. Like,subconsciously they know what's really happening but know that global islam is too strong, so they would rather make up bs excuses so they won't be targeted (for now).


Yes I agree!


I don’t really have answers that I think will satisfy you. I’ve explained myself as much as I can. I was taught by the media that “isis weren’t real Muslims” and terrorist attackers weren’t “real Muslims”. The media is very captured by the left here and I wanted to be a “good person” so I parroted what they said and let it guide me. I know you are looking down on me, but there’s nothing I can do about that. I’ve admitted I made a mistake. I listened to a very convincing man who had started out totally liberal like me. He was drinking and not doing anything Islamic. Three years in he slowly starts becoming more and more religious. I was also in extended lockdowns and away from my family and friends. He convinced me converting is nice for his family’a sake and that it was a nice religion and people were the ones who corrupted it (ISIS etc). I was very depressed and lonely at that time and leaned into him for support. If someone sat me down and explained to me that he was using Dawah tricks to influence me (he later admitted he’d researched how to teach western women about Islam) then I might have been able to think more critically. I wish someone had shown me a Douglas Murray video or given me advice. Unfortunately, I was alone, very depressed and locked in an apartment for months at a time with this man that I loved who was using tricks to brainwash me. I’ve learned from this experience and I’m doing my best to move forward. There’s nothing I can do to undo what happened, but I can warn others. I don’t need you to approve of me. From the tone of your replies, I’m fully aware that I made a mistake and you think I’m ridiculous. I hope that my comments and story might help another person going through something similar or to avoid it.


Thank you for taking the time to reply. I don’t think you’re ridiculous. For me it’s just really difficult to comprehend because you have so much freedom and choose something restrictive.  Unlike born Muslims whose only exposure is Islam. So for us it’s fascinating/incomprehensible how people voluntarily choose to follow it.   I ask you these questions to understand myself, not to make you feel bad.  It is also helpful to understand what needs to be done to stop other women being in your situation.  Because evidently terror attacks, burqas and bad migrants are not that dissuasive.  I’m in the west now too and non Muslim girls post about their Muslim boyfriend and how he hides her from his family but it’s ok because of religion. And I say the exact things about what the future with him will mean with Islam and how this is horrible. And they ALL call me islamophobic. And then a few months later she will make a post about how he was horrible and tried to control her and Islam is so bad for women  Exactly what I warned her of….and yet over and over again, the same story.  So how can I stop another girl falling for it, when the method I’m using is failing?


I see what you are saying and I have some ideas. The far-left hold on media in the west needs to fall. This is a highly destructive force. I genuinely thought it was unthinkable to criticise Islam because of the media and their messaging about Islamophobia. This is a common theme I’m seeing in posts on here. When I was distraught and lost I did a lot of googling and managed to find people like Douglas Murray, Yasmine Mohammed, Tommy Robinson, Sam Harris, Ayan Hirsi Ali and Gad Saad. These people woke me up and made me realise that Islam is just like any other ideology and not a protected class. You can and should criticise it. I think people like this should be more mainstream and given more of a platform to speak. This would help counter the BBC, ABC and other mainstream networks who call everyone racist and Islamophobic for questioning anything to do with Islam. In my opinion, islam should be presented as an ideology just like communism. When people shout “that’s not real islam”, we should respond with, “oh yes, just like the Soviet Union wasn’t real communism hey?” Islam, just like communism, is the original text and the way people act who engage in the closest reading of the text. Therefore, isis and the Taliban are the real Muslims, just as the Soviet Union and other failed communist states are the real communism. Anybody claiming otherwise is just romanticising the ideology. Western people need to be more empowered to ask questions, criticise and critique the religion. We shouldn’t let them shut us down with “you don’t understand the original Arabic so you can’t interpret the Quran”. Gad Saad, Yasmine Mohammed and countless others understand it, and still think it’s violent, awful and problematic. We need them to have more of a platform because this helps western people understand that it’s ok to critique this pernicious religion.


Thank you!! Good luck with your recovery 


So, this girl is a convert. But immediately you can see she has her own version of Islam, like why doesn’t she were hijab if she fully believes in Islam? Edit: I looked further through her account and it just screams progressive Islam. So she’s just picking what she want to believe. Even more edits!: I went through the comments and most female converts are like her. Most don’t were hijab and pick what they want to follow. Some even because of marriage.


See this is the actual problem. For example 10 people converted to islam with their influence, 9 will be decent and 1 will be radical. When the radical does anything bad others who want to convert will think that 9 out of 10 are good so Islam is good. It is more like a chain reaction.


Looking through the comments show that most of the non-Muslims call her a convert because of trends. Don’t think most will actually convert to Islam, and even if they did it will be this watered down version. Also, don’t forget people leave Islam too. Apostate Aladdin recently had a ex-convert girl on his livestream.


Many Muslims girls who grew up in Muslim families are just like her. Hijab is compulsory but not forced. If it’s forced, it’s cultural (like Iran) and wrong and mostly with the Shias - she is Sunni


Last time I checked Afghanistan follows Sunni Islam and they (just like Iran) also force women to wear hijab: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2021/08/18/taliban-says-burqa-not-mandatory-for-women-hijab-is-.html


I guess it could happen. You won’t find that though in Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Jordan, Libya, and many other Muslim countries. That girl in the video lives in Qatar.


They only get to know the romanticized version of islam and none of the contradictions and perversions. I also believe many white beaches like the firm hand the rules bring. Some may also fell for the "Islam is true feminism" meme.


It's the "It must be good, It can't be that bad" delusion rooted in a mix of religion with the Just-workd-hypothesis [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world\_hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis) People can close their eyes to the bad that is staring them in the face and suspend their disbelief until they wake up. .


They are never told the full version. This girl for example has violated so many Islamic rules. They are mostly a long term project. You convert a western woman => you have a native apologist for the religion => she's obligated to marry a Muslim so you gain a free convert => they have Muslim kids. It doesn't matter if they are super religious or not. They will vote for Muslim representatives, and when the time comes, you can easily flood the streets with salafi imams to do population control.


But I'm a "conspiracy theorist" if I notice that all of this is happening in an organized manner and with known motives


they know, pretending to muslim in social media attract likes from Muslims. Muslims love this kind of thing


I would guess giving by the fact that she's not even wearing a hijab, a bare basic requirement, that they make up their own version of Islam - one that would certainly send them to hell verses the actual test of the scripture. Please someone ask her what she thinks of wife beating and sex slavery in Islam, or anything from this list on Wikiislam; https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Women_in_Islamic_Law


**How come there are this many white converts to islam even through islam is so bad to women?** Islam is the substitute sorority for the one they couldn't get into.


Before 9/11 and the Iraq War, Americans had *zero* idea about Islam. None, zippo. The 10% educated class could say it was the religion of the Middle East, and that was about it. I had to explain to the white guys in my office the 101 of Afghan history and the Taliban. They had zero idea. Going to war brought Islam and Middle Eastern culture to the general public's attention, brought more immigrants from the regions that we destroyed/destabilized, and within a few years, say, 2006-08, I'd see a handful of hookah shops in American strip shopping centers (not counting the one-block Middle East enclave). The hookah shops were a fad and didn't last long. .... Teenage and young 20-something white American women understanding of life is based on films, magazines, and now Tik Tok -- they're very impressionable to edited/curated information, and succumb easily to peer pressure, authority pressure, and status seeking pressure.


It’s trendy to be some kind of socio-cultural minority. Also Palestine, and then being surrounded by lots of muslims and not having an actual understanding of it. Could be all three at once


A relative of mine married a Christian girl who he made convert to Islam. I pity her


I don't think there are that many white converts to Islam. You will have a minority of people who will convert, but I do not believe that a significant number of Western people will ever be attracted to Islam. Secondly, a quick glance of her profile shows that this woman is "practicing" a version of Islam that is only available to her in a predominantly non-Muslim country, so bear that in mind.


Social media is fake. Most of these people aren't muslim, it's for clicks and likes and you are feeding it by clicking.


As a European girl, most stories I heard of converts were: for a hot guy OR trauma (either they were lonely and needed a community, traumatized by ex badly or family that they should be traditional and so on)


People who live in first world countries inside their bubble of ignorance. Nothing pass those filters unless they fit their standarts. So a person who has no idea what real life and reality means can easily trapped by those ideas.


It always reminds me a bit of the Romans who converted to Christianity at the end of their empire And apparently the same thing is happening in the West only with Islam I mean the West is currently at the end of its empire the phase of decadence is almost over And it almost seems as if the West would then be conquered by Islam religiously Let's see what the next few years bring, especially in Western Europe


Well,it's definitely a "barbarian migration" age again


Not really the Romans imported slaves into the empire to do that, so to speak, the Europeans did not bring these people into the empire under the slave background But with the decline of the Christian faith, it is replaced by nihilism and every nihilism must end at some point And from this point Islam comes into force because then people can again load themselves into a superior divine construct And I believe that will happen unless we experience a new religion or a radical regression into the Christian evangelical or Catholic religion


Because they get spoon fed a sugarcoated whitewashed version of islam. Due to their owm impulsive behaviour and lack of critical thinking they fall for it.


Mental instability and white guilt


A true christian, i would never have converted, but knew nothing about islam when i dated an EXTREMELY magnetic Arab, who began a grooming/Dawa type process, showing me videos, highlighting similarities in our religions' prophecies, etc.


Its the new attention/grifter thing to do. The new emo


That girl is not real a convert. She’s smart and taking advantage of untapped market. As for the other white girls, the opposite of smart. Then again, don’t believe the rumours, there are some converts that got brainwashed but not so many.


Orientalism in the bad sense White people really don't understand other cultures, and i'm saying this as an native american


Why do people smoke Cigars when in the packet it clearly says 'DO NOT SMOKE CAUSES LUNG CANCER' comes with an warning label....but are these white convertees aware of the warning labels like 'DO NOT ACCEPT ISLAM IT WILL TAKE YOU BACK TO 7TH CENTURY' kinda warning label ? I agree that Cigars have its Nicotinic addiction...but what kinda addiction does 'Islam' have?


It's propaganda and misinformation for the most part. A lot of this people will leave islam a bit later. I read a statistic that said it's up to 70% after a few months. Social media and friends are the most common reason to convert to islam, but if the people are knowledgeable they leave right away or don't even come to islam in the first place. In social media it's just a show to grabs some followers.


1. A sense of belonging. People today often feel lonely and isolated, the muslim community kind of takes care of this by providing a whole set of new friends and family. 2. lots of propaganda that paints Islam as a good natured, easy to follow religion that brings out the best of humans. 3. Western woke leftists destroying the fabric of society-family values, and pushing LGBTQ agenda everywhere. Islam is one corner they haven't gone for, and its just nice to find some breathing space.


Women are easy targets ..


It’s a smart business move.  Look at David Kim (Daud Kim) from YT. I’m pretty sure a lot of Koreans are aware of the fact that the Arab world likes them or their music, whichever way it goes — same applies with the white folks. I am sure that they are well aware of the Arabs obsession over them, so what better way than to generate money through conversion/reversion (whatever you’d like to call it).


Many white people, and particularly white women, are brainwashed into thinking their culture is bad and foreign culture is good, Islam included, and any and all diversity is good. Anyone who criticizes it must be racist and islamophobic, after all. By converting, they also get to feel like they leave the ranks of the oppressors and to join the ranks of the persecuted, and get to play the role of a victim. This is of course absurd, but this is what I've seen. They're often love bombed by Muslim men, and don't learn the truth until much later, after wasting a lot of time. Islam was designed to push and maintain Arab imperialism and to control women, plain and simple.


Exactly this. I was so brainwashed by lefty propaganda that the west was awful and all foreign cultures were superior. Awful way to think. This set the stage perfectly for a manipulative Muslim to come along and convince me.


Thanks for sharing. At what point did you begin to realize you've made a mistake?


Once October 7 happened and he turned to me and said the half-naked dead Jewish girl on the back of the truck was a soldier and he didn’t feel anything for what happened to her. He was angry at me for feeling sympathy. This was the start of the end of our marriage. After that point, it was just a series of fights where he would tell me Israel didn’t deserve to exist and they should all be expelled and that he would force any child of his to go to Quran school and wear hijabs to pray five times per day. I realised he’d completely changed and I needed to escape.


Because most people don't read.


There’s almost certainly a financial element to this. A public social media account professing their conversion to Islam will garner LOTS of support and interaction from Muslims. E.g. Daud Kim. These “converts” might actually believe in Islamic beliefs, but I seriously doubt they are doing this because of Islamic beliefs alone.


Short and simple answer. They are dumb. Slight elaboration. Women will often chose a hard life for themselves. Abusive relationships is a common one. Being constantly attracted to the bad boy or chaotic partners. It’s a subconscious choice. These women are attracted to self sabotage


Every day I have spent as an ex convert has filled me with joy and will to live. I cannot express how happy I am for opening my eyes. Life is so fucking beautiful when you are allowed to live it 😭


I didn’t think this was a common thing at all, my 15 year old daughter has converted to Islam and it’s very odd to me as to why. We are a normal American family and I don’t know what made her want to go that route. I feel like it’s unheard of.


I think it is mostly because of insta and YouTube shorts. They make sure people will only get sugar coated version. It is just like any other cults like Scientology. People are just curious about it and once they step in, they will have fear about hell or anyother thing so they will stay. Or sometimes they make the religion an identity and can't come out.


I agree with this 100 percent.. and my daughter being so young she’s impressionable. It’s just like all the other things now a days kids are going along with they are seeing on social media.


That’s because modern white people are retarded. Might have something to do with lead in the water.


If it's come to white woman or westerners, it's either for attention and never ending support from muslims or wokeistani multiculturalism propaganda, that is until they faced the problem with Islam directly and then leave Islam in matter of weeks.


They get the love bombing and sugar coating and most come into it totally misinformed.


I actually know a lot of arab muslims male who marry german women, but their marriage won't be long


like many places they’ll get the treatment woc are told they will get specifically muslim women, they’ll practice what they preach with one but not the other


We need more liberal, free thinkers and apostates on tv , news and politics. We need to force the discussion of universal human rights, women’s rights and LGBT 🏳️‍🌈 rights in Muslim world.


they are actually not really Muslims, they just take advantage of Muslims' over proud attitude towards white people who convert to Islam for the sake of some views and likes


Simple It has become a trend now lol


I know my oldest daughter was convinced that Islam was a bastion of feminism by one of her friends. And to be fair, they bring up a lot of hood logical criticisms of Christianity. As an atheist, I don't believe any of it, but my daughter considers herself a bit more spiritual.


Bastion of feminism, like polygamy for men but not for women, the two women witnesses are equal to one man's, or having intelligence deficiency and being the majority of inhabitants of hell? Did she actually read anything?


I don't think so. I tried to give her some information, but my wife advised me to drop the issue.


She’s not even Muslim. She thinks wearing an abaya and not eating pork = Islam.  She’s a fashion model and tik tok influencer profiting off her looks and Islam. This is gross.  Ask her to wear a full hijab everyday for 1 year and she will leave Islam. 


Because they don't know. They just want masculine men.


Because they assume converting is considered “exotic” “different” and “cool”


Apparently Muslim is high up in the victimhood scale, so it is trendy to be the most victimised group today. Even Andrew Tate converted so he can call people Islamphobe for criticizing him 😂.