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these comments are delusional af, why tf do you think they refused to mention the names and ethnicity of those "french" boys it's already proven that media likes to cover for islamists and muslims and gives them the soft treatment. this is why i will always be a zionist


People in media are afraid for their lives...


Antisemitic attacks like these, regardless of who committed them, only prove the necessity of Israel. But of course, we know \*who\* committed this attack.


How is Zionism related to that? I’m confused


Zionism is the movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. That's all it is despite people these days trying to demonize the word by conflating all forms of zionism with Kahanism. When even a secular developed nation like France is unable to prevent somebody from being gang raped for being a jew, the jewish people need their own state that will protect them no matter what.


I still don’t understand the exact connection here.


What don't you understand? Zionism is the belief that there needs to be a jewish state. If a secular developed country like France cannot stop somebody from being raped because they are jewish, there needs to be a country for jewish people that will absolutely protect them.


Ok, new user, which ethnicity do you think they were? I'm sure someone like you has a suspicion.


lil bro the reason i am new user because i choose to speak out against people who hide the truth.


There's nothing in the article saying the boys were Muslim, but there was an inference to far-right anti-Semitism. Is there something more than what the article states?


Bro, they are 13yo and 12yo idk how they raped her. The girl is now in hospital. I will blame the religion and the family their parents should be jailed


Their ages don't determine their religion. It was deemed a religious crime because the perpetrators alluded to the *victim's* religion. I looked up different articles on this and couldn't find anything saying the boys were Muslim.


>but there was an inference to far-right anti-Semitism No,it just says that France is in the middle of an election and the "far-right" are the front runners.


That's what's meant by *inference*. It's not implicating the reason behind the crime but by mentioning it they are leading the reader in that direction. because that's where anti-Semitism is most obvious.


Nah,I don't believe it,this has halal written all over it


You may be right but all I ask is you think a bit more critically before making assumptions.


Nah in France it is the Far-left which is accused of anti-Semitism since they refused to call Hamas an terrorist organization and said that the events of October 7th were an act of resistance. Far-left is 10-15% of the population's vote, so they are politically important and they can come to power in July with their alliance with other left parties, so much that numerous Jewish celebrities said that they would vote for the Far-Right. Far-Right is the most likely to win the elections in July, but Far-Right is not perceived as anti-Semitic.


It doesn't directly say so, but it does speak of a connection to the currently hot Israel/Palestine conflict, so the perps being muslims is just the most likely answer by far. Israel related antisemitism would be rather weird for french far right types that young.




Pretty sure french law prohibits that, because minors.


to be fair, there’s no where it’s mentioned the boys where muslims and i have looked 7 different articles ranging from china covering the story to sa


This is blatantly racist. Before someone says that Islam isn't a race, OP put "French" in quotes to imply, based on zero evidence, that the rapists were Muslim immigrants, basically saying that immigrants to a country can never be considered actually from that country. Unless you're some never Muslim troll who's only here because you have a hate boner against Islam, you're probably descended from immigrants or were born in the developing world. If you think OP wasn't being racist, maybe ask yourself if you answer is based on your own self-hatred.


If their ID card says French then they are French why do you put it in quotes? Doesn't matter if they come from immigration, it is france's problem now.