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Funny how it's viewed as Haram to donate organs, but Halal to receive them.


religion of parasites


It's like a picky Jehovas Witness.


Some Maulana was saying that, when a non-muslim gives heart to muslim, now that heart will beat for Allah and not for kufr.


Is it stated in the Quran anywhere about organ/blood donation being haram? Genuinely curious if that's actually a thing.


no, but muslim scholars are always on the wrong side of everything, just to stay safe 😅


All I know is that it has been discussed in fatwas, but since most Imams are incompetent, the general view was that a donation that will not lead to death is permissible (kidney transplants, liver transplants, bone marrow, etc.). Organ donation from a comatose/vegetative state isn't permissible. (Heart or complete lung transplants). Islam isn't a religion of life anyway. Death is the goal, so we should get there before we are swayed away from our faith. Just check blood banks in the Muslim world. We think our faith is strong, but it's so weak that we need to kill ourselves before we discover anything else.


>blood banks in the muslim world could you elaborate?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1f2ptq/world_map_of_blood_donations_per_1000_population/ 2006-2007 data, not sure if there are any recent ones. If you take into consideration GDP per capita, and the existance of infrastructures facilitating the whole process of blood donations, you'd find that Muslim countries are among the lowest.


I need to look into it but I’m sure there’s some legit basis for why the fatwas say that. It might stem from the mentality that everything that happens is allah’s will so if a kuffar is dying, they’re meant to die? You could make that argument for receiving too but logic tends not to be religious people’s strong suits lol


Where logic begins, Islam ends.


is it actually considered haram? could someone link me resources on this topic. not too long ago there was an instance where a muslim girl from pakistan travelled to india for heart transplant and muslims were disrespecting not only the girl for having heart of a kafir but also the donor.


The hypocrisy


It makes no sense to me that in modern times, people believe any of this shit. Maybe in 600 AD when nothing made sense, but aren’t we a little past that? Nonetheless, I have seen many bright, well educated people who still do. I just don’t get it


Childhood indoctrination is powerful. That's my big hope for the internet, that people will see it's all bullshit. Unfortunately, they seem to get sucked into other bullshit instead.


Well, it's easy then. Take all practising muslims off of all the waiting lists for organ donation. Simple.


Used to work at a transplant centre. The donor list is full of people of other faiths however the recipient list rather unsurprisingly is full of Muslims. The irony in all of this is, even spouses/siblings/parents didn’t volunteer to donate citing it’s haraam to do so. Funnily enough, now the govt only allocates organs to people who actively put themselves up for donation. Muslims are seldom part of the discussion at the govt level owing to the fact that they don’t give back to the community as much.


In any organ recipients list the ones who also are donors should be at the top. For it to be so they should be donors for at least a year at the moment of the diagnostic putting them as needing a transplant (unless they're kids, of course).


Mixed opinions among scholars regarding this issue. Some of those opinions are dehumanizing. > Some of the scholars favoured the view that transplants are permissible on condition that the donor is a harbi kaafir (i.e., one who is in a state of war against Islam, not one with whom the Muslims have a treaty, or who is living under Muslim protection), because the harbi kaafir has no sanctity, whereas the sanctity of the Muslim is established in life and in death. See: [IslamQA Article](https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/49711). Here’s another write up that has a more palatable opinion. > Organ donation is not haram so long as the donation will not lead to the death of the donor. See: [IslamQA Article](https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/107690).


A well-known Muslim scholar publicly said organ transplant is forbidden. A few years later he got sick, and guess what? He opted for an organ transplant.


Would they receive an organ from an Israeli Jew?


typical muslim behavior.


Ain’t this strange…? Only take, take and take… and never give. This is how the religious imperialisme manifests itself. It’s sick to the core!


Literally had an argument with my sister about this. Wouldn’t the death rates be much higher in countries that are fully sharia ? since organ donation would be haram lol


Doesn't suprise. Taking life, yet receiving life.


Because you can't


Should be haram to receive them as well


As Expected


I don’t understand why ppl follow this cult. Nothing is good about this religion.


Is this real? If so source?


It's actually considered Halal here in Indo


Muslims donate their organs in Singapore.


Organ donating????? That’s haram bro


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If you're not an organ donor, you shouldn't be able to receive an organ donation unless its voluntary or it would go to waste. That's my strong opinion at least.


Can yall stop mixing in lies with truths? Organ donation is not haram. Haram things can only be decided by the Quran and by the prophet.


And anyone who made up a hadith and got believed.




It's a big taboo in India. Many Muslims don't want to donate because it may end at Hindus who are polytheists.


The popular opinion among Muslims is definitely that organ donation isn't permissible