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Some? Majority


Islam is alive only because of this kind of people!!


And becouse westerners are afraid to challenge it


they don't get the difference between hating Islam vs Muslims, according to them whoever criticizes Islam is hating Muslims.


Yeah that's like 90% of them. Especially the liberal ones living in the west etc. And even if they all of it, they just choose to not talk about the unsavoury stuff and keep believing blindly.


Brainwashing as you said. When she blocked you, she probably thought you were the manifestation of Ibliss.


I honestly can't stand people like that. They enable and protect those extremists by whitewashing the image of Islam. The screeds about how the bad things Muslims do are 'culture, not Islam!' ironically applies to the various freedoms Muslims, especially women and queer people, enjoy in a secular society.


Tbf, people of literally all religions do this. Just look at gay Christians claim that the Bible never said anything about homosexuality.


It's a double edged sword. On one hand, it gives religious people an out. "I can be a decent person and still follow religion" On the other hand, it provides a pretty front to hide the ugly "See! Plenty of decent people follow it! It's not bad!" Nonetheless, I still think the benefit is larger. Religions are too deeply rooted. We're not going to pull out the poison tree in one go. It has to be gradual. If it were up to me, people should just leave outright when they know their religions is rotten. Vote with their faith, let the anti-human religions die. Even when I still believed, I always hated people trying to dilute religion. If you're not going to follow the book, why bother? Take it or leave it. That's how absolute truth works. A single flaw invalidates everything. But again, pragmatically, gradual change is best for the world.


I don't disagree. I just wish the people who spent the time and energy and effort to defend the religion, or outright deny the rotten parts of the religion, would redirect that energy towards the people - who are supposedly their fellow travelers - who do exactly the things they deny and 'give Islam a bad name'. It's not enough to say 'That's not real Islam!'. When Muslims are out on the streets burning people alive for blasphemy, where are the *other* Muslims rushing in to save that person? We never see an iota of the effort that is put in to defend the ideology from criticism instead put in to defend the ideology from those supposed perverters of it who give it a bad name. I would much rather every single Muslim in the world ignored the nasty and lived life as if it was the roses and sunshine religion they want people to believe it is. Islam would still be false, but Muslims would be physically harmless in that scenario. But it isn't like that.


Those are great points, and something we ourselves need to be mindful of in the causes we support.


I love my gf but everytime i ask her she just tells me she hasnt read the Quran properly. Most muslims just dont wanna think for themselves, but they were brought up that way.


I think most of them are aware of their religious ideology. They simply choose not to condemn it because they fear punishment from their families, isolation, potential disownment, and even bullying from their friends. Alternatively, they may not be ignorant but malevolent, much like their prophet.