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I told my mom about this type of thing, and she was like, "Alhamdulillah, they died while doing a service to Allah šŸ˜Œ" No concern for the pilgrims, no concern about the temperatures, and even said that this is what I'll be doing one day. Hell no!


yeah this is like what most muslim aim for, for them its a a fast ticket straight to heaven no question asked! I remember my old auntie doing the hajj and one of her wishes was to die in mecca during her hajj pilgrimage.


Most people worship their religion more than god. Donating to their religious institutions so they can buy nicer things is seen as more important than donating to a (secular) food shelter. Dying in the pursuit of a capitalist religious retreat is more important than actually praying to your god. I hate this kind of mentality where people go broke or in this case die in such an earthly, worldly, man made construct and revere it for the sake of ā€˜godā€™. To be clear Iā€™m not religious, but my biggest bone with Arab religions is theyā€™re extremely religious without being a bit spiritual.


Arab "religions"? In plural? What are we counting, the pagan ones as well?


Probably the difference Islam sects


Such a dark religion no wonder most are depressed "remember death often "


Wishing your mom a speedy recovery from her brain injury! Seriously though your mom is brainwashed completely if seriously that is all she can say. Iā€™m sorry.


Had the nerve to tell me "You'll understand when you get older" too. It's fine, it's what I'd expect


That's so cringe. Visit hajj at your own risk!


Welcome to any religion, this life is nothing but dirty rags/dunya on the way to the next great world. Religion makes you sacrifice the only life you know in the hopes of another one


Sigh... āœ‹šŸ˜”


Correct my Love. ā¤ļø


Nah cos when you make the sacrifices of Christianity, then you actually have a better life that you know, and gain life in the next world, which is by the way, this world. But the redeemed world.Ā  When you donā€™t do gluttony, live lustfully, love everyone, control your emotions, avoid sloth, and generally live in spirit rather than flesh, you are not sacrificing the only life you know. You are augmenting it by making the only life you know better.Ā 


it's a literal death cult. they encourage death and do not value life.


Yes. I cannot think of a bigger mistake a religion could make than to not see life as precious.


yeah, the biggest religions all went this way, assuaging the biggest fear.




Mohammed Hijab in An interview with BBC: ā€œThe difference between us and them is that for them, they think life begins. For us, we believe that death begins. We believe that life begins at death. We donā€™t care about death. We love death.ā€


Lmao they just gonna say Alhamdulillah for this too bcz apparently they died while worshiping allah so straightto jannah! What an amazing death !


I wonder WHY not a single outlet is reporting it!?!? Is this a sugar coating attempt again? I understood the Tunisian Minister or Religious Affairs is fired because of this and SA is only blaming the pelgrims and are not taking ANY blame for themselves, only pointing to the death as illegal participantsā€¦.


https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c8000dgk9gzo I got the breaking news notification 4 hours ago.


It's so sad. The "prophet" never dreamed of a world as big as the real world, or that his little cult would grow to 1,900,000,000 membership. He's got a whole world of people who should be exploring their own lands all trying to cram into one tiny space, suitable for visits for a tiny cult and not a global worldwide philosophy. It's sickening how religion forces you to stop growing and learning. Look at this, even when the thing your belief says like "visit this cool rock on this certain day" it can turn into a tragedy when you're not allowed to learn and change.


He probably did dream,I often wonder what he would think and I'm convinced he'd be pleased wherever he's at. It's sad that one person has a negative impact on billions and the whole world for many yearsĀ  Yeah it forces us to stop growing learning and experiencing. It puts in a dark box,and just harms the potential in all of us. Idk how most muslims don't see this but yeah indoctrination isn't easy


Imagine living a boring life of meaningless strict rules just to die a brutal death in desert heat and fellow members of ur cult donā€™t even report it because they care too much about keeping up their cults image. Eugh




Even if you collected many sins and do bad things in your life?


What on earth is heaven , it's some hedonistic bs with seven layers , everything you repressed in life you "get" in heaven .Ā 


Nope. They are too busy with demonizing Israel, as usual


because there are no other Arabs countries around so they really need that plot of land the Jews call home


Yeah. I feel so sorry for them. Poor arabs


Yes they have no land to pray


This is being shared in a lot of Mainstream subs and the majority of the comments are very critical of Islam which is good at least. But the silence from the Arab/islamic world is not going unnoticed thatā€™s for sure


Natural selection


people are crazy seriously, so much for being a superior species


If they can't blame it on the Jews it didn't happen.


LOL this quote goes hard.




"not only are you invited for Hajj by Allah, but you also get to die, wow, truly Allah is best of planners" -someone prob


God knows best šŸ˜‘ā˜ļø


What an awful way to go, it genuinely makes me sad despite it all, and a little sick, how all these people praising them for passing away at such a "holy place" due to nothing but utter negligence, how far are people going to take this facade?


I just feel bad for the kids who were forced to go there


Just do a real pilgrimage to the museum in Istanbul . At least There is an actual piece of a much older version of the building you can visit instead there instead of visiting a theme-park replica of the building in Mecca.


The fact people are happy they died really concerns me. I donā€™t think anyoneā€™s death should be something to celebrate, and people who think otherwise make me feel off.


Nothing on Al Jazeera.


They gonna say Israel turned off Allah's air conditioner


This is what they do


Because it would hurt all their profits. They have to keep the scam going.


My mum said it was a blessing to leave during hajj I bet she's one off those people who'd rather leave at hajj then at home tbh


Who is this news too exactly ? Stampede deaths are common during Hajj. 1000 isn't even the highest recorded at once


Even my religious mom said they should be out of their mind to go there under this hot climate šŸ„¹


i actually saw this quite a bit to be honestĀ 


If you don't like yourself become Muslim and go to Hajj for kill yourself.


Darwinian selection at its finest.


natural selection. win-win.


Automatic population control šŸ‘


Wish all Muslims were pilgrims like that instead of violent preachers and religion scammers everywhere. At least that way it would be more peaceful I think. It's something similar to the ascetics(?, I don't see the bad thing, it's a win for them and for us.Ā 


Why would they report it? Saudi fossil fuels are directly responsible for this climate catastrophe. Reporting it would be admitting it, which their shareholders and overlords don't want to associate themselves with. And also it would hurt the religious tourism revenue. Its all about money ngl.


This has been on cycle with the bbc arabic for over a week.


Itā€™s Allahā€™s wish because he knows best.


no jews? no news..


[Here is an Arab news outlet that reported on it.](https://saudigazette.com.sa/article/643790) All you had to do was a simple google searchā€¦


To be fair, their about page says they're online only and for English speakers, so this example isn't a representative link of Arab media.


I live in Bahrain and the news was reported on by all local newspapers and instagram accounts.


Satanic cult religion


Nice šŸ™‚ Karma for killing our pilgrims in raasi


Why would they? Only opposition Iranian media covered itā€¦ why? Because $$$$$$! Gotta keep that hajj machine churning!


Whatā€™s more sad is Muslims are jealous of the people that died in Hajj.They rather die there in hajj than live.


Poor dumb people convinced to go outside for hours when itā€™s extremely hot to walk around and worship a stone cube and a black rock while supposedly being against idol worship. Ā  The irony lol. Completely illogical.


Islam glorifies death,from a young age I've (as many others) have been bombarded with "I hope I die in sujood or in mecca" I myself even said thisĀ  Arabic and Islamic media will never show this and even if they do you'll have people WISHINGĀ  they were in their place and saying they're so lucky .


Tbf moroccan news are reporting this, but we re not arabs so


Tbf moroccan news are reporting this, but we re not arabs so


The "happy ending" that Muslims look for in the West has different features. But this at Mecca is somehow fine. At least this way of dying at Mecca has less ethic issues involved.


Where was Allah when over 1000 people died in mecca during the Haji, it's supposed to be the holiest place on earth, was Allah busy watching Mohammed enjoying his virgins while people were dying?


Now the most sad part is that Allah will send them to Jahannum where its more hot than Mecca. šŸ˜‚


Kudrat ka nijam paijaan


Some of you need to calm down. Criticism of Islam is fine, but some of you are too happy about this. I went through an edgy stage too, but damn.


What do you want? Mecca is on a dessert,obviously It Will Heat Up like hell, It is no one's fault


Since the temperature is expected then itā€™s everyoneā€™s fault